def process(self): """ Main processing function of the sort tool """ # Setting default argument values that cannot be set by argparse # Set output dir to the same value as input dir # if the user didn't specify it. if self.args.output_dir is None: logger.verbose("No output directory provided. Using input dir as output dir.") self.args.output_dir = self.args.input_dir # Assigning default threshold values based on grouping method if (self.args.final_process == "folders" and self.args.min_threshold < 0.0): method = self.args.group_method.lower() if method == 'face-cnn': self.args.min_threshold = 7.2 elif method == 'hist': self.args.min_threshold = 0.3 # Load VGG Face if sorting by face if self.args.sort_method.lower() == "face": conf = Config("global", configfile=self.args.configfile) allow_growth = (conf.config_dict["allow_growth"] and self.args.backend.lower() == "gpu" and get_backend() == "nvidia") self.vgg_face = VGGFace(backend=self.args.backend, allow_growth=allow_growth, loglevel=self.args.loglevel) # If logging is enabled, prepare container if self.args.log_changes: self.changes = dict() # Assign default sort_log.json value if user didn't specify one if self.args.log_file_path == 'sort_log.json': self.args.log_file_path = os.path.join(self.args.input_dir, 'sort_log.json') # Set serializer based on logfile extension self.serializer = get_serializer_from_filename(self.args.log_file_path) # Prepare sort, group and final process method names _sort = "sort_" + self.args.sort_method.lower() _group = "group_" + self.args.group_method.lower() _final = "final_process_" + self.args.final_process.lower() if _sort.startswith('sort_color-'): self.args.color_method = _sort.replace('sort_color-', '') _sort = _sort[:10] self.args.sort_method = _sort.replace('-', '_') self.args.group_method = _group.replace('-', '_') self.args.final_process = _final.replace('-', '_') self.sort_process()
def process(self): """ Main processing function of the sort tool """ # Setting default argument values that cannot be set by argparse # Set output dir to the same value as input dir # if the user didn't specify it. if self.args.output_dir.lower() == "_output_dir": self.args.output_dir = self.args.input_dir # Assigning default threshold values based on grouping method if (self.args.final_process == "folders" and self.args.min_threshold < 0.0): method = self.args.group_method.lower() if method == 'face-cnn': self.args.min_threshold = 7.2 elif method == 'hist': self.args.min_threshold = 0.3 # Load VGG Face if sorting by face if self.args.sort_method.lower() == "face": self.vgg_face = VGGFace(backend=self.args.backend, loglevel=self.args.loglevel) # If logging is enabled, prepare container if self.args.log_changes: self.changes = dict() # Assign default sort_log.json value if user didn't specify one if self.args.log_file_path == 'sort_log.json': self.args.log_file_path = os.path.join(self.args.input_dir, 'sort_log.json') # Set serializer based on logfile extension serializer_ext = os.path.splitext(self.args.log_file_path)[-1] self.serializer = Serializer.get_serializer_from_ext( serializer_ext) # Prepare sort, group and final process method names _sort = "sort_" + self.args.sort_method.lower() _group = "group_" + self.args.group_method.lower() _final = "final_process_" + self.args.final_process.lower() self.args.sort_method = _sort.replace('-', '_') self.args.group_method = _group.replace('-', '_') self.args.final_process = _final.replace('-', '_') self.sort_process()
class Sort(): """ Sorts folders of faces based on input criteria """ # pylint: disable=no-member def __init__(self, arguments): self.args = arguments self.changes = None self.serializer = None self.vgg_face = None # TODO set this as ImagesLoader in init. Need to move all processes to use it self._loader = None def process(self): """ Main processing function of the sort tool """ # Setting default argument values that cannot be set by argparse # Set output dir to the same value as input dir # if the user didn't specify it. if self.args.output_dir is None: logger.verbose( "No output directory provided. Using input dir as output dir.") self.args.output_dir = self.args.input_dir # Assigning default threshold values based on grouping method if (self.args.final_process == "folders" and self.args.min_threshold < 0.0): method = self.args.group_method.lower() if method == 'face-cnn': self.args.min_threshold = 7.2 elif method == 'hist': self.args.min_threshold = 0.3 # Load VGG Face if sorting by face if self.args.sort_method.lower() == "face": self.vgg_face = VGGFace(backend=self.args.backend, loglevel=self.args.loglevel) # If logging is enabled, prepare container if self.args.log_changes: self.changes = dict() # Assign default sort_log.json value if user didn't specify one if self.args.log_file_path == 'sort_log.json': self.args.log_file_path = os.path.join(self.args.input_dir, 'sort_log.json') # Set serializer based on logfile extension self.serializer = get_serializer_from_filename( self.args.log_file_path) # Prepare sort, group and final process method names _sort = "sort_" + self.args.sort_method.lower() _group = "group_" + self.args.group_method.lower() _final = "final_process_" + self.args.final_process.lower() if _sort.startswith('sort_color-'): self.args.color_method = _sort.replace('sort_color-', '') _sort = _sort[:10] self.args.sort_method = _sort.replace('-', '_') self.args.group_method = _group.replace('-', '_') self.args.final_process = _final.replace('-', '_') self.sort_process() @staticmethod def launch_aligner(): """ Load the aligner plugin to retrieve landmarks """ extractor = Extractor(None, "fan", None, normalize_method="hist") extractor.set_batchsize("align", 1) extractor.launch() return extractor @staticmethod def alignment_dict(filename, image): """ Set the image to an ExtractMedia object for alignment """ height, width = image.shape[:2] face = DetectedFace(x=0, w=width, y=0, h=height) return ExtractMedia(filename, image, detected_faces=[face]) def _get_landmarks(self): """ Multi-threaded, parallel and sequentially ordered landmark loader """ extractor = self.launch_aligner() filename_list, image_list = self._get_images() feed_list = list(map(Sort.alignment_dict, filename_list, image_list)) landmarks = np.zeros((len(feed_list), 68, 2), dtype='float32')"Finding landmarks in images...") # TODO thread the put to queue so we don't have to put and get at the same time # Or even better, set up a proper background loader from disk (i.e. use lib.image.ImageIO) for idx, feed in enumerate( tqdm(feed_list, desc="Aligning...", file=sys.stdout)): extractor.input_queue.put(feed) landmarks[idx] = next( extractor.detected_faces()).detected_faces[0].landmarks_xy return filename_list, image_list, landmarks def _get_images(self): """ Multi-threaded, parallel and sequentially ordered image loader """"Loading images...") filename_list = self.find_images(self.args.input_dir) with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: image_list = list( tqdm(, filename_list), desc="Loading Images...", file=sys.stdout, total=len(filename_list))) return filename_list, image_list def sort_process(self): """ This method dynamically assigns the functions that will be used to run the core process of sorting, optionally grouping, renaming/moving into folders. After the functions are assigned they are executed. """ sort_method = self.args.sort_method.lower() group_method = self.args.group_method.lower() final_method = self.args.final_process.lower() img_list = getattr(self, sort_method)() if "folders" in final_method: # Check if non-dissim sort method and group method are not the same if group_method.replace('group_', '') not in sort_method: img_list = self.reload_images(group_method, img_list) img_list = getattr(self, group_method)(img_list) else: img_list = getattr(self, group_method)(img_list) getattr(self, final_method)(img_list)"Done.") # Methods for sorting def sort_blur(self): """ Sort by blur amount """"Sorting by estimated image blur...") filename_list, image_list = self._get_images()"Estimating blur...") blurs = [self.estimate_blur(img) for img in image_list]"Sorting...") matched_list = list(zip(filename_list, blurs)) img_list = sorted(matched_list, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) return img_list def sort_face(self): """ Sort by identity similarity """"Sorting by identity similarity...") # TODO This should be set in init self._loader = ImagesLoader(self.args.input_dir) filenames = [] preds = np.empty((self._loader.count, 512), dtype="float32") for idx, (filename, image) in enumerate( tqdm(self._loader.load(), desc="Classifying Faces...", total=self._loader.count)): filenames.append(filename) preds[idx] = self.vgg_face.predict(image)"Sorting by ward linkage...") indices = self.vgg_face.sorted_similarity(preds, method="ward") img_list = np.array(filenames)[indices] return img_list def sort_face_cnn(self): """ Sort by landmark similarity """"Sorting by landmark similarity...") filename_list, _, landmarks = self._get_landmarks() img_list = list(zip(filename_list, landmarks))"Comparing landmarks and sorting...") img_list_len = len(img_list) for i in tqdm(range(0, img_list_len - 1), desc="Comparing...", file=sys.stdout): min_score = float("inf") j_min_score = i + 1 for j in range(i + 1, img_list_len): fl1 = img_list[i][1] fl2 = img_list[j][1] score = np.sum(np.absolute((fl2 - fl1).flatten())) if score < min_score: min_score = score j_min_score = j (img_list[i + 1], img_list[j_min_score]) = (img_list[j_min_score], img_list[i + 1]) return img_list def sort_face_cnn_dissim(self): """ Sort by landmark dissimilarity """"Sorting by landmark dissimilarity...") filename_list, _, landmarks = self._get_landmarks() scores = np.zeros(len(filename_list), dtype='float32') img_list = list( list(items) for items in zip(filename_list, landmarks, scores))"Comparing landmarks...") img_list_len = len(img_list) for i in tqdm(range(0, img_list_len - 1), desc="Comparing...", file=sys.stdout): score_total = 0 for j in range(i + 1, img_list_len): if i == j: continue fl1 = img_list[i][1] fl2 = img_list[j][1] score_total += np.sum(np.absolute((fl2 - fl1).flatten())) img_list[i][2] = score_total"Sorting...") img_list = sorted(img_list, key=operator.itemgetter(2), reverse=True) return img_list def sort_face_yaw(self): """ Sort by estimated face yaw angle """"Sorting by estimated face yaw angle..") filename_list, _, landmarks = self._get_landmarks()"Estimating yaw...") yaws = [self.calc_landmarks_face_yaw(mark) for mark in landmarks]"Sorting...") matched_list = list(zip(filename_list, yaws)) img_list = sorted(matched_list, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) return img_list def sort_hist(self): """ Sort by image histogram similarity """"Sorting by histogram similarity...") filename_list, image_list = self._get_images() distance = cv2.HISTCMP_BHATTACHARYYA"Calculating histograms...") histograms = [ cv2.calcHist([img], [0], None, [256], [0, 256]) for img in image_list ] img_list = list(zip(filename_list, histograms))"Comparing histograms and sorting...") img_list_len = len(img_list) for i in tqdm(range(0, img_list_len - 1), desc="Comparing", file=sys.stdout): min_score = float("inf") j_min_score = i + 1 for j in range(i + 1, img_list_len): score = cv2.compareHist(img_list[i][1], img_list[j][1], distance) if score < min_score: min_score = score j_min_score = j (img_list[i + 1], img_list[j_min_score]) = (img_list[j_min_score], img_list[i + 1]) return img_list def