def test07_delete_CPD_2_BPD_secure_key(self):
        # ************************************************************************************************#
        # Test #7: Test ability to remove/ddete/ default security key on CPD for BPD
        # *************************************************************#
        print "Showing default security key for BPD to CPD...\n"

        Nm.nm_clear_logs(sendMode, IPV6)

        rc = Nm.nm_show_mac_sec_key(sendMode, IPV6, BPD_DUT, 1)
        self.assertTrue('Key' in rc,
                        "Secured Key for BPD should have been loaded...\n")

        print "Trying to establish ALS to delete old key"
        # Establihsing ALS connection and sendig first command via secured ALS
        reqId = Nm.random_with_N_digits(5)
        blobFileIn = CERTS_PATH + BLOB_FILE
        privkeyFileIn = CERTS_PATH + PRIVKEY_FILE
        # IPV6 = CPD_IPV6_AP
        timeOut = 30
        replyType2 = '03'  # HMAC, ShA256 for secured send comands

        (seqNum, assocId, ss) = Nm.nm_establish_ALS_connection(sendMode, IPV6, timeOut=60, reqId=12345, \
                                                               replyType=5, replyType2='03',
                                                               blobFileIn=CERTS_PATH + BLOB_FILE,
                                                               privkeyFileIn=CERTS_PATH + PRIVKEY_FILE)

        # Making a second secured command request via ALS
        cmdString = "  mac_secmib delete  " + str(BPD_DUT) + " 1"
        (seqNum, assocId,
         ss) = Nm.nm_als_secured_commands_send(sendMode, cmdString, seqNum,
                                               assocId, ss, IPV6, timeOut,
        print "Return for next command request for: seqNum;\'%d\', assocId:\'%s\', and sharedsecret:\'%s\' \n" % (
            seqNum, assocId, ss)

        # Bug: FIRMW-19441
        rc = Nm.nm_show_mac_sec_key(sendMode, IPV6, BPD_DUT, 1)
            'Key' in rc,
            "Key should of been deleted as expected, but delete is failing")

        print "Sleep for set CPD-2-BPD POLLING INTERVAL SETTING OF: \'%s\' seconds ..." % (
    def test00_Preliminary_Requesites_Check(self):
        IPV6 = CPD2_IPV6_FSU  #CPD1_IPV6_AP

        print "Get Image List...\n"
        Nm.nm_get_image_list(sendMode, IPV6)

        # get version str on device
        print "Get Version Str...\n"
        Nm.nm_get_version_str(sendMode, IPV6)

        # Configure CPD to be able to proxy for BPDS: :
        print "Configuring CPD for proper Proxy Mode on behalf of BPD...\n"
        Nm.nm_configure_cpd(sendMode, IPV6, BPD_DUT)

        # Display lls_nodeq:
        print "Getting Link Layer Nodeq for the CPD and BPDs...\n"
        rc = Nm.nm_show_BPD_LLS_Nodes(sendMode, IPV6)

        # Get Random 5-digits Required ID to start communication
        reqId = Nm.random_with_N_digits(5)
        blobFileIn = CERTS_PATH + BLOB_FILE
        privkeyFileIn = CERTS_PATH + PRIVKEY_FILE
        #IPV6 = CPD_IPV6_AP
        timeOut = 30
        replyType = 5  # BC=0x1 + Blob=0x4 for nm.nm_sec_assoc assoc
        replyType2 = '03'  # HMAC, ShA256 for secured send comands

        print "Validating & Checking certs ownership on devices... \'%s\'\n" % IPV6
        rc = Nm.nm_validate_certs_ownership(sendMode, IPV6,
        self.assertTrue('PASSED' in rc, "FAILED Certs Chain Verification")

        print "Sleep for set CPD-2-BPD POLLING INTERVAL SETTING OF: \'%s\' seconds ..." % (

