Example #1
def printRange(row1, row2, col1, col2, HERCMATRIX):

    if row1 < 0:
        raise IndexError("row1 may not be less than zero")
    if row1 > HERCMATRIX.height:
        raise IndexError("row1 is out of bounds")
    if row2 < 0:
        raise IndexError("row2 may not be less than zero")
    if row2 > HERCMATRIX.height:
        raise IndexError("row2 is out of bounds")
    if col1 < 0:
        raise IndexError("col1 may not be less than zero")
    if col1 > HERCMATRIX.width:
        raise IndexError("col1 is out of bounds")
    if col2 < 0:
        raise IndexError("col2 may not be less than zero")
    if col2 > HERCMATRIX.width:
        raise IndexError("col2 is out of bounds")

    if row1 > row2:
        raise ValueError("row1 larger than row2")
    if col1 > col2:
        raise ValueError("col1 larger than col2")

    TMPMATRIX = libHercMatrix.hercMatrix()
    TMPMATRIX.height = abs(row2 - row1 + 1)
    TMPMATRIX.width = abs(col2 - col1 + 1)

    width = HERCMATRIX.width
    height = HERCMATRIX.height

    for element in HERCMATRIX.elements:
        row = element[0]
        col = element[1]
        val = element[2]

        if (row >= row1) and (row <= row2):
            if (col >= col1) and (col <= col2):
                    TMPMATRIX.setValue(row - row1,
                                       col - col1,
                except IndexError as e:
                    logging.warning("encountered error {0}".format(e))
                    logging.warning("writing to row {0} col {1} of "
                                    .format(row - row1, col - col1))
                    logging.warning("row {0} col {1}"
                                    .format(TMPMATRIX.height, TMPMATRIX.width))

Example #2
def read(path):
    # hercMatrix instance we will return later
    MATRIX = libHercMatrix.hercMatrix()
    # CSR matrix contents
    row_ptr = numpy.array([])  # row pointer
    col_idx = numpy.array([])  # column index
    val     = numpy.array([])  # values

    # read the file
    FILE = open(path, 'r')
    lines = FILE.readlines()

    # read in the header, split it, and save the contents
    header = lines[0].split()
    height = int(header[0])
    width = int(header[0])
    nzentries = int(header[1])

    lines.pop(0)  # get rid of the header
    for line in lines:
        if len(line.split()) == 2:
            # if the length is 2, we are in the column index + val section
            val = numpy.append(val, float(line.split()[0]))
            # col_idx is 1-indexed in valcol
            col_idx = numpy.append(col_idx, int(line.split()[1]) - 1)
        elif len(line.split()) == 1:
            # if line length is 1, we are in the row pointer section
            row_ptr = numpy.append(row_ptr, int(line))
            print("WARNING: malformed line for valcol file: {0}".format(line))

    # generate a scipy.sparse.csr_matrix instance of 
    # libHercMatrix.hercMatrix.replaceContents()
    CSRMATRIX = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((val, col_idx, row_ptr), 
        shape=(height, width))

    # move data into the hercMatrix instance
    MATRIX.nzentries = nzentries
    MATRIX.height = height 
    MATRIX.width = width 

    # check if the matrix is symmetric 
    if MATRIX.checkLowerTriangle():
        print("Lower triangle is empty, assuming symmetric matrix...")
        MATRIX.symmetry = "SYM"

    return MATRIX 
Example #3
# utility for exploring and editing the contents of hercm matrix files

import readline
import libHercMatrix
import libHercmIO
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot
import logging
import os
import pprint
from yapsy.PluginManager import PluginManager
import traceback
import sys

WORKINGMATRIX = libHercMatrix.hercMatrix()
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
pluginManager = PluginManager()
menuItems = []
currentTraceBack = None

def loadPlugins():
    global pluginManager
    global menuItems


    for plugin in pluginManager.getAllPlugins():
Example #4
def readMatrix(filename, form, showProgress=False):
    HERCMATRIX = libHercMatrix.hercMatrix()

    logging.info("reading matrix {0} in format {1}".format(filename, form))

    if (form == 'hercm') or (form == 'bxf'):
        # TODO: exception handling 
        HERCMATRIX = libBXF.read(filename)

    elif form == 'mtx':
        from scipy import io
        from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
        from numpy import array

        # reads in an MTX file and converts it to hercm

            if showProgress:
                print("reading data from file...")

