def catch_all(path): if len(path.split("/")) >= 2: head = path.split("/")[0] if head in ["css", "js"]: path = lib.root + "/static/" + lib.safe_path(path) if os.path.exists(path): response = Response("", 200) response.set_data(lib.read_file(path)) response.headers[ "Content-Type"] = "%s; charset=UTF-8" % lib.guess_mime( path) return response elif head == "post": path = lib.root + "/content/" + lib.safe_path(path[5:]) if os.path.exists(path): response = Response("", 200) extension = path.split(".")[-1] if extension in ["md", "markdown"]: post = lib.read_post(path) response.set_data( render_template("post.html.jinja", data=post)) response.headers[ "Content-Type"] = "text/html; charset=UTF-8" elif extension in ["png", "jpg", "pdf", "mp3", "mp4"]: response.set_data(lib.read_file(path)) response.headers[ "Content-Type"] = "%s; charset=UTF-8" % lib.guess_mime( path) else: abort(404) return response abort(404)
def read_index(self) -> List[IndexEntry]: """ 读取 .git/index 文件并返回 IndexEntry 对象列表 """ try: data = read_file(os.path.join(self.git_path, 'index')) except FileNotFoundError: return [] # 校验文件是否被改动 digest = hashlib.sha1(data[:-20]).digest() assert digest == data[-20:], 'index 文件非法' # 获取 index 的头部 signature, version, num_entries = struct.unpack('!4sLL', data[:12]) assert signature == b'DIRC', f"签名不合法 {signature}" assert version == 2, f"版本不合法 {version}" # 解析 index 存储的对象索引 entry_data = data[12:-20] entries = [] i = 0 while i + 62 < len(entry_data): fields_end = i + 62 fields = struct.unpack('!LLLLLLLLLL20sH', entry_data[i:fields_end]) path_end = entry_data.index(b'\x00', fields_end) path = entry_data[fields_end:path_end] entry = IndexEntry(*(fields + (path.decode(), ))) entries.append(entry) entry_len = ((62 + len(path) + 8) // 8) * 8 i += entry_len assert len(entries) == num_entries return entries
def save_post_data_to_csv_by_profile(dir_name, file_name, posts): file_data = read_file(dir_name, file_name) if file_data[0]: print('Successfully opened the _Profile_Posts_Export.csv file') else: print('Created _Profile_Posts_Export.csv file') for post in islice(posts, ceil(p_counts)): new_row = { '_username': post.owner_username, '_media_id': post.mediaid, '_short_url': post.shortcode, '_date': post.date_local, '_date(GMT)': post.date_utc, '_caption': post.caption, '_comments_count': post.comments, '_likes_count': post.likes, '_video_views': post.video_view_count, '_video_url': post.video_url, '_thumbnail_url': post.url, '_image_url': post.url, # '_location_id': post.location == None and None or post.location['id'], # '_location_name':post.location == None and None or post.location['name'], # '_location_url': post.location == None and None or post.location['slug'], # '_lat': post.location == None and None or post.location['lat'], # '_lng': post.location == None and None or post.location['lng'] '_location_id': post.location, '_location_name': post.location, '_location_url': post.location, '_lat': post.location, '_lng': post.location } write_file(dir_name, file_name, new_row)
def prepare(self): # 第一次打开时初始化 # 数据设置目录不存在则创建 if not os.path.exists(self.dataDir): os.mkdir(self.dataDir) # 资源快照记录文件最新生成时间 if os.path.isfile(self.file_resource_list): modified_time = int(os.path.getmtime(self.file_resource_list)) self.resource_list_final_modified_time = time.strftime( self.resource_list_final_modified_time_format, time.localtime(modified_time)) '''else: lib.write_file(self.file_resource_list, '') #print(self.file_resource_list, '创建成功')''' # 读取配置文件 if os.path.isfile(self.file_config): config = lib.read_file(self.file_config) self.config = json.loads(config) # 读取配置 # 创建配置文件 else: self.action_update_file_config() # 检查 web 根目录是否填写正确,决定后面的操作 check = self.checkConfig_webroot() if check['code'] > 0: #print(check['msg']) return False self.action_build_dirs_path()
def test_res(self): tf_raw_state = read_file("test_data/terraform.teststate") tf_state = json.loads(tf_raw_state) tf_meta = get_tf_metadata(tf_state) self.assertEqual(tf_meta["version"], 4) self.assertEqual(tf_meta["terraform_version"], "0.12.9") self.assertEqual(tf_meta["serial"], 360)
def get_local_master_hash(self): """ 获取本地的 master hash 值,没有就反回 None """ try: master_path = self.get_master_path() return read_file(master_path).decode().strip() except FileNotFoundError: return None
