def fig10(template_dir, build_dir, bound_radius=0.6, selectivity_norm=0.07138, size_factor=1.0, show_raster=False): name = 'fig10' if show_raster: return Display(snapshot=name, template_dir=template_dir) times=[2000*i for i in range(6)] template_path, output_dir = setup(name, template_dir, build_dir) pattern = 'jn13_figures/output/Fig10_12/*/*/*.npz' files = lancet.FilePattern('npz_file', pattern) file_info = lancet.FileInfo(files, 'npz_file', lancet.NumpyFile()) filter_times = file_info.dframe['time'].map(lambda x: x in times) selection = file_info.load(file_info.dframe[filter_times]) savefig_opts = dict(transparent=True, format='svg', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) development_info = [] for (index, row) in selection.iterrows(): time =row['time'] fname = os.path.join(output_dir, '%%s_%.1f.png' % int(time)) bounds = imagen.boundingregion.BoundingBox(radius=0.75) sheetcoords = imagen.SheetCoordinateSystem(bounds, xdensity=98) roi = slice(*sheetcoords.sheet2matrixidx(bound_radius, bound_radius)) # Not applying ROI as new bounds will be used pref = get_pref(row, roi=roi) sel = get_sel(row, roi=roi) (cfs, coords) = row['afferent_CFs'] roi = slice(*sheetcoords.sheet2matrixidx(bound_radius, bound_radius)) # Create the combined preference/selectivity map or_map = rasterplots.OR_map(pref,sel) or_black = rasterplots.black_selectivity(or_map) (dim1,dim2) = pref.shape or_black_resized = rasterplots.resize(or_black, (dim1*4,dim2*4)) # Save the orientation map % 'OR') # Save the row of CF images cf_block = rasterplots.cf_image(cfs, coords, border=5, width=8, height=1, pos=(1,4), bg=(255,255,255)) % 'CF') # Save the FFT of the last map if time == times[-1]: normalized_spectrum = analysis.power_spectrum(pref[roi,roi]) fft_im = rasterplots.greyscale(normalized_spectrum) % 'FFT') # Note: ROI not applied and the values of 3 are due to historical reasons development_info.append((time,pref[3:-3, 3:-3], np.mean(sel[3:-3,3:-3]))) ts, prefs, mean_sels = zip(*sorted(development_info)) # We only need the stabilities up till 10000 fname = os.path.join(output_dir, 'model_development.svg') development_fig = vectorplots.map_development_plot(analysis.stability_index(prefs), mean_sels, selectivity_norm) development_fig.savefig(fname, **savefig_opts) vectorplots.close([development_fig]) svg_path = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s.svg' % name) return Display(compose.apply_template(template_path, svg_path, size_factor=size_factor))
def fig11(template_dir, build_dir, input_seed=102, size_factor=1.0, show_raster=False): """ Automatically generates Figure 11 showing the result of simulated goggle rearing and comparing to the experimental data (Tanaka 2009). """ name = 'fig11' if show_raster: return Display(snapshot=name, template_dir=template_dir) resize_factor = 4 times = [ 6000, 9000, 12000, 20000] template_path, output_dir = setup(name, template_dir, build_dir) pattern = 'jn13_figures/output/Fig11/*seed102/*/*.npz' files = lancet.FilePattern('npz_file', pattern) file_info = lancet.FileInfo(files, 'npz_file', lancet.NumpyFile()) filter_times = file_info.dframe['time'].map(lambda x: x in times) selection = file_info.load(file_info.dframe[filter_times]) roi = selection[selection['time']==times[-1]]['roi'].iloc[0] savefig_opts = dict(transparent=True, format='svg', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) for (index,row) in selection.iterrows(): fname = os.path.join(output_dir, 'OR_%d.png' % int(row['time'])) pref = get_pref(row) sel = get_sel(row) # Rotate the colour key to match the convention in Tanaka et el. tanaka_pref = pref + (2.0 / 3.0) % 1 # Create the combined preference/selectivity map or_map = rasterplots.OR_map(tanaka_pref,sel) or_black = rasterplots.black_selectivity(or_map) # Resize by factor (dim1,dim2) = pref.shape or_black_resized = rasterplots.resize(or_black, (dim1*resize_factor, dim2*resize_factor)) # Save the orientation maps # Unbiased experimental histogram unbiased_hist = vectorplots.tanaka_histogram('unbiased') unbiased_hist.