def canon_repr(value): if isinstance(value, _py2to3.text_type): return _py2to3.text_repr(value) elif isinstance(value, list): return '[{}]'.format(', '.join( canon_repr(v) for v in value)) else: return repr(value)
def unirepr(value, native_dict_keys=False): if isinstance(value, _py2to3.bytes_type): return _py2to3.bytes_repr(value) elif isinstance(value, _py2to3.text_type): return _py2to3.text_repr(value) elif isinstance(value, dict): return '{{{}}}'.format(', '.join( '{}: {}'.format(key if native_dict_keys else unirepr(key), unirepr(item)) for key, item in sorted(value.items()))) elif isinstance(value, tuple): if len(value) == 1: return '({},)'.format(unirepr(value[0])) return '({})'.format(', '.join(unirepr(item) for item in value)) else: return repr(value)
def process(filename, with_trivia): ctx = lal.AnalysisContext(with_trivia=with_trivia) unit = ctx.get_from_file(filename) token = unit.first_token prev_token = None print('Tokens for {} ({} trivia):'.format(filename, 'with' if with_trivia else 'no')) while token: pt = token.previous assert pt == prev_token print(' [{typ} {index}] {kind} {image}'.format( typ='trivia' if token.is_trivia else 'token ', index=token.index, kind=token.kind, image=_py2to3.text_repr(token.text), )) prev_token = token token = print('')
def process_unit(self, unit): def previous_not_trivia(token): ret = token while ret.is_trivia: ret = ret.previous return ret for tok in unit.iter_tokens(): if tok.kind == 'Comment' and tok.text.startswith('--%'): expr_text = tok.text[3:].strip() if expr_text.startswith('$'): expr_text = expr_text[1:].strip() current_node = unit.root.lookup( previous_not_trivia(tok).sloc_range.start ) print("Eval '{}' on node {}".format( col(expr_text, YELLOW), col(current_node.entity_repr, YELLOW) )) try: value = eval( expr_text, None, {'lal': lal, 'node': current_node} ) except lal.PropertyError as pe: print('Exception: {}'.format( ' '.join(str(a) for a in pe.args) )) else: # Hide discrepancies between Python2 and Python3 value_repr = (_py2to3.text_repr(value) if isinstance(value, _py2to3.text_type) else repr(value)) print('Result: {}'.format(col(value_repr, YELLOW))) print('') print('')
import libadalang as lal from libadalang import _py2to3 ctx = lal.AnalysisContext() unit = ctx.get_from_file('test.adb') unit2 = ctx.get_from_file('test2.adb') print('First and last tokens for test.adb:') print(' * {}'.format(unit.first_token)) print(' * {}'.format(unit.last_token)) print('') print('Whole source buffer for test.adb:') print( _py2to3.text_repr(lal.Token.text_range(unit.first_token, unit.last_token))) print('') last = first = unit.last_token.previous print('Empty range for the following bounds:') print(' * {}'.format(first)) print(' * {}'.format(last)) print(_py2to3.text_repr(lal.Token.text_range(first, last))) print('') print('Source excerpts for all Basic_Decl in test.adb:') for n in unit.root.findall(lal.BasicDecl): print(' * {}'.format(n)) print(' {}'.format(_py2to3.text_repr(n.text))) print('')
""" Test that CharLiteral.p_denoted_value properly decodes all valid Ada character literals. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import libadalang as lal from libadalang import _py2to3 c = lal.AnalysisContext('utf-8') u = c.get_from_file('') for decl in u.root.findall(lal.ObjectDecl): name = decl.f_ids.text expr = decl.f_default_expr assert isinstance(expr, lal.CharLiteral) try: v = expr.p_denoted_value except lal.PropertyError: v = u'<PropertyError>' print('{} ({}) -> {}'.format(name, _py2to3.text_repr(expr.text), _py2to3.text_repr(v)))
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import libadalang from libadalang import _py2to3 ctx = libadalang.AnalysisContext(with_trivia=True) u = ctx.get_from_file('foo.adb') prev_token = None for token in u.iter_tokens(): assert prev_token == token.previous, 'Inconsistent previous token' print('{}{}'.format( token.kind, ' {}'.format(_py2to3.text_repr(token.text)) if token.text else '')) prev_token = token print('Done.')
]: pflush('Trying to load {}:'.format(label)) try: ufp = libadalang.UnitProvider.for_project(project_file, **kwargs) except libadalang.InvalidProject as exc: pflush(' ... got an exception: ' + format_exc(exc)) else: pflush(' ... got no exception') # Then do something that is supposed to work ctx = libadalang.AnalysisContext( unit_provider=libadalang.UnitProvider.for_project('p.gpr')) # And try to load units with various invalid names for filename in (u'\xe9', u' '): pflush('Trying to get unit: {}'.format(_py2to3.text_repr(filename))) try: unit = ctx.get_from_provider(filename, libadalang.AnalysisUnitKind.unit_body) except libadalang.InvalidUnitNameError as exc: pflush(' ... got an exception: {}'.format(exc)) else: pflush(' ... got no exception') if unit.diagnostics: pflush(' ... but we got diagnostics:') for d in unit.diagnostics: print('{}: {}'.format(d.sloc_range, _py2to3.text_repr(d.message))) print('Done.')