def save_new_posts_by_hashtag(hashtag): hashtag = hashtag.replace("#", "") posts = Hashtag.from_name(IL.context, hashtag).get_posts() posts_sorted_by_time = sorted(posts, key=lambda p: p.date_utc, reverse=True) file_data = read_file('csvs', 'Hash_Tag_Export.csv') if file_data[0]: print('Successfully opened the Hash_Tag_Export.csv file') else: print('Created Hash_Tag_Export.csv file') for post in islice(posts_sorted_by_time, ceil(p_counts)): new_row = { '_Hash_Tag': hashtag, '_media_id': post.mediaid, '_short_url': post.shortcode, '_date': post.date_local, '_date(GMT)': post.date_utc, '_caption': post.caption, '_comments_count': post.comments, '_likes_count': post.likes, '_video_views': post.video_view_count, '_video_url': post.video_url, '_thumbnail_url': post.url, '_image_url': post.url, '_location_id': post.location == None and post.location or None, '_location_name': post.location == None and post.location or None, '_location_url': post.location == None and post.location or None, '_lat': post.location == None and post.location or None, '_lng': post.location == None and post.location or None, # '_location_id': post.location == None and or None, # '_location_name':post.location == None and or None, # '_location_url': post.location == None and post.location.slug or None, # '_lat': post.location == None and or None, # '_lng': post.location == None and post.location.lng or None, '_user_id': post.owner_profile.userid, '_username': post.owner_username, '_full_name': post.owner_profile.full_name, '_profile_pic_url': post.owner_profile.profile_pic_url, '_profile_url': post.owner_profile.external_url, '_Num_of_Followers': post.owner_profile.followers, '_Num_of_Posts': post.owner_profile.mediacount, '_Num_Following': post.owner_profile.followees, '_Profile_Text': post.owner_profile.biography } write_file('csvs', 'Hash_Tag_Export.csv', new_row)
def diff(self): changed, _, _ = self.get_status() entries_by_path = {e.path: e for e in self.index.read_index()} for i, path in enumerate(changed): sha1 = entries_by_path[path].sha1.hex() data = self.blob.decompress(sha1) index_lines = data.decode().splitlines() working_lines = read_file(path).decode().splitlines() diff_lines = difflib.unified_diff(index_lines, working_lines, '{} (index)'.format(path), '{} (working copy)'.format(path), lineterm='') for line in diff_lines: print(line) if i < len(changed) - 1: print('-' * 70)
def decompress(self, sha1: str) -> Tuple[str, bytes]: """ 解析 blob 数据 """ path = self.find_object(sha1) full_data = zlib.decompress(read_file(path)) nul_index = full_data.index(b'\x00') header = full_data[:nul_index] obj_type, size_str = header.decode().split() size = int(size_str) data = full_data[nul_index + 1:] assert size == len(data), f"数据长度应为 {size}, 得到 {len(data)} bytes" return obj_type, data
def test_request_get(self): # create project project_id = gen_test_project() tf_raw_state = read_file("test_data/terraform.teststate") write_key(f"{project_id}/terraform.tfstate", tf_raw_state) report = gen_report(project_id) print(report) # get state event = { "httpMethod": "GET", "pathParameters": {"projectId": project_id}, "requestContext": {"domainName": "test.local"}, } result = lambda_handler(event, {}) print(result["body"]) self.assertEqual(result["statusCode"], 200) self.assertTrue(result["body"].startswith("<!doctype"))
def decompress(self, sha1: str) -> bytes: """ 解析 blob 数据,校验数据类型和大小,防止读取被修改过的文件 """ assert self.TYPE, f"类型错误 {self.TYPE}" path = self.find_object(sha1) full_data = zlib.decompress(read_file(path)) nul_index = full_data.index(b'\x00') header = full_data[:nul_index] obj_type, size_str = header.decode().split() size = int(size_str) data = full_data[nul_index + 1:] assert size == len(data), f"数据长度应为 {size}, 得到 {len(data)} bytes" assert obj_type == self.TYPE, f"数据类型应为 {self.TYPE},得到 {obj_type}" return data
def __init__(self, git_path: str = ""): if git_path: self.git_path = git_path else: self.git_path = find_path() self.work_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self.git_path, "..")) self.index = Index(self.git_path) self.blob = Blob(self.git_path) ignore_file_name = ".gitignore" ignore_path = os.path.join(self.work_path, ignore_file_name) self.ignore_pattern = set() if os.path.exists(ignore_path): self.ignore = set(read_file(ignore_path).decode().splitlines()) for ignore_item in self.ignore: if ignore_item.startswith(" patten "): self.ignore_pattern.add(ignore_item[8:]) self.ignore.add(ignore_file_name) else: self.ignore = [] self.ignore -= self.ignore_pattern
