def start(self, cfg): """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ GET CONFIG """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ FORCE_GPU_COMPATIBLE = cfg['force_gpu_compatible'] SAVE_TO_FILE = cfg['save_to_file'] VISUALIZE = cfg['visualize'] VIS_WORKER = cfg['vis_worker'] VIS_TEXT = cfg['vis_text'] MAX_FRAMES = cfg['max_frames'] WIDTH = cfg['width'] HEIGHT = cfg['height'] FPS_INTERVAL = cfg['fps_interval'] DET_INTERVAL = cfg['det_interval'] DET_TH = cfg['det_th'] SPLIT_MODEL = cfg['split_model'] LOG_DEVICE = cfg['log_device'] ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH = cfg['allow_memory_growth'] SPLIT_SHAPE = cfg['split_shape'] DEBUG_MODE = cfg['debug_mode'] LABEL_PATH = cfg['label_path'] NUM_CLASSES = cfg['num_classes'] SRC_FROM = cfg['src_from'] CAMERA = 0 MOVIE = 1 IMAGE = 2 if SRC_FROM == 'camera': SRC_FROM = CAMERA VIDEO_INPUT = cfg['camera_input'] elif SRC_FROM == 'movie': SRC_FROM = MOVIE VIDEO_INPUT = cfg['movie_input'] elif SRC_FROM == 'image': SRC_FROM = IMAGE VIDEO_INPUT = cfg['image_input'] """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ LOAD FROZEN_GRAPH """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ load_frozen_graph = LoadFrozenGraph(cfg) graph = load_frozen_graph.load_graph() """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ LOAD LABEL MAP """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ llm = LoadLabelMap() category_index = llm.load_label_map(cfg) """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ PREPARE TF CONFIG OPTION """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ # Session Config: allow seperate GPU/CPU adressing and limit memory allocation config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=LOG_DEVICE) config.gpu_options.allow_growth = ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH config.gpu_options.force_gpu_compatible = FORCE_GPU_COMPATIBLE #config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.01 # 80MB memory is enough to run on TX2 """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ PREPARE GRAPH I/O TO VARIABLE """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ # Define Input and Ouput tensors image_tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name('image_tensor:0') detection_boxes = graph.get_tensor_by_name('detection_boxes:0') detection_scores = graph.get_tensor_by_name('detection_scores:0') detection_classes = graph.get_tensor_by_name('detection_classes:0') num_detections = graph.get_tensor_by_name('num_detections:0') if SPLIT_MODEL: SPLIT_TARGET_NAME = [ 'SecondStagePostprocessor/stack_1', 'SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/strided_slice', 'BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArrayStack_4/TensorArrayGatherV3', 'Squeeze_2', 'Squeeze_3', 'SecondStagePostprocessor/Reshape_4', ] ''' BAD SPLIT POINT SPLIT_TARGET_OUT_NAME = ['ExpandDims_4', 'Preprocessor/map/TensorArrayStack_1/TensorArrayGatherV3', 'Shape', 'ExpandDims_1', 'Reshape_4', 'Reshape_3', 'FirstStageFeatureExtractor/InceptionV2/InceptionV2/Mixed_4e/concat', ] SPLIT_TARGET_IN_NAME = ['ExpandDims_4', 'Preprocessor/map/TensorArrayStack_1/TensorArrayGatherV3', 'Shape_6', 'ExpandDims_1', 'Reshape_4', 'Reshape_3', 'FirstStageFeatureExtractor/InceptionV2/InceptionV2/Mixed_4e/concat', ] ''' split_out = [] split_in = [] for stn in SPLIT_TARGET_NAME: split_out += [graph.get_tensor_by_name(stn + ':0')] split_in += [graph.get_tensor_by_name(stn + '_1:0')] ''' BAD SPLIT POINT for stn in SPLIT_TARGET_OUT_NAME: split_out += [graph.get_tensor_by_name(stn+':0')] for stn in SPLIT_TARGET_IN_NAME: if stn == 'Shape_6': split_in += [graph.get_tensor_by_name(stn+':0')] else: split_in += [graph.get_tensor_by_name(stn+'_1:0')] ''' """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ START WORKER THREAD """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ # gpu_worker uses in split_model and non-split_model gpu_tag = 'GPU' cpu_tag = 'CPU' gpu_worker = SessionWorker(gpu_tag, graph, config) if SPLIT_MODEL: gpu_opts = split_out cpu_worker = SessionWorker(cpu_tag, graph, config) cpu_opts = [ detection_boxes, detection_scores, detection_classes, num_detections ] else: gpu_opts = [ detection_boxes, detection_scores, detection_classes, num_detections ] """ """ """ START VISUALIZE WORKER """ if VISUALIZE and VIS_WORKER: q_out = Queue.Queue() vis_worker = MPVisualizeWorker(cfg, MPVariable.vis_in_con) """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ START SENDER THREAD """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ start_sender(MPVariable.det_out_con, q_out) proc_frame_counter = 0 vis_proc_time = 0 """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ WAIT UNTIL THE FIRST DUMMY IMAGE DONE """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ print('Loading...') sleep_interval = 0.1 """ PUT DUMMY DATA INTO GPU WORKER """ ''' gpu_feeds = {image_tensor: [np.zeros((300, 300, 3))]} gpu_extras = {} gpu_worker.put_sess_queue(gpu_opts, gpu_feeds, gpu_extras) if SPLIT_MODEL: """ PUT DUMMY DATA INTO CPU WORKER """ cpu_feeds = {split_in[1]: np.zeros((1))} cpu_extras = {} cpu_worker.put_sess_queue(cpu_opts, cpu_feeds, cpu_extras) """ WAIT UNTIL JIT-COMPILE DONE """ while True: g = gpu_worker.get_result_queue() if g is None: time.sleep(sleep_interval) else: break if SPLIT_MODEL: while True: c = cpu_worker.get_result_queue() if c is None: time.sleep(sleep_interval) else: break """ """ ''' """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ START CAMERA """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ if SRC_FROM == CAMERA: from import WebcamVideoStream as VideoReader elif SRC_FROM == MOVIE: from import VideoReader elif SRC_FROM == IMAGE: from lib.image import ImageReader as VideoReader video_reader = VideoReader() if SRC_FROM == IMAGE: video_reader.start(VIDEO_INPUT, save_to_file=SAVE_TO_FILE) else: # CAMERA, MOVIE video_reader.start(VIDEO_INPUT, WIDTH, HEIGHT, save_to_file=SAVE_TO_FILE) frame_cols, frame_rows = video_reader.getSize() """ STATISTICS FONT """ fontScale = frame_rows / 1000.0 if fontScale < 0.4: fontScale = 0.4 fontThickness = 1 + int(fontScale) fontFace = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX if SRC_FROM == MOVIE: dir_path, filename = os.path.split(VIDEO_INPUT) filepath_prefix = filename elif SRC_FROM == CAMERA: filepath_prefix = 'frame' """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ DETECTION LOOP """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ print('Starting Detection') sleep_interval = 0.005 top_in_time = None frame_in_processing_counter = 0 try: if not video_reader.running: raise IOError(("Input src error.")) while MPVariable.running.value: if top_in_time is None: top_in_time = time.time() """ SPRIT/NON-SPLIT MODEL CAMERA TO WORKER """ if video_reader.running: if gpu_worker.is_sess_empty(): # must need for speed cap_in_time = time.time() if SRC_FROM == IMAGE: frame, filepath = if frame is not None: frame_in_processing_counter += 1 else: frame = if frame is not None: filepath = filepath_prefix + '_' + str( proc_frame_counter) + '.png' frame_in_processing_counter += 1 if frame is not None: image_expanded = np.expand_dims( cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), axis=0) # np.expand_dims is faster than [] #image_expanded = np.expand_dims(frame, axis=0) # BGR image for input. Of couse, bad accuracy in RGB trained model, but speed up. cap_out_time = time.time() # put new queue gpu_feeds = {image_tensor: image_expanded} gpu_extras = { 'image': frame, 'top_in_time': top_in_time, 'cap_in_time': cap_in_time, 'cap_out_time': cap_out_time, 'filepath': filepath } # always image draw. gpu_worker.put_sess_queue(gpu_opts, gpu_feeds, gpu_extras) elif frame_in_processing_counter <= 0: MPVariable.running.value = False break g = gpu_worker.get_result_queue() if SPLIT_MODEL: # if g is None: gpu thread has no output queue. ok skip, let's check cpu thread. if g is not None: # gpu thread has output queue. result_slice_out, extras = g['results'], g['extras'] if cpu_worker.is_sess_empty(): # When cpu thread has no next queue, put new queue. # else, drop gpu queue. cpu_feeds = {} for i in range(len(result_slice_out)): cpu_feeds.update( {split_in[i]: result_slice_out[i]}) cpu_extras = extras cpu_worker.put_sess_queue(cpu_opts, cpu_feeds, cpu_extras) else: # else: cpu thread is busy. don't put new queue. let's check cpu result queue. frame_in_processing_counter -= 1 # check cpu thread. q = cpu_worker.get_result_queue() else: """ NON-SPLIT MODEL """ q = g if q is None: """ SPLIT/NON-SPLIT MODEL """ # detection is not complete yet. ok nothing to do. time.sleep(sleep_interval) continue frame_in_processing_counter -= 1 boxes, scores, classes, num, extras = q['results'][0], q[ 'results'][1], q['results'][2], q['results'][3], q[ 'extras'] det_out_time = time.time() """ ALWAYS BOX DRAW ON IMAGE """ vis_in_time = time.time() image = extras['image'] if SRC_FROM == IMAGE: filepath = extras['filepath'] frame_rows, frame_cols = image.shape[:2] """ STATISTICS FONT """ fontScale = frame_rows / 1000.0 if fontScale < 0.4: fontScale = 0.4 fontThickness = 1 + int(fontScale) else: filepath = extras['filepath'] image = visualization(category_index, image, boxes, scores, classes, DEBUG_MODE, VIS_TEXT, FPS_INTERVAL, fontFace=fontFace, fontScale=fontScale, fontThickness=fontThickness) """ VISUALIZATION """ if VISUALIZE: if (MPVariable.vis_skip_rate.value == 0) or (proc_frame_counter % MPVariable.vis_skip_rate.value < 1): if VIS_WORKER: q_out.put({ 'image': image, 'vis_in_time': vis_in_time }) else: """ SHOW """ cv2.imshow("Object Detection", image) # Press q to quit if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == 113: #ord('q'): break MPVariable.vis_frame_counter.value += 1 vis_out_time = time.time() """ PROCESSING TIME """ vis_proc_time = vis_out_time - vis_in_time MPVariable.vis_proc_time.value += vis_proc_time else: """ NO VISUALIZE """ for box, score, _class in zip(np.squeeze(boxes), np.squeeze(scores), np.squeeze(classes)): if proc_frame_counter % DET_INTERVAL == 0 and score > DET_TH: label = category_index[_class]['name'] print("label: {}\nscore: {}\nbox: {}".format( label, score, box)) vis_out_time = time.time() """ PROCESSING TIME """ vis_proc_time = vis_out_time - vis_in_time if SAVE_TO_FILE: if SRC_FROM == IMAGE:, filepath) else: proc_frame_counter += 1 if proc_frame_counter > 100000: proc_frame_counter = 0 """ PROCESSING TIME """ top_in_time = extras['top_in_time'] cap_proc_time = extras['cap_out_time'] - extras['cap_in_time'] gpu_proc_time = extras[gpu_tag + '_out_time'] - extras[gpu_tag + '_in_time'] if SPLIT_MODEL: cpu_proc_time = extras[cpu_tag + '_out_time'] - extras[cpu_tag + '_in_time'] else: cpu_proc_time = 0 lost_proc_time = det_out_time - top_in_time - cap_proc_time - gpu_proc_time - cpu_proc_time total_proc_time = det_out_time - top_in_time MPVariable.cap_proc_time.value += cap_proc_time MPVariable.gpu_proc_time.value += gpu_proc_time MPVariable.cpu_proc_time.value += cpu_proc_time MPVariable.lost_proc_time.value += lost_proc_time MPVariable.total_proc_time.value += total_proc_time if DEBUG_MODE: if SPLIT_MODEL: sys.stdout.write( 'snapshot FPS:{: ^5.1f} total:{: ^10.5f} cap:{: ^10.5f} gpu:{: ^10.5f} cpu:{: ^10.5f} lost:{: ^10.5f} | vis:{: ^10.5f}\n' .format(MPVariable.fps.value, total_proc_time, cap_proc_time, gpu_proc_time, cpu_proc_time, lost_proc_time, vis_proc_time)) else: sys.stdout.write( 'snapshot FPS:{: ^5.1f} total:{: ^10.5f} cap:{: ^10.5f} gpu:{: ^10.5f} lost:{: ^10.5f} | vis:{: ^10.5f}\n' .format(MPVariable.fps.value, total_proc_time, cap_proc_time, gpu_proc_time, lost_proc_time, vis_proc_time)) """ EXIT WITHOUT GUI """ if not VISUALIZE and MAX_FRAMES > 0: if proc_frame_counter >= MAX_FRAMES: MPVariable.running.value = False break """ CHANGE SLEEP INTERVAL """ if MPVariable.frame_counter.value == 0 and MPVariable.fps.value > 0: sleep_interval = 0.1 / MPVariable.fps.value MPVariable.sleep_interval.value = sleep_interval MPVariable.frame_counter.value += 1 top_in_time = None """ END while """ except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() finally: """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ CLOSE """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ if VISUALIZE and VIS_WORKER: q_out.put(None) MPVariable.running.value = False gpu_worker.stop() if SPLIT_MODEL: cpu_worker.stop() video_reader.stop() if VISUALIZE: cv2.destroyAllWindows() """ """ return
def start(self, cfg): """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ GET CONFIG """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ FORCE_GPU_COMPATIBLE = cfg['force_gpu_compatible'] SAVE_TO_FILE = cfg['save_to_file'] VISUALIZE = cfg['visualize'] VIS_WORKER = cfg['vis_worker'] VIS_TEXT = cfg['vis_text'] MAX_FRAMES = cfg['max_frames'] WIDTH = cfg['width'] HEIGHT = cfg['height'] FPS_INTERVAL = cfg['fps_interval'] DET_INTERVAL = cfg['det_interval'] DET_TH = cfg['det_th'] LOG_DEVICE = cfg['log_device'] ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH = cfg['allow_memory_growth'] DEBUG_MODE = cfg['debug_mode'] LABEL_PATH = cfg['label_path'] NUM_CLASSES = cfg['num_classes'] MIN_AREA = 500 SRC_FROM = cfg['src_from'] CAMERA = 0 MOVIE = 1 IMAGE = 2 if SRC_FROM == 'camera': SRC_FROM = CAMERA VIDEO_INPUT = cfg['camera_input'] elif SRC_FROM == 'movie': SRC_FROM = MOVIE VIDEO_INPUT = cfg['movie_input'] elif SRC_FROM == 'image': SRC_FROM = IMAGE VIDEO_INPUT = cfg['image_input'] """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ LOAD FROZEN_GRAPH """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ load_frozen_graph = LoadFrozenGraph(cfg) graph = load_frozen_graph.load_graph() """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ LOAD LABEL MAP """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ llm = LoadLabelMap() category_index = llm.load_label_map(cfg) """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ PREPARE TF CONFIG OPTION """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ # Session Config: allow seperate GPU/CPU adressing and limit memory allocation config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=LOG_DEVICE) config.gpu_options.allow_growth = ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH config.gpu_options.force_gpu_compatible = FORCE_GPU_COMPATIBLE #config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.01 # 80MB memory is enough to run on TX2 """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ PREPARE GRAPH I/O TO VARIABLE """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ # Define Input and Ouput tensors image_tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name('ImageTensor:0') semantic_predictions = graph.get_tensor_by_name( 'SemanticPredictions:0') """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ START CAMERA """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ if SRC_FROM == CAMERA: from import WebcamVideoStream as VideoReader elif SRC_FROM == MOVIE: from import VideoReader elif SRC_FROM == IMAGE: from lib.image import ImageReader as VideoReader video_reader = VideoReader() if SRC_FROM == IMAGE: video_reader.start(VIDEO_INPUT, save_to_file=SAVE_TO_FILE) frame_cols, frame_rows = HEIGHT, WIDTH else: # CAMERA, MOVIE video_reader.start(VIDEO_INPUT, WIDTH, HEIGHT, save_to_file=SAVE_TO_FILE) frame_cols, frame_rows = video_reader.getSize() """ STATISTICS FONT """ fontScale = frame_rows / 1000.0 if fontScale < 0.4: fontScale = 0.4 fontThickness = 1 + int(fontScale) fontFace = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX if SRC_FROM == MOVIE: dir_path, filename = os.path.split(VIDEO_INPUT) filepath_prefix = filename elif SRC_FROM == CAMERA: filepath_prefix = 'frame' """ """ LABEL_NAMES = np.asarray([ 'background', 'aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'bird', 'boat', 'bottle', 'bus', 'car', 'cat', 'chair', 'cow', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'horse', 'motorbike', 'person', 'pottedplant', 'sheep', 'sofa', 'train', 'tv' ]) FULL_LABEL_MAP = np.arange(len(LABEL_NAMES)).reshape( len(LABEL_NAMES), 1) FULL_COLOR_MAP = label_to_color_image(FULL_LABEL_MAP) """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ START WORKER THREAD """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ # gpu_worker uses in split_model and non-split_model gpu_tag = 'GPU' cpu_tag = 'CPU' gpu_worker = SessionWorker(gpu_tag, graph, config) gpu_opts = [semantic_predictions] """ """ """ START VISUALIZE WORKER """ if VISUALIZE and VIS_WORKER: q_out = Queue.Queue() vis_worker = MPVisualizeWorker(cfg, MPVariable.vis_in_con) """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ START SENDER THREAD """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ start_sender(MPVariable.det_out_con, q_out) proc_frame_counter = 0 vis_proc_time = 0 """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ WAIT UNTIL THE FIRST DUMMY IMAGE DONE """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ print('Loading...') sleep_interval = 0.1 """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ DETECTION LOOP """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ print('Starting Detection') sleep_interval = 0.005 top_in_time = None frame_in_processing_counter = 0 resize_ratio = 1.0 * 513 / max(frame_cols, frame_rows) target_size = (int(resize_ratio * frame_cols), int(resize_ratio * frame_rows)) try: if not video_reader.running: raise IOError(("Input