def setup():
    mapper = mapMaker.MapMaker(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, gridSquareSize)
    replannerSM = replanner.ReplannerWithDynamicMap(goalPoint)
    robot.behavior = \
       sm.Cascade(sm.Parallel(sm.Cascade(sm.Parallel(mapper, sm.Wire()),
Example #2
 def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
     (s1, s2) = state
     self.ba1 = PureFunction(self.sm1_inst.getNextValues)
     self.ba2 = PureFunction(self.sm2_inst.getNextValues)
     self.double_bank = sm.Parallel(self.ba1, self.ba2)
     ((newS1, newS2), (o1, o2)) = self.double_bank.getNextValues((s1, s2),
     if newS1 > newS2:
         return newS1
         return newS2
Example #3

from secretMessage import secret

# Set to True for verbose output on every step
verbose = False

# Rotated square points
squarePoints = [util.Point(0.5, 0.5), util.Point(0.0, 1.0),
                util.Point(-0.5, 0.5), util.Point(0.0, 0.0)]
goal_generator = ffSkeleton.FollowFigure(secret)
# goal_generator = sm.Constant(util.Point(1.0, 0.5))
dynamic_move_machine = dynamicMoveToPointSkeleton.DynamicMoveToPoint()

# Put your answer to step 1 here
mySM = sm.Cascade(sm.Parallel(goal_generator, sm.Wire()), dynamic_move_machine)

###          Brain methods

def setup():
    robot.gfx = gfx.RobotGraphics(drawSlimeTrail = True)
    robot.behavior = mySM

def brainStart():
    robot.behavior.start(traceTasks = robot.gfx.tasks(),
                         verbose = verbose)
Example #4
			newState = state * 1.02 + inp - 100
			newState = state * 1.02
		return (newState, newState)

class BA2(sm.SM):
	startState = 0
	def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
		newState = state * 1.01 + inp
		return (newState, newState)

## return the max number of the two balance counter

ba1 = BA1()
ba2 = BA2()
maxAccount = sm.Cascade(sm.Parallel(ba1, ba2), PureFunction(max))

print maxAccount.transduce([100,200,20,3000], verbose=True)

## deposit or withdraw >3000 choose BA1, else choose BA2
def depositB(inp):
    if abs(inp) > 3000:
        return (inp, 0)
        return (0, inp)

swithAccount = sm.Cascade(sm.Cascade(PureFunction(depositB), sm.Parallel2(ba1, ba2)), PureFunction(sum))

## all in state machine
class Switch(sm.SM):
    startState = 0
Example #5
def test_max(state, inp):
    (s1, s2) = state
    return sm.Parallel(BA1().getNextValues(s1, inp),
                       BA2().getNextValues(s2, inp))
Example #6
        if inp != 0:
            newState += inp - 100
        return (newState, newState)

class BA2(sm.SM):
    startState = 0

    def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
        newState = state * 1.01 + inp
        return (newState, newState)

bank_one = BA1()
bank_two = BA2()
combined_bank = sm.Cascade(sm.Parallel(bank_one, bank_two), PureFunction(max))

def is_large_transaction(amount):
    return abs(amount) > 3000

def add(args):
    return args[0] + args[1]

class SwitchMachine(sm.SM):
    startState = None

    def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
        if is_large_transaction(inp):
Example #7
		self.f = f
	def getNextValues(self,state,inp):
		return (state,self.f(inp))
# Part 1: Maximize
# Make a state machine that computes the balances of both types of accounts
# and outputs the maximum of the two balances
# The input is a number
# Start by constructing a state machine whose input is a number and whose
# output is a tuple with two balances:
# Then combine this machine with sm.PureFunction

a1 = BA1()
a2 = BA2()
maxAccount = sm.Cascade(sm.Parallel(a1,a2),sm.PureFunction(max))

# maxAccount.transduce([1000,1500,2000,500],verbose = True)

# Part 2: Investment
# I put any deposit or withdrawal whose magnitude is > 3000 in the account1
# and all others in the account of type 2.  On every step both bank accounts
# should continue to earn relevant interest.  The output should be the sum
# of the balances in the two accounts.  Implement this by composing the two
# bank accoutns using sm.Parallel2 and cascading it with two simple machines
# you implement using sm.PureFunction

class Switcher(sm.SM):
	startState = None
	def getNextValues(self,state,inp):
		if abs(inp) > 3000: