Example #1
 def get_ccd_priors(self, config=None):
     data = get_data(self.filepath, self.headers, self.ph_units)
     data_ccdtools = np.hstack((data['amp'][::-1], 1000*data['pha'][::-1]))
     freq_ccdtools = data['freq'][::-1]
     if config == None:
         config = cfg_single.cfg_single()
         config['fixed_lambda'] = 20
         config['norm'] = 10
     config['frequency_file'] = freq_ccdtools
     config['data_file'] = data_ccdtools        
     # generate a ccd object
     ccd_obj = ccd_single.ccd_single(config)
     # commence with the actual fitting
     # extract the last iteration
     ccdt_last_it = ccd_obj.results[-1].iterations[-1]
     # Make a dictionary with what we learn from CCDtools inversion
     priors = {}
     priors['R0'] = ccdt_last_it.stat_pars['rho0'][0]
     priors['tau'] = ccdt_last_it.Data.obj.tau
     priors['log_tau'] = np.log10(ccdt_last_it.Data.obj.tau)
     priors['m'] = 10**ccdt_last_it.m[1:]
     priors['log_m'] = ccdt_last_it.m[1:]
     return priors, ccdt_last_it
Example #2
 def get_ccd_priors(self, config=None):
     data = get_data(self.filepath, self.headers, self.ph_units)
     data_ccdtools = np.hstack((data['amp'][::-1], 1000*data['pha'][::-1]))
     freq_ccdtools = data['freq'][::-1]
     if config == None:
         config = cfg_single.cfg_single()
         config['fixed_lambda'] = 20
         config['norm'] = 10
     config['frequency_file'] = freq_ccdtools
     config['data_file'] = data_ccdtools        
     # generate a ccd object
     ccd_obj = ccd_single.ccd_single(config)
     # commence with the actual fitting
     # extract the last iteration
     ccdt_last_it = ccd_obj.results[-1].iterations[-1]
     # Make a dictionary with what we learn from CCDtools inversion
     priors = {}
     priors['R0'] = ccdt_last_it.stat_pars['rho0'][0]
     priors['tau'] = ccdt_last_it.Data.obj.tau
     priors['log_tau'] = np.log10(ccdt_last_it.Data.obj.tau)
     priors['m'] = 10**ccdt_last_it.m[1:]
     priors['log_m'] = ccdt_last_it.m[1:]
     return priors, ccdt_last_it
Example #3
    def get_ccd_priors(self, config=None):
        data = get_data(self.filename, self.headers, self.ph_units)
#        print(data['pha'][0])
        data_ccdtools = np.hstack((data['amp'][::-1], 1000*data['pha'][::-1]))
        freq_ccdtools = data['freq'][::-1]
#        print(data_ccdtools[0],data_ccdtools[5])
        # set options using this dict-like object

#        if config == None:
#            config.update(cfg_single.cfg_single())
#            config['fixed_lambda'] = 10
#            config['norm'] = 10
#            print("\nNo CCDtools config passed, using default")
#        config.update({'frequency_file': freq_ccdtools})
#        config.update({'data_file': data_ccdtools})          
#        print(config['data_file'][0])

#        print(config['data_file'][-1])
#        print(config['data_file'][5])
#        print(config['frequency_file'][0])

#        print(config['data_file'][-1])
        if config == None:
            config = cfg_single.cfg_single()
            config['fixed_lambda'] = 10
            config['norm'] = 10
        config['frequency_file'] = freq_ccdtools
        config['data_file'] = data_ccdtools        
        # generate a ccd object
        ccd_obj = ccd_single.ccd_single(config)
        # commence with the actual fitting
        # extract the last iteration
        last_it = ccd_obj.results[-1].iterations[-1]
        # Make a dictionary with what we learn from CCDtools inversion
        priors = {}
        priors['R0'] = last_it.stat_pars['rho0'][0]
        priors['tau'] = last_it.Data.obj.tau
        priors['log_tau'] = np.log10(last_it.Data.obj.tau)
        priors['m'] = 10**last_it.m[1:]
        priors['log_m'] = last_it.m[1:]
#        print(priors['log_m'][0])
        return priors 
Example #4
    def debye_decomposition_one_spectrum(self,
        """Conduct a Debye Decomposition on each spectrum. Save certain
        parameters in sEIT.data columns and/or return fit data
        import lib_dd.decomposition.ccd_single as ccd_single
        import lib_dd.config.cfg_single as cfg_single


        # set options using this dict-like object
        config = cfg_single.cfg_single()
        config['frequency_file'] = spectrum['frequency'].values
        rmag_rpha = np.hstack((
        # print('rmag_rpha')
        # print(rmag_rpha)
        config['data_file'] = rmag_rpha
        ccd_obj = ccd_single.ccd_single(config)
        last_it = ccd_obj.results[0].iterations[-1]

        if gen_plots_in_dir is not None:
            pwd = os.getcwd()
            os.makedirs(gen_plots_in_dir, exist_ok=True)
            filename = 'plot_{}.jpg'.format(abmn.values[0, :])
            print('FILENAME', filename)