src error.")) while MPVariable.running.value: if top_in_time is None: top_in_time = time.time() """ NON-SPLIT MODEL CAMERA TO WORKER """ if video_reader.running: if gpu_worker.is_sess_empty(): # must need for speed cap_in_time = time.time() if SRC_FROM == IMAGE: frame, filepath = if frame is not None: frame_in_processing_counter += 1 else: frame = if frame is not None: filepath = filepath_prefix + '_' + str( proc_frame_counter) + '.png' frame_in_processing_counter += 1 if frame is not None: frame = cv2.resize(frame, target_size) image_expanded = np.expand_dims( cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), axis=0) # np.expand_dims is faster than [] #image_expanded = np.expand_dims(frame, axis=0) # BGR image for input. Of couse, bad accuracy in RGB trained model, but speed up. cap_out_time = time.time() # put new queue gpu_feeds = {image_tensor: image_expanded} gpu_extras = { 'image': frame, 'top_in_time': top_in_time, 'cap_in_time': cap_in_time, 'cap_out_time': cap_out_time, 'filepath': filepath } # always image draw. gpu_worker.put_sess_queue(gpu_opts, gpu_feeds, gpu_extras) elif frame_in_processing_counter <= 0: MPVariable.running.value = False break g = gpu_worker.get_result_queue() if g is None: # detection is not complete yet. ok nothing to do. time.sleep(sleep_interval) continue frame_in_processing_counter -= 1 batch_seg_map, extras = g['results'][0], g['extras'] seg_map = batch_seg_map[0] det_out_time = time.time() """ ALWAYS BOX DRAW ON IMAGE """ vis_in_time = time.time() image = extras['image'] if SRC_FROM == IMAGE: filepath = extras['filepath'] frame_rows, frame_cols = image.shape[:2] """ STATISTICS FONT """ fontScale = frame_rows / 1000.0 if fontScale < 0.4: fontScale = 0.4 fontThickness = 1 + int(fontScale) else: filepath = extras['filepath'] seg_image = STANDARD_COLORS_ARRAY[seg_map] #seg_image = label_to_color_image(seg_map).astype(np.uint8) #unique_labels = np.unique(seg_map) #rgb_seg = full_color_map[unique_labels].astype(np.uint8) ### TODO: to bgr #image = to_layer(image, seg_image, background_alpha=1.0, foreground_alpha=1.0, gamma=0) b_channel, g_channel, r_channel = cv2.split(seg_image) # Make a single channel mask if background: 0 else: 1 mask = seg_map > 0 alpha_channel = np.ones( b_channel.shape, dtype=b_channel.dtype ) * 0 #creating a dummy alpha channel image. seg_image_bgra = cv2.merge( (b_channel, g_channel, r_channel, alpha_channel)) seg_image = cv2.merge(cv2.split(seg_image_bgra)[:3]) #image = overdraw(image, seg_image, mask) image = blending(image, seg_image) image = deeplab_visualization(LABEL_NAMES, image, seg_map, DEBUG_MODE, VIS_TEXT, FPS_INTERVAL, fontFace=fontFace, fontScale=fontScale, fontThickness=fontThickness) """ VISUALIZATION """ if VISUALIZE: if (MPVariable.vis_skip_rate.value == 0) or (proc_frame_counter % MPVariable.vis_skip_rate.value < 1): if VIS_WORKER: q_out.put({ 'image': image, 'vis_in_time': vis_in_time }) else: """ SHOW """ cv2.imshow("Object Detection", image) # Press q to quit if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == 113: #ord('q'): break MPVariable.vis_frame_counter.value += 1 vis_out_time = time.time() """ PROCESSING TIME """ vis_proc_time = vis_out_time - vis_in_time MPVariable.vis_proc_time.value += vis_proc_time else: """ NO VISUALIZE """ for box, score, _class in zip(boxes, scores, classes): if proc_frame_counter % DET_INTERVAL == 0 and score > DET_TH: label = category_index[_class]['name'] print("label: {}\nscore: {}\nbox: {}".format( label, score, box)) vis_out_time = time.time() """ PROCESSING TIME """ vis_proc_time = vis_out_time - vis_in_time if SAVE_TO_FILE: if SRC_FROM == IMAGE:, filepath) else: proc_frame_counter += 1 if proc_frame_counter > 100000: proc_frame_counter = 0 """ PROCESSING TIME """ top_in_time = extras['top_in_time'] cap_proc_time = extras['cap_out_time'] - extras['cap_in_time'] gpu_proc_time = extras[gpu_tag + '_out_time'] - extras[gpu_tag + '_in_time'] cpu_proc_time = 0 lost_proc_time = det_out_time - top_in_time - cap_proc_time - gpu_proc_time - cpu_proc_time total_proc_time = det_out_time - top_in_time MPVariable.cap_proc_time.value += cap_proc_time MPVariable.gpu_proc_time.value += gpu_proc_time MPVariable.cpu_proc_time.value += cpu_proc_time MPVariable.lost_proc_time.value += lost_proc_time MPVariable.total_proc_time.value += total_proc_time if DEBUG_MODE: sys.stdout.write( 'snapshot FPS:{: ^5.1f} total:{: ^10.5f} cap:{: ^10.5f} gpu:{: ^10.5f} lost:{: ^10.5f} | vis:{: ^10.5f}\n' .format(MPVariable.fps.value, total_proc_time, cap_proc_time, gpu_proc_time, lost_proc_time, vis_proc_time)) """ EXIT WITHOUT GUI """ if not VISUALIZE and MAX_FRAMES > 0: if proc_frame_counter >= MAX_FRAMES: MPVariable.running.value = False break """ CHANGE SLEEP INTERVAL """ if MPVariable.frame_counter.value == 0 and MPVariable.fps.value > 0: sleep_interval = 0.1 / MPVariable.fps.value MPVariable.sleep_interval.value = sleep_interval MPVariable.frame_counter.value += 1 top_in_time = None """ END while """ except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() finally: """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ CLOSE """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ if VISUALIZE and VIS_WORKER: q_out.put(None) MPVariable.running.value = False gpu_worker.stop() video_reader.stop() if VISUALIZE: cv2.destroyAllWindows() """ """ return