            rawMatrix = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(scipy.io.mmread(filename))

            if 'symmetric' in io.mminfo(filename):
                HERCMATRIX.symmetry = "SYM"
                HERCMATRIX.symmetry = "ASYM"

            hercm = {}  # needed to generate verification

            if showProgress:
                print("generating header data..")
            hercm['val'] = rawMatrix.data
            hercm['col'] = rawMatrix.col.tolist()
            hercm['row'] = rawMatrix.row.tolist()
            (matrixWidth, matrixHeight) = rawMatrix.shape
            HERCMATRIX.height = int(matrixHeight)
            HERCMATRIX.width = int(matrixWidth)
            vs = libBXF.generateVerificationSum(hercm)
            HERCMATRIX.verification = vs
            HERCMATRIX.remarks = []

            # I'm not sure why  has to be hard...
            # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26018781/numpy-is-it-possible-to-preserve-the-dtype-of-columns-when-using-column-stack

            if showProgress:
                print("preparing matrix data...")
            val = numpy.asarray(hercm['val'], dtype='float64')
            col = numpy.asarray(hercm['col'], dtype='int32')
            row = numpy.asarray(hercm['row'], dtype='int32')

            val = numpy.rec.array(val, dtype=[(('val'), numpy.float64)])
            col = numpy.rec.array(col, dtype=[(('col'), numpy.int32)])
            row = numpy.rec.array(row, dtype=[(('row'), numpy.int32)])

            HERCMATRIX.elements = append_fields(row,

            HERCMATRIX.elements = append_fields(HERCMATRIX.elements,

            HERCMATRIX.nzentries = len(HERCMATRIX.elements['val'])

            HERCMATRIX.verification = libBXF.generateVerificationSum(

            if showProgress:
                print("finished reading matrix")

        except IOError as e:  # make sure the file exists and is readable
            logging.warning("(lsc-480) could not open matrix file")
            raise IOError("could not open matrix file for writing...",

    elif form == 'mat':  # matlab matrices
        from scipy import io
        from scipy import sparse
        from numpy import array


            rawMatrix = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(

            hercm = {}  # needed to generate verification

            hercm['val'] = rawMatrix.data
            hercm['col'] = rawMatrix.col.tolist()
            hercm['row'] = rawMatrix.row.tolist()
            (matrixWidth, matrixHeight) = rawMatrix.shape
            HERCMATRIX.height = int(matrixHeight)
            HERCMATRIX.width = int(matrixWidth)
            vs = libBXF.generateVerificationSum(hercm)
            HERCMATRIX.verification = vs
            HERCMATRIX.remarks = []

            # I'm not sure why  has to be hard...
            # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26018781/numpy-is-it-possible-to-preserve-the-dtype-of-columns-when-using-column-stack

            val = numpy.asarray(hercm['val'], dtype='float64')
            col = numpy.asarray(hercm['col'], dtype='int32')
            row = numpy.asarray(hercm['row'], dtype='int32')

            val = numpy.rec.array(val, dtype=[(('val'), numpy.float64)])
            col = numpy.rec.array(col, dtype=[(('col'), numpy.int32)])
            row = numpy.rec.array(row, dtype=[(('row'), numpy.int32)])

            HERCMATRIX.elements = append_fields(row,

            HERCMATRIX.elements = append_fields(HERCMATRIX.elements,
                    'val', val, usemask=False, dtypes=[numpy.float64])

            HERCMATRIX.nzentries = len(HERCMATRIX.elements['val'])

            if HERCMATRIX.checkSymmetry():
                HERCMATRIX.symmetry = 'SYM'

            HERCMATRIX.verification = libBXF.generateVerificationSum(

        except IOError as e:  # make sure the file exists and is readable
            logging.warning("(lsc-536)could not open matrix file")
            raise IOError("could not open matrix file for writing...",

    elif form == 'valcol':
        HERCMATRIX = libValcolIO.read(filename)

        logging.warning("(lsc-545) format {0} is not valid".format(form))

    if showProgress:
        print("converting matrix to row-major...")
    logging.info("converting matrix to row-major")

    if showProgress:
        print("matrix is now row major")

    if HERCMATRIX.symmetry == 'SYM':
        logging.info("matrix is symmetric, truncating upper triangle")
        if showProgress:
            print("matrix is symmetric, truncating upper triangle...")
        if showProgress:
            print("upper triangle truncated")

    return HERCMATRIX
Example #5
def read(filename):
    # reads in the HeRCM file specified by filename
    # returns it as an instance of libhsm.hsm

    # matrix object we will return later
    HERCMATRIX = libHercMatrix.hercMatrix()

    # row, col, and val lists we will read the matrix data into later
    row = []
    col = []
    val = []

    logging.info("Reading BXF file {0}".format(filename))

    fileObject = open(filename, 'r')
    # this may raise OSError, which the caller should catch