        return last_it
Example #5
    def start(self):
        """Cole-Cole Bayesian Model"""
        def ColeColeModel(cc_modes):
            # Initial guesses
            p0 = {'R0'       : 1.0,
                  'm'        : None,
                  'log_tau'  : None,
                  'c'        : None,
            # Stochastic variables
            R0 = pymc.Uniform('R0', lower=0.7, upper=1.3 , value=p0["R0"])
            m = pymc.Uniform('m', lower=0.0, upper=1.0, value=p0["m"], size=cc_modes)
            log_tau = pymc.Uniform('log_tau', lower=-7.0, upper=4.0, value=p0['log_tau'], size=cc_modes)
            c = pymc.Uniform('c', lower=0.0, upper=1.0, value=p0['c'], size=cc_modes)
            # Deterministic variables
            def zmod(cc_modes=cc_modes, R0=R0, m=m, lt=log_tau, c=c):
                return ColeCole_cyth1(w, R0, m, lt, c)
            def NRMSE_r(zmod=zmod, data=self.data["zn"]):
                return np.sqrt(np.mean((zmod[0] - data[0])**2))/abs(max(data[0])-min(data[0]))
            def NRMSE_i(zmod=zmod, data=self.data["zn"]):
                return np.sqrt(np.mean((zmod[1] - data[1])**2))/abs(max(data[1])-min(data[1]))
            # Likelihood
            obs = pymc.Normal('obs', mu=zmod, tau=old_div(1.0,(self.data["zn_err"]**2)), value=self.data["zn"], size=(2,len(w)), observed=True)
            return locals()
        """Shin Bayesian Model"""
        def ShinModel():
            # Initial guesses
            p0 = {'R'      : [0.5, 0.5],
                  'log_Q'  : [0,-4],
                  'n'      : [0.5, 0.5],
                  'log_tau': None,
                  'm'      : None,
            # Stochastics
            R = pymc.Uniform('R', lower=0.0, upper=1.0, value=p0["R"], size=2)
            log_Q = pymc.Uniform('log_Q', lower=-7, upper=2, value=p0["log_Q"], size=2)
            n = pymc.Uniform('n', lower=0.0, upper=1.0, value=p0["n"], size=2)
            # Deterministics
            def zmod(R=R, log_Q=log_Q, n=n):
                return Shin_cyth(w, R, log_Q, n)
            def log_tau(R=R, log_Q=log_Q, n=n):
                return np.log10((R*(10**log_Q))**(old_div(1.,n)))
            def R0(R=R):
                return R[0]+R[1]
            def m(R=R):
                return seigle_m*( old_div(max(R), (max(R) + min(R))))
            def NRMSE_r(zmod=zmod, data=self.data["zn"]):
                return np.sqrt(np.mean((zmod[0] - data[0])**2))/abs(max(data[0])-min(data[0]))
            def NRMSE_i(zmod=zmod, data=self.data["zn"]):
                return np.sqrt(np.mean((zmod[1] - data[1])**2))/abs(max(data[1])-min(data[1]))
            obs = pymc.Normal('obs', mu=zmod, tau=old_div(1.0,(self.data["zn_err"]**2)), value=self.data["zn"], size = (2,len(w)), observed=True)
            return locals()
        """Dias Bayesian Model"""
        def DiasModel():
            # Initial guesses
            p0 = {'R0'     :  1.0,
                  'm'      :  seigle_m,
                  'log_tau':  None,
                  'eta'    :  None,
                  'delta'  :  None,
            # Stochastics
            R0 = pymc.Uniform('R0', lower=0.9, upper=1.1 , value=1)
            m = pymc.Uniform('m', lower=0.0, upper=1.0, value=p0['m'])
            log_tau = pymc.Uniform('log_tau', lower=-7.0, upper=0.0, value=p0['log_tau'])
            eta = pymc.Uniform('eta', lower=0.0, upper=50.0, value=p0['eta'])
            delta = pymc.Uniform('delta', lower=0.0, upper=1.0, value=p0['delta'])
            # Deterministics
            def zmod(R0=R0, m=m, lt=log_tau, eta=eta, delta=delta):
                return Dias_cyth(w, R0, m, lt, eta, delta)
            # Likelihood
            obs = pymc.Normal('obs', mu=zmod, tau=old_div(1.0,(self.data["zn_err"]**2)), value=self.data["zn"], size = (2,len(w)), observed=True)
            def NRMSE_r(zmod=zmod, data=self.data["zn"]):
                return np.sqrt(np.mean((zmod[0] - data[0])**2))/abs(max(data[0])-min(data[0]))
            def NRMSE_i(zmod=zmod, data=self.data["zn"]):
                return np.sqrt(np.mean((zmod[1] - data[1])**2))/abs(max(data[1])-min(data[1]))
            return locals()
        def regularize(obj):
            # Stochastic variables
#            norm = pymc.Uniform('norm', lower=1, upper=1.1)
            log_f_lambda = pymc.Uniform('log_f_lambda', lower=1, upper=6)
            def zmod(obj=obj, f_lambda=10**log_f_lambda):
                obj.config['norm'] = 10
                obj.config['fixed_lambda'] = f_lambda
                l_it = obj.results[-1].iterations[-1]
                z = l_it.Model.F(l_it.m)[::-1].T
                z[1,:] *= -1
                return z/obj.config['norm']
#                return -10**l_it.m[1:]
            # Likelihood function
            obs = pymc.Normal('obs', mu=zmod, tau=1./(2*self.data["zn_err"]**2), value=self.data["zn"], size = (2, len(w)), observed=True)
#            obs = pymc.Normal('obs', mu=zmod, tau=1./(2*np.mean(self.data["pha_err"])**2), value=self.interp_pha, observed=True)
            return locals()
        def stoCCD(c_exp, ccd_priors):
            # Stochastic variables (noise on CCDtools output)
            # The only assumption we make is that the RTD noise is 
            # assumed to be equal to 0 and below 20% with 1 standard deviation
            noise_tau = pymc.Normal('log_noise_tau', mu=0, tau=1/(0.2**2))
            noise_m = pymc.Normal('log_noise_m', mu=0, tau=1/(0.2**2))
            noise_rho = pymc.Normal('log_noise_rho', mu=0, tau=1/(0.2**2))