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, 'unbiased_tanaka.svg'), **savefig_opts) # Vertically biased experimental histogram biased_hist = vectorplots.tanaka_histogram('biased') biased_hist.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, 'biased_tanaka.svg'), **savefig_opts) # Approximation to vertical goggle rearing fname = os.path.join(output_dir, 'VGR_%d.svg' % int(row['time'])) gcal_hist = vectorplots.tanaka_histogram(pref) gcal_hist.savefig(fname, **savefig_opts) vectorplots.close([biased_hist, gcal_hist]) svg_path = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s.svg' % name) return Display(compose.apply_template(template_path, svg_path, size_factor=size_factor))
def OR_analysis(row, template_dir, build_dir, name='OR_analysis', selectivity=False, contours=False, cfs=True, scalebox = False, size_factor=1.0,): """ Builds a pinwheel analysis of a single orientation map from a template. Used in Figures 3 and 6-9. Displays an annotated map with pinwheels next to the FFT spectrum and corresponding fit. The selectivity channel of the map can be enabled as can pinwheel contours and a column of central connection fields. The map can have either a normal scalebar or a box showing the hypercolumn area. """ template_path, output_dir = setup('OR_analysis', template_dir, build_dir, subdir=name) savefig_opts = dict(transparent=True, format='svg', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) pref = get_pref(row) sel = get_sel(row) if selectivity else None fname = os.path.join(output_dir, '%%s_%s.%%s' % name) # Save the OR preference and selectivity raster or_map = rasterplots.OR_map(pref, sel) rasterplots.black_selectivity(or_map).save(fname % ('OR','png')) # Save the FFT raster rasterplots.greyscale(analysis.power_spectrum(pref)).save(fname % ('FFT','png')) # Save the histogram SVG overlay hist = vectorplots.FFT_histogram_overlay(row['amplitudes'], row['fit']) hist.savefig(fname % ('HIST', 'svg'), **savefig_opts) # Save the pinwheel contour SVG overlay contours = (row['re_contours'], row['im_contours']) if contours else None contour_fig = vectorplots.pinwheel_overlay(row['pinwheels'], contours=contours) contour_fig.savefig(fname % ('OVERLAY','svg'), **savefig_opts) # Save the CFs (if enabled) if cfs and row['afferent_CFs'] is np.nan: print "No afferent connection fields found in the given row" elif cfs: cf_block = rasterplots.cf_image(*row['afferent_CFs'], border=5, width=1, height=8, pos=(4,1)) % ('CFs', 'png')) # Save the scale bar or scale box SVG overlay scale_overlay = (vectorplots.scale_box_overlay if scalebox else vectorplots.scale_bar_overlay) scale = scale_overlay(row['units_per_hypercolumn']/float(pref.shape[0])) scale.savefig(fname % ('SBOX' if scalebox else 'SBAR', 'svg'), **savefig_opts) vectorplots.close([hist, contour_fig, scale]) layers = {'-scalebox':(not scalebox), '+scalebox':scalebox, '-CFs':(not cfs), '+CFs':cfs} svg_path = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s.svg' % name) return compose.apply_template(template_path, svg_path, mapping={'[LABEL]':name}, layers=layers, size_factor=size_factor)