sort_hist_dissim(self): """ Sort by image histogram dissimilarity """"Sorting by histogram dissimilarity...") filename_list, image_list = self._get_images() scores = np.zeros(len(filename_list), dtype='float32') distance = cv2.HISTCMP_BHATTACHARYYA"Calculating histograms...") histograms = [ cv2.calcHist([img], [0], None, [256], [0, 256]) for img in image_list ] img_list = list( list(items) for items in zip(filename_list, histograms, scores))"Comparing histograms...") img_list_len = len(img_list) for i in tqdm(range(0, img_list_len), desc="Comparing", file=sys.stdout): score_total = 0 for j in range(0, img_list_len): if i == j: continue score_total += cv2.compareHist(img_list[i][1], img_list[j][1], distance) img_list[i][2] = score_total"Sorting...") img_list = sorted(img_list, key=operator.itemgetter(2), reverse=True) return img_list def sort_color(self): """ Score by channel average intensity """"Sorting by channel average intensity...") desired_channel = {'gray': 0, 'luma': 0, 'orange': 1, 'green': 2} method = self.args.color_method channel_to_sort = next(v for (k, v) in desired_channel.items() if method.endswith(k)) filename_list, image_list = self._get_images()"Converting to appropriate colorspace...") same_size = all(img.size == image_list[0].size for img in image_list) images = np.array(image_list, dtype='float32')[None, ...] if same_size else image_list converted_images = self._convert_color(images, same_size, method)"Scoring each image...") if same_size: scores = np.average(converted_images[0], axis=(1, 2)) else: progress_bar = tqdm(converted_images, desc="Scoring", file=sys.stdout) scores = np.array( [np.average(image, axis=(0, 1)) for image in progress_bar])"Sorting...") matched_list = list(zip(filename_list, scores[:, channel_to_sort])) sorted_file_img_list = sorted(matched_list, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) return sorted_file_img_list # Methods for grouping def group_blur(self, img_list): """ Group into bins by blur """ # Starting the binning process num_bins = self.args.num_bins # The last bin will get all extra images if it's # not possible to distribute them evenly num_per_bin = len(img_list) // num_bins remainder = len(img_list) % num_bins"Grouping by blur...") bins = [[] for _ in range(num_bins)] idx = 0 for i in range(num_bins): for _ in range(num_per_bin): bins[i].append(img_list[idx][0]) idx += 1 # If remainder is 0, nothing gets added to the last bin. for i in range(1, remainder + 1): bins[-1].append(img_list[-i][0]) return bins def group_face_cnn(self, img_list): """ Group into bins by CNN face similarity """"Grouping by face-cnn similarity...") # Groups are of the form: group_num -> reference faces reference_groups = dict() # Bins array, where index is the group number and value is # an array containing the file paths to the images in that group. bins = [] # Comparison threshold used to decide how similar # faces have to be to be grouped together. # It is multiplied by 1000 here to allow the cli option to use smaller # numbers. min_threshold = self.args.min_threshold * 1000 img_list_len = len(img_list) for i in tqdm(range(0, img_list_len - 1), desc="Grouping", file=sys.stdout): fl1 = img_list[i][1] current_best = [-1, float("inf")] for key, references in reference_groups.items(): try: score = self.get_avg_score_faces_cnn(fl1, references) except TypeError: score = float("inf") except ZeroDivisionError: score = float("inf") if score < current_best[1]: current_best[0], current_best[1] = key, score if current_best[1] < min_threshold: reference_groups[current_best[0]].append(fl1[0]) bins[current_best[0]].append(img_list[i][0]) else: reference_groups[len(reference_groups)] = [img_list[i][1]] bins.append([img_list[i][0]]) return bins def group_face_yaw(self, img_list): """ Group into bins by yaw of face """ # Starting the binning process num_bins = self.args.num_bins # The last bin will get all extra images if it's # not possible to distribute them evenly num_per_bin = len(img_list) // num_bins remainder = len(img_list) % num_bins"Grouping by face-yaw...") bins = [[] for _ in range(num_bins)] idx = 0 for i in range(num_bins): for _ in range(num_per_bin): bins[i].append(img_list[idx][0]) idx += 1 # If remainder is 0, nothing gets added to the last bin. for i in range(1, remainder + 1): bins[-1].append(img_list[-i][0]) return bins def group_hist(self, img_list): """ Group into bins by histogram """"Grouping by histogram...") # Groups are of the form: group_num -> reference histogram reference_groups = dict() # Bins array, where index is the group number and value is # an array containing the file paths to the images in that group bins = [] min_threshold = self.args.min_threshold img_list_len = len(img_list) reference_groups[0] = [img_list[0][1]] bins.append([img_list[0][0]]) for i in tqdm(range(1, img_list_len), desc="Grouping", file=sys.stdout): current_best = [-1, float("inf")] for key, value in reference_groups.items(): score = self.get_avg_score_hist(img_list[i][1], value) if score < current_best[1]: current_best[0], current_best[1] = key, score if current_best[1] < min_threshold: reference_groups[current_best[0]].append(img_list[i][1]) bins[current_best[0]].append(img_list[i][0]) else: reference_groups[len(reference_groups)] = [img_list[i][1]] bins.append([img_list[i][0]]) return bins # Final process methods def final_process_rename(self, img_list): """ Rename the files """ output_dir = self.args.output_dir process_file = self.set_process_file_method(self.args.log_changes, self.args.keep_original) # Make sure output directory exists if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) description = ("Copying and Renaming" if self.args.keep_original else "Moving and Renaming") for i in