            # Deterministic variables of CCD
            def log_m_i(logm=ccd_priors['log_m'], dm=noise_m):
                # log chargeability array
                return logm + dm
            def log_tau_i(logt=ccd_priors['log_tau'], dt=noise_tau):
                # log tau array
                return logt + dt
            def R0(R=ccd_priors['R0'], dR=noise_rho):
                # DC resistivity (normalized)
                return R + dR
            def cond(log_tau = log_tau_i):
                # Condition on log_tau to compute integrating parameters
                log_tau_min = np.log10(1./w.max())
                log_tau_max = np.log10(1./w.min())
                return (log_tau >= log_tau_min)&(log_tau <= log_tau_max)
            def log_total_m(m=10**log_m_i[cond]):
                # Total chargeability
                return np.log10(np.nansum(m))
            def log_half_tau(m_i=10**log_m_i[cond], log_tau=log_tau_i[cond]):
                # Tau 50
                return log_tau[np.where(np.cumsum(m_i)/np.nansum(m_i) > 0.5)[0][0]]
            def log_U_tau(m_i=10**log_m_i[cond], log_tau=log_tau_i[cond]):
                tau_60 = log_tau[np.where(np.cumsum(m_i)/np.nansum(m_i) > 0.6)[0][0]]
                tau_10 = log_tau[np.where(np.cumsum(m_i)/np.nansum(m_i) > 0.1)[0][0]]
                return np.log10(10**tau_60 / 10**tau_10)
            def log_peak_tau(m_i=log_m_i, log_tau=log_tau_i):
                # Tau peaks
#                peak_cond = np.r_[True, m_i[1:] > m_i[:-1]] & np.r_[m_i[:-1] > m_i[1:], True]
                peak_cond = argrelextrema(m_i, np.greater)
                return np.squeeze(log_tau[peak_cond])
            def log_peak_m(log_m=log_m_i):
                peak_cond = argrelextrema(log_m, np.greater)
                # Peak chargeability
                return np.squeeze(log_m[peak_cond])
            def log_mean_tau(m_i=10**log_m_i[cond], log_tau=log_tau_i[cond]):
                # Tau logarithmic average 
                return np.log10(np.exp(np.nansum(m_i*np.log(10**log_tau)) / np.nansum(m_i)))
            def zmod(R0=R0, m=10**log_m_i, tau=10**log_tau_i):
                Z = R0 * (1 - np.sum(m*(1 - 1.0/(1 + ((1j*w[:,np.newaxis]*tau)**c_exp))), axis=1))
                return np.array([Z.real, Z.imag])
            def NRMSE_r(zmod=zmod, data=self.data["zn"]):
                return np.sqrt(np.mean((zmod[0] - data[0])**2))/abs(max(data[0])-min(data[0]))
            def NRMSE_i(zmod=zmod, data=self.data["zn"]):
                return np.sqrt(np.mean((zmod[1] - data[1])**2))/abs(max(data[1])-min(data[1]))
            # Likelihood function
            obs = pymc.Normal('obs', mu=zmod, tau=1./(2*self.data["zn_err"]**2), value=self.data["zn"], size = (2, len(w)), observed=True)
            return locals()
        """Debye, Warburg, Cole-Cole decomposition Bayesian Model"""
        def PolyDecompModel(decomp_poly, c_exp, ccd_priors):
            # Initial guesses
            p0 = {'R0'         : 1.0,
                  'a'          : None,
    #              'a'          : ([0.01, -0.01, -0.01, 0.001, 0.001]+[0.0]*(decomp_poly-4))[:(decomp_poly+1)],
                  'a_mu' : np.array([0.00590622364129, -0.00259869937567, -0.00080727429007, 0.00051369743841, 0.000176048226508]),
                  'a_sd' : np.array([0.00448686724083, 0.00354717249566, 0.00153254695967, 0.00109002742145, 0.000189386869372]),
                  'log_tau_hi' : -5.0,
                  'm_hi'       : 0.5,
                  'TotalM'     : None,
                  'log_MeanTau': None,
                  'U'          : None,
            # Stochastics
            R0 = pymc.Uniform('R0', lower=0.7, upper=1.3, value=p0['R0'])
#            R0 = pymc.Normal('R0', mu=0.989222579813, tau=1./(0.0630422467962**2))
#            R0 = pymc.Normal('R0', mu=ccd_priors['R0'], tau=1./(1e-10**2))

    #        m_hi = pymc.Uniform('m_hi', lower=0.0, upper=1.0, value=p0['m_hi'])
    #        log_tau_hi = pymc.Uniform('log_tau_hi', lower=-8.0, upper=-3.0, value=p0['log_tau_hi'])
#            a = pymc.Uniform('a', lower=0.9*np.array([-0.0018978657,-0.01669747315,-0.00507228575,-0.0058924686,-0.0008685198]), upper=1.1*np.array([0.0222362157,0.00528944015,0.00767281475,0.0052059286,0.0009839638]), size=decomp_poly+1)
#            a = pymc.MvNormal('a', mu=p0['a_mu']*np.ones(decomp_poly+1), tau=(1./(2*p0['a_sd'])**2)*np.eye(decomp_poly+1))        
#            a = pymc.MvNormal('a', mu=ccd_priors['a'], tau=(1./(1e-10)**2)*np.eye(decomp_poly+1))        

            a = pymc.Normal('a', mu=0, tau=1./(0.01**2), value=p0["a"], size=decomp_poly+1)
#            noise = pymc.Uniform('noise', lower=0., upper=1.)
            if self.guess_noise:
                noise_r = pymc.Uniform('noise_real', lower=0., upper=1.)
                noise_i = pymc.Uniform('noise_imag', lower=0., upper=1.)