        # Clear both the event and nlog for APP layer secure events:
        rc = Nm.nm_clear_logs(sendMode, IPV6)
        print rc
    def setUp(self):
        #self.certsTest = Widget('The widget')
        sendMode = '-d'

        timeOut = 60
        #Nm.nm_discover_thy_neighbor(sendMode, CPD_MAC_ID, 30)

        reqId = Nm.random_with_N_digits(5)
        blobFileIn = CERTS_PATH + BLOB_FILE
        privkeyFileIn = CERTS_PATH + PRIVKEY_FILE
        IPV6 = CPD_IPV6_AP
        replyType = 5  # BC=0x1 + Blob=0x4 for nm.nm_sec_assoc assoc
        replyType2 = '03'  # HMAC, ShA256 for secured send comands

        # Configure CPD to talk to BPD:
        Nm.nm_configure_cpd(sendMode, IPV6)

        # Establihsing ALS connection and sendig first command via secured ALS
        (seqNum, assocId, ss) = Nm.nm_establish_ALS_connection(sendMode, IPV6, timeOut=60, reqId=12345,
                                                               replyType=5, replyType2='03',
                                                               blobFileIn=CERTS_PATH + BLOB_FILE,
                                                               privkeyFileIn=CERTS_PATH + PRIVKEY_FILE)
        self.assertTrue(self, (assocId !=0 or ss != ''), "Wrong response for ")
Example #4
    def test_removing_OP_chained_path_certs(self):
        # Establihsing ALS connection and sendig first command via secured ALS
        reqId = Nm.random_with_N_digits(5)
        blobFileIn = CERTS_PATH + BLOB_FILE
        privkeyFileIn = CERTS_PATH + PRIVKEY_FILE
        timeOut = 30
        replyType = 7  # BC=0x1 + Blob=0x4 for nm.nm_sec_assoc assoc
        replyType2 = '03'  # HMAC, ShA256 for secured send comands
        IPV6 = 'fe80::213:50ff:fe30:5b5e'  #'fe80::213:5005:008f:deb2'  #'fe80::213:50ff:fe30:5b5e'

        print "Trying to establish ALS Connection...\n"
        (seqNum, assocId, ss) = Nm.nm_establish_ALS_connection(
            blobFileIn=CERTS_PATH + BLOB_FILE,
            privkeyFileIn=CERTS_PATH + PRIVKEY_FILE)

        # seqNum = seqNum + 15
        # Making a second secured command request via ALS
        cmdString = " certs esdump 4 "
        print "Trying to send command via secured ALSConnection...\n"
        (seqNum, assocId,
         ss) = Nm.nm_als_secured_commands_send(sendMode, cmdString, seqNum,
                                               assocId, ss, IPV6, timeOut,
        print "Return for next command request for: seqNum;\'%d\', assocId:\'%s\', and sharedsecret:\'%s\' \n" % (
            seqNum, assocId, ss)

        # Removing DL cert:#1281, #1282
        print "Removing DL cert 1280....\n"
        #Nm.nm_remove_cert(sendMode, IPV6, '1280')
        seqNum = seqNum + 15

        privateID = 1283
        cmdString = " certs erase " + str(privateID)
        (seqNum, assocId,
         ss) = Nm.nm_als_secured_commands_send(sendMode, cmdString, seqNum,
                                               assocId, ss, IPV6, timeOut,
        print "Return for next command request for: seqNum;\'%d\', assocId:\'%s\', and sharedsecret:\'%s\' \n" % (
            seqNum, assocId, ss)

        print "Removing DL cert 1283....\n"
        #Nm.nm_remove_cert(sendMode, IPV6, '1283')

        seqNum = seqNum + 15
        privateID = 1281
        cmdString = " certs erase " + str(privateID)
        (seqNum, assocId,
         ss) = Nm.nm_als_secured_commands_send(sendMode, cmdString, seqNum,
                                               assocId, ss, IPV6, timeOut,
        print "Return for next command request for: seqNum;\'%d\', assocId:\'%s\', and sharedsecret:\'%s\' \n" % (
            seqNum, assocId, ss)

