def SubNamespace( rootNode, grph, nskey, cimomUrl, nsDepth = 1 ): # TODO: VERY PRIMITIVE HARD-CODE TO UNDERSTAND WHY IT RETURNS THE SAME SUB-SUB-NAMESPACES # BEYOND LEVEL TWO. if nsDepth > 2: return try: # connWMI = lib_wmi.WmiConnect(cimomUrl,nskey) # connWMI = lib_wmi.WmiConnect(cimomUrl,"root\\" + nskey, False) connWMI = lib_wmi.WmiConnect(cimomUrl,nskey, False) # With the last flag, it does not throw if it cannot connect. if not connWMI: return except wmi.x_wmi: exc = sys.exc_info()[1] # lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("EXCEPT WMI nskey=%s Caught:%s" % ( nskey , str(exc) ) ) sys.stderr.write("WMI: Cannot connect to nskey=%s Caught:%s" % ( nskey , str(exc) ) ) return # If the mximum level is not controlled, it loops endlessly. # SubNamespace cimomUrl=rchateau-HP nskey=aspnet\Security\Security\Security\Security\Security\Security\Security\Security\Security\Secu sys.stderr.write("SubNamespace cimomUrl=%s nskey=%s\n" % (cimomUrl,nskey)) # connWMI = lib_wmi.WmiConnect(cimomUrl,nskey) wmiUrl = lib_wmi.NamespaceUrl( "root\\" + nskey, cimomUrl ) wmiNode = lib_common.NodeUrl( wmiUrl ) grph.add( ( rootNode, pc.property_cim_subnamespace, wmiNode ) ) try: lstNamespaces = connWMI.__NAMESPACE() sys.stderr.write("lstNamespaces=%s\n"%lstNamespaces) # lstNamespaces=[<_wmi_object: \\RCHATEAU-HP\ROOT\cimv2:__NAMESPACE.Name="Security">, <_wmi_object: \\RCHATEAU-HP\ROOT\cimv2:__NAMESPA # CE.Name="power">, <_wmi_object: \\RCHATEAU-HP\ROOT\cimv2:__NAMESPACE.Name="ms_409">, <_wmi_object: \\RCHATEAU-HP\ROOT\cimv2:__NAMESP # ACE.Name="TerminalServices">, <_wmi_object: \\RCHATEAU-HP\ROOT\cimv2:__NAMESPACE.Name="Applications">] for subnamespace in lstNamespaces: SubNamespace( wmiNode, grph, nskey + "\\" + subnamespace.Name, cimomUrl, nsDepth +1 ) except Exception: exc = sys.exc_info()[1] grph.add( ( wmiNode, pc.property_information, lib_common.NodeLiteral("Caught:%s" % str(exc) ) ) )
def _create_wmi_node(grph, root_node, entity_host, name_space, class_name, entity_id): """Adds a WMI node and other stuff, for the class name.""" wmiurl = lib_wmi.GetWmiUrl(entity_host, name_space, class_name, entity_id) if wmiurl is None: return # There might be "http:" or the port number around the host. wmi_node = lib_common.NodeUrl(wmiurl) grph.add((root_node, pc.property_wmi_data, wmi_node)) # TODO: Shame, we just did it in GetWmiUrl. ip_only = lib_util.EntHostToIp(entity_host) try: # It simply returns if it cannot connect. conn_wmi = lib_wmi.WmiConnect(ip_only, name_space, False) if not conn_wmi: raise Exception("Cannot connect") lib_wmi.WmiAddClassQualifiers(grph, conn_wmi, wmi_node, class_name, False) # Now displays the base classes, to the top of the inheritance tree. pair_name_node = lib_wmi.WmiAddBaseClasses(grph, conn_wmi, wmi_node, ip_only, name_space, class_name) except Exception as exc: pair_name_node = None # TODO: If the class is not defined, maybe do not display it. err_msg = "WMI connection %s: %s" % (ip_only, str(exc)) grph.add((wmi_node, lib_common.MakeProp("WMI Error"), lib_util.NodeLiteral(err_msg))) url_name_space = lib_wmi.NamespaceUrl(name_space, ip_only, class_name) grph.add((wmi_node, pc.property_information, lib_common.NodeUrl(url_name_space))) return pair_name_node