#            noises = pymc.Lambda('noises', lambda noise=noise: np.reshape(noise, (2,1)))
            # Deterministics
    #        @pymc.deterministic(plot=False)
    #        def m_hi(mp_hi=mp_hi):
    #            return 10**mp_hi / (1 + 10**mp_hi)
#            @pymc.deterministic(plot=False) 
#            def cond(log_tau=log_tau):
#                # Condition on log_tau to compute integrating parameters
#                log_tau_min = np.log10(1./w.max())
#                log_tau_max = np.log10(1./w.min())
##                log_tau_min = np.log10(self.ccdt_last_it.Data.obj.tau_data_min)
##                log_tau_max = np.log10(self.ccdt_last_it.Data.obj.tau_data_max)
#                return (log_tau >= log_tau_min)&(log_tau <= log_tau_max)
            def zmod(R0=R0, a=a):
                return Decomp_cyth(w, tau_10, log_taus, c_exp, R0, a)
            def m_i(a=a):
                return np.sum((a*log_taus.T).T, axis=0)
#                return np.poly1d(a)(ccd_priors['log_tau'])
            def total_m(m=m_i[cond]):
                return np.nansum(m)
#                return np.sum(m_i[(log_tau >= self.log_min_tau)&(m_i >= 0)&(log_tau <= 0)])
            def log_half_tau(m=m_i[cond], log_tau=log_tau[cond]):
                # Tau 50
                return log_tau[np.where(np.cumsum(m)/np.nansum(m) > 0.5)[0][0]]
            def log_mean_tau(m=m_i[cond], log_tau=log_tau[cond]):
                return np.log10(np.exp(old_div(np.sum(m*np.log(10**log_tau)),np.sum(m))))
            def log_U_tau(m=m_i[cond], log_tau=log_tau[cond]):
                tau_60 = log_tau[np.where(np.cumsum(m)/np.nansum(m) > 0.6)[0][0]]
                tau_10 = log_tau[np.where(np.cumsum(m)/np.nansum(m) > 0.1)[0][0]]
                return np.log10(10**tau_60 / 10**tau_10)
#            @pymc.deterministic(plot=False)
#            def log_peak_tau(m=m_i[cond], log_tau=log_tau[cond]):
#                # Tau peaks
#                return log_tau[argrelextrema(m, np.greater)]
#            @pymc.deterministic(plot=False)
#            def peak_m(m=m_i[cond], log_tau=log_tau[cond]):
#                # Peak chargeability
#                return m[argrelextrema(m, np.greater)]
            def NRMSE_r(zmod=zmod, data=self.data["zn"]):
                return np.sqrt(np.mean((zmod[0] - data[0])**2))/abs(max(data[0])-min(data[0]))
            def NRMSE_i(zmod=zmod, data=self.data["zn"]):
                return np.sqrt(np.mean((zmod[1] - data[1])**2))/abs(max(data[1])-min(data[1]))
            if self.guess_noise:
                obs_r = pymc.Normal('obs_r', mu=zmod[0], tau=1./((noise_r)**2), value=self.data["zn"][0], size = len(w), observed=True)
                obs_i = pymc.Normal('obs_i', mu=zmod[1], tau=1./((noise_i)**2), value=self.data["zn"][1], size = len(w), observed=True)
                obs = pymc.Normal('obs', mu=zmod, tau=1./(self.data["zn_err"]**2), value=self.data["zn"], size = (2, len(w)), observed=True)

            return locals()
        Main section
        # Importing data
        self.data = get_data(self.filepath, self.headers, self.ph_units)
        data_ccd = np.hstack((self.data['amp'][::-1], 1000*self.data['pha'][::-1]))
        frequencies_ccd = self.data['freq'][::-1]
        # generate a ccd object
        self.obj = ccd_single.ccd_single(cfg_single.cfg_single())
        self.obj.config['frequency_file'] = frequencies_ccd
        self.obj.config['data_file'] = data_ccd
        if (self.data["pha_err"] == 0).all():
            self.guess_noise = True
        seigle_m = (old_div((self.data["amp"][-1] - self.data["amp"][0]), self.data["amp"][-1]) ) # Estimating Seigel chargeability
        w = 2*np.pi*self.data["freq"] # Frequencies measured in rad/s
    #    n_freq = len(w)
    #    n_decades = np.ceil(max(np.log10(old_div(1.0,w)))) - np.floor(min(np.log10(old_div(1.0,w))))
        # Relaxation times associated with the measured frequencies (Debye decomposition only)
#        log_tau = self.ccd_priors['log_tau']
        if self.model == "PDecomp":
            log_tau = np.linspace(np.floor(min(np.log10(old_div(1.0,w)))-1), np.floor(max(np.log10(old_div(1.0,w)))+1), 50)
            cond = (log_tau >= min(log_tau)+1)&(log_tau <= max(log_tau)-1)
            log_taus = np.array([log_tau**i for i in list(reversed(range(0,self.decomp_poly+1)))]) # Polynomial approximation for the RTD
            tau_10 = 10**log_tau # Accelerates sampling
            self.data["tau"] = tau_10 # Put relaxation times in data dictionary
        # Time and date (for saving traces)
        sample_name = self.filepath.replace("\\", "/").split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]
    #    actual_path = str(path.dirname(path.realpath(argv[0])))
        working_path = getcwd().replace("\\", "/")+"/"
        now = datetime.now()
        save_time = now.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
        save_date = now.strftime('%Y%m%d')
        out_path = '%s/Txt traces/%s/%s/%s-%s-%s/'%(working_path, save_date,
                                                     sample_name, self.model,
                                                     sample_name, save_time)
        Call to run_MCMC function
        # "ColeCole", "Dias", "Debye" or "Shin"
        sim_dict = {"ColeCole": {"func": ColeColeModel,     "args": [self.cc_modes]          },
                    "Dias":     {"func": DiasModel,         "args": []                  },
                    "PDecomp":  {"func": PolyDecompModel,   "args": [self.decomp_poly, self.c_exp, self.ccd_priors]},
                    "Shin":     {"func": ShinModel,         "args": []                  },
    #                "Custom":   {"func": YourModel,     "args": [opt_args]   },
                    "CCD":      {"func": stoCCD,            "args": [self.c_exp, self.ccd_priors]},
                    "lam":      {"func": regularize,        "args": [self.obj]},
        simulation = sim_dict[self.model] # Pick entries for the selected model
        self.MDL = run_MCMC(simulation["func"](*simulation["args"]), self.mcmc, save_traces=self.keep_traces, save_where=out_path) # Run MCMC simulation with selected model and arguments
    #    if not keep_tracfes: rmtree(out_path)   # Deletes the traces if not wanted
        self.pm = format_results(self.MDL, self.data["Z_max"]) # Format output
        zmodstats = self.MDL.stats(chain=-1)["zmod"] # Take last chain
        zn_avg = zmodstats["mean"]
        zn_l95 = zmodstats["95% HPD interval"][0]
        zn_u95 = zmodstats["95% HPD interval"][1]
        avg = self.data["Z_max"]*(zn_avg[0] + 1j*zn_avg[1]) # (In complex notation, de-normalized)
        l95 = self.data["Z_max"]*(zn_l95[0] + 1j*zn_l95[1]) # (In complex notation, de-normalized)
        u95 = self.data["Z_max"]*(zn_u95[0] + 1j*zn_u95[1]) # (In complex notation, de-normalized)
        self.fit = {"best": avg, "lo95": l95, "up95": u95} # Best fit dict with 95% HDP
        self.model_type = {"log_min_tau":self.log_min_tau, "c_exp":self.c_exp, "decomp_polyn":self.decomp_poly, "cc_modes":self.cc_modes}
        self.model_type_str = get_model_type(self)
        self.var_dict = dict([(x.__name__,x) for x in self.MDL.deterministics] + [(x.__name__,x) for x in self.MDL.stochastics])