        # Removing DLCA cert: #1283
        print "Removing DLCA cert....\n"
        # Nm.nm_remove_cert(sendMode, IPV6, '1025')

        seqNum = seqNum + 15
        privateID = 1283
        cmdString = " certs erase " + str(privateID)
        (seqNum, assocId,
         ss) = Nm.nm_als_secured_commands_send(sendMode, cmdString, seqNum,
                                               assocId, ss, IPV6, timeOut,
        print "Return for next command request for: seqNum;\'%d\', assocId:\'%s\', and sharedsecret:\'%s\' \n" % (
            seqNum, assocId, ss)

        # Removing OP cert:  #1027
        print "Deleting Op cert and subordinates...\n"
        # Nm.nm_certs_delete_op(sendMode, IPV6)
        seqNum = seqNum + 15
        cmdString = " certs delete_op"
        (seqNum, assocId,
         ss) = Nm.nm_als_secured_commands_send(sendMode, cmdString, seqNum,
                                               assocId, ss, IPV6, timeOut,
        print "Return for next command request for: seqNum;\'%d\', assocId:\'%s\', and sharedsecret:\'%s\' \n" % (
            seqNum, assocId, ss)
        seqNum = seqNum + 15
        print "Deleting NMENITY Cert...\n"
        #Nm.nm_certs_delete_op(sendMode, IPV6)
        seqNum = seqNum + 15
        privateID = "0x200010"
        cmdString = " certs erase " + str(privateID)
        (seqNum, assocId, ss) = Nm.nm_als_secured_commands_send(sendMode, cmdString, seqNum, assocId, ss, IPV6, timeOut,
        print "Return for next command request for: seqNum;\'%d\', assocId:\'%s\', and sharedsecret:\'%s\' \n" % (
                seqNum, assocId, ss)
        seqNum = seqNum + 15
        print "Deleting EBOCA CERT...\n"
        #Nm.nm_certs_delete_op(sendMode, IPV6)
        seqNum = seqNum + 15
        privateID = "0x20000f"
        cmdString = " certs erase " + str(privateID)
        (seqNum, assocId, ss) = Nm.nm_als_secured_commands_send(sendMode, cmdString, seqNum, assocId, ss, IPV6, timeOut,
        print "Return for next command request for: seqNum;\'%d\', assocId:\'%s\', and sharedsecret:\'%s\' \n" % (
                seqNum, assocId, ss)

        #NOTE: if all failed, try app_sysvar delete:360  (the certs cache)

        # Removing APP_SYSVAR 360 cert:
        print "Deleting app_sysvar:360...\n"
        seqNum = seqNum + 15
        cmdString = " app_sysvar delete:360"
        (seqNum, assocId,
         ss) = Nm.nm_als_secured_commands_send(sendMode, cmdString, seqNum,
                                               assocId, ss, IPV6, timeOut,
        print "Return for next command request for: seqNum;\'%d\', assocId:\'%s\', and sharedsecret:\'%s\' \n" % (
            seqNum, assocId, ss)

        #print "Deleting out app_sysvar:360 for certs cache...\n"
        #ID = 360
        #Nm.nm_delete_sysvar(sendMode, IPV6, ID)

        Nm.nm_dump_cert_cache(sendMode, IPV6)

        seqNum = seqNum + 15
        ret = Nm.nm_teardown_ALS_connection(sendMode, seqNum, assocId, ss,

        print "Please restart your NIC before checking: certs esdump 4 again!\n"
class Test_Dut(unittest.TestCase):
    sendMode = '-g -d'  #//via FSU
    # sendMode = '-d'     #via corp network & AP


    # device discovery
    # print "Neighbor Discovery...\n"
    # Nm.nm_device_discovery('-i', CPD_MAC_ID)

    # Check nodeq 0
    # print "Check Nodeq...\n"
    # Nm.nm_nodeq_x('-i', '0')

    # Removing discovery for now, based on lls_nodeq show all for BPD to show up on CPD.

    # check image list on device
    print "Get Image List...\n"
    #Nm.nm_get_image_list(sendMode, IPV6)

    # get version str on device
    print "Get Version Str...\n"
    #Nm.nm_get_version_str(sendMode, IPV6)

    # Configure CPD to be able to proxy for BPDS: :
    #Nm.nm_configure_cpd(sendMode, IPV6, BPD_DUT)

    # Get Random 5-digits Required ID to start communication
    reqId = Nm.random_with_N_digits(5)
    blobFileIn = CERTS_PATH + BLOB_FILE
    privkeyFileIn = CERTS_PATH + PRIVKEY_FILE
    #IPV6 = CPD_IPV6_AP
    timeOut = 30
    replyType = 5  # BC=0x1 + Blob=0x4 for nm.nm_sec_assoc assoc
    replyType2 = '03'  # HMAC, ShA256 for secured send comands