def fig03(template_dir, build_dir, L_seed=20, L_contrast=15, mean_mm2_ferret=0.75, size_factor=1.0, show_raster=False): """ Automatically selects the best examplar of a high metric map from the GCAL dataset and displays it along with the chosen examplar of a non-optimal map from the L model. """ name = 'fig03' if show_raster: return Display(snapshot=name, template_dir=template_dir) template_path, output_dir = setup(name, template_dir, build_dir) # Get the files relating to L and GCAL L_pattern = 'jn13_figures/output/Fig05_06/*/*/*.npz' L_files = lancet.FilePattern('npz_file', L_pattern) L_info = lancet.FileInfo(L_files, 'npz_file', lancet.NumpyFile()) L_frame = L_info.dframe GCAL_pattern = 'jn13_figures/output/Fig09/*Fig09_*/*/*.npz' GCAL_files = lancet.FilePattern('npz_file', GCAL_pattern) GCAL_info = lancet.FileInfo(GCAL_files, 'npz_file', lancet.NumpyFile()) GCAL_frame =GCAL_info.dframe assert max(L_frame['time']) == max(GCAL_frame['time']) max_time = max(GCAL_frame['time']) pi_index = (GCAL_frame['rho'] - math.pi).abs().argmin() GCAL_row = GCAL_info.load(GCAL_frame.ix[pi_index:pi_index]).iloc[0] GCAL_kmax = GCAL_row['kmax']; GCAL_pwcount = GCAL_row['pinwheels'].shape[0] GCAL_labels = [GCAL_kmax, GCAL_kmax**2, GCAL_pwcount / (GCAL_kmax**2), GCAL_pwcount] # Select the chosen L map from the dataframe Lmap_condition = ( (L_frame['contrast']== L_contrast) & (L_frame['input_seed']==L_seed) & (L_frame['time'] == max_time)) L_row = L_info.load(L_frame[Lmap_condition]).iloc[0] L_kmax = L_row['kmax']; L_pwcount = L_row['pinwheels'].shape[0] L_labels = [L_kmax, L_kmax**2, L_pwcount / (L_kmax**2), L_pwcount] # Saving the preference only maps (subplot C) analysis_kws = dict(scalebox=True, selectivity=True, contours=True, cfs=False) OR_analysis(GCAL_row, template_dir, output_dir, name='GCAL', **analysis_kws) OR_analysis(L_row, template_dir, output_dir, name='L',**analysis_kws) fname = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s') # Note: Not using ROI in these two example images. GCAL_pref = rasterplots.OR_map(get_pref(GCAL_row)) L_pref = rasterplots.OR_map(get_pref(L_row)) % 'GCAL_pref.png') % 'L_pref.png') # Saving the scatterplot GCAL_maps = GCAL_info.load(GCAL_frame[(GCAL_frame['time']==20000) & (GCAL_frame['contrast']==100)]) GCAL_pwds = GCAL_maps['rho'] L_maps = L_info.load(L_frame[(L_frame['time']==20000) & (L_frame['contrast']==L_contrast)]) L_pwds = L_maps['rho'] iterables = [zip(GCAL_maps['units_per_hypercolumn'], GCAL_pwds), zip(L_maps['units_per_hypercolumn'], L_pwds)] scatter = vectorplots.model_scatterplot(iterables, ['r','b']) savefig_opts = dict(transparent=True, format='svg', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) scatter.savefig(fname % 'model_scatter.svg', **savefig_opts) vectorplots.close([scatter]) GCAL_fmts = [('[pk1]','%.2f'),('[ar1]','%.2f'), ('[pd1]','%.3f'),('[pw1]','%d')] L_fmts= [('[pk2]','%.2f'),('[ar2]','%.2f'), ('[pd2]','%.3f'),('[pw2]','%d')] labels = zip(GCAL_labels + L_labels, GCAL_fmts + L_fmts) mapping=dict((label, fmt%v) for (v,(label,fmt)) in labels) svg_path = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s.svg' % name) return Display(compose.apply_template(template_path, svg_path, mapping=mapping, size_factor=size_factor))
def fig06_09(template_dir, build_dir, fig, contrasts=(10,25,100), selectivity_norm = 1.0, input_seed=102, size_factor=1.0, kernel=analysis.gamma_metric, show_raster=False): name = 'fig0%d' % fig if show_raster: return Display(snapshot=name, template_dir=template_dir) template_path, output_dir = setup('fig06_09', template_dir, build_dir, subdir=name) # Get the files containing the relevant data output_name = ('Fig0%d' % fig) if fig != 6 else 'Fig05_06' pattern = 'jn13_figures/output/%s/*%s_*/*/*.npz' % (output_name, output_name) files = lancet.FilePattern('npz_file', pattern) info = lancet.FileInfo(files, 'npz_file', lancet.NumpyFile()) dframe = info.dframe # Some basic constants max_time = max(dframe['time']); input_seeds = set(dframe['input_seed']) all_contrasts = set(dframe['contrast']); all_times = set(dframe['time']) savefig_opts = dict(transparent=True, format='svg', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) # Saving all the png/svg components for the three chosen contrasts (subplot D-F) boolarr = np.array(dframe['time'] == max_time) & np.array(dframe['input_seed'] == input_seed) for contrast in contrasts: fname = os.path.join(output_dir, '%%s_%d_%d.