        # Get names of parameters for save file
        pm_names = [x for x in sorted(self.var_dict.keys())]
        # Get all stochastic and deterministic variables
        trl = [self.var_dict[x] for x in pm_names]
        # Concatenate all traces in 1 matrix
        trace_mat = np.hstack([t.trace().reshape(-1, var_depth(t)) for t in trl])
        # Get numbers for each subheader
        num_names = [var_depth(v) for v in trl]     
        # Make list of headers
        headers = flatten([['%s%d'%(pm_names[p],x+1) for x in range(num_names[p])] if num_names[p] > 1 else [pm_names[p]] for p in range(len(pm_names))])
        self.trace_dict = {k: t for k,t in zip(headers, trace_mat.T)}
Example #6
    def start(self):
        """Cole-Cole Bayesian Model"""
        def ColeColeModel(cc_modes):
            # Initial guesses
            p0 = {'R0'       : 1.0,
                  'm'        : None,
                  'log_tau'  : None,
                  'c'        : None,
            # Stochastic variables
            R0 = pymc.Uniform('R0', lower=0.7, upper=1.3 , value=p0["R0"])
            m = pymc.Uniform('m', lower=0.0, upper=1.0, value=p0["m"], size=cc_modes)
            log_tau = pymc.Uniform('log_tau', lower=-7.0, upper=4.0, value=p0['log_tau'], size=cc_modes)
            c = pymc.Uniform('c', lower=0.0, upper=1.0, value=p0['c'], size=cc_modes)
            # Deterministic variables
            def zmod(cc_modes=cc_modes, R0=R0, m=m, lt=log_tau, c=c):
                return ColeCole_cyth1(w, R0, m, lt, c)
            def NRMSE_r(zmod=zmod, data=self.data["zn"]):
                return np.sqrt(np.mean((zmod[0] - data[0])**2))/abs(max(data[0])-min(data[0]))
            def NRMSE_i(zmod=zmod, data=self.data["zn"]):
                return np.sqrt(np.mean((zmod[1] - data[1])**2))/abs(max(data[1])-min(data[1]))
            # Likelihood
            obs = pymc.Normal('obs', mu=zmod, tau=old_div(1.0,(self.data["zn_err"]**2)), value=self.data["zn"], size=(2,len(w)), observed=True)
            return locals()
        """Shin Bayesian Model"""
        def ShinModel():
            # Initial guesses
            p0 = {'R'      : [0.5, 0.5],
                  'log_Q'  : [0,-4],
                  'n'      : [0.5, 0.5],
                  'log_tau': None,
                  'm'      : None,
            # Stochastics
            R = pymc.Uniform('R', lower=0.0, upper=1.0, value=p0["R"], size=2)
            log_Q = pymc.Uniform('log_Q', lower=-7, upper=2, value=p0["log_Q"], size=2)
            n = pymc.Uniform('n', lower=0.0, upper=1.0, value=p0["n"], size=2)
            # Deterministics
            def zmod(R=R, log_Q=log_Q, n=n):
                return Shin_cyth(w, R, log_Q, n)
            def log_tau(R=R, log_Q=log_Q, n=n):
                return np.log10((R*(10**log_Q))**(old_div(1.,n)))
            def R0(R=R):
                return R[0]+R[1]
            def m(R=R):
                return seigle_m*( old_div(max(R), (max(R) + min(R))))
            def NRMSE_r(zmod=zmod, data=self.data["zn"]):
                return np.sqrt(np.mean((zmod[0] - data[0])**2))/abs(max(data[0])-min(data[0]))
            def NRMSE_i(zmod=zmod, data=self.data["zn"]):
                return np.sqrt(np.mean((zmod[1] - data[1])**2))/abs(max(data[1])-min(data[1]))
            obs = pymc.Normal('obs', mu=zmod, tau=old_div(1.0,(self.data["zn_err"]**2)), value=self.data["zn"], size = (2,len(w)), observed=True)
            return locals()
        """Dias Bayesian Model"""
        def DiasModel():
            # Initial guesses
            p0 = {'R0'     :  1.0,
                  'm'      :  seigle_m,
                  'log_tau':  None,
                  'eta'    :  None,
                  'delta'  :  None,
            # Stochastics
            R0 = pymc.Uniform('R0', lower=0.9, upper=1.1 , value=1)
            m = pymc.Uniform('m', lower=0.0, upper=1.0, value=p0['m'])
            log_tau = pymc.Uniform('log_tau', lower=-7.0, upper=0.0, value=p0['log_tau'])
            eta = pymc.Uniform('eta', lower=0.0, upper=50.0, value=p0['eta'])
            delta = pymc.Uniform('delta', lower=0.0, upper=1.0, value=p0['delta'])
            # Deterministics
            def zmod(R0=R0, m=m, lt=log_tau, eta=eta, delta=delta):
                return Dias_cyth(w, R0, m, lt, eta, delta)
            # Likelihood
            obs = pymc.Normal('obs', mu=zmod, tau=old_div(1.0,(self.data["zn_err"]**2)), value=self.data["zn"], size = (2,len(w)), observed=True)
            def NRMSE_r(zmod=zmod, data=self.data["zn"]):
                return np.sqrt(np.mean((zmod[0] - data[0])**2))/abs(max(data[0])-min(data[0]))
            def NRMSE_i(zmod=zmod, data=self.data["zn"]):
                return np.sqrt(np.mean((zmod[1] - data[1])**2))/abs(max(data[1])-min(data[1]))
            return locals()
        def regularize(obj):
            # Stochastic variables
#            norm = pymc.Uniform('norm', lower=1, upper=1.1)
            log_f_lambda = pymc.Uniform('log_f_lambda', lower=1, upper=6)
            def zmod(obj=obj, f_lambda=10**log_f_lambda):
                obj.config['norm'] = 10
                obj.config['fixed_lambda'] = f_lambda
                l_it = obj.results[-1].iterations[-1]
                z = l_it.Model.F(l_it.m)[::-1].T
                z[1,:] *= -1
                return z/obj.config['norm']
#                return -10**l_it.m[1:]
            # Likelihood function
            obs = pymc.Normal('obs', mu=zmod, tau=1./(2*self.data["zn_err"]**2), value=self.data["zn"], size = (2, len(w)), observed=True)
#            obs = pymc.Normal('obs', mu=zmod, tau=1./(2*np.mean(self.data["pha_err"])**2), value=self.interp_pha, observed=True)
            return locals()
        def stoCCD(c_exp, ccd_priors):
            # Stochastic variables (noise on CCDtools output)
            # The only assumption we make is that the RTD noise is 
            # assumed to be equal to 0 and below 20% with 1 standard deviation
            noise_tau = pymc.Normal('log_noise_tau', mu=0, tau=1/(0.2**2))
            noise_m = pymc.Normal('log_noise_m', mu=0, tau=1/(0.2**2))
            noise_rho = pymc.Normal('log_noise_rho', mu=0, tau=1/(0.2**2))

