Example #1
def _create_wmi_node(grph, root_node, entity_host, name_space, class_name,
    """Adds a WMI node and other stuff, for the class name."""
    wmiurl = lib_wmi.GetWmiUrl(entity_host, name_space, class_name, entity_id)
    if wmiurl is None:

    # There might be "http:" or the port number around the host.
    wmi_node = lib_common.NodeUrl(wmiurl)
    grph.add((root_node, pc.property_wmi_data, wmi_node))

    # TODO: Shame, we just did it in GetWmiUrl.
    ip_only = lib_util.EntHostToIp(entity_host)
        # It simply returns if it cannot connect.
        conn_wmi = lib_wmi.WmiConnect(ip_only, name_space, False)
        if not conn_wmi:
            raise Exception("Cannot connect")
        lib_wmi.WmiAddClassQualifiers(grph, conn_wmi, wmi_node, class_name,

        # Now displays the base classes, to the top of the inheritance tree.
        pair_name_node = lib_wmi.WmiAddBaseClasses(grph, conn_wmi, wmi_node,
                                                   ip_only, name_space,

    except Exception as exc:
        pair_name_node = None
        # TODO: If the class is not defined, maybe do not display it.
        err_msg = "WMI connection %s: %s" % (ip_only, str(exc))
        grph.add((wmi_node, lib_common.MakeProp("WMI Error"),

    url_name_space = lib_wmi.NamespaceUrl(name_space, ip_only, class_name)
    grph.add((wmi_node, pc.property_information,

    return pair_name_node
Example #2
def CreateWmiNode(grph, rootNode, entity_host, nameSpace, className,
    wmiurl = lib_wmi.GetWmiUrl(entity_host, nameSpace, className, entity_id)
    if wmiurl is None:

    # There might be "http:" or the port number around the host.
    # hostOnly = lib_util.EntHostToIp(entity_host)
    # sys.stderr.write("entity_host=%s nameSpace=%s entity_type=%s className=%s wmiurl=%s\n" % ( entity_host, nameSpace, entity_type, className, str(wmiurl) ) )
    wmiNode = lib_common.NodeUrl(wmiurl)
    grph.add((rootNode, pc.property_wmi_data, wmiNode))

    # TODO: Shame, we just did it in GetWmiUrl.
    ipOnly = lib_util.EntHostToIp(entity_host)
        # It simply returns if it cannot connect.
        connWmi = lib_wmi.WmiConnect(ipOnly, nameSpace, False)
        lib_wmi.WmiAddClassQualifiers(grph, connWmi, wmiNode, className, False)

        # Now displays the base classes, to the top of the inheritance tree.
        pairNameNode = lib_wmi.WmiAddBaseClasses(grph, connWmi, wmiNode,
                                                 ipOnly, nameSpace, className)

    except Exception:
        pairNameNode = None
        # TODO: If the class is not defined, maybe do not display it.
        exc = sys.exc_info()[1]
        grph.add((wmiNode, lib_common.MakeProp("WMI Error"),

    urlNameSpace = lib_wmi.NamespaceUrl(nameSpace, ipOnly, className)
    # sys.stderr.write("entity_host=%s urlNameSpace=%s\n"%(entity_host,urlNameSpace))
        (wmiNode, pc.property_information, lib_common.NodeUrl(urlNameSpace)))

    return pairNameNode
Example #3
def Main():
    paramkeyEnumInstances = "Enumerate instances"

    cgiEnv = lib_common.CgiEnv(parameters={paramkeyEnumInstances: False})

    flagEnumInstances = bool(cgiEnv.get_parameters(paramkeyEnumInstances))

    grph = cgiEnv.GetGraph()

    nameSpace, className = cgiEnv.get_namespace_type()
    INFO("nameSpace=%s className=%s", nameSpace, className)

    # If nameSpace is not provided, it is set to "root/CIMV2" by default.
    if not className:
        lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("Class name should not be empty")

    cimomUrl = cgiEnv.GetHost()

    rootNode = lib_util.EntityClassNode(className, nameSpace, cimomUrl, "WMI")