tqdm(range(0, len(img_list)), desc=description, leave=False, file=sys.stdout): src = img_list[i] if isinstance(img_list[i], str) else img_list[i][0] src_basename = os.path.basename(src) dst = os.path.join(output_dir, '{:05d}_{}'.format(i, src_basename)) try: process_file(src, dst, self.changes) except FileNotFoundError as err: logger.error(err) logger.error('fail to rename %s', src) for i in tqdm(range(0, len(img_list)), desc=description, file=sys.stdout): renaming = self.set_renaming_method(self.args.log_changes) fname = img_list[i] if isinstance(img_list[i], str) else img_list[i][0] src, dst = renaming(fname, output_dir, i, self.changes) try: os.rename(src, dst) except FileNotFoundError as err: logger.error(err) logger.error('fail to rename %s', format(src)) if self.args.log_changes: self.write_to_log(self.changes) def final_process_folders(self, bins): """ Move the files to folders """ output_dir = self.args.output_dir process_file = self.set_process_file_method(self.args.log_changes, self.args.keep_original) # First create new directories to avoid checking # for directory existence in the moving loop"Creating group directories.") for i in range(len(bins)): directory = os.path.join(output_dir, str(i)) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) description = ("Copying into Groups" if self.args.keep_original else "Moving into Groups")"Total groups found: %s", len(bins)) for i in tqdm(range(len(bins)), desc=description, file=sys.stdout): for j in range(len(bins[i])): src = bins[i][j] src_basename = os.path.basename(src) dst = os.path.join(output_dir, str(i), src_basename) try: process_file(src, dst, self.changes) except FileNotFoundError as err: logger.error(err) logger.error("Failed to move '%s' to '%s'", src, dst) if self.args.log_changes: self.write_to_log(self.changes) # Various helper methods def write_to_log(self, changes): """ Write the changes to log file """"Writing sort log to: '%s'", self.args.log_file_path), changes) def reload_images(self, group_method, img_list): """ Reloads the image list by replacing the comparative values with those that the chosen grouping method expects. :param group_method: str name of the grouping method that will be used. :param img_list: image list that has been sorted by one of the sort methods. :return: img_list but with the comparative values that the chosen grouping method expects. """"Preparing to group...") if group_method == 'group_blur': filename_list, image_list = self._get_images() blurs = [self.estimate_blur(img) for img in image_list] temp_list = list(zip(filename_list, blurs)) elif group_method == 'group_face_cnn': filename_list, image_list, landmarks = self._get_landmarks() temp_list = list(zip(filename_list, landmarks)) elif group_method == 'group_face_yaw': filename_list, image_list, landmarks = self._get_landmarks() yaws = [self.calc_landmarks_face_yaw(mark) for mark in landmarks] temp_list = list(zip(filename_list, yaws)) elif group_method == 'group_hist': filename_list, image_list = self._get_images() histograms = [ cv2.calcHist([img], [0], None, [256], [0, 256]) for img in image_list ] temp_list = list(zip(filename_list, histograms)) else: raise ValueError("{} group_method not found.".format(group_method)) return self.splice_lists(img_list, temp_list) @staticmethod def _convert_color(imgs, same_size, method): """ Helper function to convert colorspaces """ if method.endswith('gray'): conversion = np.array([[0.0722], [0.7152], [0.2126]]) else: conversion = np.array([[0.25, 0.5, 0.25], [-0.5, 0.0, 0.5], [-0.25, 0.5, -0.25]]) if same_size: path = 'greedy' operation = 'bijk, kl -> bijl' if method.endswith( 'gray') else 'bijl, kl -> bijk' else: operation = 'ijk, kl -> ijl' if method.endswith( 'gray') else 'ijl, kl -> ijk' path = np.einsum_path(operation, imgs[0][..., :3], conversion, optimize='optimal')[0] progress_bar = tqdm(imgs, desc="Converting", file=sys.stdout) images = [ np.einsum(operation, img[..., :3], conversion, optimize=path).astype('float32') for img in progress_bar ] return images @staticmethod def splice_lists(sorted_list, new_vals_list): """ This method replaces the value at index 1 in each sub-list in the sorted_list with the value that is calculated for the same img_path, but found in new_vals_list. Format of lists: [[img_path, value], [img_path2, value2], ...] :param sorted_list: list that has been sorted by one of the sort methods. :param new_vals_list: list that has been loaded by a different method than the sorted_list. :return: list that is sorted in the same way as the input sorted list but the values corresponding to each image are from new_vals_list. """ new_list = [] # Make new list of just image paths to serve as an index val_index_list = [i[0] for i in new_vals_list] for i in tqdm(range(len(sorted_list)), desc="Splicing", file=sys.stdout): current_img = sorted_list[i] if isinstance( sorted_list[i], str) else sorted_list[i][0] new_val_index = val_index_list.index(current_img) new_list.append([current_img, new_vals_list[new_val_index][1]]) return new_list @staticmethod def find_images(input_dir): """ Return list of images at specified location """ result = [] extensions = [".jpg", ".png", ".jpeg"] for root, _, files in os.walk(input_dir): for file in files: if os.path.splitext(file)[1].lower() in extensions: result.append(os.path.join(root, file)) break return result @staticmethod def estimate_blur(image): """ Estimate the amount of blur an image has with the variance of the Laplacian. Normalize by pixel number to offset the effect of image size on pixel gradients & variance """ if image.ndim == 3: image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) blur_map = cv2.Laplacian(image, cv2.CV_32F) score = np.var(blur_map) / np.sqrt(image.shape[0] * image.shape[1]) return