            # Deterministic variables of CCD
            def log_m_i(logm=ccd_priors['log_m'], dm=noise_m):
                # log chargeability array
                return logm + dm
            def log_tau_i(logt=ccd_priors['log_tau'], dt=noise_tau):
                # log tau array
                return logt + dt
            def R0(R=ccd_priors['R0'], dR=noise_rho):
                # DC resistivity (normalized)
                return R + dR
            def cond(log_tau = log_tau_i):
                # Condition on log_tau to compute integrating parameters
                log_tau_min = np.log10(1./w.max())
                log_tau_max = np.log10(1./w.min())
                return (log_tau >= log_tau_min)&(log_tau <= log_tau_max)
            def log_total_m(m=10**log_m_i[cond]):
                # Total chargeability
                return np.log10(np.nansum(m))
            def log_half_tau(m_i=10**log_m_i[cond], log_tau=log_tau_i[cond]):
                # Tau 50
                return log_tau[np.where(np.cumsum(m_i)/np.nansum(m_i) > 0.5)[0][0]]
            def log_U_tau(m_i=10**log_m_i[cond], log_tau=log_tau_i[cond]):
                tau_60 = log_tau[np.where(np.cumsum(m_i)/np.nansum(m_i) > 0.6)[0][0]]
                tau_10 = log_tau[np.where(np.cumsum(m_i)/np.nansum(m_i) > 0.1)[0][0]]
                return np.log10(10**tau_60 / 10**tau_10)
            def log_peak_tau(m_i=log_m_i, log_tau=log_tau_i):
                # Tau peaks
#                peak_cond = np.r_[True, m_i[1:] > m_i[:-1]] & np.r_[m_i[:-1] > m_i[1:], True]
                peak_cond = argrelextrema(m_i, np.greater)
                return np.squeeze(log_tau[peak_cond])
            def log_peak_m(log_m=log_m_i):
                peak_cond = argrelextrema(log_m, np.greater)
                # Peak chargeability
                return np.squeeze(log_m[peak_cond])
            def log_mean_tau(m_i=10**log_m_i[cond], log_tau=log_tau_i[cond]):
                # Tau logarithmic average 
                return np.log10(np.exp(np.nansum(m_i*np.log(10**log_tau)) / np.nansum(m_i)))
            def zmod(R0=R0, m=10**log_m_i, tau=10**log_tau_i):
                Z = R0 * (1 - np.sum(m*(1 - 1.0/(1 + ((1j*w[:,np.newaxis]*tau)**c_exp))), axis=1))
                return np.array([Z.real, Z.imag])
            def NRMSE_r(zmod=zmod, data=self.data["zn"]):
                return np.sqrt(np.mean((zmod[0] - data[0])**2))/abs(max(data[0])-min(data[0]))
            def NRMSE_i(zmod=zmod, data=self.data["zn"]):
                return np.sqrt(np.mean((zmod[1] - data[1])**2))/abs(max(data[1])-min(data[1]))
            # Likelihood function
            obs = pymc.Normal('obs', mu=zmod, tau=1./(2*self.data["zn_err"]**2), value=self.data["zn"], size = (2, len(w)), observed=True)
            return locals()
        """Debye, Warburg, Cole-Cole decomposition Bayesian Model"""
        def PolyDecompModel(decomp_poly, c_exp, ccd_priors):
            # Initial guesses
            p0 = {'R0'         : 1.0,
                  'a'          : None,
    #              'a'          : ([0.01, -0.01, -0.01, 0.001, 0.001]+[0.0]*(decomp_poly-4))[:(decomp_poly+1)],
                  'a_mu' : np.array([0.00590622364129, -0.00259869937567, -0.00080727429007, 0.00051369743841, 0.000176048226508]),
                  'a_sd' : np.array([0.00448686724083, 0.00354717249566, 0.00153254695967, 0.00109002742145, 0.000189386869372]),
                  'log_tau_hi' : -5.0,
                  'm_hi'       : 0.5,
                  'TotalM'     : None,
                  'log_MeanTau': None,
                  'U'          : None,
            # Stochastics
            R0 = pymc.Uniform('R0', lower=0.7, upper=1.3, value=p0['R0'])
#            R0 = pymc.Normal('R0', mu=0.989222579813, tau=1./(0.0630422467962**2))
#            R0 = pymc.Normal('R0', mu=ccd_priors['R0'], tau=1./(1e-10**2))