%%s' % (contrast, max_time)) contrast_slice = np.array(dframe['contrast']==contrast) row = info.load(dframe[boolarr & contrast_slice]).iloc[0] OR_analysis(row, template_dir, output_dir, name='OR_c%s' % contrast, selectivity=True) # Collecting preferences/selectivities across time/seeds for map_development plots selectivities, stabilities = [],[] for seed in input_seeds: seed_slice = np.array(dframe['input_seed'] == seed) df = info.load(dframe[contrast_slice & seed_slice]) # Ensuring the data is sorted by simulation time sorted_rows = [df[df['time'] == time].iloc[0] for time in sorted(df['time'])] prefs = [get_pref(row) for row in sorted_rows] # Each selectivity is a whole map, these selectivities are averages across the map mean_sels = [get_sel(row).mean() for row in sorted_rows] selectivities.append(mean_sels) stabilities.append(analysis.stability_index(prefs)) # Save the stability/selectivity plots map_dev = vectorplots.map_development_streams(np.array(stabilities), np.array(selectivities), selectivity_norm = selectivity_norm) fname = os.path.join(output_dir, 'SI_%s.svg' % contrast) map_dev.savefig(fname,**savefig_opts) vectorplots.close([map_dev]) # Collect the selectivity, stability and map metric across contrasts and seeds selectivities, stabilities, metrics = [],[],[] time_slice = np.array(dframe['time'] == max_time) for seed in input_seeds: seed_slice = np.array(dframe['input_seed'] == seed) df = info.load(dframe[time_slice & seed_slice]) # Ensuring contrasts are sorted sorted_rows = [df[df['contrast'] == contrast].iloc[0] for contrast in sorted(df['contrast'])] missing_contrasts = set(df['contrast']) ^set(all_contrasts) if missing_contrasts != set(): missing = ', '.join(str(el) for el in missing_contrasts) print "Warning: Contrast values %s are missing for seed %d" % (missing, seed) # Each selectivity is a whole map, these selectivities are averages across the map mean_sels = [get_sel(row).mean() for row in sorted_rows] # Computing map quality based on the pinwheel density pinwheel_counts = [row['pinwheels'].shape[0] for row in sorted_rows] # Pinwheel density is pinwheel count / (kmax**2) pinwheel_densities = [(pwcount/row['kmax']**2) for (pwcount,row) in zip(pinwheel_counts, sorted_rows)] metrics.append([kernel(pwd) for pwd in pinwheel_densities]) selectivities.append(mean_sels) # Obtaining the mean stability per contrast, sorted by contrast then by time df = info.load(dframe[seed_slice]) contrast_stabilities = [] for contrast in sorted(all_contrasts): rows = [df[(df['time']==time) & (df['contrast']==contrast)].iloc[0] for time in sorted(all_times)] prefs = [get_pref(row) for row in rows] mean_stability = np.mean(analysis.stability_index(prefs)) contrast_stabilities.append(mean_stability) stabilities.append(contrast_stabilities) # Save the contrast plot fname = os.path.join(output_dir, 'contrast.svg') args = (sorted(all_contrasts), np.array(selectivities), np.array(stabilities), np.array(metrics)) contrast_plot = vectorplots.contrast_streams(*args, vlines=contrasts) contrast_plot.savefig(fname, **savefig_opts) vectorplots.close([contrast_plot]) # Composing the whole figure together svg_path = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s.svg' % name) model_list = ['L','AL','GCL','GCAL'] current_model = model_list[[6,7,8,9].index(fig)] mapping = dict([('[CONTRAST%d]' % i,c) for (i,c) in enumerate(contrasts)] + [('[TIME]', int(max_time)), ('[Model-Name]', current_model + " Model")]) layers = dict((name,name==current_model) for name in model_list) return Display(compose.apply_template(template_path, svg_path, mapping=mapping, layers=layers, size_factor=size_factor))
