def getcfgdsuserdn(cfgdn, args):
    """Return a DirSrv object bound anonymously or to the admin user.

    If the config ds user ID was given, not the full DN, we need to figure
    out the full DN.

    Try in order to:
        1- search the directory anonymously;
        2- look in ldap.conf;
        3- try the default DN.

    This may raise a file or LDAP exception.
    # create a connection to the cfg ds
    conn = lib389.DirSrv(args['cfgdshost'], args['cfgdsport'], "", "", None)
    # if the caller gave a password, but not the cfguser DN, look it up
    if 'cfgdspwd' in args and \
            ('cfgdsuser' not in args or not is_a_dn(args['cfgdsuser'])):
        if 'cfgdsuser' in args:
            ent = conn.getEntry(cfgdn, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,
                                "(uid=%s)" % args['cfgdsuser'],
            args['cfgdsuser'] = ent.dn
        elif 'sroot' in args:
            ldapconf = open(
                "%s/shared/config/ldap.conf" % args['sroot'], 'r')
            for line in ldapconf:
                ary = line.split()  # default split is all whitespace
                if len(ary) > 1 and ary[0] == 'admnm':
                    args['cfgdsuser'] = ary[-1]
        elif 'admconf' in args:
            args['cfgdsuser'] = args['admconf'].userdn
        elif 'cfgdsuser' in args:
            dsuser = ("uid=%s,ou=Administrators,ou=TopologyManagement,%s" %
                      (args['cfgdsuser'], cfgdn))
            args['cfgdsuser'] = dsuser
        conn = lib389.DirSrv(
            args['cfgdshost'], args['cfgdsport'], args['cfgdsuser'],
            args['cfgdspwd'], None)
    return conn
Example #2
    def _offlineDirsrv(args):
            Function to allocate an offline DirSrv instance.
            This instance is not initialized with the Directory instance
            (__localinit__() and __add_brookers__() are not called)
            The properties set are:
        instance = lib389.DirSrv(verbose=True)

        return instance
Example #3
    def createInstance(args, verbose=0):
        """Create a new instance of directory server and return a connection to it.

        This function:
        - guesses the hostname where to create the DS, using
        localhost by default;
        - figures out if the given hostname is the local host or not.

        @param args -  a dict with the following values {
            # new instance compulsory values
            'newinstance': 'rpolli',
            'newsuffix': 'dc=example,dc=com',
            'newhost': 'localhost.localdomain',
            'newport': 22389,
            'newrootpw': 'password',

            # optionally register instance on an admin tree
            'have_admin': True,

            # optionally directory where to store instance backup
            'backupdir': [ /tmp ]

            # you can configure a new dirsrv-admin
            'setup_admin': True,

            # or you need the dirsrv-admin to be already setup
            'cfgdshost': 'localhost.localdomain',
            'cfgdsport': 22389,
            'cfgdsuser': '******',
            'cfgdspwd': 'admin',

        cfgdn = lib389.CFGSUFFIX
        isLocal = update_newhost_with_fqdn(args)

        # use prefix if binaries are relocated
        sroot = args.get('sroot', '')
        prefix = args.setdefault('prefix', '')

        # get the backup directory to store instance backup
        backupdir = args.get('backupdir', '/tmp')

        # new style - prefix or FHS?
        args['new_style'] = not args.get('sroot')

        # do we have ds only or ds+admin?
        if 'no_admin' not in args:
            sbindir = get_sbin_dir(sroot, prefix)
            if os.path.isfile(sbindir + PATH_SETUP_DS_ADMIN):
                args['have_admin'] = True

        # set default values
        args['have_admin'] = args.get('have_admin', False)
        args['setup_admin'] = args.get('setup_admin', False)

        # get default values from adm.conf
        if args['new_style'] and args['have_admin']:
            admconf = LDIFConn(args['prefix'] + PATH_ADM_CONF)
            args['admconf'] = admconf.get('')

        # next, get the configuration ds host and port
        if args['have_admin']:
            args['cfgdshost'], args['cfgdsport'], cfgdn = getcfgdsinfo(args)
        # if a Config DS is passed, get the userdn. This creates
        # a connection to the given DS. If you don't want to connect
        # to this server you should pass 'setup_admin' too.
        if args['have_admin'] and not args['setup_admin']:
            cfgconn = getcfgdsuserdn(cfgdn, args)