    #        m_hi = pymc.Uniform('m_hi', lower=0.0, upper=1.0, value=p0['m_hi'])
    #        log_tau_hi = pymc.Uniform('log_tau_hi', lower=-8.0, upper=-3.0, value=p0['log_tau_hi'])
#            a = pymc.Uniform('a', lower=0.9*np.array([-0.0018978657,-0.01669747315,-0.00507228575,-0.0058924686,-0.0008685198]), upper=1.1*np.array([0.0222362157,0.00528944015,0.00767281475,0.0052059286,0.0009839638]), size=decomp_poly+1)
#            a = pymc.MvNormal('a', mu=p0['a_mu']*np.ones(decomp_poly+1), tau=(1./(2*p0['a_sd'])**2)*np.eye(decomp_poly+1))        
#            a = pymc.MvNormal('a', mu=ccd_priors['a'], tau=(1./(1e-10)**2)*np.eye(decomp_poly+1))        

            a = pymc.Normal('a', mu=0, tau=1./(0.01**2), value=p0["a"], size=decomp_poly+1)
#            noise = pymc.Uniform('noise', lower=0., upper=1.)
            if self.guess_noise:
                noise_r = pymc.Uniform('noise_real', lower=0., upper=1.)
                noise_i = pymc.Uniform('noise_imag', lower=0., upper=1.)

#            noises = pymc.Lambda('noises', lambda noise=noise: np.reshape(noise, (2,1)))
            # Deterministics
    #        @pymc.deterministic(plot=False)
    #        def m_hi(mp_hi=mp_hi):
    #            return 10**mp_hi / (1 + 10**mp_hi)
#            @pymc.deterministic(plot=False) 
#            def cond(log_tau=log_tau):
#                # Condition on log_tau to compute integrating parameters
#                log_tau_min = np.log10(1./w.max())
#                log_tau_max = np.log10(1./w.min())
##                log_tau_min = np.log10(self.ccdt_last_it.Data.obj.tau_data_min)
##                log_tau_max = np.log10(self.ccdt_last_it.Data.obj.tau_data_max)
#                return (log_tau >= log_tau_min)&(log_tau <= log_tau_max)
            def zmod(R0=R0, a=a):
                return Decomp_cyth(w, tau_10, log_taus, c_exp, R0, a)
            def m_i(a=a):
                return np.sum((a*log_taus.T).T, axis=0)
#                return np.poly1d(a)(ccd_priors['log_tau'])
            def total_m(m=m_i[cond]):
                return np.nansum(m)
#                return np.sum(m_i[(log_tau >= self.log_min_tau)&(m_i >= 0)&(log_tau <= 0)])
            def log_half_tau(m=m_i[cond], log_tau=log_tau[cond]):
                # Tau 50
                return log_tau[np.where(np.cumsum(m)/np.nansum(m) > 0.5)[0][0]]
            def log_mean_tau(m=m_i[cond], log_tau=log_tau[cond]):
                return np.log10(np.exp(old_div(np.sum(m*np.log(10**log_tau)),np.sum(m))))
            def log_U_tau(m=m_i[cond], log_tau=log_tau[cond]):
                tau_60 = log_tau[np.where(np.cumsum(m)/np.nansum(m) > 0.6)[0][0]]
                tau_10 = log_tau[np.where(np.cumsum(m)/np.nansum(m) > 0.1)[0][0]]
                return np.log10(10**tau_60 / 10**tau_10)
#            @pymc.deterministic(plot=False)
#            def log_peak_tau(m=m_i[cond], log_tau=log_tau[cond]):
#                # Tau peaks
#                return log_tau[argrelextrema(m, np.greater)]
#            @pymc.deterministic(plot=False)
#            def peak_m(m=m_i[cond], log_tau=log_tau[cond]):
#                # Peak chargeability
#                return m[argrelextrema(m, np.greater)]
            def NRMSE_r(zmod=zmod, data=self.data["zn"]):
                return np.sqrt(np.mean((zmod[0] - data[0])**2))/abs(max(data[0])-min(data[0]))
            def NRMSE_i(zmod=zmod, data=self.data["zn"]):
                return np.sqrt(np.mean((zmod[1] - data[1])**2))/abs(max(data[1])-min(data[1]))
            if self.guess_noise:
                obs_r = pymc.Normal('obs_r', mu=zmod[0], tau=1./((noise_r)**2), value=self.data["zn"][0], size = len(w), observed=True)
                obs_i = pymc.Normal('obs_i', mu=zmod[1], tau=1./((noise_i)**2), value=self.data["zn"][1], size = len(w), observed=True)
                obs = pymc.Normal('obs', mu=zmod, tau=1./(self.data["zn_err"]**2), value=self.data["zn"], size = (2, len(w)), observed=True)