    AddExtraNodes(grph, rootNode)

    # Not sure why, but sometimes backslash replaced by slash, depending where we come from ?
    nameSpace = nameSpace.replace("/", "\\")

        connWmi = lib_wmi.WmiConnect(cimomUrl, nameSpace)
        exc = sys.exc_info()[1]
            "WMI Connecting to cimomUrl=%s nameSpace=%s Caught:%s\n" %
            (cimomUrl, nameSpace, str(exc)))

    # http://rchateau-hp:8000/survol/class_wmi.py?xid=\\rchateau-HP\root\CIMV2%3ACIM_Directory.
    # http://rchateau-hp:8000/survol/class_wmi.py?xid=\rchateau-HP\root\CIMV2%3ACIM_Directory.&mode=html

    lib_wmi.WmiAddClassQualifiers(grph, connWmi, rootNode, className, True)

    # Inutilisable pour:
    # root/CIMV2/CIM_LogicalFile
    # car il y en a beaucoup trop.
    # Ou bien arguments: De 1 a 100 etc... mais ca peut nous obliger de creer des liens bidons
    # pour aller aux elements suivants ou precedents. Notons que ca revient a creer des scripts artificiels.

    # Et aussi, revenir vers l'arborescence des classes dans ce namespace.

        wmiClass = getattr(connWmi, className)
    except Exception:
        exc = sys.exc_info()[1]
            "class_wmi.py cimomUrl=%s nameSpace=%s className=%s Caught:%s\n" %
            (cimomUrl, nameSpace, className, str(exc)))

    # wmiClass=[Abstract, Locale(1033): ToInstance, UUID("{8502C55F-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}"): ToInstance]
    # class CIM_Directory : CIM_LogicalFile
    # {
    # };
    DEBUG("wmiClass=%s", str(wmiClass))

    # Some examples of WMI queries.
    # http://timgolden.me.uk/python/wmi/tutorial.html
    # logical_disk = wmi.WMI(moniker="//./root/cimv2:Win32_LogicalDisk")
    # c_drive = wmi.WMI(moniker='//./root/cimv2:Win32_LogicalDisk.DeviceID="C:"')
    # c = wmi.WMI("MachineB", user=r"MachineB\fred", password="******")
    # A WMI class can be "called" with simple equal-to parameters to narrow down the list.
    # This filtering is happening at the WMI level.
    # for disk in c.Win32_LogicalDisk(DriveType=3):
    # for service in c.Win32_Service(Name="seclogon"):
    # Arbitrary WQL queries can be run, but apparently WQL selects first all elements from WMI,
    # then only does its filtering:
    # for disk in wmi.WMI().query("SELECT Caption, Description FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE DriveType <> 3"):
    if flagEnumInstances:

        # Biggest difficulty is the impossibility to limit the numbers of results fetched by WMI.
        # Many classes have to many elements to display them.
        # This makes it virtually impossible to select their elements.
        if lib_wmi.WmiTooManyInstances(className):
            lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("Too many elements in className=%s\n" %

            lstObj = wmiClass()
        except Exception:
            exc = sys.exc_info()[1]
            lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("Caught when getting list of %s\n" %

        numLstObj = len(lstObj)
        DEBUG("className=%s type(wmiClass)=%s len=%d", className,
              str(type(wmiClass)), numLstObj)

        if numLstObj == 0:
            grph.add((rootNode, pc.property_information,
                      lib_common.NodeLiteral("No instances in this class")))

        for wmiObj in lstObj:
            # Full natural path: We must try to merge it with WBEM Uris.
            # '\\\\RCHATEAU-HP\\root\\cimv2:Win32_Process.Handle="0"'
            # https://jdd:[email protected]:5959/cimv2:Win32_SoftwareFeature.Name="Havana",ProductName="Havana",Version="1.0"

                fullPth = str(wmiObj.path())
            except UnicodeEncodeError:
                # UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 104-108: ordinal not in range(128)
                exc = sys.exc_info()[1]
                WARNING("Exception %s", str(exc))