def OR_analysis( row, template_dir, build_dir, name='OR_analysis', selectivity=False, contours=False, cfs=True, scalebox=False, size_factor=1.0, ): """ Builds a pinwheel analysis of a single orientation map from a template. Used in Figures 3 and 6-9. Displays an annotated map with pinwheels next to the FFT spectrum and corresponding fit. The selectivity channel of the map can be enabled as can pinwheel contours and a column of central connection fields. The map can have either a normal scalebar or a box showing the hypercolumn area. """ template_path, output_dir = setup('OR_analysis', template_dir, build_dir, subdir=name) savefig_opts = dict(transparent=True, format='svg', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) pref = get_pref(row) sel = get_sel(row) if selectivity else None fname = os.path.join(output_dir, '%%s_%s.%%s' % name) # Save the OR preference and selectivity raster or_map = rasterplots.OR_map(pref, sel) rasterplots.black_selectivity(or_map).save(fname % ('OR', 'png')) # Save the FFT raster rasterplots.greyscale(analysis.power_spectrum(pref)).save(fname % ('FFT', 'png')) # Save the histogram SVG overlay hist = vectorplots.FFT_histogram_overlay(row['amplitudes'], row['fit']) hist.savefig(fname % ('HIST', 'svg'), **savefig_opts) # Save the pinwheel contour SVG overlay contours = (row['re_contours'], row['im_contours']) if contours else None contour_fig = vectorplots.pinwheel_overlay(row['pinwheels'], contours=contours) contour_fig.savefig(fname % ('OVERLAY', 'svg'), **savefig_opts) # Save the CFs (if enabled) if cfs and row['afferent_CFs'] is np.nan: print "No afferent connection fields found in the given row" elif cfs: cf_block = rasterplots.cf_image(*row['afferent_CFs'], border=5, width=1, height=8, pos=(4, 1)) % ('CFs', 'png')) # Save the scale bar or scale box SVG overlay scale_overlay = (vectorplots.scale_box_overlay if scalebox else vectorplots.scale_bar_overlay) scale = scale_overlay(row['units_per_hypercolumn'] / float(pref.shape[0])) scale.savefig(fname % ('SBOX' if scalebox else 'SBAR', 'svg'), **savefig_opts) vectorplots.close([hist, contour_fig, scale]) layers = { '-scalebox': (not scalebox), '+scalebox': scalebox, '-CFs': (not cfs), '+CFs': cfs } svg_path = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s.svg' % name) return compose.apply_template(template_path, svg_path, mapping={'[LABEL]': name}, layers=layers, size_factor=size_factor)
def fig11(template_dir, build_dir, input_seed=102, size_factor=1.0, show_raster=False): """ Automatically generates Figure 11 showing the result of simulated goggle rearing and comparing to the experimental data (Tanaka 2009). """ name = 'fig11' if show_raster: return Display(snapshot=name, template_dir=template_dir) resize_factor = 4 times = [6000, 9000, 12000, 20000] template_path, output_dir = setup(name, template_dir, build_dir) pattern = 'jn13_figures/output/Fig11/*seed102/*/*.npz' files = lancet.FilePattern('npz_file', pattern) file_info = lancet.FileInfo(files, 'npz_file', lancet.NumpyFile()) filter_times = file_info.dframe['time'].map(lambda x: x in times) selection = file_info.load(file_info.dframe[filter_times]) roi = selection[selection['time'] == times[-1]]['roi'].iloc[0] savefig_opts = dict(transparent=True, format='svg', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) for (index, row) in selection.iterrows(): fname = os.path.join(output_dir, 'OR_%d.png' % int(row['time'])) pref = get_pref(row) sel = get_sel(row) # Rotate the colour key to match the convention in Tanaka et el. tanaka_pref = pref + (2.0 / 3.0) % 1 # Create the combined preference/selectivity map or_map = rasterplots.OR_map(tanaka_pref, sel) or_black = rasterplots.black_selectivity(or_map) # Resize by factor (dim1, dim2) = pref.shape or_black_resized = rasterplots.resize( or_black, (dim1 * resize_factor, dim2 * resize_factor)) # Save the orientation maps # Unbiased experimental histogram unbiased_hist = vectorplots.tanaka_histogram('unbiased') unbiased_hist.