Example #1
    def data_augmentation(self, aug_pts_rect, aug_gt_boxes3d, mustaug=False, stage=1):
        :param aug_pts_rect: (N, 3)
        :param aug_gt_boxes3d: (N, 7)
        :param gt_alpha: (N)
        aug_list = cfg.AUG_METHOD_LIST
        aug_enable = 1 - np.random.rand(3)
        if mustaug is True:
            aug_enable[0] = -1
            aug_enable[1] = -1
        aug_method = []
        if 'rotation' in aug_list and aug_enable[0] < cfg.AUG_METHOD_PROB[0]:
            angle = np.random.uniform(-np.pi / cfg.AUG_ROT_RANGE, np.pi / cfg.AUG_ROT_RANGE)
            aug_pts_rect = kitti_utils.rotate_pc_along_y(aug_pts_rect, rot_angle=angle)
            aug_gt_boxes3d = kitti_utils.rotate_pc_along_y(aug_gt_boxes3d, rot_angle=angle)
            aug_method.append(['rotation', angle])

        if 'scaling' in aug_list and aug_enable[1] < cfg.AUG_METHOD_PROB[1]:
            scale = np.random.uniform(0.95, 1.05)
            aug_pts_rect = aug_pts_rect * scale
            aug_gt_boxes3d[:, 0:6] = aug_gt_boxes3d[:, 0:6] * scale
            aug_method.append(['scaling', scale])

        if 'flip' in aug_list and aug_enable[2] < cfg.AUG_METHOD_PROB[2]:
            # flip horizontal
            aug_pts_rect[:, 0] = -aug_pts_rect[:, 0]
            aug_gt_boxes3d[:, 0] = -aug_gt_boxes3d[:, 0]
            # flip orientation: ry > 0: pi - ry, ry < 0: -pi - ry

        return aug_pts_rect, aug_gt_boxes3d, aug_method
    def data_augmentation(self, aug_pts_rect, aug_gt_boxes3d, gt_alpha, sample_id=None, mustaug=False, stage=1):
        :param aug_pts_rect: (N, 3)
        :param aug_gt_boxes3d: (N, 7)
        :param gt_alpha: (N)
        aug_list = cfg.AUG_METHOD_LIST
        aug_enable = 1 - np.random.rand(3)
        if mustaug is True:
            aug_enable[0] = -1
            aug_enable[1] = -1
        aug_method = []
        if 'rotation' in aug_list and aug_enable[0] < cfg.AUG_METHOD_PROB[0]:
            angle = np.random.uniform(-np.pi / cfg.AUG_ROT_RANGE, np.pi / cfg.AUG_ROT_RANGE)
            aug_pts_rect = kitti_utils.rotate_pc_along_y(aug_pts_rect, rot_angle=angle)
            if stage == 1:
                # xyz change, hwl unchange
                aug_gt_boxes3d = kitti_utils.rotate_pc_along_y(aug_gt_boxes3d, rot_angle=angle)

                # calculate the ry after rotation
                x, z = aug_gt_boxes3d[:, 0], aug_gt_boxes3d[:, 2]
                beta = np.arctan2(z, x)
                new_ry = np.sign(beta) * np.pi / 2 + gt_alpha - beta
                aug_gt_boxes3d[:, 6] = new_ry  # TODO: not in [-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2]
            elif stage == 2:
                # for debug stage-2, this implementation has little float precision difference with the above one
                assert aug_gt_boxes3d.shape[0] == 2
                aug_gt_boxes3d[0] = self.rotate_box3d_along_y(aug_gt_boxes3d[0], angle)
                aug_gt_boxes3d[1] = self.rotate_box3d_along_y(aug_gt_boxes3d[1], angle)
                raise NotImplementedError

            aug_method.append(['rotation', angle])

        if 'scaling' in aug_list and aug_enable[1] < cfg.AUG_METHOD_PROB[1]:
            scale = np.random.uniform(0.95, 1.05)
            aug_pts_rect = aug_pts_rect * scale
            aug_gt_boxes3d[:, 0:6] = aug_gt_boxes3d[:, 0:6] * scale
            aug_method.append(['scaling', scale])

