Example #1
def vote_loop(chain, msg):
    rpc_connection = test_rpc(chain)
    while True:
        print_menu(vote_menu, chain, msg, False)
        selection = lib.user_inputInt(0,len(vote_menu),"make a selection:")
        if int(selection) == 0:
            initial_loop(chain, '')
        elif int(selection) == 1:
            msg = lib.list_polls(rpc_connection, True)
            vote_loop(chain, msg)
        elif int(selection) == 2:
            msg = vote_selection(chain, '', 'register')
            vote_loop(chain, msg)
        elif int(selection) == 3:
            msg = vote_selection(chain, '', 'vote')
            vote_loop(chain, msg)
        elif int(selection) == 4:
            msg = vote_selection(chain, '', 'view results')
            vote_loop(chain, msg)
        elif int(selection) == 5:
            msg = lib.create_poll(rpc_connection)
            vote_loop(chain, msg)
        elif int(selection) == 6:
            msg = lib.list_polls(rpc_connection, False)
            vote_loop(chain, msg)
Example #2
def option_selection(chain, poll): 
    rpc_connection = test_rpc(chain)
    options = poll['options']
    print_menu(options, chain, poll['question'] + '\nPlease select your position.', True)
    selection = lib.user_inputInt(0,len(options)-1,"make a selection:")
    msg = lib.vote(rpc_connection, options[selection], poll['txid'])
    vote_loop(chain, msg)
Example #3
def lottery_loop(chain, msg):
    # lottery oracle txid is hardcoded for now
    # will revist this when it's time to do another
    oracle = {
        'deadline': 1558320334
    rpc_connection = test_rpc(chain)
    while True:
        print_menu(lottery_menu, chain, msg, False)
        selection = lib.user_inputInt(0,
                                      len(lottery_menu) + 1,
                                      "make a selection:")
        if int(selection) == 0:
            initial_loop(chain, '')
        elif int(selection) == 1:
            msg = (
                '1. Securely create an address. This address will be your notary node address.\n'
                '2. Start the CFEKORC daemon with -pubkey for this address.\n'
                '3. Obtain some CFEKORC via mining or asking a community member\n'
                '4. Select \"Register for lottery\". This will output a txid. Wait for this to confirm.\n'
                '5. Select \"Join lottery\". This will ask you for your handle. It will also ask you to input'
                ' a message. This message can be anything you choose, consider it choosing numbers for a lottery\n'
                '6. Select \"Create signed message\". This will output a signed messaged.'
                ' You must add this to the participants.json file of the StakedNotary repo and send a pull request.'
                + ' You must also post this to the #kmdlabs' +
                ' channel in the KMD discord. \n\nPlease note, you must do all of this prior to the deadline.'
                ' There are absolutely no exceptions to this as the deadline is when the entropy is revealed.'
            lottery_loop(chain, msg)
        elif int(selection) == 2:
            msg = lib.lottery_participants(rpc_connection, oracle)
            lottery_loop(chain, msg)
        elif int(selection) == 3:
            msg = lib.vote_register(rpc_connection, oracle)
            lottery_loop(chain, msg)
        elif int(selection) == 4:
            msg = lib.lottery_join(rpc_connection, oracle)
            lottery_loop(chain, msg)
        elif int(selection) == 5:
            msg = lib.lottery_sign(rpc_connection, oracle)
            lottery_loop(chain, msg)
        elif int(selection) == 6:
            msg = lib.lottery_verify(rpc_connection, oracle)
            lottery_loop(chain, msg)
Example #4
def initial_loop(chain, msg):
    rpc_connection = test_rpc(chain)
    while True:
        print_menu(initial_menu, chain, msg, True)
        selection = lib.user_inputInt(0,len(initial_menu)-1,"make a selection:")
        if int(selection) == 0:
            msg = vote_loop('LABS', '')
            vote_loop(chain, msg)
        elif int(selection) == 1:
            msg = lottery_loop('LABS', '')
            vote_loop(chain, msg)
Example #5
def vote_selection(chain, msg, reg_or_vote):
    rpc_connection = test_rpc(chain)
    active_polls = lib.list_polls(rpc_connection, True)
    if not active_polls:
        vote_loop(chain, 'Error: no polls found')
    if str(active_polls).startswith('Error'):
        vote_loop(chain, str(active_polls))
    print_menu(active_polls, chain, 'Please select a poll to ' + reg_or_vote, True)
    selection = lib.user_inputInt(0,len(active_polls)-1,"make a selection:")
    if reg_or_vote == 'vote':
        msg = option_selection(chain, active_polls[selection])
    elif reg_or_vote == 'register':
        msg = lib.vote_register(rpc_connection, active_polls[selection])
    elif reg_or_vote == 'view results':
        msg = lib.vote_results(rpc_connection, active_polls[selection])
    vote_loop(chain, msg)
Example #6
def lottery_loop(chain, msg):
    # lottery oracle txid is hardcoded for now
    # will revist this when it's time to do another
    oracle = {'txid': '0c1102054003a742f0fe09d990c5b2f1e4ced350021e76b62eada7092dafac37',
              'deadline': 1572202066}
    rpc_connection = test_rpc(chain)
    while True:
        print_menu(lottery_menu, chain, msg, False)
        selection = lib.user_inputInt(0,len(lottery_menu)+1,"make a selection:")
        if int(selection) == 0:
            initial_loop(chain, '')
        elif int(selection) == 1:
            msg = ('1. Securely create an address. This address will be your notary node address.\n' +
                  '2. Start the LABS daemon with -pubkey for this address.\n'  + 
                  '3. Select \"Register for lottery\". This will output a txid. Wait for this to confirm.\n' +
                  '4. Select \"Join lottery\". This will ask you for your handle. It will also ask you to input'  +
                  ' a message. This message can be anything you choose, consider it choosing numbers for a lottery\n' +
                  '5. Select \"Create signed message\". This will output a signed messaged.' +
                  ' You must add this to the participants.json file of the StakedNotary repo and send a pull request.' + 
                  ' You must also post this to the #kmdlabs'  +
                  ' channel in the KMD discord. \n\nPlease note, you must do all of this prior to the deadline.' +
                  ' There are absolutely no exceptions to this as the deadline is when the entropy is revealed.')
            lottery_loop(chain, msg)
        elif int(selection) == 2:
            msg = lib.lottery_participants(rpc_connection, oracle)
            lottery_loop(chain, msg)
        elif int(selection) == 3:
            msg = lib.vote_register(rpc_connection, oracle)
            lottery_loop(chain, msg)
        elif int(selection) == 4:
            msg = lib.lottery_join(rpc_connection, oracle)
            lottery_loop(chain, msg)
        elif int(selection) == 5:
            msg = lib.lottery_sign(rpc_connection, oracle)
            lottery_loop(chain, msg)
        elif int(selection) == 6:
            msg = lib.lottery_verify(rpc_connection, oracle)
            lottery_loop(chain, msg)