score @staticmethod def calc_landmarks_face_pitch(flm): """ UNUSED - Calculate the amount of pitch in a face """ var_t = ((flm[6][1] - flm[8][1]) + (flm[10][1] - flm[8][1])) / 2.0 var_b = flm[8][1] return var_b - var_t @staticmethod def calc_landmarks_face_yaw(flm): """ Calculate the amount of yaw in a face """ var_l = ((flm[27][0] - flm[0][0]) + (flm[28][0] - flm[1][0]) + (flm[29][0] - flm[2][0])) / 3.0 var_r = ((flm[16][0] - flm[27][0]) + (flm[15][0] - flm[28][0]) + (flm[14][0] - flm[29][0])) / 3.0 return var_r - var_l @staticmethod def set_process_file_method(log_changes, keep_original): """ Assigns the final file processing method based on whether changes are being logged and whether the original files are being kept in the input directory. Relevant cli arguments: -k, -l :return: function reference """ if log_changes: if keep_original: def process_file(src, dst, changes): """ Process file method if logging changes and keeping original """ copyfile(src, dst) changes[src] = dst else: def process_file(src, dst, changes): """ Process file method if logging changes and not keeping original """ os.rename(src, dst) changes[src] = dst else: if keep_original: def process_file(src, dst, changes): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Process file method if not logging changes and keeping original """ copyfile(src, dst) else: def process_file(src, dst, changes): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Process file method if not logging changes and not keeping original """ os.rename(src, dst) return process_file @staticmethod def set_renaming_method(log_changes): """ Set the method for renaming files """ if log_changes: def renaming(src, output_dir, i, changes): """ Rename files method if logging changes """ src_basename = os.path.basename(src) __src = os.path.join(output_dir, '{:05d}_{}'.format(i, src_basename)) dst = os.path.join( output_dir, '{:05d}{}'.format(i, os.path.splitext(src_basename)[1])) changes[src] = dst return __src, dst else: def renaming(src, output_dir, i, changes): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Rename files method if not logging changes """ src_basename = os.path.basename(src) src = os.path.join(output_dir, '{:05d}_{}'.format(i, src_basename)) dst = os.path.join( output_dir, '{:05d}{}'.format(i, os.path.splitext(src_basename)[1])) return src, dst return renaming @staticmethod def get_avg_score_hist(img1, references): """ Return the average histogram score between a face and reference image """ scores = [] for img2 in references: score = cv2.compareHist(img1, img2, cv2.HISTCMP_BHATTACHARYYA) scores.append(score) return sum(scores) / len(scores) @staticmethod def get_avg_score_faces_cnn(fl1, references): """ Return the average CNN similarity score between a face and reference image """ scores = [] for fl2 in references: score = np.sum(np.absolute((fl2 - fl1).flatten())) scores.append(score) return sum(scores) / len(scores)
class Sort(): """ Sorts folders of faces based on input criteria """ # pylint: disable=no-member def __init__(self, arguments): self.args = arguments self.changes = None self.serializer = None self.vgg_face = None def process(self): """ Main processing function of the sort tool """ # Setting default argument values that cannot be set by argparse # Set output dir to the same value as input dir # if the user didn't specify it. if self.args.output_dir is None: logger.verbose( "No output directory provided. Using input dir as output dir.") self.args.output_dir = self.args.input_dir # Assigning default threshold values based on grouping method if (self.args.final_process == "folders" and self.args.min_threshold < 0.0): method = self.args.group_method.lower() if method == 'face-cnn': self.args.min_threshold = 7.2 elif method == 'hist': self.args.min_threshold = 0.3 # Load VGG Face if sorting by face if self.args.sort_method.lower() == "face": self.vgg_face = VGGFace(backend=self.args.backend, loglevel=self.args.loglevel) # If logging is enabled, prepare container if self.args.log_changes: self.changes = dict() # Assign default sort_log.json value if user didn't specify one if self.args.log_file_path == 'sort_log.json': self.args.log_file_path = os.path.join(self.args.input_dir, 'sort_log.json') # Set serializer based on logfile extension serializer_ext = os.path.splitext(self.args.log_file_path)[-1] self.serializer = Serializer.get_serializer_from_ext( serializer_ext) # Prepare sort, group and final process method names _sort = "sort_" + self.args.sort_method.lower() _group = "group_" + self.args.group_method.lower() _final = "final_process_" + self.args.final_process.lower() self.args.sort_method = _sort.replace('-', '_') self.args.group_method = _group.replace('-', '_') self.args.final_process = _final.replace('-', '_') self.sort_process() @staticmethod def launch_aligner(): """ Load the aligner plugin to retrieve landmarks """ kwargs = dict(in_queue=queue_manager.get_queue("in"), out_queue=queue_manager.get_queue("out"), queue_size=8) aligner = PluginLoader.get_aligner("fan")(normalize_method="hist") aligner.batchsize = 1 aligner.initialize(**kwargs) aligner.start() @staticmethod def alignment_dict(image): """ Set the image to a dict for alignment """ height, width = image.shape[:2] face = DetectedFace(x=0, w=width, y=0, h=height) return {"image": image, "detected_faces": [face]} @staticmethod def get_landmarks(filename): """ Extract the face from a frame (If not alignments file found) """ image = read_image(filename, raise_error=True) feed = Sort.alignment_dict(image) feed["filename"] = filename queue_manager.get_queue("in").put(feed) face = queue_manager.get_queue("out").get() landmarks = face["detected_faces"][0].landmarks_xy return landmarks def sort_process(self): """ This method dynamically assigns the functions that will be used to run the core process of sorting, optionally grouping, renaming/moving into folders. After the functions are assigned they are executed. """ sort_method = self.args.sort_method.lower() group_method = self.args.group_method.lower() final_method = self.args.final_process.lower() img_list = getattr(self, sort_method)() if "folders" in final_method: # Check if non-dissim sort method and group method are not the same if group_method.replace('group_', '') not in sort_method: img_list = self.reload_images(group_method, img_list) img_list = getattr(self, group_method)(img_list) else: img_list = getattr(self, group_method)(img_list) getattr(self, final_method)(img_list)"Done.") # Methods for sorting def sort_blur(self): """ Sort by blur amount """ input_dir = self.args.input_dir"Sorting by blur...") img_list = [[img, self.estimate_blur(img)] for img in tqdm( self.find_images(input_dir), desc="Loading", file=sys.stdout)]"Sorting...") img_list = sorted(img_list, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) return img_list def sort_face(self): """ Sort by face similarity """ input_dir = self.args.input_dir"Sorting by face similarity...") images = np.array(self.find_images(input_dir)) preds = np.array([ self.vgg_face.predict(read_image(img, raise_error=True)) for img in tqdm(images, desc="loading", file=sys.stdout) ]) "Sorting. Depending on ths size of your dataset, this may take a few " "minutes...") indices = self.vgg_face.sorted_similarity(preds, method="ward") img_list = images[indices] return img_list def sort_face_cnn(self): """ Sort by CNN similarity """ self.launch_aligner() input_dir = self.args.input_dir"Sorting by face-cnn similarity...") img_list = [] for img in tqdm(self.find_images(input_dir), desc="Loading", file=sys.stdout): landmarks = self.get_landmarks(img) img_list.append( [img, np.array(landmarks) if landmarks else np.zeros((68, 2))]) queue_manager.terminate_queues() img_list_len = len(img_list) for i in tqdm(range(0, img_list_len - 1), desc="Sorting", file=sys.stdout): min_score = float("inf") j_min_score = i + 1 for j in range(i + 1, len(img_list)): fl1 = img_list[i][1] fl2 = img_list[j][1] score = np.sum(np.absolute((fl2 - fl1).flatten())) if score < min_score: min_score = score j_min_score = j (img_list[i + 1], img_list[j_min_score]) = (img_list[j_min_score], img_list[i + 1]) return img_list def sort_face_cnn_dissim(self): """ Sort by CNN dissimilarity """ self.launch_aligner() input_dir = self.args.input_dir"Sorting by face-cnn dissimilarity...") img_list = [] for img in tqdm(self.find_images(input_dir), desc="Loading", file=sys.stdout): landmarks = self.get_landmarks(img) img_list.append([ img, np.array(landmarks) if landmarks else np.zeros((68, 2)), 0 ]) img_list_len = len(img_list) for i in tqdm(range(0, img_list_len - 1), desc="Sorting", file=sys.stdout): score_total = 0 for j in range(i + 1, len(img_list)): if i == j: continue fl1 = img_list[i][1] fl2 = img_list[j][1] score_total += np.sum(np.absolute((fl2 - fl1).flatten())) img_list[i][2] = score_total"Sorting...") img_list = sorted(img_list, key=operator.itemgetter(2), reverse=True) return img_list def sort_face_yaw(self): """ Sort by yaw of face """ self.launch_aligner() input_dir = self.args.input_dir img_list = [] for img in tqdm(self.find_images(input_dir), desc="Loading", file=sys.stdout): landmarks = self.get_landmarks(img) img_list.append( [img, self.calc_landmarks_face_yaw(np.array(landmarks))])"Sorting by face-yaw...") img_list = sorted(img_list, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) return img_list def sort_hist(self): """ Sort by histogram of face similarity """ input_dir = self.args.input_dir"Sorting by histogram similarity...") img_list = [[ img, cv2.calcHist([read_image(img, raise_error=True)], [0], None, [256], [0, 256]) ] for img in tqdm( self.find_images(input_dir), desc="Loading", file=sys.stdout)] img_list_len = len(img_list) for i in tqdm(range(0, img_list_len - 1), desc="Sorting", file=sys.stdout): min_score = float("inf") j_min_score = i + 1 for j in range(i + 1, len(img_list)): score = cv2.compareHist(img_list[i][1], img_list[j][1], cv2.HISTCMP_BHATTACHARYYA) if score < min_score: min_score = score j_min_score = j (img_list[i + 1], img_list[j_min_score]) = (img_list[j_min_score], img_list[i + 1]) return img_list def sort_hist_dissim(self): """ Sort by histigram of face dissimilarity """ input_dir = self.args.input_dir"Sorting by histogram dissimilarity...") img_list = [[ img, cv2.calcHist([read_image(img, raise_error=True)], [0], None, [256], [0, 256]), 0 ] for img in tqdm( self.find_images(input_dir), desc="Loading", file=sys.stdout)] img_list_len = len(img_list) for i in tqdm(range(0, img_list_len), desc="Sorting", file=sys.stdout): score_total = 0 for j in range(0, img_list_len): if i == j: continue score_total += cv2.compareHist(img_list[i][1], img_list[j][1], cv2.HISTCMP_BHATTACHARYYA) img_list[i][2] = score_total"Sorting...") img_list = sorted(img_list, key=operator.itemgetter(2), reverse=True) return img_list # Methods for grouping def group_blur(self, img_list): """ Group into bins by blur """ # Starting the binning process num_bins = self.args.num_bins # The last bin will get all extra images if it's # not possible to distribute them evenly num_per_bin = len(img_list) // num_bins remainder = len(img_list) % num_bins"Grouping by blur...") bins = [[] for _ in range(num_bins)] idx = 0 for i in range(num_bins): for _ in range(num_per_bin): bins[i].append(img_list[idx][0]) idx += 1 # If remainder is 0, nothing gets added to the last bin. for i in range(1, remainder + 1): bins[-1].append(img_list[-i][0]) return bins def group_face_cnn(self, img_list): """ Group into bins by CNN face similarity """"Grouping by face-cnn similarity...") # Groups are of the form: group_num -> reference faces reference_groups = dict() # Bins array, where index is the group number and value is # an array containing the file paths to the images in that group. bins = [] # Comparison threshold used to decide how similar # faces have to be to be grouped together. # It is multiplied by 1000 here to allow the cli option to use smaller # numbers. min_threshold = self.args.min_threshold * 1000 img_list_len = len(img_list) for i in tqdm(range(0, img_list_len - 1), desc="Grouping", file=sys.stdout): fl1 = img_list[i][1] current_best = [-1, float("inf")] for key, references in reference_groups.items(): try: score = self.get_avg_score_faces_cnn(fl1, references) except TypeError: score = float("inf") except ZeroDivisionError: score = float("inf") if score < current_best[1]: current_best[0], current_best[1] = key, score if current_best[1] < min_threshold: reference_groups[current_best[0]].append(fl1[0]) bins[current_best[0]].append(img_list[i][0]) else: reference_groups[len(reference_groups)] = [img_list[i][1]] bins.append([img_list[i][0]]) return bins def group_face_yaw(self, img_list): """ Group into bins by yaw of face """ # Starting the binning process num_bins = self.args.num_bins # The last bin will get all extra images if it's # not possible to distribute them evenly num_per_bin = len(img_list) // num_bins remainder = len(img_list) % num_bins"Grouping by face-yaw...") bins = [[] for _ in range(num_bins)] idx = 0 for i in range(num_bins): for _ in range(num_per_bin): bins[i].append(img_list[idx][0]) idx += 1 # If remainder is 0, nothing gets added to the last bin. for i in range(1, remainder + 1): bins[-1].append(img_list[-i][0]) return bins def group_hist(self, img_list): """ Group into bins by histogram """"Grouping by histogram...") # Groups are of the form: group_num -> reference histogram reference_groups = dict() # Bins array, where index is the group number and value is # an array containing the file paths to the images in that group bins = [] min_threshold = self.args.min_threshold img_list_len = len(img_list) reference_groups[0] = [img_list[0][1]] bins.append([img_list[0][0]]) for i in tqdm(range(1, img_list_len), desc="Grouping", file=sys.stdout): current_best = [-1, float("inf")] for key, value in reference_groups.items(): score = self.get_avg_score_hist(img_list[i][1], value) if score < current_best[1]: current_best[0], current_best[1] = key, score if current_best[1] < min_threshold: reference_groups[current_best[0]].append(img_list[i][1]) bins[current_best[0]].append(img_list[i][0]) else: reference_groups[len(reference_groups)] = [img_list[i][1]] bins.append([img_list[i][0]]) return bins # Final process methods def final_process_rename(self, img_list): """ Rename the files """ output_dir = self.args.output_dir process_file = self.set_process_file_method(self.args.log_changes, self.args.keep_original) # Make sure output directory exists if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) description = ("Copying and Renaming" if self.args.keep_original else "Moving and Renaming") for i in tqdm(range(0, len(img_list)), desc=description, leave=False, file=sys.stdout): src = img_list[i] if isinstance(img_list[i], str) else img_list[i][0] src_basename = os.path.basename(src) dst = os.path.join(output_dir, '{:05d}_{}'.format(i, src_basename)) try: process_file(src, dst, self.changes) except FileNotFoundError as err: logger.error(err) logger.error('fail to rename %s', src) for i in tqdm(range(0, len(img_list)), desc=description, file=sys.stdout): renaming = self.set_renaming_method(self.args.log_changes) fname = img_list[i] if isinstance(img_list[i], str) else img_list[i][0] src, dst = renaming(fname, output_dir, i, self.changes) try: os.rename(src, dst) except FileNotFoundError as err: logger.error(err) logger.error('fail to rename %s', format(src)) if self.args.log_changes: self.write_to_log(self.changes) def final_process_folders(self, bins): """ Move the files to folders """ output_dir = self.args.output_dir process_file = self.set_process_file_method(self.args.log_changes, self.args.keep_original) # First create new directories to avoid checking # for directory existence in the moving loop"Creating group directories.") for i in range(len(bins)): directory = os.path.join(output_dir, str(i)) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) description = ("Copying into Groups" if self.args.keep_original else "Moving into Groups")"Total groups found: %s", len(bins)) for i in tqdm(range(len(bins)), desc=description, file=sys.stdout): for j in range(len(bins[i])): src = bins[i][j] src_basename = os.path.basename(src) dst = os.path.join(output_dir, str(i), src_basename) try: process_file(src, dst, self.changes) except FileNotFoundError as err: logger.error(err) logger.error("Failed to move '%s' to '%s'", src, dst) if self.args.log_changes: self.write_to_log(self.changes) # Various helper methods def write_to_log(self, changes): """ Write the changes to log file """"Writing sort log to: '%s'", self.args.log_file_path) with open(self.args.log_file_path, 'w') as lfile: lfile.write(self.serializer.marshal(changes)) def reload_images(self, group_method, img_list): """ Reloads the image list by replacing the comparative values with those that the chosen grouping method expects. :param group_method: str name of the grouping method that will be used. :param img_list: image list that has been sorted by one of the sort methods. :return: img_list but with the comparative values that the chosen grouping method expects. """ input_dir = self.args.input_dir"Preparing to group...") if group_method == 'group_blur': temp_list = [[ img, self.estimate_blur(read_image(img, raise_error=True)) ] for img in tqdm( self.find_images(input_dir), desc="Reloading", file=sys.stdout) ] elif group_method == 'group_face_cnn': self.launch_aligner() temp_list = [] for img in tqdm(self.find_images(input_dir), desc="Reloading", file=sys.stdout): landmarks = self.get_landmarks(img) temp_list.append([ img, np.array(landmarks) if landmarks else np.zeros((68, 2)) ]) elif group_method == 'group_face_yaw': self.launch_aligner() temp_list = [] for img in tqdm(self.find_images(input_dir), desc="Reloading", file=sys.stdout): landmarks = self.get_landmarks(img) temp_list.append( [img, self.calc_landmarks_face_yaw(np.array(landmarks))]) elif group_method == 'group_hist': temp_list = [[ img, cv2.calcHist([read_image(img, raise_error=True)], [0], None, [256], [0, 256]) ] for img in tqdm( self.find_images(input_dir), desc="Reloading", file=sys.stdout) ] else: raise ValueError("{} group_method not found.".format(group_method)) return self.splice_lists(img_list, temp_list) @staticmethod def splice_lists(sorted_list, new_vals_list): """ This method replaces the value at index 1 in each sub-list in the sorted_list with the value that is calculated for the same img_path, but found in new_vals_list. Format of lists: [[img_path, value], [img_path2, value2], ...] :param sorted_list: list that has been sorted by one of the sort methods. :param new_vals_list: list that has been loaded by a different method than the sorted_list. :return: list that is sorted in the same way as the input sorted list but the values corresponding to each image are from new_vals_list. """ new_list = [] # Make new list of just image paths to serve as an index val_index_list = [i[0] for i in new_vals_list] for i in tqdm(range(len(sorted_list)), desc="Splicing", file=sys.stdout): current_img = sorted_list[i] if isinstance( sorted_list[i], str) else sorted_list[i][0] new_val_index = val_index_list.index(current_img) new_list.append([current_img, new_vals_list[new_val_index][1]]) return new_list @staticmethod def find_images(input_dir): """ Return list of images at specified location """ result = [] extensions = [".jpg", ".png", ".jpeg"] for root, _, files in os.walk(input_dir): for file in files: if os.path.splitext(file)[1].lower() in extensions: result.append(os.path.join(root, file)) return result @staticmethod def estimate_blur(image_file): """ Estimate the amount of blur an image has with the variance of the Laplacian. Normalize by pixel number to offset the effect of image size on pixel gradients & variance """ image = read_image(image_file, raise_error=True) if image.ndim == 3: image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) blur_map = cv2.Laplacian(image, cv2.CV_32F) score = np.var(blur_map) / np.sqrt(image.shape[0] * image.shape[1]) return score @staticmethod def calc_landmarks_face_pitch(flm): """ UNUSED - Calculate the amount of pitch in a face """ var_t = ((flm[6][1] - flm[8][1]) + (flm[10][1] - flm[8][1])) / 2.0 var_b = flm[8][1] return var_b - var_t @staticmethod def calc_landmarks_face_yaw(flm): """ Calculate the amount of yaw in a face """ var_l = ((flm[27][0] - flm[0][0]) + (flm[28][0] - flm[1][0]) + (flm[29][0] - flm[2][0])) / 3.0 var_r = ((flm[16][0] - flm[27][0]) + (flm[15][0] - flm[28][0]) + (flm[14][0] - flm[29][0])) / 3.0 return var_r - var_l @staticmethod def set_process_file_method(log_changes, keep_original): """ Assigns the final file processing method based on whether changes are being logged and whether the original files are being kept in the input directory. Relevant cli arguments: -k, -l :return: function reference """ if log_changes: if keep_original: def process_file(src, dst, changes): """ Process file method if logging changes and keeping original """ copyfile(src, dst) changes[src] = dst else: def process_file(src, dst, changes): """ Process file method if logging changes and not keeping original """ os.rename(src, dst) changes[src] = dst else: if keep_original: def process_file(src, dst, changes): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Process file method if not logging changes and keeping original """ copyfile(src, dst) else: def process_file(src, dst, changes): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Process file method if not logging changes and not keeping original """ os.rename(src, dst) return process_file @staticmethod def set_renaming_method(log_changes): """ Set the method for renaming files """ if log_changes: def renaming(src, output_dir, i, changes): """ Rename files method if logging changes """ src_basename = os.path.basename(src) __src = os.path.join(output_dir, '{:05d}_{}'.format(i, src_basename)) dst = os.path.join( output_dir, '{:05d}{}'.format(i, os.path.splitext(src_basename)[1])) changes[src] = dst return __src, dst else: def renaming(src, output_dir, i, changes): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Rename files method if not logging changes """ src_basename = os.path.basename(src) src = os.path.join(output_dir, '{:05d}_{}'.format(i, src_basename)) dst = os.path.join( output_dir, '{:05d}{}'.format(i, os.path.splitext(src_basename)[1])) return src, dst return renaming @staticmethod def get_avg_score_hist(img1, references): """ Return the average histogram score between a face and reference image """ scores = [] for img2 in references: score = cv2.compareHist(img1, img2, cv2.HISTCMP_BHATTACHARYYA) scores.append(score) return sum(scores) / len(scores) @staticmethod def get_avg_score_faces_cnn(fl1, references): """ Return the average CNN similarity score between a face and reference image """ scores = [] for fl2 in references: score = np.sum(np.absolute((fl2 - fl1).flatten())) scores.append(score) return sum(scores) / len(scores)