def _sub_namespace(root_node, grph, nskey, cimom_url, ns_depth=1): # TODO: VERY PRIMITIVE HARD-CODE TO UNDERSTAND WHY IT RETURNS THE SAME SUB-SUB-NAMESPACES # BEYOND LEVEL TWO. if ns_depth > 2: return try: conn_wmi = lib_wmi.WmiConnect(cimom_url, nskey, False) # With the last flag, it does not throw if it cannot connect. if not conn_wmi: return except wmi.x_wmi as exc: logging.warning("WMI: Cannot connect to nskey=%s Caught:%s", nskey, str(exc)) return # If the maximum level is not controlled, it loops endlessly. # _sub_namespace cimomUrl=mymachine nskey=aspnet\Security\Security\Security\Security\Security\Security\Security\Security\Security\Secu logging.debug("_sub_namespace cimomUrl=%s nskey=%s", cimom_url, nskey) wmi_url = lib_wmi.NamespaceUrl("root\\" + nskey, cimom_url) wmi_node = lib_common.NodeUrl( wmi_url) grph.add((root_node, pc.property_cim_subnamespace, wmi_node)) try: lst_namespaces = conn_wmi.__NAMESPACE() logging.debug("lst_namespaces=%s", lst_namespaces) # lst_namespaces=[<_wmi_object: \\MYMACHINE\ROOT\cimv2:__NAMESPACE.Name="Security">, <_wmi_object: \\MYMACHINE\ROOT\cimv2:__NAMESPA # CE.Name="power">, <_wmi_object: \\MYMACHINE\ROOT\cimv2:__NAMESPACE.Name="ms_409">, <_wmi_object: \\MYMACHINE\ROOT\cimv2:__NAMESP # ACE.Name="TerminalServices">, <_wmi_object: \\MYMACHINE\ROOT\cimv2:__NAMESPACE.Name="Applications">] for subnamespace in lst_namespaces: _sub_namespace(wmi_node, grph, nskey + "\\" + subnamespace.Name, cimom_url, ns_depth + 1) except Exception as exc: grph.add((wmi_node, pc.property_information, lib_util.NodeLiteral("Caught:%s" % str(exc))))
def CreateWmiNode(grph, rootNode, entity_host, nameSpace, className, entity_id): wmiurl = lib_wmi.GetWmiUrl(entity_host, nameSpace, className, entity_id) if wmiurl is None: return # There might be "http:" or the port number around the host. # hostOnly = lib_util.EntHostToIp(entity_host) # sys.stderr.write("entity_host=%s nameSpace=%s entity_type=%s className=%s wmiurl=%s\n" % ( entity_host, nameSpace, entity_type, className, str(wmiurl) ) ) wmiNode = lib_common.NodeUrl(wmiurl) grph.add((rootNode, pc.property_wmi_data, wmiNode)) # TODO: Shame, we just did it in GetWmiUrl. ipOnly = lib_util.EntHostToIp(entity_host) try: # It simply returns if it cannot connect. connWmi = lib_wmi.WmiConnect(ipOnly, nameSpace, False) lib_wmi.WmiAddClassQualifiers(grph, connWmi, wmiNode, className, False) # Now displays the base classes, to the top of the inheritance tree. pairNameNode = lib_wmi.WmiAddBaseClasses(grph, connWmi, wmiNode, ipOnly, nameSpace, className) except Exception: pairNameNode = None # TODO: If the class is not defined, maybe do not display it. exc = sys.exc_info()[1] grph.add((wmiNode, lib_common.MakeProp("WMI Error"), lib_common.NodeLiteral(str(exc)))) urlNameSpace = lib_wmi.NamespaceUrl(nameSpace, ipOnly, className) # sys.stderr.write("entity_host=%s urlNameSpace=%s\n"%(entity_host,urlNameSpace)) grph.add( (wmiNode, pc.property_information, lib_common.NodeUrl(urlNameSpace))) return pairNameNode
def WmiNamespaceNode(wmiNamespace, cimomUrl, clsNam): # wmiUrl = lib_wmi.NamespaceUrl(wmiNamespace, cimomUrl, clsNam) return lib_common.NodeUrl(wmiUrl)
def _wmi_namespace_node(wmi_namespace, cimom_url, cls_nam): wmi_url = lib_wmi.NamespaceUrl(wmi_namespace, cimom_url, cls_nam) return lib_common.NodeUrl(wmi_url)