Example #1
 def testHeadingLongFlag(self):
     Test that the plane execute veering in the right direction.
     self.plane.velocity = U.heading_to_v3(90).normalized() * 300 / 3.6
     self.pilot.do([('HEADING', [180], ['LONG'])])
     self.assertFalse(U.heading_in_between([90,180], self.plane.heading))
Example #2
 def __get_crossed_gates(self, plane):
     Return the list of gates (if any) that a given point of the edge on
     the aerospace corresponds to.
     crossed = []
     origin = Vector3(S.RADAR_RANGE, S.RADAR_RANGE)
     point = Vector3(*plane.position.xy)
     for gate in self.gates.values():
         vector = U.heading_to_v3(gate.radial)
         dist = U.distance_point_line(point, origin, vector)
         boundaries = ((plane.heading - S.GATE_TOLERANCE) % 360,
                       (plane.heading + S.GATE_TOLERANCE) % 360)
         if dist <= gate.width / 2 and \
            U.heading_in_between(boundaries, gate.radial) and \
            gate.bottom <= plane.altitude <= gate.top:
     return crossed
Example #3
 def _dampen(self, previous_conf):
     Prevent the aeroplane to "overshoot" its target configuration.
     pl = self.plane
     p_alt = previous_conf['altitude']
     p_head = previous_conf['heading']
     p_speed = previous_conf['speed']
     # Heading dampener (act on velocity vector)
     t_head = self.target_conf.heading
     if U.heading_in_between((p_head, pl.heading), t_head):
         mag = abs(Vector2(*pl.velocity.xy))
         theta = radians(90-t_head)
         pl.velocity.x = cos(theta)*mag
         pl.velocity.y = sin(theta)*mag
         self.target_conf.heading = pl.heading  #Fixes decimal approx.
     # Speed dampener (act on velocity vector)
     t_speed = self.target_conf.speed
     if U.in_between((p_speed, pl.speed), t_speed) and pl.fuel:
         mag = t_speed
         # this is ground speed, so we want to normalise that without
         # affecting the z component...
         saved_z = pl.velocity.z
         pl.velocity = Vector3(*pl.velocity.xy).normalized() * t_speed
         pl.velocity.z = saved_z
         self.target_conf.speed = pl.speed  #Fixes decimal approx.
     # Update onboard instruments, as the following dampener will modify
     # the data they would access
     # Altitude dampener (act on position vector)
     t_alt = self.target_conf.altitude
     if U.in_between((p_alt, pl.altitude), t_alt) and pl.fuel:
         pl.position.z = t_alt
         pl.velocity.z = 0
     # Actions to be performed if all orders have been executed
     if self.target_conf.is_reached() and not self.status['procedure']:
         pl.flags.busy = False
         self.order_being_processed = ''
Example #4
 def _initiate(self, commands):
     Automatically called by ancestor class upon ``__init__``
     pl = self.plane
     pi = self.pilot
     port_name, rnwy_name = commands['LAND'][0]
     self.lander = Lander(self.pilot, port_name, rnwy_name)
     l = self.lander
     # EARLY RETURN - Maximum incidence angle into the ILS is 60°
     ils_heading = U.v3_to_heading(l.ils)
     boundaries = [(ils_heading - S.ILS_TOLERANCE)%360,
                   (ils_heading + S.ILS_TOLERANCE)%360]
     if not U.heading_in_between(boundaries, pl.heading):
         msg = 'ILS heading must be within %s degrees ' \
               'from current heading' % S.ILS_TOLERANCE
         return self._abort_landing(msg)
     # EARLY RETURN - No possible intersection (the RADAR_RANGE*3
     # ensures that the segments to test for intersection are long enough.
     if not l.set_intersection_point():
         msg = 'The ILS does not intersect the plane current heading'
         return self._abort_landing(msg)
     # EARLY RETURN - Although the intersection is ahead of the plane,
     # it's too late to merge into the ILS vector
     type_ = pi.status['haste']
     if l.set_merge_point(pi.navigator.get_veering_radius(type_)) < 0:
         msg = 'We are too close to the ILS to merge into it'
         return self._abort_landing(msg)
     log.info('%s started landing procedure, destination: %s %s' %
                             (self.plane.icao, port_name, rnwy_name))
     if self._check_expedite(commands):
         pi.status['haste'] = 'expedite'
     self.phase = self.INTERCEPTING
     self.lander = l
Example #5
 def testHeadingInBetween(self):
     U.heading_in_between - heading in the shortest arc between other two
     # Normalised values
     self.assertTrue(U.heading_in_between((0, 90), 45))
     self.assertTrue(U.heading_in_between((350, 10), 5))
     self.assertTrue(U.heading_in_between((10, 350), 5))
     self.assertTrue(U.heading_in_between((350, 10), -5))
     self.assertTrue(U.heading_in_between((10, 350), -5))
     self.assertFalse(U.heading_in_between((270, 0), 45))
     # Non-normalised values
     self.assertTrue(U.heading_in_between((-60, 60), -1))
     self.assertTrue(U.heading_in_between((-60, 60), -0))
     self.assertTrue(U.heading_in_between((-60, 60), 1))
     self.assertTrue(U.heading_in_between((60, -60), -1))
     self.assertTrue(U.heading_in_between((60, -60), -0))
     self.assertTrue(U.heading_in_between((60, -60), 1))
     self.assertFalse(U.heading_in_between((-60, 60), -179))
     self.assertFalse(U.heading_in_between((-60, 60), -180))
     self.assertFalse(U.heading_in_between((-60, 60), 180))
     self.assertFalse(U.heading_in_between((-60, 60), 179))
     self.assertFalse(U.heading_in_between((60, -60), -179))
     self.assertFalse(U.heading_in_between((60, -60), -180))
     self.assertFalse(U.heading_in_between((60, -60), 180))
     self.assertFalse(U.heading_in_between((60, -60), 179))
     # Tricky cases
     self.assertTrue(U.heading_in_between((-90, 90), 0))
     self.assertTrue(U.heading_in_between((-90, 90), 180))
     # Cases discovered through bugs
     self.assertTrue(U.heading_in_between((300, 60), 350))