        # next, get the server root if not given
        if not args['new_style']:
            getserverroot(cfgconn, isLocal, args)
        # next, get the admin domain
        if args['have_admin']:
            update_admin_domain(isLocal, args)
        # next, get the admin server port and any other information - close the cfgconn
        if args['have_admin'] and not args['setup_admin']:
            asport, secure = getadminport(cfgconn, cfgdn, args)
        # next, get the posix username
        # fixup and verify other args
        args['newport'] = args.get('newport', 389)
        args['newrootdn'] = args.get('newrootdn', DN_DM)
        args['newsuffix'] = args.get('newsuffix',

        if not isLocal or 'cfgdshost' in args:
            if 'admin_domain' not in args:
                args['admin_domain'] = getdomainname(args['newhost'])
            if isLocal and 'cfgdspwd' not in args:
                args['cfgdspwd'] = "dummy"
            if isLocal and 'cfgdshost' not in args:
                args['cfgdshost'] = args['newhost']
            if isLocal and 'cfgdsport' not in args:
                args['cfgdsport'] = 55555
        missing = False
        for param in ('newhost', 'newport', 'newrootdn', 'newrootpw',
                      'newinstance', 'newsuffix'):
            if param not in args:
                log.error("missing required argument: ", param)
                missing = True
        if missing:
            raise InvalidArgumentError("missing required arguments")

        # try to connect with the given parameters
            newconn = lib389.DirSrv(args['newhost'], args['newport'],
                                    args['newrootdn'], args['newrootpw'],
            newconn.prefix = prefix
            newconn.backupdir = backupdir
            newconn.isLocal = isLocal
            if args['have_admin'] and not args['setup_admin']:
                newconn.asport = asport
                newconn.cfgdsuser = args['cfgdsuser']
                newconn.cfgdspwd = args['cfgdspwd']
            print "Warning: server at %s:%s already exists, returning connection to it" % \
                  (args['newhost'], args['newport'])
            return newconn
        except ldap.SERVER_DOWN:
            pass  # not running - create new one

        if not isLocal or 'cfgdshost' in args:
            for param in ('cfgdshost', 'cfgdsport', 'cfgdsuser', 'cfgdspwd',
                if param not in args:
                    print "missing required argument", param
                    missing = True
        if not isLocal and not asport:
            print "missing required argument admin server port"
            missing = True
        if missing:
            raise InvalidArgumentError("missing required arguments")

        # construct a hash table with our CGI arguments - used with cgiPost
        # and cgiFake
        cgiargs = {
            'servname': args['newhost'],
            'servport': args['newport'],
            'rootdn': args['newrootdn'],
            'rootpw': args['newrootpw'],
            'servid': args['newinstance'],
            'suffix': args['newsuffix'],
            'servuser': args['newuserid'],
            'start_server': 1
        if 'cfgdshost' in args:
            cgiargs['cfg_sspt_uid'] = args['cfgdsuser']
            cgiargs['cfg_sspt_uid_pw'] = args['cfgdspwd']
            cgiargs['ldap_url'] = "ldap://%s:%d/%s" % (
                args['cfgdshost'], args['cfgdsport'], cfgdn)
            cgiargs['admin_domain'] = args['admin_domain']

        if not isLocal:
            DirSrvTools.cgiPost(args['newhost'], asport, args['cfgdsuser'],
                                "/slapd/Tasks/Operation/Create", verbose,
                                secure, cgiargs)
        elif not args['new_style']:
            prog = sroot + "/bin/slapd/admin/bin/ds_create"
            if not os.access(prog, os.X_OK):
                prog = sroot + "/bin/slapd/admin/bin/ds_newinstance"
            DirSrvTools.cgiFake(sroot, verbose, prog, cgiargs)
            prog = ''
            if args['have_admin']:
                prog = get_sbin_dir(sroot, prefix) + PATH_SETUP_DS_ADMIN
                prog = get_sbin_dir(sroot, prefix) + PATH_SETUP_DS

            if not os.path.isfile(prog):
                log.error("Can't find file: %r, removing extension" % prog)
                prog = prog[:-3]

            content = formatInfData(args)
            DirSrvTools.runInfProg(prog, content, verbose)

        newconn = lib389.DirSrv(args['newhost'], args['newport'],
                                args['newrootdn'], args['newrootpw'],
        newconn.prefix = prefix
        newconn.backupdir = backupdir
        newconn.isLocal = isLocal
        # Now the admin should have been created
        # but still I should have taken all the required infos
        # before.
        if args['have_admin'] and not args['setup_admin']:
            newconn.asport = asport
            newconn.cfgdsuser = args['cfgdsuser']
            newconn.cfgdspwd = args['cfgdspwd']
        return newconn