def evaluate_distances_to_all_vertices(self, source_ix, *, batch_size=None, dijkstra_parameters=None, callback=lambda x: x, **kwargs): assert np.ndim( source_ix) == 1, "source_ix must be a vector of vertex indices" batch_size = batch_size or len(source_ix) if dijkstra_parameters is None: dijkstra_parameters = self.graph_embedding.prepare_for_dijkstra() source_ix = np.array(source_ix, dtype=np.int32) targets = np.broadcast_to( np.arange(self.graph_embedding.num_vertices, dtype=np.int32), (len(source_ix), self.graph_embedding.num_vertices)) dists = np.empty((len(source_ix), self.graph_embedding.num_vertices), dtype=np.float32) for batch_start in callback(range(0, len(source_ix), batch_size)): chunk_idx = slice(batch_start, batch_start + batch_size) paths = self.graph_embedding.compute_paths(source_ix[chunk_idx], targets[chunk_idx], dijkstra_parameters, **kwargs) dists[chunk_idx] = check_numpy( self.graph_embedding(**paths)['target_distances']) return dists
def evaluate_norms(self, dijkstra_parameters=None, **kwargs): if dijkstra_parameters is None: dijkstra_parameters = self.graph_embedding.prepare_for_dijkstra() norms_info = self.graph_embedding.compute_paths( np.array([self.null_vertex], dtype='int32'), np.arange(self.graph_embedding.num_vertices, dtype='int32')[None], dijkstra_parameters, **kwargs) norms = check_numpy( self.graph_embedding(**norms_info)['target_distances']) return norms.reshape([self.graph_embedding.num_vertices])
def visualize_cluster(emb: GraphEmbedding, cluster_vertex_ids, dictionary, coords=None, vertex_labels=None, deterministic=None, edge_probability_threshold=0.5, weighted=False, scale_factor=3.0, cmap=plt.get_cmap('nipy_spectral_r'), default_color='#c8eda8', **kwargs): """ Like visualize_embeddings, but visualizes only a single cluster of vertices """ cluster_vertices = list(cluster_vertex_ids.nodes) # 1. assemble in-cluster edges from_ix, to_ix = emb.edge_sources, emb.edge_targets weights = F.softplus(emb.edge_weight_logits).view(-1).data.numpy() mean_weight = weights[1:].mean() num_vertices, num_edges = len(emb.slices) - 1, len(from_ix) edge_probabilities = torch.sigmoid( emb.edge_adjacency_logits.view(-1)).data.numpy() if deterministic: existence = edge_probabilities >= edge_probability_threshold else: existence = np.random.rand(num_edges) < edge_probabilities edge_dict = defaultdict(list) edge_width = defaultdict(dict) for edge_i in range(1, num_edges): # skip first "technical" loop edge if existence[edge_i]: from_i, to_i, weight = from_ix[edge_i], to_ix[edge_i], weights[ edge_i] if from_i in cluster_vertices and to_i in cluster_vertices: from_c, to_c = map(cluster_vertices.index, [from_i, to_i]) edge_dict[from_c].append(to_c) edge_width[from_c][to_c] = scale_factor / (weight / mean_weight + 1e-3) \ if weighted else 1.0 # 2. compute pairwise distances vertex_ids = torch.as_tensor(list(cluster_vertex_ids.nodes), dtype=torch.int32) targets = torch.as_tensor(np.repeat(vertex_ids[None], len(vertex_ids), axis=0), dtype=torch.int32) with training_mode(emb, is_train=False): pairwise_distances = check_numpy( GraphEmbedding.forward(emb, vertex_ids, targets, soft=False)['target_distances']) pairwise_distances[np.isinf(pairwise_distances)] = np.max( pairwise_distances[np.isfinite(pairwise_distances)]) # ^-- [num_vertices x num_vertices] if coords is None: coords = TSNE(metric='precomputed').fit_transform(pairwise_distances) # 3. assemble graph metadate cluster_size = len(vertex_ids) if vertex_labels is not None: vertex_color = (vertex_labels - np.min(vertex_labels)) * 1.0 / np.max(vertex_labels) vertex_color = rgba_to_hex(cmap(vertex_color)[:, :3]) else: vertex_color = default_color vertex_stats = dict(vertex_id=np.arange(cluster_size), num_edges=np.array([ np.sum( check_numpy(emb.get_edges(i).p_adjacent) >= edge_probability_threshold) for i in vertex_ids ], dtype='int32')) assert coords.shape == (cluster_size, 2) if vertex_labels is not None: assert vertex_labels.shape == (cluster_size, ) vertex_stats['label'] = vertex_labels ix_to_token = {i: t for t, i in dictionary.items()} tokens = list(map(ix_to_token.get, map(int, vertex_ids))) # ... and finally, draw the resulting graph return draw_graph(*coords.T, edges=edge_dict, vertex_text=tokens, edge_width=edge_width, token=tokens, vertex_color=vertex_color, **vertex_stats, vertex_alpha=1.0, edge_alpha=0.25, **kwargs)
def visualize_embeddings(emb: GraphEmbedding, coords=None, vertex_labels=None, deterministic=None, edge_probability_threshold=0.5, weighted=False, scale_factor=3.0, cmap=plt.get_cmap('nipy_spectral_r'), **kwargs): """ Draws learned graph using bokeh and some magic. Please set bokeh output (notebook / file / etc.) in advance :type emb: GraphEmbedding :param coords: a matrix[num_vertices, 2] of 2d point vertex coordinates, defaults to TSNE on pairwise distances :param vertex_labels: if given, assigns a label to each vertex and paints it to the respective color :param deterministic: if True, only use edges with p >= 0.5, otherwise sample edges with learned probability :param weighted: if True, edge widths are inversely proportional to their weights, default = all widths are equal :param scale_factor: multiplies edge widths by this number :param cmap: a callable(array) -> rgb(a) matrix used to paint vertices if vertex_labels are specified :param kwargs: see utils.draw_graph """ if deterministic is None: deterministic = # handle edges from_ix, to_ix = emb.edge_sources, emb.edge_targets weights = F.softplus(emb.edge_weight_logits).view(-1).data.numpy() mean_weight = weights[1:].mean() num_vertices, num_edges = len(emb.slices) - 1, len(from_ix) edge_probabilities = torch.sigmoid( emb.edge_adjacency_logits.view(-1)).data.numpy() if deterministic: existence = edge_probabilities >= edge_probability_threshold else: existence = np.random.rand(num_edges) < edge_probabilities edge_dict = defaultdict(list) edge_width = defaultdict(dict) for edge_i in range(1, num_edges): # skip first "technical" loop edge if existence[edge_i]: from_i, to_i, weight = from_ix[edge_i], to_ix[edge_i], weights[ edge_i] edge_dict[from_i].append(to_i) edge_width[from_i][to_i] = scale_factor / (weight / mean_weight + 1e-3) \ if weighted else 1.0 # handle vertices if coords is None: pairwise_distances = emb.compute_pairwise_distances( edge_threshold=edge_probability_threshold) pairwise_distances[np.isinf(pairwise_distances)] = np.max( pairwise_distances[np.isfinite(pairwise_distances)]) # ^-- [num_vertices x num_vertices] coords = TSNE(metric='precomputed').fit_transform(pairwise_distances) if vertex_labels is not None: vertex_color = (vertex_labels - np.min(vertex_labels)) * 1.0 / np.max(vertex_labels) vertex_color = rgba_to_hex(cmap(vertex_color)[:, :3]) else: vertex_color = 'blue' vertex_stats = dict(vertex_id=np.arange(num_vertices), num_edges=np.array([ np.sum( check_numpy(emb.get_edges(i).p_adjacent) >= edge_probability_threshold) for i in range(emb.num_vertices) ], dtype='int32')) assert coords.shape == (num_vertices, 2) if vertex_labels is not None: assert vertex_labels.shape == (num_vertices, ) vertex_stats['label'] = vertex_labels return draw_graph(*coords.T, edges=edge_dict, edge_width=edge_width, vertex_color=vertex_color, **vertex_stats, **kwargs)