def start(self, cfg): """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ GET CONFIG """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ FORCE_GPU_COMPATIBLE = cfg['force_gpu_compatible'] SAVE_TO_MOVIE = cfg['save_to_movie'] VISUALIZE = cfg['visualize'] VIS_WORKER = cfg['vis_worker'] VIS_TEXT = cfg['vis_text'] MAX_FRAMES = cfg['max_frames'] WIDTH = cfg['width'] HEIGHT = cfg['height'] FPS_INTERVAL = cfg['fps_interval'] DET_INTERVAL = cfg['det_interval'] DET_TH = cfg['det_th'] SPLIT_MODEL = cfg['split_model'] LOG_DEVICE = cfg['log_device'] ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH = cfg['allow_memory_growth'] SPLIT_SHAPE = cfg['split_shape'] DEBUG_MODE = cfg['debug_mode'] LABEL_PATH = cfg['label_path'] NUM_CLASSES = cfg['num_classes'] FROM_CAMERA = cfg['from_camera'] if FROM_CAMERA: VIDEO_INPUT = cfg['camera_input'] else: VIDEO_INPUT = cfg['movie_input'] """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ LOAD FROZEN_GRAPH """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ load_frozen_graph = LoadFrozenGraph(cfg) graph = load_frozen_graph.load_graph() """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ LOAD LABEL MAP """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ llm = LoadLabelMap() category_index = llm.load_label_map(cfg) """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ PREPARE TF CONFIG OPTION """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ # Session Config: allow seperate GPU/CPU adressing and limit memory allocation config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=LOG_DEVICE) config.gpu_options.allow_growth = ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH config.gpu_options.force_gpu_compatible = FORCE_GPU_COMPATIBLE #config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.01 # 80MB memory is enough to run on TX2 """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ PREPARE GRAPH I/O TO VARIABLE """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ # Define Input and Ouput tensors image_tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name('image_tensor:0') detection_boxes = graph.get_tensor_by_name('detection_boxes:0') detection_scores = graph.get_tensor_by_name('detection_scores:0') detection_classes = graph.get_tensor_by_name('detection_classes:0') num_detections = graph.get_tensor_by_name('num_detections:0') detection_masks = graph.get_tensor_by_name('detection_masks:0') """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ START CAMERA """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ if FROM_CAMERA: from import WebcamVideoStream as VideoReader else: from import VideoReader video_reader = VideoReader() video_reader.start(VIDEO_INPUT, WIDTH, HEIGHT, save_to_movie=SAVE_TO_MOVIE) frame_cols, frame_rows = video_reader.getSize() """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ FONT """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ STATISTICS FONT """ fontFace = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX fontScale = frame_rows/1000.0 if fontScale < 0.4: fontScale = 0.4 fontThickness = 1 + int(fontScale) """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ PREAPRE GRAPH MASK OUTPUT """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ # The following processing is only for single image _detection_boxes = tf.squeeze(detection_boxes, [0]) _detection_masks = tf.squeeze(detection_masks, [0]) # Reframe is required to translate mask from box coordinates to image coordinates and fit the image size. _real_num_detection = tf.cast(num_detections[0], tf.int32) _detection_boxes = tf.slice(_detection_boxes, [0, 0], [_real_num_detection, -1]) _detection_masks = tf.slice(_detection_masks, [0, 0, 0], [_real_num_detection, -1, -1]) _detection_masks_reframed = utils_ops.reframe_box_masks_to_image_masks( _detection_masks, _detection_boxes, frame_rows, frame_cols) _detection_masks_reframed = tf.cast( tf.greater(_detection_masks_reframed, 0.5), tf.uint8) # Follow the convention by adding back the batch dimension detection_masks = tf.expand_dims( _detection_masks_reframed, 0) if SPLIT_MODEL: SPLIT_TARGET_NAME = ['Gather', 'BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression_1/map/TensorArrayStack_1/TensorArrayGatherV3', 'BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression_1/map/TensorArrayStack_4/TensorArrayGatherV3', 'Shape_11', 'Shape_12', 'add_1', 'detection_boxes', ] split_out = [] split_in = [] for stn in SPLIT_TARGET_NAME: split_out += [graph.get_tensor_by_name(stn+':0')] split_in += [graph.get_tensor_by_name(stn+'_1:0')] """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ START WORKER THREAD """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ # gpu_worker uses in split_model and non-split_model gpu_tag = 'GPU' cpu_tag = 'CPU' gpu_worker = SessionWorker(gpu_tag, graph, config) if SPLIT_MODEL: gpu_opts = split_out cpu_worker = SessionWorker(cpu_tag, graph, config) cpu_opts = [detection_boxes, detection_scores, detection_classes, num_detections, detection_masks] else: gpu_opts = [detection_boxes, detection_scores, detection_classes, num_detections, detection_masks] """ """ """ START VISUALIZE WORKER """ if VISUALIZE and VIS_WORKER: q_out = Queue.Queue() vis_worker = MPVisualizeWorker(cfg, MPVariable.vis_in_con) """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ START SENDER THREAD """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ start_sender(MPVariable.det_out_con, q_out) proc_frame_counter = 0 vis_proc_time = 0 """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ LOAD LABEL MAP """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ llm = LoadLabelMap() category_index = llm.load_label_map(cfg) """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ WAIT UNTIL THE FIRST DUMMY IMAGE DONE """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ print('Loading...') sleep_interval = 0.1 ''' """ PUT DUMMY DATA INTO GPU WORKER """ gpu_feeds = {image_tensor: [np.zeros((300, 300, 3))]} gpu_extras = {} gpu_worker.put_sess_queue(gpu_opts, gpu_feeds, gpu_extras) if SPLIT_MODEL: """ PUT DUMMY DATA INTO CPU WORKER """ slice1 = np.zeros((1, SPLIT_SHAPE, NUM_CLASSES)) expand = np.zeros((1, SPLIT_SHAPE, 1, 4)) stack = [[0., 0., 1., 1.]] cpu_feeds = {slice1_in: slice1, expand_in: expand, stack_in: stack} cpu_extras = {} cpu_worker.put_sess_queue(cpu_opts, cpu_feeds, cpu_extras) """ WAIT UNTIL JIT-COMPILE DONE """ while True: g = gpu_worker.get_result_queue() if g is None: time.sleep(sleep_interval) else: break if SPLIT_MODEL: while True: c = cpu_worker.get_result_queue() if c is None: time.sleep(sleep_interval) else: break """ """ ''' """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ DETECTION LOOP """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ print('Starting Detection') sleep_interval = 0.005 top_in_time = None try: while video_reader.running and MPVariable.running.value: if top_in_time is None: top_in_time = time.time() """ SPRIT/NON-SPLIT MODEL CAMERA TO WORKER """ if gpu_worker.is_sess_empty(): # must need for speed cap_in_time = time.time() frame = if frame is None: MPVariable.running.value = False break image_expanded = np.expand_dims(cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), axis=0) # np.expand_dims is faster than [] #image_expanded = np.expand_dims(frame, axis=0) # BGR image for input. Of couse, bad accuracy in RGB trained model, but speed up. cap_out_time = time.time() # put new queue gpu_feeds = {image_tensor: image_expanded} gpu_extras = {'image':frame, 'top_in_time':top_in_time, 'cap_in_time':cap_in_time, 'cap_out_time':cap_out_time} # always image draw. gpu_worker.put_sess_queue(gpu_opts, gpu_feeds, gpu_extras) g = gpu_worker.get_result_queue() if SPLIT_MODEL: # if g is None: gpu thread has no output queue. ok skip, let's check cpu thread. if g is not None: # gpu thread has output queue. result_slice_out, extras = g['results'], g['extras'] if cpu_worker.is_sess_empty(): # When cpu thread has no next queue, put new queue. # else, drop gpu queue. cpu_feeds = {} for i in range(len(result_slice_out)): cpu_feeds.update({split_in[i]:result_slice_out[i]}) # add image_tensor cpu_feeds.update({image_tensor: image_expanded}) cpu_extras = extras cpu_worker.put_sess_queue(cpu_opts, cpu_feeds, cpu_extras) # else: cpu thread is busy. don't put new queue. let's check cpu result queue. # check cpu thread. q = cpu_worker.get_result_queue() else: """ NON-SPLIT MODEL """ q = g if q is None: """ SPLIT/NON-SPLIT MODEL """ # detection is not complete yet. ok nothing to do. time.sleep(sleep_interval) continue boxes, scores, classes, num, masks, extras = q['results'][0], q['results'][1], q['results'][2], q['results'][3], q['results'][4], q['extras'] det_out_time = time.time() """ ALWAYS BOX DRAW ON IMAGE """ vis_in_time = time.time() image = extras['image'] image = visualization(category_index, image, boxes, scores, classes, DEBUG_MODE, VIS_TEXT, FPS_INTERVAL, fontFace=fontFace, fontScale=fontScale, fontThickness=fontThickness, masks=masks) """ VISUALIZATION """ if VISUALIZE: if (MPVariable.vis_skip_rate.value == 0) or (proc_frame_counter % MPVariable.vis_skip_rate.value < 1): if VIS_WORKER: q_out.put({'image':image, 'vis_in_time':vis_in_time}) else: #np.set_printoptions(precision=5, suppress=True, threshold=np.inf) # suppress scientific float notation """ SHOW """ cv2.imshow("Object Detection", image) # Press q to quit if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == 113: #ord('q'): break MPVariable.vis_frame_counter.value += 1 vis_out_time = time.time() """ PROCESSING TIME """ vis_proc_time = vis_out_time - vis_in_time MPVariable.vis_proc_time.value += vis_proc_time else: """ NO VISUALIZE """ for box, score, _class in zip(np.squeeze(boxes), np.squeeze(scores), np.squeeze(classes)): if proc_frame_counter % DET_INTERVAL == 0 and score > DET_TH: label = category_index[_class]['name'] print("label: {}\nscore: {}\nbox: {}".format(label, score, box)) MPVariable.vis_frame_counter.value += 1 vis_out_time = time.time() """ PROCESSING TIME """ vis_proc_time = vis_out_time - vis_in_time if SAVE_TO_MOVIE: proc_frame_counter += 1 if proc_frame_counter > 100000: proc_frame_counter = 0 """ PROCESSING TIME """ top_in_time = extras['top_in_time'] cap_proc_time = extras['cap_out_time'] - extras['cap_in_time'] gpu_proc_time = extras[gpu_tag+'_out_time'] - extras[gpu_tag+'_in_time'] if SPLIT_MODEL: cpu_proc_time = extras[cpu_tag+'_out_time'] - extras[cpu_tag+'_in_time'] else: cpu_proc_time = 0 lost_proc_time = det_out_time - top_in_time - cap_proc_time - gpu_proc_time - cpu_proc_time total_proc_time = det_out_time - top_in_time MPVariable.cap_proc_time.value += cap_proc_time MPVariable.gpu_proc_time.value += gpu_proc_time MPVariable.cpu_proc_time.value += cpu_proc_time MPVariable.lost_proc_time.value += lost_proc_time MPVariable.total_proc_time.value += total_proc_time if DEBUG_MODE: if SPLIT_MODEL: sys.stdout.write('snapshot FPS:{: ^5.1f} total:{: ^10.5f} cap:{: ^10.5f} gpu:{: ^10.5f} cpu:{: ^10.5f} lost:{: ^10.5f} | vis:{: ^10.5f}\n'.format( MPVariable.fps.value, total_proc_time, cap_proc_time, gpu_proc_time, cpu_proc_time, lost_proc_time, vis_proc_time)) else: sys.stdout.write('snapshot FPS:{: ^5.1f} total:{: ^10.5f} cap:{: ^10.5f} gpu:{: ^10.5f} lost:{: ^10.5f} | vis:{: ^10.5f}\n'.format( MPVariable.fps.value, total_proc_time, cap_proc_time, gpu_proc_time, lost_proc_time, vis_proc_time)) """ EXIT WITHOUT GUI """ if not VISUALIZE and MAX_FRAMES > 0: if proc_frame_counter >= MAX_FRAMES: MPVariable.running.value = False break """ CHANGE SLEEP INTERVAL """ if MPVariable.frame_counter.value == 0 and MPVariable.fps.value > 0: sleep_interval = 0.1 / MPVariable.fps.value MPVariable.sleep_interval.value = sleep_interval MPVariable.frame_counter.value += 1 top_in_time = None """ END while """ except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() finally: """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ CLOSE """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ if VISUALIZE and VIS_WORKER: q_out.put(None) MPVariable.running.value = False gpu_worker.stop() if SPLIT_MODEL: cpu_worker.stop() video_reader.stop() if VISUALIZE: cv2.destroyAllWindows() """ """ return