        if 'flip' in aug_list and aug_enable[2] < cfg.AUG_METHOD_PROB[2]:
            # flip horizontal
            aug_pts_rect[:, 0] = -aug_pts_rect[:, 0]
            aug_gt_boxes3d[:, 0] = -aug_gt_boxes3d[:, 0]
            # flip orientation: ry > 0: pi - ry, ry < 0: -pi - ry
            if stage == 1:
                aug_gt_boxes3d[:, 6] = np.sign(aug_gt_boxes3d[:, 6]) * np.pi - aug_gt_boxes3d[:, 6]
            elif stage == 2:
                assert aug_gt_boxes3d.shape[0] == 2
                aug_gt_boxes3d[0, 6] = np.sign(aug_gt_boxes3d[0, 6]) * np.pi - aug_gt_boxes3d[0, 6]
                aug_gt_boxes3d[1, 6] = np.sign(aug_gt_boxes3d[1, 6]) * np.pi - aug_gt_boxes3d[1, 6]
                raise NotImplementedError


        return aug_pts_rect, aug_gt_boxes3d, aug_method
    def canonical_transform(pts_input, roi_box3d, gt_box3d):
        roi_ry = roi_box3d[6] % (2 * np.pi)  # 0 ~ 2pi
        roi_center = roi_box3d[0:3]
        # shift to center
        pts_input[:, [0, 1, 2]] = pts_input[:, [0, 1, 2]] - roi_center
        gt_box3d_ct = np.copy(gt_box3d)
        gt_box3d_ct[0:3] = gt_box3d_ct[0:3] - roi_center
        # rotate to the direction of head
        gt_box3d_ct = kitti_utils.rotate_pc_along_y(gt_box3d_ct.reshape(1, 7), roi_ry).reshape(7)
        gt_box3d_ct[6] = gt_box3d_ct[6] - roi_ry
        pts_input = kitti_utils.rotate_pc_along_y(pts_input, roi_ry)

        return pts_input, gt_box3d_ct
    def rotate_box3d_along_y(self, box3d, rot_angle):
        old_x, old_z, ry = box3d[0], box3d[2], box3d[6]
        old_beta = np.arctan2(old_z, old_x)
        alpha = -np.sign(old_beta) * np.pi / 2 + old_beta + ry

        box3d = kitti_utils.rotate_pc_along_y(box3d.reshape(1, 7), rot_angle=rot_angle)[0]
        new_x, new_z = box3d[0], box3d[2]
        new_beta = np.arctan2(new_z, new_x)
        box3d[6] = np.sign(new_beta) * np.pi / 2 + alpha - new_beta

        return box3d
Example #5
def roipool3d_cpu(boxes3d,
    :param boxes3d: (N, 7)
    :param pts: (N, 3)
    :param pts_feature: (N, C)
    :param pts_extra_input: (N, C2)
    :param pool_extra_width: constant
    :param sampled_pt_num: constant
    pooled_boxes3d = kitti_utils.enlarge_box3d(boxes3d, pool_extra_width)

    pts_feature_all = np.concatenate((pts_extra_input, pts_feature), axis=1)

    #  Note: if pooled_empty_flag[i] > 0, the pooled_pts[i], pooled_features[i] will be zero
    pooled_pts, pooled_features, pooled_empty_flag = \
        roipool_pc_cpu(torch.from_numpy(pts), torch.from_numpy(pts_feature_all),
                       torch.from_numpy(pooled_boxes3d), sampled_pt_num)

    extra_input_len = pts_extra_input.shape[1]
    sampled_pts_input = torch.cat(
        (pooled_pts, pooled_features[:, :, 0:extra_input_len]), dim=2).numpy()
    sampled_pts_feature = pooled_features[:, :, extra_input_len:].numpy()

    if canonical_transform:
        # Translate to the roi coordinates
        roi_ry = boxes3d[:, 6] % (2 * np.pi)  # 0~2pi
        roi_center = boxes3d[:, 0:3]

        # shift to center
        sampled_pts_input[:, :,
                          0:3] = sampled_pts_input[:, :, 0:
                                                   3] - roi_center[:, np.
                                                                   newaxis, :]
        for k in range(sampled_pts_input.shape[0]):
            sampled_pts_input[k] = kitti_utils.rotate_pc_along_y(
                sampled_pts_input[k], roi_ry[k])

        return sampled_pts_input, sampled_pts_feature

    return sampled_pts_input, sampled_pts_feature, pooled_empty_flag.numpy()