            return locals()
        Main section
        # Importing data
        self.data = get_data(self.filepath, self.headers, self.ph_units)
        data_ccd = np.hstack((self.data['amp'][::-1], 1000*self.data['pha'][::-1]))
        frequencies_ccd = self.data['freq'][::-1]
        # generate a ccd object
        self.obj = ccd_single.ccd_single(cfg_single.cfg_single())
        self.obj.config['frequency_file'] = frequencies_ccd
        self.obj.config['data_file'] = data_ccd
        if (self.data["pha_err"] == 0).all():
            self.guess_noise = True
        seigle_m = (old_div((self.data["amp"][-1] - self.data["amp"][0]), self.data["amp"][-1]) ) # Estimating Seigel chargeability
        w = 2*np.pi*self.data["freq"] # Frequencies measured in rad/s
    #    n_freq = len(w)
    #    n_decades = np.ceil(max(np.log10(old_div(1.0,w)))) - np.floor(min(np.log10(old_div(1.0,w))))
        # Relaxation times associated with the measured frequencies (Debye decomposition only)
#        log_tau = self.ccd_priors['log_tau']
        if self.model == "PDecomp":
            log_tau = np.linspace(np.floor(min(np.log10(old_div(1.0,w)))-1), np.floor(max(np.log10(old_div(1.0,w)))+1), 50)
            cond = (log_tau >= min(log_tau)+1)&(log_tau <= max(log_tau)-1)
            log_taus = np.array([log_tau**i for i in list(reversed(range(0,self.decomp_poly+1)))]) # Polynomial approximation for the RTD
            tau_10 = 10**log_tau # Accelerates sampling
            self.data["tau"] = tau_10 # Put relaxation times in data dictionary
        # Time and date (for saving traces)
        sample_name = self.filepath.replace("\\", "/").split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]
    #    actual_path = str(path.dirname(path.realpath(argv[0])))
        working_path = getcwd().replace("\\", "/")+"/"
        now = datetime.now()
        save_time = now.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
        save_date = now.strftime('%Y%m%d')
        out_path = '%s/Txt traces/%s/%s/%s-%s-%s/'%(working_path, save_date,
                                                     sample_name, self.model,
                                                     sample_name, save_time)
        Call to run_MCMC function
        # "ColeCole", "Dias", "Debye" or "Shin"
        sim_dict = {"ColeCole": {"func": ColeColeModel,     "args": [self.cc_modes]          },
                    "Dias":     {"func": DiasModel,         "args": []                  },
                    "PDecomp":  {"func": PolyDecompModel,   "args": [self.decomp_poly, self.c_exp, self.ccd_priors]},
                    "Shin":     {"func": ShinModel,         "args": []                  },
    #                "Custom":   {"func": YourModel,     "args": [opt_args]   },
                    "CCD":      {"func": stoCCD,            "args": [self.c_exp, self.ccd_priors]},
                    "lam":      {"func": regularize,        "args": [self.obj]},
        simulation = sim_dict[self.model] # Pick entries for the selected model
        self.MDL = run_MCMC(simulation["func"](*simulation["args"]), self.mcmc, save_traces=self.keep_traces, save_where=out_path) # Run MCMC simulation with selected model and arguments
    #    if not keep_tracfes: rmtree(out_path)   # Deletes the traces if not wanted
        self.pm = format_results(self.MDL, self.data["Z_max"]) # Format output
        zmodstats = self.MDL.stats(chain=-1)["zmod"] # Take last chain
        zn_avg = zmodstats["mean"]
        zn_l95 = zmodstats["95% HPD interval"][0]
        zn_u95 = zmodstats["95% HPD interval"][1]
        avg = self.data["Z_max"]*(zn_avg[0] + 1j*zn_avg[1]) # (In complex notation, de-normalized)
        l95 = self.data["Z_max"]*(zn_l95[0] + 1j*zn_l95[1]) # (In complex notation, de-normalized)
        u95 = self.data["Z_max"]*(zn_u95[0] + 1j*zn_u95[1]) # (In complex notation, de-normalized)
        self.fit = {"best": avg, "lo95": l95, "up95": u95} # Best fit dict with 95% HDP
        self.model_type = {"log_min_tau":self.log_min_tau, "c_exp":self.c_exp, "decomp_polyn":self.decomp_poly, "cc_modes":self.cc_modes}
        self.model_type_str = get_model_type(self)
        self.var_dict = dict([(x.__name__,x) for x in self.MDL.deterministics] + [(x.__name__,x) for x in self.MDL.stochastics])