    # print "Validating & Checking certs ownership on devices... \'%s\'" % BPD2_IPV6_AP
    # Nm.nm_validate_certs_ownership(sendMode, BPD2_IPV6_AP, FULLY_DL_CHAINED_CERTS)

    print "Validating & Checking certs ownership on devices... \'%s\'" % IPV6
    #Nm.nm_validate_certs_ownership(sendMode, IPV6, FULLY_DL_CHAINED_CERTS)


    # Establihsing ALS connection and sendig first command via secured ALS
    (seqNum, assocId, ss) = Nm.nm_establish_ALS_connection(sendMode,IPV6, timeOut=60, reqId=12345, \
                                                               replyType=5, replyType2='03', blobFileIn=CERTS_PATH + BLOB_FILE, privkeyFileIn=CERTS_PATH + PRIVKEY_FILE)

    #seqNum = seqNum + 15
    # Making a second secured command request via ALS
    cmdString = " certs esdump 4 "
    (seqNum, assocId, ss) = Nm.nm_als_secured_commands_send(sendMode, cmdString, seqNum, assocId, ss, IPV6, timeOut,
    print "Return for next command request for: seqNum;\'%d\', assocId:\'%s\', and sharedsecret:\'%s\' \n" % (
            seqNum, assocId, ss)

    CPD_CERTS_PATH = "/home/pi/python-test-framework/certs/CPD_Certs/"
    CPD_OP_CERT = "01_CPD_OPERATOR.x509"
    CPD_DLCA_CERT = "02_CPD_DLCA.x509"
    CPD_DL_CERT = "03_CPD_DL.x509"
    #Removing DL cert:#1281, #1282
    print "Removing DL cert 1281....\n"
    #Nm.nm_remove_cert(sendMode, IPV6, '1281')
    seqNum = seqNum + 15
    privateID = 1282
    cmdString = " certs erase " + str(privateID)
    (seqNum, assocId, ss) = Nm.nm_als_secured_commands_send(sendMode, cmdString, seqNum, assocId, ss, IPV6, timeOut,
    print "Return for next command request for: seqNum;\'%d\', assocId:\'%s\', and sharedsecret:\'%s\' \n" % (
            seqNum, assocId, ss)
    print "Removing DL cert 1282....\n"
    #Nm.nm_remove_cert(sendMode, IPV6, '1282')
    seqNum = seqNum + 15
    privateID = 1281
    cmdString = " certs erase " + str(privateID)
    (seqNum, assocId, ss) = Nm.nm_als_secured_commands_send(sendMode, cmdString, seqNum, assocId, ss, IPV6, timeOut,
    print "Return for next command request for: seqNum;\'%d\', assocId:\'%s\', and sharedsecret:\'%s\' \n" % (
            seqNum, assocId, ss)