def start(self, cfg): """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ GET CONFIG """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ FORCE_GPU_COMPATIBLE = cfg['force_gpu_compatible'] SAVE_TO_FILE = cfg['save_to_file'] VISUALIZE = cfg['visualize'] VIS_WORKER = cfg['vis_worker'] VIS_TEXT = cfg['vis_text'] MAX_FRAMES = cfg['max_frames'] WIDTH = cfg['width'] HEIGHT = cfg['height'] FPS_INTERVAL = cfg['fps_interval'] DET_INTERVAL = cfg['det_interval'] DET_TH = cfg['det_th'] WORKER_THREADS = cfg['worker_threads'] LOG_DEVICE = cfg['log_device'] ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH = cfg['allow_memory_growth'] DEBUG_MODE = cfg['debug_mode'] LABEL_PATH = cfg['label_path'] NUM_CLASSES = cfg['num_classes'] SRC_FROM = cfg['src_from'] CAMERA = 0 MOVIE = 1 IMAGE = 2 if SRC_FROM == 'camera': SRC_FROM = CAMERA VIDEO_INPUT = cfg['camera_input'] elif SRC_FROM == 'movie': SRC_FROM = MOVIE VIDEO_INPUT = cfg['movie_input'] elif SRC_FROM == 'image': SRC_FROM = IMAGE VIDEO_INPUT = cfg['image_input'] """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ LOAD FROZEN_GRAPH """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ load_frozen_graph = LoadFrozenGraph(cfg) graph = load_frozen_graph.load_graph() """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ LOAD LABEL MAP """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ llm = LoadLabelMap() category_index = llm.load_label_map(cfg) """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ PREPARE TF CONFIG OPTION """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ # Session Config: allow seperate GPU/CPU adressing and limit memory allocation config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=LOG_DEVICE) config.gpu_options.allow_growth = ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH config.gpu_options.force_gpu_compatible = FORCE_GPU_COMPATIBLE #config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.01 # 80MB memory is enough to run on TX2 """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ PREPARE GRAPH I/O TO VARIABLE """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ # Define Input and Ouput tensors image_tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name('image_tensor:0') detection_boxes = graph.get_tensor_by_name('detection_boxes:0') detection_scores = graph.get_tensor_by_name('detection_scores:0') detection_classes = graph.get_tensor_by_name('detection_classes:0') num_detections = graph.get_tensor_by_name('num_detections:0') detection_masks = graph.get_tensor_by_name('detection_masks:0') """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ START CAMERA """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ if SRC_FROM == CAMERA: from import WebcamVideoStream as VideoReader elif SRC_FROM == MOVIE: from import VideoReader elif SRC_FROM == IMAGE: from lib.image import ImageReader as VideoReader video_reader = VideoReader() if SRC_FROM == IMAGE: video_reader.start(VIDEO_INPUT, save_to_file=SAVE_TO_FILE) frame_cols, frame_rows = HEIGHT, WIDTH else: # CAMERA, MOVIE video_reader.start(VIDEO_INPUT, WIDTH, HEIGHT, save_to_file=SAVE_TO_FILE) frame_cols, frame_rows = video_reader.getSize() """ STATISTICS FONT """ fontScale = frame_rows/1000.0 if fontScale < 0.4: fontScale = 0.4 fontThickness = 1 + int(fontScale) fontFace = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX if SRC_FROM == MOVIE: dir_path, filename = os.path.split(VIDEO_INPUT) filepath_prefix = filename elif SRC_FROM == CAMERA: filepath_prefix = 'frame' """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ PREAPRE GRAPH MASK OUTPUT """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ # The following processing is only for single image _detection_boxes = tf.squeeze(detection_boxes, [0]) _detection_masks = tf.squeeze(detection_masks, [0]) # Reframe is required to translate mask from box coordinates to image coordinates and fit the image size. _real_num_detection = tf.cast(num_detections[0], tf.int32) _detection_boxes = tf.slice(_detection_boxes, [0, 0], [_real_num_detection, -1]) _detection_masks = tf.slice(_detection_masks, [0, 0, 0], [_real_num_detection, -1, -1]) _detection_masks_reframed = utils_ops.reframe_box_masks_to_image_masks( _detection_masks, _detection_boxes, frame_rows, frame_cols) _detection_masks_reframed = tf.cast( tf.greater(_detection_masks_reframed, 0.5), tf.uint8) # Follow the convention by adding back the batch dimension detection_masks = tf.expand_dims( _detection_masks_reframed, 0) """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ START WORKER THREAD """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ workers = [] worker_tag = 'worker' # create session worker threads for i in range(WORKER_THREADS): workers += [SessionWorker(worker_tag, graph, config)] worker_opts = [detection_boxes, detection_scores, detection_classes, num_detections, detection_masks] """ """ """ START VISUALIZE WORKER """ if VISUALIZE and VIS_WORKER: q_out = Queue.Queue() vis_worker = MPVisualizeWorker(cfg, MPVariable.vis_in_con) """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ START SENDER THREAD """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ start_sender(MPVariable.det_out_con, q_out) proc_frame_counter = 0 vis_proc_time = 0 """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ WAIT UNTIL THE FIRST DUMMY IMAGE DONE """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ print('Loading...') sleep_interval = 0.1 """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ DETECTION LOOP """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ print('Starting Detection') sleep_interval = 0.005 top_in_time = None frame_in_processing_counter = 0 current_in_worker_id = -1 worker_id_queue = Queue.Queue() retry_worker_id_queue = Queue.Queue() try: if not video_reader.running: raise IOError(("Input src error.")) while MPVariable.running.value: if top_in_time is None: top_in_time = time.time() """ RUN ALL WORKERS """ if video_reader.running: for i in range(WORKER_THREADS): worker_in_id = i + current_in_worker_id + 1 worker_in_id %= WORKER_THREADS if workers[worker_in_id].is_sess_empty(): # must need for speed cap_in_time = time.time() if SRC_FROM == IMAGE: frame, filepath = if frame is not None: frame_in_processing_counter += 1 frame = cv2.resize(frame, (frame_cols, frame_rows)) else: frame = if frame is not None: filepath = filepath_prefix+'_'+str(proc_frame_counter)+'.png' frame_in_processing_counter += 1 if frame is not None: image_expanded = np.expand_dims(cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), axis=0) # np.expand_dims is faster than [] #image_expanded = np.expand_dims(frame, axis=0) # BGR image for input. Of couse, bad accuracy in RGB trained model, but speed up. cap_out_time = time.time() # put new queue worker_feeds = {image_tensor: image_expanded} worker_extras = {'image':frame, 'top_in_time':top_in_time, 'cap_in_time':cap_in_time, 'cap_out_time':cap_out_time, 'filepath': filepath} # always image draw. workers[worker_in_id].put_sess_queue(worker_opts, worker_feeds, worker_extras) current_in_worker_id = worker_in_id worker_id_queue.put(worker_in_id) time.sleep(sleep_interval*10/WORKER_THREADS) break elif frame_in_processing_counter <= 0: MPVariable.running.value = False break q = None if not retry_worker_id_queue.empty(): #print("retry!") worker_out_id = retry_worker_id_queue.get(block=False) worker_out_id %= WORKER_THREADS retry_worker_id_queue.task_done() q = workers[worker_out_id].get_result_queue() if q is None: retry_worker_id_queue.put(worker_out_id) elif not worker_id_queue.empty(): worker_out_id = worker_id_queue.get(block=False) worker_out_id %= WORKER_THREADS worker_id_queue.task_done() q = workers[worker_out_id].get_result_queue() if q is None: retry_worker_id_queue.put(worker_out_id) if q is None: # detection is not complete yet. ok nothing to do. time.sleep(sleep_interval) continue #print("ok!") frame_in_processing_counter -= 1 boxes, scores, classes, num, masks, extras = q['results'][0], q['results'][1], q['results'][2], q['results'][3], q['results'][4], q['extras'] boxes, scores, classes = np.squeeze(boxes), np.squeeze(scores), np.squeeze(classes).astype(np.int32) det_out_time = time.time() """ ALWAYS BOX DRAW ON IMAGE """ vis_in_time = time.time() image = extras['image'] if SRC_FROM == IMAGE: filepath = extras['filepath'] frame_rows, frame_cols = image.shape[:2] """ STATISTICS FONT """ fontScale = frame_rows/1000.0 if fontScale < 0.4: fontScale = 0.4 fontThickness = 1 + int(fontScale) else: filepath = extras['filepath'] image = visualization(category_index, image, boxes, scores, classes, DEBUG_MODE, VIS_TEXT, FPS_INTERVAL, fontFace=fontFace, fontScale=fontScale, fontThickness=fontThickness, masks=masks) """ VISUALIZATION """ if VISUALIZE: if (MPVariable.vis_skip_rate.value == 0) or (proc_frame_counter % MPVariable.vis_skip_rate.value < 1): if VIS_WORKER: q_out.put({'image':image, 'vis_in_time':vis_in_time}) else: #np.set_printoptions(precision=5, suppress=True, threshold=np.inf) # suppress scientific float notation """ SHOW """ cv2.imshow("Object Detection", image) # Press q to quit if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == 113: #ord('q'): break MPVariable.vis_frame_counter.value += 1 vis_out_time = time.time() """ PROCESSING TIME """ vis_proc_time = vis_out_time - vis_in_time MPVariable.vis_proc_time.value += vis_proc_time else: """ NO VISUALIZE """ for box, score, _class in zip(boxes, scores, classes): if proc_frame_counter % DET_INTERVAL == 0 and score > DET_TH: label = category_index[_class]['name'] print("label: {}\nscore: {}\nbox: {}".format(label, score, box)) vis_out_time = time.time() """ PROCESSING TIME """ vis_proc_time = vis_out_time - vis_in_time if SAVE_TO_FILE: if SRC_FROM == IMAGE:, filepath) else: proc_frame_counter += 1 if proc_frame_counter > 100000: proc_frame_counter = 0 """ PROCESSING TIME """ top_in_time = extras['top_in_time'] cap_proc_time = extras['cap_out_time'] - extras['cap_in_time'] worker_proc_time = extras['worker_out_time'] - extras['worker_in_time'] lost_proc_time = det_out_time - top_in_time - cap_proc_time - worker_proc_time total_proc_time = det_out_time - top_in_time MPVariable.cap_proc_time.value += cap_proc_time MPVariable.worker_proc_time.value += worker_proc_time MPVariable.lost_proc_time.value += lost_proc_time MPVariable.total_proc_time.value += total_proc_time if DEBUG_MODE: sys.stdout.write('snapshot FPS:{: ^5.1f} total:{: ^10.5f} cap:{: ^10.5f} worker:{: ^10.5f} lost:{: ^10.5f} | vis:{: ^10.5f}\n'.format( MPVariable.fps.value, total_proc_time, cap_proc_time, worker_proc_time, lost_proc_time, vis_proc_time)) """ EXIT WITHOUT GUI """ if not VISUALIZE and MAX_FRAMES > 0: if proc_frame_counter >= MAX_FRAMES: MPVariable.running.value = False break """ CHANGE SLEEP INTERVAL """ if MPVariable.frame_counter.value == 0 and MPVariable.fps.value > 0: sleep_interval = 0.1 / MPVariable.fps.value MPVariable.sleep_interval.value = sleep_interval MPVariable.frame_counter.value += 1 top_in_time = None """ END while """ except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() finally: """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ CLOSE """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ if VISUALIZE and VIS_WORKER: q_out.put(None) MPVariable.running.value = False for i in range(WORKER_THREADS): workers[i].stop() video_reader.stop() if VISUALIZE: cv2.destroyAllWindows() """ """ return