def __init__(self,INI): self.log = lib_Log.Log(PrintToConsole=True) self.Error = False self.INI = INI self.ReadError = False self.Renew = False self.ClearFailoverVariables() self.ServerIP = "" self.ServerVPNIP = "" self.Ping = lib_ICMP.Ping(self.ServerIP) self.PingVPN = lib_ICMP.Ping(self.ServerVPNIP) self.StandardDefaultGW = self.GetDefaultGateway() #create variables for priorities (datacounter) self.CounterDatatypes = ("rx_bytes","tx_bytes") self.CounterInterfaces = "tun1" temp = lib_LocalInterface.ReadBandwith(datatypes = self.CounterDatatypes, interfaces = self.CounterInterfaces) self.rxBytes = temp["tun1"]["rx_bytes"] self.txBytes = temp["tun1"]["tx_bytes"] self.MailInternalSend = False self.MailExternalSend = False ExternalMailDelay = self.INI.getOptionInt("FAILOVERGENERAL","EXTERNALMAILDELAY") if ExternalMailDelay is None: #if no delay is set, we set to 30 min ExternalMailDelay = 60 * 30 self.log.printWarning("ExternalMailDelay not defined in ini-file, set to %s seconds" % ExternalMailDelay) InternalMailDelay = self.INI.getOptionInt("FAILOVERGENERAL","INTERNALMAILDELAY") if InternalMailDelay is None: #if no delay is set, we set to 15 min InternalMailDelay = 60 * 15 self.log.printWarning("InternalMailDelay not defined in ini-file, set to %s seconds" % InternalMailDelay) self.ExternalMailDelay = ExternalMailDelay self.InternalMailDelay = InternalMailDelay self.ExternalMailSend = False self.InternalMailSend = False self.ChangedInterfaceTime = None self.InterfaceBeforeLastMail = None self.LastSuccessVPNPing = time.time() #how long does an iterface deserves to be "burned" before we can use it again (seconds) self.InterfaceBurnRestoreTime = 60 * 10 #after how long with unsuccessfull vpn pings an interface becomes "burned" self.InterfaceBurnTime = 60 * 1 #initialize time of burn to now, so counter starts here self.InterfaceBurningTime = time.time() self.BurnedInterface = None #checktimes is used for how often we need to check some parameters self.checktime = time.time() #create SQL instance # self.sql = lib_SQLdb.Database() self.couch_db = lib_CouchDB.COUCH_DATABASE() config_data = lib_config.CONFIG_DATA() self.config_interface = config_data.interface
def OpenConnection(self, IP="", Port=23): """ Opens a Telnet connection if not already open """ if self.Error == False: PING = lib_ICMP.Ping(IP) if PING.DoPingTest(): self.log.printInfo("Successfully Reached %s" % IP) else: self.log.printWarning("Can Not Reach %s" % IP) self.Error = True if self.Error == False: ''' tn.read_until("login: "******"\n") if password: tn.read_until("Password: "******"\n") ''' try: self.Telnet = telnetlib.Telnet(IP, Port, self.TelenetTimeout) self.log.printInfo("Telnet Connecting") self.Telnet_open = True except: self.log.printError( "%s TELNET Connection Failed, Please Check Credentials" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) self.Error = True return self.Error
def OpenConnection(self, Username="******", Password="******", IP="", Port=22): """ Opens a SSH connection if not already open """ if self.Error == False: PING = lib_ICMP.Ping(IP) if PING.DoPingTest(): self.log.printInfo("Successfully Reached %s" % IP) else: self.log.printWarning("Can Not Reach %s" % IP) self.Error = True if self.Error == False: self.log.printInfo("Connecting SSH") try: self.SSH.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) self.SSH.connect(IP, username=Username, password=Password, port=int(Port), timeout=50) self.SSH_open = True self.log.printInfo("SSH Connected") except: self.log.printError( "%s SSH Connection Failed, Please Check Credentials" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) self.Error = True return self.Error
def URLWithAuthenticate(self, Username, Password, URL): if self.Error == False: IP = re.findall("\/\/([^\/]+)\/", URL)[0] IP = IP.split(':')[0] PING = lib_ICMP.Ping(IP) if PING.DoPingTest(): self.log.printInfo("Successfully Reached %s" % IP) else: self.log.printWarning("Can Not Reach %s" % IP) self.Error = True if self.Error == False: try: data = requests.get(URL, auth=HTTPDigestAuth(Username, Password), timeout=10) self.soup = BeautifulSoup(data.content, "html.parser") except Exception as e: self.soup = ""
