Example #1
 def __init__(self):
     super(OcclusionLineModDB, self).__init__()
     from lib.utils.render_utils import OpenGLRenderer
     self.class_type = None
     self.xyz_pattern = os.path.join(cfg.OCCLUSION_LINEMOD,'models/{}/{}.xyz')
     self.rgb_pattern = os.path.join(cfg.OCCLUSION_LINEMOD,'RGB-D/rgb_noseg/color_{:05}.png')
     self.pose_pattern = os.path.join(cfg.OCCLUSION_LINEMOD,'poses/{}/info_{:05}.txt')
     self.rgb_dir_path = os.path.join(cfg.OCCLUSION_LINEMOD,'RGB-D/rgb_noseg')
     self.mask_dir_pattern = os.path.join(cfg.OCCLUSION_LINEMOD,'masks/{}')
     self.mask_pattern = os.path.join(self.mask_dir_pattern, '{}.png')
     self.opengl_renderer = OpenGLRenderer()
Example #2
class OcclusionLineModDB(LineModModelDB):
    class_type_to_number = {
        'ape': '001',
        'can': '004',
        'cat': '005',
        'driller': '006',
        'duck': '007',
        'eggbox': '008',
        'glue': '009',
        'holepuncher': '010',
        'benchvise': '011'
    translation_transforms = {}
    blender_models = {}

    def __init__(self):
        super(OcclusionLineModDB, self).__init__()
        from lib.utils.render_utils import OpenGLRenderer
        self.class_type = None
        self.xyz_pattern = os.path.join(cfg.OCCLUSION_LINEMOD,
        self.rgb_pattern = os.path.join(cfg.OCCLUSION_LINEMOD,
        self.pose_pattern = os.path.join(cfg.OCCLUSION_LINEMOD,
        self.rgb_dir_path = os.path.join(cfg.OCCLUSION_LINEMOD,
        self.mask_dir_pattern = os.path.join(cfg.OCCLUSION_LINEMOD, 'masks/{}')
        self.mask_pattern = os.path.join(self.mask_dir_pattern, '{}.png')
        self.opengl_renderer = OpenGLRenderer()

    def load_ply_model(model_path):
        ply = PlyData.read(model_path)
        data = ply.elements[0].data
        x = data['x']
        y = data['y']
        z = data['z']
        return np.stack([x, y, z], axis=-1)

    def read_pose(pose_path):
        with open(pose_path) as pose_info:
            lines = [line[:-1] for line in pose_info.readlines()]
            if 'rotation:' not in lines:
                return np.array([])
            row = lines.index('rotation:') + 1
            rotation = np.loadtxt(lines[row:row + 3])
            translation = np.loadtxt(lines[row + 4:row + 5])
        return np.concatenate(
            [rotation, np.reshape(translation, newshape=[3, 1])], axis=-1)

    def get_blender_model(self):
        if self.class_type in self.blender_models:
            return self.blender_models[self.class_type]

        blender_model = self.load_ply_model(
            self.ply_pattern.format(self.class_type, self.class_type))
        self.blender_models[self.class_type] = blender_model

        return blender_model

    def get_translation_transform(self):
        if self.class_type in self.translation_transforms:
            return self.translation_transforms[self.class_type]

        model = self.get_blender_model()
        xyz = np.loadtxt(
        rotation = np.array([[0., 0., 1.], [1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.]])
        xyz = np.dot(xyz, rotation.T)
        translation_transform = np.mean(xyz, axis=0) - np.mean(model, axis=0)
        self.translation_transforms[self.class_type] = translation_transform

        return translation_transform

    def occlusion_pose_to_blender_pose(self, pose):
        rot, tra = pose[:, :3], pose[:, 3]
        rotation = np.array([[0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.], [1., 0., 0.]])
        rot = np.dot(rot, rotation)

        tra[1:] *= -1
        translation_transform = np.dot(rot, self.get_translation_transform())
        rot[1:] *= -1
        translation_transform[1:] *= -1
        tra += translation_transform
        pose = np.concatenate([rot, np.reshape(tra, newshape=[3, 1])], axis=-1)