    # Get a list of lines from the file. Might be a good point for future
    # optimization - lines could be processed one at a time
    lines = fileObject.readlines()

    # read in the header
    header = lines[0]
    splitHeader = header.split()

    logging.info("read BXF header: " + header)

    # stuff we are going to read in from the header
    version = splitHeader[0]
    width = None
    height = None
    nzentries = None
    symmetry = None

    # version specific header parsing logic

    # deprecated HERCM (BXF 1.0) and BXF 2.0
    if version == "HERCM" or version == "BXF":
        if len(splitHeader) > 6:
            logging.warning("possibly mangled header - too many " +
                "fields for BXF 1.0 header. Attempting to read anyway...")
        elif len(splitHeader) < 6:
            logging.warning("possibly mangled header - too few fields for " +
                "BXF 1.0 header. Attempting to read anyway...")
        elif len(splitHeader) < 5:
            raise ValueError("Header has too few fields for any known BXF " +
                "version - unable to read header")

        # read fields from the header, see doc-extra/bxf-spec.md for more
        # details
        width = int(splitHeader[1])
        height = int(splitHeader[2])
        nzentries = int(splitHeader[3])
        symmetry = splitHeader[4].upper()

    elif (version == "BXF21") or (version == "BXF22"): # bxf 2.1 and 2.2 use 
                                                       # the same header format
        if len(splitHeader) != 5:
            raise ValueError("Header has incorrect number of fields for BXF " +
                " 2.1")

        width = int(splitHeader[1])
        height = int(splitHeader[2])
        nzentries = int(splitHeader[3])
        symmetry = splitHeader[4].upper()

        raise ValueError("Header did not contain  valid BXF version " +

    # verify symmetry
    if symmetry not in ["SYM", "ASYM"]:
        logging.warning("Symmetry {0} is not valid, assuming asymmetric"
        symmetry = "ASYM"

    logging.info("finished reading header")

    HERCMATRIX.width = width
    HERCMATRIX.height = height
    HERCMATRIX.nzentries = nzentries
    HERCMATRIX.symmetry = symmetry

    inField = False
    currentHeader = ''
    fieldname = ''
    vtype = ''
    currentContents = []
    for line in lines:
        # we are starting a new field
        if not inField:
            currentHeader = line.rstrip()
            splitHeader = currentHeader.split()

            if (version == "BXF21") or (version == "BXF22"):
                fieldname = splitHeader[0]
                vtype = splitHeader[1]
                # if you review previous BXF specifications, field headers
                # had three fields, the middle of which was either `LIST` or
                # `SINGLE`. These can both be safely treated as lists, as BXF2.1
                # does
                fieldname = splitHeader[0]
                vtype = splitHeader[2]

            inField = True

        # this is the end of a field
        elif 'ENDFIELD' in line:

            # save the values we read from this field to lists for later use
            if fieldname.lower() == "val":
                val = currentContents
            elif fieldname.lower() == "row":
                row = currentContents
            elif fieldname.lower() == "col":
                col = currentContents
            elif fieldname.lower() == "remarks":
                logging.warning("Ignoring field with unrecognized name: "
                    + fieldname)

            # discard the contents of this field
            currentContents = []
            inField = False

        # we are currently reading data from a field
            for value in line.split():
                # typecast this element according to the vtype
                # these may throw TypeError , which the caller should handle
                if vtype == 'INT':

                elif vtype == 'FLOAT':


    # do some basic validation
    if (len(row) != len(col)) or \
            (len(row) != len(val)) or \
            (len(val) != len(col)):
        raise ValueError("one or more vectors have non-matching lengths" +
            ", not a valid COO matrix")

    elif (len(val) != nzentries):
        # maybe this should throw an exception?
        logging.warning("nzentries does not match number of nonzero entries " +
            "read from file - matrix may be mangled")

        logging.info("matrix seems sane, it is probably not corrupt")

    # copy matrix data into the matrix object
    for i in range(0, HERCMATRIX.nzentries):
        # this could probably be optimized by generating a scipy.sparse
        # matrix then using hercMatrix.replaceContents()
        if (version == "HERCM") or (version == "BXF") or (version == "BXF21"):
            if HERCMATRIX.symmetry == "SYM":
                # perform an inline transpose 
                HERCMATRIX.addElement([col[i], row[i], val[i]]) 
                HERCMATRIX.addElement([row[i], col[i], val[i]])
            HERCMATRIX.addElement([row[i], col[i], val[i]])


    return HERCMATRIX