            # sys.stderr.write("fullPth=%s\n" % fullPth)

            if fullPth == "":
                WARNING("Empty path wmiObj=%s", str(wmiObj))
                # The class Win32_PnPSignedDriver (Maybe others) generates dozens of these messages.
                # This is not really an issue as this class should be hidden from applications.
                # WARNING Empty path wmiObj=
                # instance of Win32_PnPSignedDriver
                # {
                # 		ClassGuid = NULL;
                # 		CompatID = NULL;
                # 		Description = NULL;
                # 		DeviceClass = "LEGACYDRIVER";
                # 		DeviceID = "ROOT\\LEGACY_LSI_FC\\0000";
                # 		DeviceName = "LSI_FC";
                # 		DevLoader = NULL;
                # 		DriverName = NULL;
                # 		DriverProviderName = NULL;
                # 		DriverVersion = NULL;
                # 		FriendlyName = NULL;
                # 		HardWareID = NULL;
                # 		InfName = NULL;
                # 		Location = NULL;
                # 		Manufacturer = NULL;
                # 		PDO = NULL;
                # };

            # fullPth=\\RCHATEAU-HP\root\CIMV2:Win32_SoundDevice.DeviceID="HDAUDIO\\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0221&SUBSYS_103C18E9&REV_1000\\4&3BC582&0&0001"
            fullPth = fullPth.replace("&", "&amp;")
            wmiInstanceUrl = lib_util.EntityUrlFromMoniker(fullPth)
            DEBUG("wmiInstanceUrl=%s", wmiInstanceUrl)

            wmiInstanceNode = lib_common.NodeUrl(wmiInstanceUrl)

            # infos = lib_wbem_cim.get_inst_info(iname, klass, include_all=True, keys_only=True)

            grph.add((rootNode, pc.property_class_instance, wmiInstanceNode))

    # TODO: On pourrait rassembler par classes, et aussi afficher les liens d'heritages des classes.

    cgiEnv.OutCgiRdf("LAYOUT_RECT", [pc.property_class_instance])
Example #4
def Main():
    paramkey_enum_instances = "Enumerate instances"

    cgiEnv = lib_common.ScriptEnvironment(
        parameters={paramkey_enum_instances: False})

    flag_enum_instances = bool(cgiEnv.get_parameters(paramkey_enum_instances))

    grph = cgiEnv.GetGraph()

    name_space, class_name = cgiEnv.get_namespace_type()
    logging.info("name_space=%s class_name=%s", name_space, class_name)

    # If name_space is not provided, it is set to "root/CIMV2" by default.
    if not class_name:
        lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("Class name should not be empty")

    cimom_url = cgiEnv.GetHost()

    root_node = lib_util.EntityClassNode(class_name, name_space, cimom_url,

    _add_extra_nodes(grph, root_node)

    # Not sure why, but sometimes backslash replaced by slash, depending where we come from ?
    name_space = name_space.replace("/", "\\")

        conn_wmi = lib_wmi.WmiConnect(cimom_url, name_space)
    except Exception as exc:
            "WMI Connecting to cimom_url=%s name_space=%s Caught:%s\n" %
            (cimom_url, name_space, str(exc)))

    # http://mymachine:8000/survol/class_wmi.py?xid=\\mymachine\root\CIMV2%3ACIM_Directory.
    # http://mymachine:8000/survol/class_wmi.py?xid=\mymachine\root\CIMV2%3ACIM_Directory.&mode=html

    lib_wmi.WmiAddClassQualifiers(grph, conn_wmi, root_node, class_name, True)

        wmi_class = getattr(conn_wmi, class_name)
    except Exception as exc:
            "class_wmi.py cimom_url=%s name_space=%s class_name=%s Caught:%s\n"
            % (cimom_url, name_space, class_name, str(exc)))

    # wmi_class=[Abstract, Locale(1033): ToInstance, UUID("{8502C55F-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}"): ToInstance]
    # class CIM_Directory : CIM_LogicalFile
    # {
    # };
    logging.debug("wmi_class=%s", str(wmi_class))