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, 'unbiased_tanaka.svg'), **savefig_opts) # Vertically biased experimental histogram biased_hist = vectorplots.tanaka_histogram('biased') biased_hist.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, 'biased_tanaka.svg'), **savefig_opts) # Approximation to vertical goggle rearing fname = os.path.join(output_dir, 'VGR_%d.svg' % int(row['time'])) gcal_hist = vectorplots.tanaka_histogram(pref) gcal_hist.savefig(fname, **savefig_opts) vectorplots.close([biased_hist, gcal_hist]) svg_path = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s.svg' % name) return Display( compose.apply_template(template_path, svg_path, size_factor=size_factor))
def fig10(template_dir, build_dir, bound_radius=0.6, selectivity_norm=0.07138, size_factor=1.0, show_raster=False): name = 'fig10' if show_raster: return Display(snapshot=name, template_dir=template_dir) times = [2000 * i for i in range(6)] template_path, output_dir = setup(name, template_dir, build_dir) pattern = 'jn13_figures/output/Fig10_12/*/*/*.npz' files = lancet.FilePattern('npz_file', pattern) file_info = lancet.FileInfo(files, 'npz_file', lancet.NumpyFile()) filter_times = file_info.dframe['time'].map(lambda x: x in times) selection = file_info.load(file_info.dframe[filter_times]) savefig_opts = dict(transparent=True, format='svg', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) development_info = [] for (index, row) in selection.iterrows(): time = row['time'] fname = os.path.join(output_dir, '%%s_%.1f.png' % int(time)) bounds = imagen.boundingregion.BoundingBox(radius=0.75) sheetcoords = imagen.SheetCoordinateSystem(bounds, xdensity=98) roi = slice(*sheetcoords.sheet2matrixidx(bound_radius, bound_radius)) # Not applying ROI as new bounds will be used pref = get_pref(row, roi=roi) sel = get_sel(row, roi=roi) (cfs, coords) = row['afferent_CFs'] roi = slice(*sheetcoords.sheet2matrixidx(bound_radius, bound_radius)) # Create the combined preference/selectivity map or_map = rasterplots.OR_map(pref, sel) or_black = rasterplots.black_selectivity(or_map) (dim1, dim2) = pref.shape or_black_resized = rasterplots.resize(or_black, (dim1 * 4, dim2 * 4)) # Save the orientation map % 'OR') # Save the row of CF images cf_block = rasterplots.cf_image(cfs, coords, border=5, width=8, height=1, pos=(1, 4), bg=(255, 255, 255)) % 'CF') # Save the FFT of the last map if time == times[-1]: normalized_spectrum = analysis.power_spectrum(pref[roi, roi]) fft_im = rasterplots.greyscale(normalized_spectrum) % 'FFT') # Note: ROI not applied and the values of 3 are due to historical reasons development_info.append((time, pref[3:-3, 3:-3], np.mean(sel[3:-3, 3:-3]))) ts, prefs, mean_sels = zip(*sorted(development_info)) # We only need the stabilities up till 10000 fname = os.path.join(output_dir, 'model_development.svg') development_fig = vectorplots.map_development_plot( analysis.stability_index(prefs), mean_sels, selectivity_norm) development_fig.savefig(fname, **savefig_opts) vectorplots.close([development_fig]) svg_path = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s.svg' % name) return Display( compose.apply_template(template_path, svg_path, size_factor=size_factor))