def GetData(self): if self.Error == False: try: result = None pingAdresses = self.INI.getOption(self.deviceDescr, self.devNumber, "IP") if pingAdresses is not None: result = {} for key in pingAdresses: adress = pingAdresses[key].strip() pingTest = lib_ICMP.Ping(adress) result[adress] = pingTest.DoPingTestExtended() if (result[adress]["error"] == True): self.log.printInfo("Ping failed - %s" % adress) else: self.log.printInfo("Ping succesfull - %s" % adress) # sql = lib_SQLdb.Database() #Device = "%s%s" % (self.deviceDescr, self.devNumber) #sql.Create_General_Option_Module(self.INI,result,Device, ModuleOption="dest") sqlArray = {} sqlArray[self.deviceDescr] = {} sqlArray[self.deviceDescr][self.devNumber] = {} sqlArray[self.deviceDescr][self.devNumber] = result sqlArray[self.deviceDescr][self.devNumber]["_ExtractInfo"] = {} sqlArray[self.deviceDescr][self.devNumber]["_ExtractInfo"][ "ExtractTime"] = time.time() sqlArray["ReadError"] = False return sqlArray except Exception as e: self.log.printError("%s Module Error" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) self.log.printError(str(e)) self.Error = True return None
def URL(self, URL): if self.Error == False: IP = re.findall("\/\/([^\/]+)\/", URL)[0] IP = IP.split(':')[0] PING = lib_ICMP.Ping(IP) if PING.DoPingTest(): self.log.printInfo("Successfully Reached %s" % IP) else: self.log.printWarning("Can Not Reach %s" % IP) self.Error = True if self.Error == False: try: if URL.lower().startswith("https"): context = ssl._create_unverified_context() page = urllib2.urlopen(URL, timeout=10, context=context) else: page = urllib2.urlopen(URL, timeout=10) self.soup = BeautifulSoup(page, "html.parser") except Exception as e: self.Error = True self.log.printError(e)
def OwnFailover(self): #Remove old and set the new Gateways with metric. Included DHCP with metric 100 self.SetInitalGateways(StartMetric = 10) #initialize self.TweenTime = time.time() mainLoopTime = self.INI.getOptionInt("MAIN_PROGRAM","MAINLOOPTIME") if mainLoopTime is None: mainLoopTime = 60 * 10 self.log.printWarning("Main loop time time not defined in ini-file, set to %s seconds" % mainLoopTime) #Create ping instance towards VPN server Ping = lib_ICMP.Ping(self.ServerIP) self.Policy = None #forever loop while True: try: #make sure failover is not taking all recources from processor time.sleep(2) #Renew info when Main reInitializes ini and sets self.Renew or on first run if self.Renew: self.log.printInfo("Reloading Failover Parameters dus to INI files updates") self.Priorities = self.GetFailoverPriorities() #Remove old and set the new Gateways with metric. Included DHCP with metric 100 self.SetInitalGateways(StartMetric = 10) #set all counter to NOW (Zero) self.ClearFailoverVariables() self.interface = None self.TweenTime = time.time() mainLoopTime = self.INI.getOptionInt("MAIN_PROGRAM","MAINLOOPTIME") if mainLoopTime is None: mainLoopTime = 60 * 10 self.log.printWarning("Main loop time time not defined in ini-file, set to %s seconds" % mainLoopTime) ExternalMailDelay = self.INI.getOptionInt("FAILOVERGENERAL","EXTERNALMAILDELAY") if ExternalMailDelay is None: #if no delay is set, we set to 15 min ExternalMailDelay = 60 * 15 self.log.printWarning("ExternalMailDelay not defined in ini-file, set to %s seconds" % ExternalMailDelay) InternalMailDelay = self.INI.getOptionInt("FAILOVERGENERAL","EXTERNALMAILDELAY") if InternalMailDelay is None: #if no delay is set, we set to 25 min InternalMailDelay = 60 * 25 self.log.printWarning("InternalMailDelay not defined in ini-file, set to %s seconds" % InternalMailDelay) self.ExternalMailDelay = ExternalMailDelay self.InternalMailDelay = InternalMailDelay self.ExternalMailSend = False self.InternalMailSend = False self.ChangedInterfaceTime = None self.Renew = False #Every looptime, confirm all data to SQL if (time.time() - self.TweenTime) >= mainLoopTime: #writing to database self.WriteToDatabase() self.TweenTime = time.time() #check all every 5 sec if ((self.checktime + 10) < time.time()): self.checktime = time.time() #check if mailsend is required self.SendMailIfRequired() #check if VPN is UP self.CheckVPN() for a in self.Priorities: testInterface = self.INI.getOptionStr("FAILOVER",a,"INTERFACE") # print "testinterface = %s" % testInterface if ((testInterface != None) and (self.BurnedInterface != testInterface)): retry = 0 pingtime = time.time() while retry < 5: if time.time() > (pingtime + 10) : pingtime = time.time() # print "retry = %s" % retry # print "failover alive" # print "ping %s" % testInterface # print "\n" #wait time between ping tries # time.sleep(10) #get average success ping result and if better than 60% continue (3 out of 5) successRate = Ping.GetPingSuccessrate(pingAmount = 5,interface = testInterface) # print "successRate = %s" % successRate if successRate >= 0.6: #if this is priority 1 at boot if self.interface == None and a == min(self.Priorities): self.ReplaceMainGateway(FailoverNumber = a) # no mail send is required, but print to log is self.log.printOK("System went to Preferred Network '%s' at STARTUP" % self.Description) elif testInterface != self.interface: #change inteface and store values self.ReplaceMainGateway(FailoverNumber = a) #prepare message for mail and write to log self.SetMessageChangeInterface(FailoverNumber = a) else: pass #self.log.printInfo("Interface %s was already set as Default Gateway"% self.interface) print ("Interface %s was already set as Default Gateway" % self.interface) raise ValueError("restart ping cycle") else: pass #self.log.printError("Ping via %s Failed" % self.interface) #print "Ping via %s Failed" % self.interface retry = retry + 1 else: time.sleep(1) #if program gets here, the default interface could not be set. #We can try to go to the default gateway given by the dhcp lease if self.StandardDefaultGW != None: testInterface = self.config_interface # print "testinterface = %s" % testInterface retry = 0 while retry < 5: #wait time between ping tries if time.time() > (pingtime + 10) : pingtime = time.time() # print "retry = %s" % retry retry = retry + 1 #get average success ping result and if better than 60% continue (3 out of 5) if Ping.GetPingSuccessrate(pingAmount = 5,interface = testInterface) >= 0.6: if testInterface != self.interface: self.ReplaceMainGateway(DHCP = True) self.SetMessageChangeInterface(DHCP = True) raise ValueError("restart ping cycle") except KeyboardInterrupt: self.log.printError ("\nMain Program stopped by User (CTRL+C)") exit() except Exception as e: # print "error" # print e # print "\n" pass
def ExternalFailover(self): CurrentInterface = None #tracert = lib_ICMP.Ping("") tracert = lib_ICMP.Ping(self.ServerIP) #create SQL instance # sql = lib_SQLdb.Database() #set all counter to NOW (Zero) MaxHops = self.INI.getOptionInt("FAILOVERGENERAL","MAXHOPS") if MaxHops == None: self.log.printWarning("Amount of MaxHops not defined in INI, MaxHops is set to 5 by default") MaxHops = 5 Gateway = None interface = None Description = None result = {} result["Gateway"] = Gateway TweenTime = time.time() mainLoopTime = self.INI.getOptionInt("MAIN_PROGRAM","MAINLOOPTIME") if mainLoopTime is None: mainLoopTime = 60 * 10 self.log.printWarning("Main loop time time not defined in ini-file, set to %s seconds" % mainLoopTime) while True: try: #Renew info when Main reInitializes ini and sets self.Renew if self.Renew: CurrentInterface = None Gateway = None interface = None Priority = None Description = None self.Policy = None self.Renew = False MaxHops = self.INI.getOptionInt("FAILOVERGENERAL","MAXHOPS") if MaxHops == None: MaxHops = 5 ExternalMailDelay = self.INI.getOptionInt("FAILOVERGENERAL","EXTERNALMAILDELAY") if ExternalMailDelay is None: #if no delay is set, we set to 30 min ExternalMailDelay = 60 * 30 self.log.printWarning("ExternalMailDelay not defined in ini-file, set to %s seconds" % ExternalMailDelay) InternalMailDelay = self.INI.getOptionInt("FAILOVERGENERAL","EXTERNALMAILDELAY") if InternalMailDelay is None: #if no delay is set, we set to 15 min InternalMailDelay = 60 * 15 self.log.printWarning("InternalMailDelay not defined in ini-file, set to %s seconds" % InternalMailDelay) self.ExternalMailDelay = ExternalMailDelay self.InternalMailDelay = InternalMailDelay #Every looptime, confirm all data to SQL if (time.time() - TweenTime) >= mainLoopTime: TweenTime = time.time() result = {} result["Description"] = Description