    #Removing DLCA cert: #1283
    print "Removing DLCA cert....\n"
    #Nm.nm_remove_cert(sendMode, IPV6, '1025')
    seqNum = seqNum + 15
    privateID = 1283
    cmdString = " certs erase " + str(privateID)
    (seqNum, assocId, ss) = Nm.nm_als_secured_commands_send(sendMode, cmdString, seqNum, assocId, ss, IPV6, timeOut,
    print "Return for next command request for: seqNum;\'%d\', assocId:\'%s\', and sharedsecret:\'%s\' \n" % (
            seqNum, assocId, ss)
    #Removing OP cert:  #1027
    print "Deleting Op cert and subordinates...\n"
    #Nm.nm_certs_delete_op(sendMode, IPV6)
    seqNum = seqNum + 15
    cmdString = " certs delete_op"
    (seqNum, assocId, ss) = Nm.nm_als_secured_commands_send(sendMode, cmdString, seqNum, assocId, ss, IPV6, timeOut,
    print "Return for next command request for: seqNum;\'%d\', assocId:\'%s\', and sharedsecret:\'%s\' \n" % (
            seqNum, assocId, ss)
    seqNum = seqNum + 15
    print "Deleting NMENITY Cert...\n"
    #Nm.nm_certs_delete_op(sendMode, IPV6)
    seqNum = seqNum + 15
    privateID = "0x200010"
    cmdString = " certs erase " + str(privateID)
    (seqNum, assocId, ss) = Nm.nm_als_secured_commands_send(sendMode, cmdString, seqNum, assocId, ss, IPV6, timeOut,
    print "Return for next command request for: seqNum;\'%d\', assocId:\'%s\', and sharedsecret:\'%s\' \n" % (
            seqNum, assocId, ss)
    seqNum = seqNum + 15
    print "Deleting EBOCA CERT...\n"
    #Nm.nm_certs_delete_op(sendMode, IPV6)
    seqNum = seqNum + 15
    privateID = "0x20000f"
    cmdString = " certs erase " + str(privateID)
    (seqNum, assocId, ss) = Nm.nm_als_secured_commands_send(sendMode, cmdString, seqNum, assocId, ss, IPV6, timeOut,
    print "Return for next command request for: seqNum;\'%d\', assocId:\'%s\', and sharedsecret:\'%s\' \n" % (
            seqNum, assocId, ss)
    #seqNum = seqNum + 15
    #ret = Nm.nm_teardown_ALS_connection(sendMode, seqNum, assocId, ss, IPV6)


    #To run from cmd line: python -m unittest sandbox.Test_Dut.Test_Dut.test_register_40_Devices
    def test_register_40_Devices(self):
        #"nm_trap force i5s_reg " + BPD2_BRICK_MAC_ID + " " + SST2 + " " + "04010a0c 101112131415161718192021222324"
        TEST_SST = "4954554300e4e2"
        TEST_BPD ="00:07:81:43:00:e4:e2:"
        for i in range(01, 42):  #42 for negative test case, #Will go to 41, expect OK, but node 41 will not be registered, not even Node #40, since its my real BPD itself.
            i = '{num:02d}'.format(num=i)
            print "Registering CPD device #:%s\n" % str(i)
            cmd = NET_MGR_PATH + " " + sendMode + " " + IPV6 + " " + "nm_trap force i5s_reg " + TEST_BPD+str(i) + " " + TEST_SST+str(i) + " " + "04010a0c 101112131415161718192021222324"
            ret = Nm.processCmd(cmd)
            print ret
Example #6
    seqNum = 0

seqNum = int(seqNum)

#This is a break-out file, from the main section of, to separate the testing portion for the library from the libary.
#As it's gotten too big to be part of the library.

print "Running module as script"
print "NIC info"
sendMode = '-d'

timeOut = 60
#Nm.nm_discover_thy_neighbor(sendMode, CPD_MAC_ID, 30)

# Get Random 5-digits Required ID to start communication
reqId = Nm.random_with_N_digits(5)
replyType = 5  # BC=0x1 + Blob=0x4 for nm.nm_sec_assoc assoc
replyType2 = '03'  # HMAC, ShA256 for secured send comands

# Configure CPD to talk to BPD:
Nm.nm_configure_cpd(sendMode, IPV6)
#Nm.nm_configure_cpd(sendMode, BPD1_IPV6_AP)
#Nm.nm_configure_cpd(sendMode, BPD2_IPV6_AP)
#Nm.nm_restart_now(sendMode, IPV6)    #Dont want to restart now

#Check Certs Ownership level of device:
#print "Validating & Checking certs ownership on devices... \'%s\'" % BPD1_IPV6_AP
#Nm.nm_validate_certs_ownership(sendMode, BPD1_IPV6_AP, FULLY_DL_CHAINED_CERTS)