    # Some examples of WMI queries.
    # http://timgolden.me.uk/python/wmi/tutorial.html
    # logical_disk = wmi.WMI(moniker="//./root/cimv2:Win32_LogicalDisk")
    # c_drive = wmi.WMI(moniker='//./root/cimv2:Win32_LogicalDisk.DeviceID="C:"')
    # c = wmi.WMI("MachineB", user=r"MachineB\fred", password="******")
    # A WMI class can be "called" with simple equal-to parameters to narrow down the list.
    # This filtering is happening at the WMI level.
    # for disk in c.Win32_LogicalDisk(DriveType=3):
    # for service in c.Win32_Service(Name="seclogon"):
    # Arbitrary WQL queries can be run, but apparently WQL selects first all elements from WMI,
    # then only does its filtering:
    # for disk in wmi.WMI().query("SELECT Caption, Description FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE DriveType <> 3"):
    if flag_enum_instances:
        # Biggest difficulty is the impossibility to limit the numbers of results fetched by WMI.
        # Many classes have to many elements to display them.
        # This makes it virtually impossible to select their elements.
        if lib_wmi.WmiTooManyInstances(class_name):
                "Too many elements in class_name=%s\n" % class_name)

            lst_obj = wmi_class()
        except Exception as exc:
            lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("Caught when getting list of %s\n" %

        num_lst_obj = len(lst_obj)
        logging.debug("class_name=%s type(wmi_class)=%s len=%d", class_name,
                      str(type(wmi_class)), num_lst_obj)

        if num_lst_obj == 0:
            grph.add((root_node, pc.property_information,
                      lib_util.NodeLiteral("No instances in this class")))

        for wmi_obj in lst_obj:
            # Full natural path: We must try to merge it with WBEM Uris.
            # '\\\\MYMACHINE\\root\\cimv2:Win32_Process.Handle="0"'
            # https://jdd:[email protected]:5959/cimv2:Win32_SoftwareFeature.Name="Havana",ProductName="Havana",Version="1.0"

                full_pth = str(wmi_obj.path())
            except UnicodeEncodeError as exc:
                # UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 104-108: ordinal not in range(128)
                logging.warning("Exception %s", str(exc))

            if full_pth == "":
                logging.warning("Empty path wmi_obj=%s", str(wmi_obj))
                # The class Win32_PnPSignedDriver (Maybe others) generates dozens of these messages.
                # This is not really an issue as this class should be hidden from applications.
                # logging.warning Empty path wmi_obj=
                # instance of Win32_PnPSignedDriver
                # {
                #         ClassGuid = NULL;
                #         CompatID = NULL;
                #         Description = NULL;
                #         DeviceClass = "LEGACYDRIVER";
                #         DeviceID = "ROOT\\LEGACY_LSI_FC\\0000";
                #         DeviceName = "LSI_FC";
                #         DevLoader = NULL;
                #         DriverName = NULL;
                #         DriverProviderName = NULL;
                #         DriverVersion = NULL;
                #         FriendlyName = NULL;
                #         HardWareID = NULL;
                #         InfName = NULL;
                #         Location = NULL;
                #         Manufacturer = NULL;
                #         PDO = NULL;
                # };

            # full_pth=\\MYMACHINE\root\CIMV2:Win32_SoundDevice.DeviceID="HDAUDIO\\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0221&SUBSYS_103C18E9&REV_1000\\4&3BC582&0&0001"
            full_pth = full_pth.replace("&", "&amp;")
            wmi_instance_url = lib_util.EntityUrlFromMoniker(full_pth)
            logging.debug("wmi_instance_url=%s", wmi_instance_url)

            wmi_instance_node = lib_common.NodeUrl(wmi_instance_url)

                (root_node, pc.property_class_instance, wmi_instance_node))

    # TODO: On pourrait rassembler par classes, et aussi afficher les liens d'heritages des classes.

    cgiEnv.OutCgiRdf("LAYOUT_RECT", [pc.property_class_instance])