def fig06_09(template_dir, build_dir, fig, contrasts=(10, 25, 100), selectivity_norm=1.0, input_seed=102, size_factor=1.0, kernel=analysis.gamma_metric, show_raster=False): name = 'fig0%d' % fig if show_raster: return Display(snapshot=name, template_dir=template_dir) template_path, output_dir = setup('fig06_09', template_dir, build_dir, subdir=name) # Get the files containing the relevant data output_name = ('Fig0%d' % fig) if fig != 6 else 'Fig05_06' pattern = 'jn13_figures/output/%s/*%s_*/*/*.npz' % (output_name, output_name) files = lancet.FilePattern('npz_file', pattern) info = lancet.FileInfo(files, 'npz_file', lancet.NumpyFile()) dframe = info.dframe # Some basic constants max_time = max(dframe['time']) input_seeds = set(dframe['input_seed']) all_contrasts = set(dframe['contrast']) all_times = set(dframe['time']) savefig_opts = dict(transparent=True, format='svg', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) # Saving all the png/svg components for the three chosen contrasts (subplot D-F) boolarr = np.array(dframe['time'] == max_time) & np.array( dframe['input_seed'] == input_seed) for contrast in contrasts: fname = os.path.join(output_dir, '%%s_%d_%d.%%s' % (contrast, max_time)) contrast_slice = np.array(dframe['contrast'] == contrast) row = info.load(dframe[boolarr & contrast_slice]).iloc[0] OR_analysis(row, template_dir, output_dir, name='OR_c%s' % contrast, selectivity=True) # Collecting preferences/selectivities across time/seeds for map_development plots selectivities, stabilities = [], [] for seed in input_seeds: seed_slice = np.array(dframe['input_seed'] == seed) df = info.load(dframe[contrast_slice & seed_slice]) # Ensuring the data is sorted by simulation time sorted_rows = [ df[df['time'] == time].iloc[0] for time in sorted(df['time']) ] prefs = [get_pref(row) for row in sorted_rows] # Each selectivity is a whole map, these selectivities are averages across the map mean_sels = [get_sel(row).mean() for row in sorted_rows] selectivities.append(mean_sels) stabilities.append(analysis.stability_index(prefs)) # Save the stability/selectivity plots map_dev = vectorplots.map_development_streams( np.array(stabilities), np.array(selectivities), selectivity_norm=selectivity_norm) fname = os.path.join(output_dir, 'SI_%s.svg' % contrast) map_dev.savefig(fname, **savefig_opts) vectorplots.close([map_dev]) # Collect the selectivity, stability and map metric across contrasts and seeds selectivities, stabilities, metrics = [], [], [] time_slice = np.array(dframe['time'] == max_time) for seed in input_seeds: seed_slice = np.array(dframe['input_seed'] == seed) df = info.load(dframe[time_slice & seed_slice]) # Ensuring contrasts are sorted sorted_rows = [ df[df['contrast'] == contrast].iloc[0] for contrast in sorted(df['contrast']) ] missing_contrasts = set(df['contrast']) ^ set(all_contrasts) if missing_contrasts != set(): missing = ', '.join(str(el) for el in missing_contrasts) print "Warning: Contrast values %s are missing for seed %d" % ( missing, seed) # Each selectivity is a whole map, these selectivities are averages across the map mean_sels = [get_sel(row).mean() for row in sorted_rows] # Computing map quality based on the pinwheel density pinwheel_counts = [row['pinwheels'].shape[0] for row in sorted_rows] # Pinwheel density is pinwheel count / (kmax**2) pinwheel_densities = [(pwcount / row['kmax']**2) for (pwcount, row) in zip(pinwheel_counts, sorted_rows)] metrics.append([kernel(pwd) for pwd in pinwheel_densities]) selectivities.append(mean_sels) # Obtaining the mean stability per contrast, sorted by contrast then by time df = info.load(dframe[seed_slice]) contrast_stabilities = [] for contrast in sorted(all_contrasts): rows = [ df[(df['time'] == time) & (df['contrast'] == contrast)].iloc[0] for time in sorted(all_times) ] prefs = [get_pref(row) for row in rows] mean_stability = np.mean(analysis.stability_index(prefs)) contrast_stabilities.append(mean_stability) stabilities.append(contrast_stabilities) # Save the contrast plot fname = os.path.join(output_dir, 'contrast.svg') args = (sorted(all_contrasts), np.array(selectivities), np.array(stabilities), np.array(metrics)) contrast_plot = vectorplots.contrast_streams(*args, vlines=contrasts) contrast_plot.savefig(fname, **savefig_opts) vectorplots.close([contrast_plot]) # Composing the whole figure together svg_path = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s.svg' % name) model_list = ['L', 'AL', 'GCL', 'GCAL'] current_model = model_list[[6, 7, 8, 9].index(fig)] mapping = dict([('[CONTRAST%d]' % i, c) for (i, c) in enumerate(contrasts)] + [('[TIME]', int(max_time)), ('[Model-Name]', current_model + " Model")]) layers = dict((name, name == current_model) for name in model_list) return Display( compose.apply_template(template_path, svg_path, mapping=mapping, layers=layers, size_factor=size_factor))