result["Gateway"] = Gateway result["Interface"] = interface result["Policy"] = self.Policy result["Failover"] = Priority result.update(self.GetCounters()) #create tables, fill tables paramArray = {} paramArray["FAILOVER"] = {} paramArray["FAILOVER"][0] = {} paramArray["FAILOVER"][0]["General"] = result paramArray["FAILOVER"][0]["_ExtractInfo"] = {} paramArray["FAILOVER"][0]["_ExtractInfo"]["ExtractTime"] = time.time() print "1=============================================" print "Class_Failover" print "1=============================================" # sql.WriteArrayData(self.INI,paramArray,uniqueTable = "failover") self.couch_db.write_default_values(self.INI, paramArray, uniqueTable = "failover") print "1=============================================" print "END" print "1=============================================" Hop=1 Continue = True while Continue: if Hop > MaxHops: self.log.printWarning("MaxHops '%s' is reached without resolving a known/defined gateway") Hop = 1 traceresult = tracert.DoTraceroute(Hops = Hop) Hop += 1 if traceresult != None: Gateway = traceresult[max(traceresult)]["IP"] KnownGateway = False for a in Priorities: if Gateway == self.INI.getOptionStr("FAILOVER",a,"GATEWAY"): Description = self.INI.getOptionStr("FAILOVER",a,"DESCRIPTION") self.Policy = self.INI.getOptionStr("FAILOVER",a,"POLICY") interface = self.INI.getOptionStr("FAILOVER",a,"INTERFACE") Priority = "FAILOVER" + str(a) Continue = False KnownGateway = True break if Gateway != result["Gateway"] and KnownGateway == True: if a == min(Priorities) and result["Gateway"] == None: Message = "System went to Preferred Network '%s' at STARTUP" % Description self.log.printOK(Message) else: if a == min(Priorities): Message = "System returned to preferred Network '%s'" % Description else: Message = "Failover switched to '%s'. This profile has priority %s. \n"%(Description,a) Message += "\nYour prefered profile '%s' has no internet connection.\n" % (self.INI.getOptionStr("FAILOVER",min(Priorities),"DESCRIPTION")) for backup in Priorities: if backup != min(Priorities) and backup < a: Message += "Profile '%s' with priority %s, has also no internet connection.\n" % (self.INI.getOptionStr("FAILOVER",backup,"DESCRIPTION"),backup) Message += "\nPlease be aware of the change as it may result in expencive connectivity bills.\n" Message += "\n\nThis is an autogenerated Message, pls do not reply!\n" Message += "\n\nBest Regards, \nRHBOX-Team" Message += "\n\n--------------------------------------------------" Message += "\nMailTimestamp: " + str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) + " UTC" #print Message Mail = lib_Mail.Mail(self.INI,"FAILOVERGENERAL") Mail.Set_Subject("Failover Event, %s IMO: %s MMSI: %s" % (self.INI.getOptionStr("INFO","VESSELNAME"),self.INI.getOptionStr("INFO","IMO"),self.INI.getOptionStr("INFO","MMSI"))) Mail.Set_Message(Message) #Mail.Set_Attachement("/rhbox/log/","VSATBOX.log") Mail.Send_Mail() del Mail #write the results into Database TweenTime = time.time() result = {} result["Description"] = Description result["Gateway"] = Gateway result["Interface"] = interface result["Policy"] = self.Policy result["Failover"] = Priority result.update(self.GetCounters()) self.log.printInfo("Failover set to '%s' GW '%s' IF '%s' with Policy '%s'"% (Description,Gateway,interface,self.Policy)) #create tables, fill tables paramArray = {} paramArray["FAILOVER"] = {} paramArray["FAILOVER"][0] = {} paramArray["FAILOVER"][0]["General"] = result paramArray["FAILOVER"][0]["_ExtractInfo"] = {} paramArray["FAILOVER"][0]["_ExtractInfo"]["ExtractTime"] = time.time() print "2=============================================" print "Class_Failover" print "2=============================================" # sql.WriteArrayData(self.INI,paramArray,uniqueTable = "failover") self.couch_db.write_default_values(self.INI, paramArray, uniqueTable = "failover") print "2=============================================" print "END" print "2=============================================" #wait time between ping tries time.sleep(10) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.log.printError ("\nMain Program stopped by User (CTRL+C)") exit() except Exception as e: pass