        return pose

    def read_benchvise_pose(index):
        orig_pose_dir_path = os.path.join(cfg.LINEMOD_ORIG, 'benchvise/data')
        pose = read_pose(
            os.path.join(orig_pose_dir_path, 'rot{}.rot'.format(index)),
            os.path.join(orig_pose_dir_path, 'tra{}.tra'.format(index)))
        pose_transformer = PoseTransformer(class_type='benchvise')
        return pose_transformer.orig_pose_to_blender_pose(pose).astype(

    def read_blender_pose(self, index):
        if self.class_type == 'benchvise':
            return self.read_benchvise_pose(index)
        pose_path = self.pose_pattern.format(self.class_type.title(), index)
        pose = self.read_pose(pose_path)
        if len(pose) == 0:
            return np.array([])
        return self.occlusion_pose_to_blender_pose(pose)

    def get_mask_of_all_objects(self, index):
        """ get the mask of all objects
        1. initialize both mask map and depth map
        2. update the mask map and depth map for each object by order
            2.1 compute the col_row and depth of objects
            2.2 for each pixel, if object's depth is shallower than the corresponding one in the depth map, then replace the label in the mask map
        mask_map = np.zeros(shape=[480, 640], dtype=np.uint8)
        depth_map = 10 * np.ones(shape=[480, 640], dtype=np.float32)

        def update(class_type):
            self.class_type = class_type
            pose = self.read_blender_pose(index)
            if len(pose) == 0:
            depth = self.opengl_renderer.render(class_type,
            col_row = np.argwhere(depth != 0)[:, [1, 0]]
            depth = depth[col_row[:, 1], col_row[:, 0]]
            pixel_depth = depth_map[col_row[:, 1], col_row[:, 0]]
            inds = (depth < pixel_depth)
            selected_col_row = col_row[inds]
            selected_depth = depth[inds]

            selected_col_row = 640 * selected_col_row[:,
                                                      1] + selected_col_row[:,
            inds = np.lexsort([selected_depth, selected_col_row])
            selected_col_row = selected_col_row[inds]
            selected_depth = selected_depth[inds]
            selected_col_row, inds = np.unique(selected_col_row,
            selected_depth = selected_depth[inds]
            selected_row = selected_col_row // 640
            selected_col = selected_col_row % 640

                     selected_col] = int(self.class_type_to_number[class_type])
            depth_map[selected_row, selected_col] = selected_depth

        for class_type in self.class_type_to_number.keys():

        return mask_map

    def get_mask(self, index):
        """ get the mask for each object
        1. get the mask of all objects
        2. separate each object's mask from the mask map
        mask_path = self.mask_pattern.format('all_objects', index)
        mask_map = self.get_mask_of_all_objects(index)
        if os.path.exists(mask_path):
            mask_map = np.array(Image.open(mask_path))
            mask_map = self.get_mask_of_all_objects(index)

        for class_type, class_type_num in self.class_type_to_number.items():
            mask_path = self.mask_pattern.format(class_type, index)
            class_type_num = int(class_type_num)
            mask = (mask_map == class_type_num).astype(np.uint8)

    def get_masks(self):
        """ get masks for each object in images
        1. mkdir for each category
        2. get masks for each image
        mask_dir_path = self.mask_dir_pattern.format('all_objects')
        os.system('mkdir -p {}'.format(mask_dir_path))
        for class_type in self.class_type_to_number.keys():
            mask_dir_path = self.mask_dir_pattern.format(class_type)
            os.system('mkdir -p {}'.format(mask_dir_path))

        num_masks = len(os.listdir(self.rgb_dir_path))
        for i in range(num_masks):
Example #3
from lib.utils.render_utils import OpenGLRenderer
r = OpenGLRenderer()
r.render(intrinsic_matrix=r.intrinsic_matrix['linemod'], render_type='rgb')