def fig03(template_dir, build_dir, L_seed=20, L_contrast=15, mean_mm2_ferret=0.75, size_factor=1.0, show_raster=False): """ Automatically selects the best examplar of a high metric map from the GCAL dataset and displays it along with the chosen examplar of a non-optimal map from the L model. """ name = 'fig03' if show_raster: return Display(snapshot=name, template_dir=template_dir) template_path, output_dir = setup(name, template_dir, build_dir) # Get the files relating to L and GCAL L_pattern = 'jn13_figures/output/Fig05_06/*/*/*.npz' L_files = lancet.FilePattern('npz_file', L_pattern) L_info = lancet.FileInfo(L_files, 'npz_file', lancet.NumpyFile()) L_frame = L_info.dframe GCAL_pattern = 'jn13_figures/output/Fig09/*Fig09_*/*/*.npz' GCAL_files = lancet.FilePattern('npz_file', GCAL_pattern) GCAL_info = lancet.FileInfo(GCAL_files, 'npz_file', lancet.NumpyFile()) GCAL_frame = GCAL_info.dframe assert max(L_frame['time']) == max(GCAL_frame['time']) max_time = max(GCAL_frame['time']) pi_index = (GCAL_frame['rho'] - math.pi).abs().argmin() GCAL_row = GCAL_info.load(GCAL_frame.ix[pi_index:pi_index]).iloc[0] GCAL_kmax = GCAL_row['kmax'] GCAL_pwcount = GCAL_row['pinwheels'].shape[0] GCAL_labels = [ GCAL_kmax, GCAL_kmax**2, GCAL_pwcount / (GCAL_kmax**2), GCAL_pwcount ] # Select the chosen L map from the dataframe Lmap_condition = ((L_frame['contrast'] == L_contrast) & (L_frame['input_seed'] == L_seed) & (L_frame['time'] == max_time)) L_row = L_info.load(L_frame[Lmap_condition]).iloc[0] L_kmax = L_row['kmax'] L_pwcount = L_row['pinwheels'].shape[0] L_labels = [L_kmax, L_kmax**2, L_pwcount / (L_kmax**2), L_pwcount] # Saving the preference only maps (subplot C) analysis_kws = dict(scalebox=True, selectivity=True, contours=True, cfs=False) OR_analysis(GCAL_row, template_dir, output_dir, name='GCAL', **analysis_kws) OR_analysis(L_row, template_dir, output_dir, name='L', **analysis_kws) fname = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s') # Note: Not using ROI in these two example images. GCAL_pref = rasterplots.OR_map(get_pref(GCAL_row)) L_pref = rasterplots.OR_map(get_pref(L_row)) % 'GCAL_pref.png') % 'L_pref.png') # Saving the scatterplot GCAL_maps = GCAL_info.load(GCAL_frame[(GCAL_frame['time'] == 20000) & (GCAL_frame['contrast'] == 100)]) GCAL_pwds = GCAL_maps['rho'] L_maps = L_info.load(L_frame[(L_frame['time'] == 20000) & (L_frame['contrast'] == L_contrast)]) L_pwds = L_maps['rho'] iterables = [ zip(GCAL_maps['units_per_hypercolumn'], GCAL_pwds), zip(L_maps['units_per_hypercolumn'], L_pwds) ] scatter = vectorplots.model_scatterplot(iterables, ['r', 'b']) savefig_opts = dict(transparent=True, format='svg', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) scatter.savefig(fname % 'model_scatter.svg', **savefig_opts) vectorplots.close([scatter]) GCAL_fmts = [('[pk1]', '%.2f'), ('[ar1]', '%.2f'), ('[pd1]', '%.3f'), ('[pw1]', '%d')] L_fmts = [('[pk2]', '%.2f'), ('[ar2]', '%.2f'), ('[pd2]', '%.3f'), ('[pw2]', '%d')] labels = zip(GCAL_labels + L_labels, GCAL_fmts + L_fmts) mapping = dict((label, fmt % v) for (v, (label, fmt)) in labels) svg_path = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s.svg' % name) return Display( compose.apply_template(template_path, svg_path, mapping=mapping, size_factor=size_factor))