def save_unique_comments_by_user(pfn): file_data = read_file('csvs', 'Profile_Unique_Likes_n_Comments.csv') if file_data[0]: print( 'Successfully opened the Profile_Unique_Likes_n_Comments.csv file') else: print('Created Profile_Unique_Likes_n_Comments.csv file') profile = Profile.from_username(IL.context, pfn) posts_sorted_by_time = sorted(profile.get_posts(), key=lambda p: p.date_utc, reverse=True) for post in islice(posts_sorted_by_time, ceil(p_counts)): comments = post.get_comments() for comment in comments: new_row = { '_Profile_Handle': pfn, '_user_id': comment.owner.userid, '_username': comment.owner.username, '_full_name': comment.owner.full_name, '_is_private': comment.owner.is_private, '_is_verified': comment.owner.is_verified, '_Date_of_Last_Like_or_Comment': '', '_Total_Comments_N_Likes': comment.likes_count, '_Total_Comments': '', ' _Total_Likes': comment.likes_count, '_profile_pic_url': comment.owner.profile_pic_url, '_profile_url': comment.owner.external_url, '_Num_of_Followers': comment.owner.followers, '_Num_of_Posts': comment.owner.mediacount, '_Num_Following': comment.owner.followees, '_Profile_Text': comment.owner.biography } write_file('csvs', 'Profile_Unique_Likes_n_Comments.csv', new_row)
def test_request_post(self): # create project project_id = gen_test_project() # post state raw_tf = read_file("test_data/terraform.teststate") event = { "httpMethod": "POST", "body": raw_tf, "pathParameters": { "projectId": project_id }, "requestContext": { "domainName": "test.local" }, } result = lambda_handler(event, {}) self.assertEqual(result["statusCode"], 200) self.assertTrue(result["body"].startswith("{")) s3_data = read_key_or_default(f"{project_id}/terraform.tfstate", "NONE") tf_meta = get_tf_metadata(s3_data, True) self.assertNotEqual(tf_meta["terraform_version"], "invalid")
import logging import os import json from jinja2 import Template from lib import create_response, read_key_or_default, read_file, get_tf_res, get_tf_metadata logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(os.environ.get('LOG_LEVEL', 'INFO')) INFO = read_file("templates/project_info.html") INFO_TEMPLATE = Template(INFO) DOMAIN = os.environ.get('DOMAIN') def lambda_handler(event, context): project_id = event["pathParameters"]["projectId"]"Got request for project {project_id}") configfile = f"{project_id}/config.json" statefile = f"{project_id}/terraform.tfstate" config = json.loads(read_key_or_default(configfile)) project_name = config["name"]"Got request for {project_name} with id {project_id}") self_url = "https://" + event["requestContext"]["domainName"] # Get existing state or create new if event['httpMethod'] == "GET":"Type is GET, send state") config = json.loads(read_key_or_default(configfile))
def include(self, safeloader, node): node = self.construct_scalar(node) filepath, sep, key = node.partition(':') self._data = yaml.load(read_file(filepath), Loader) return self.subkey(key)
def read(self, safeloader, node): node = self.construct_scalar(node) return read_file(node)
from ruamel import yaml import codecs from lib import read_file if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 4: print('ERROR: input params error' + str(len(sys.argv))) exit(1) path = sys.argv[1] release_version = sys.argv[2] dependency_version = sys.argv[3] dependency_range = sys.argv[4].split('/') rc_or_final_map = dict() files = read_file(path, 'images.yaml') for item in files.items(): is_change=False file_name = item[0] template = item[1] releases = item[1].get('releases') for release in releases: release_ver = release.get('release-version') if release_ver != release_version: continue for dependency in release.get('dependencies'): max_version = dependency.get('max-version') if max_version == dependency_version: is_change = True dependency['max-version'] = dependency_range[0] dependency['min-version'] = dependency_range[1]
def solution(in_file, out_file, solution_f): teams, pizzas = read_file(in_file) answer = solution_f(teams, pizzas) write_result(answer, score_answer(answer, pizzas), out_file)
# Main program to implement the logic of costs calculation # Please, read Spec.txt for details of logic, file format etc. import lib #file_path = '/home/tonyr/Work/Costs/Data/costs_20121207.csv' file_path = '/home/nurton/Stat/Costs/' db_name = "costs" db_user = "******" db_pwd = "root" raw_list = [] db_conn = lib.get_db_connection(db_name, db_user, db_pwd) # Read data from file and put it in list raw_list = lib.read_file(file_path) print raw_list # Calculate total costs for certain day day_total = lib.get_day_total(raw_list) print(day_total) # Add total day costs to the day's file #lib.log_to_file(file_path, day_total) db_conn.close()
def train(model_path, corpus_path, state_size=3): corpus = lib.read_file(corpus_path) text_model = markovify.Text(corpus, state_size=state_size) model_json = text_model.to_json() lib.write_list_to_file(model_path, [model_json])
for i in range(N3): while sorted_pizzas[first_available][2]: first_available = first_available + 1 if first_available >= len(pizzas): return answer next_set = find_next_set(3, sorted_pizzas, first_available) if next_set: answer.append(next_set) if i % 100 == 0: print("N3 ", i) for i in range(N2): while sorted_pizzas[first_available][2]: first_available = first_available + 1 if first_available >= len(pizzas): return answer next_set = find_next_set(2, sorted_pizzas, first_available) if next_set: answer.append(next_set) if i % 100 == 0: print("N2 ", i) return answer if __name__ == '__main__': teams, pizzas = read_file("") ans = greedy_solution(teams, pizzas) print(ans)
def test_res_raw(self): tf_raw_state = read_file("test_data/terraform.teststate") tf_res = get_tf_res(tf_raw_state, True) self.assertEqual(len(tf_res), 1)
def test_res(self): tf_raw_state = read_file("test_data/terraform.teststate") tf_state = json.loads(tf_raw_state) tf_res = get_tf_res(tf_state) self.assertEqual(len(tf_res), 1) self.assertEqual(tf_res[0]["id"], "state_bucket")
def test_real(self): data = read_file("test_data/terraform.teststate") self.assertTrue(data.startswith("{"))
files_to_process = [] db_conn = lib.get_db_connection(db_name, db_user, db_pwd) cur = db_conn.cursor() # Get list of unprocessed file names from DB rows_affected = cur.execute(DB_QUERY_GET_LIST_OF_UNPROCESSED_FILES) print "Number of unprocessed FILE_NAMEs in DB:", rows_affected if rows_affected == 0: print 'There is no files in DB.' else: db_result = cur.fetchall() # returns 2-dim array for nme in db_result: files_to_process.append(list(nme)[0]) print "FILE_NAMEs from DB are:", files_to_process # Read data from file and put it in list for file_name in files_to_process: raw_list = lib.read_file(file_path + file_name) print "raw_list:", raw_list lib.load_file_data_to_db(cur, raw_list, file_name) # Calculate total costs for certain day #day_total = lib.get_day_total(raw_list) #print(day_total)
import markovify import lib if __name__ == '__main__': parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-m', '--model', dest='model', type=str, required=False, help='Model path', default='model.txt') args = parser.parse_args() print('*' * 50) for i in vars(args): print(str(i) + ' - ' + str(getattr(args, i))) print('*' * 50) model_data = lib.read_file(args.model) model = markovify.Text.from_json(model_data) for _ in range(5): while True: sentence = model.make_sentence(tries=100, max_overlap_ratio=0.45, max_words=20) if sentence: break print(sentence)
import json import logging import os import urllib.parse from jinja2 import Template from lib import create_response, randomString, write_key, read_file,redirect logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(os.environ.get('LOG_LEVEL','INFO')) DOMAIN = os.environ.get('DOMAIN') KEY = os.environ.get('KEY') DEFAULT_STATE = read_file("templates/default.tfstate.template") PROJECT_FORM = read_file("templates/project_form.html") def lambda_handler(event, context): # Get existing state or create new if event['httpMethod'] == "GET":"Send form for creation") return create_response(PROJECT_FORM,contenttype="text/html") # update if event['httpMethod'] == "POST": body_vars = {} body = urllib.parse.unquote(event["body"]) for line in body.split("&"): line_data = line.split("=") body_vars[line_data[0]]=line_data[1]
def _(self, path: str) -> str: assert self.TYPE, f"类型错误 {self.TYPE}" data = read_file(path) return self.compress(data)