Example #1
    def test_importer(self):
        from libcellml import Importer, Parser, Printer

        parser = Parser()
        i = Importer()

        m = parser.parseModel(file_contents('importer/diamond.cellml'))
        printer = Printer()

        i.resolveImports(m, resource_path('importer/'))

        # Library should contain left, right, and one instance (not two) of the point.
        self.assertEqual(3, i.libraryCount())

        # Access library items by their URL.
        left = i.library(resource_path('importer/diamond_left.cellml'))

    #       Check the Importer for issues and print any found to the terminal - we do not expect any at this stage.

    #  end 10.c
    #       The components that we want to reuse from the GateModel.cellml and PotassiumChannelController.cellml
    #       are now available to us in two ways:
    #       - through the model() function of the destination component's ImportSource item or
    #       - as an item in the importer's library.  The library items can be retrieved either by index
    #         or by key, where the key is the name of the file that was resolved.  
    #  10.d
    #       Iterate through the items in the library (Importer.libraryCount() will give you
    #       the total), and print its keys to the terminal.  The keys can be retrieved as a 
    #       string from the Importer.key(index) function.  At this stage we expect only one model in the library.
    print('The importer has {} models in the library.'.format(importer.libraryCount()))
    for i in range(0, importer.libraryCount()):
        print(' library({}) = {}'.format(i, importer.key(i)))

    #  10.e
    #      We can simply use a clone of the imported components to define dummy variables in the 
    #      destination component.
    #      Create dummy components from the resolved imported components. You can get these from the 
    #      library or from the import source's model (or one of each, to prove to yourself that it works
    #      either way!).
    dummy_gate = imported_gate.importSource().model().component(imported_gate.importReference()).clone()
    dummy_controller = importer.library('PotassiumChannelController.cellml').component(controller.importReference()).clone()
    #      GOTCHA: Note that when an item is added to a new parent, it is automatically removed from 
    #         its original parent.  Iterating through a set of children is best done in descending
    #         index order or using a while loop so that child items are not skipped as the indices change.
    #  10.f
Example #3
    print('   STEP 5: Validate the imported dependencies ')

    #      At this stage we've validated the local model, and we've used the Importer class
    #      to retrieve all of its import dependencies.  These dependencies are stored in
    #      the importer's library, and have not yet been validated or analysed.
    #      Useful functions:
    #          - Importer.libraryCount() returns the number of stored models
    #          - Importer.library(index) returns the model at the given index
    #          - Importer.key(index) returns a key string that could be used to retrieve the model too
    #          - Importer.library(keystring) returns the model at the given key.

    #  5.a
    #      Use a simple loop to validate each of the models stored in the importer's library.
    for i in range(0, importer.libraryCount()):
        print('Imported model at key: {}'.format(importer.key(i)))

    #  end 5.a

    #  Note that the two files creating the circular import in 4.a are still in the
    #  library.

    #  To limit ourselves to only those models which are still relevant as the import
    #  dependencies of our repaired model, we can iterate through our model's ImportSource
    #  items instead.  As soon as the model's imports have been resolved, all these will
    #  point to instantiated models within the importer.
    #  Useful functions:
    #          - Model.importSourceCount()
    #          - Model.importSource(size_t index) and
Example #4
    # STEP 4
    # The Validator and Analyser classes process only the contents of concrete items (ie: not the contents of 
    # imported items) of a model.
    # After successfully resolving a model's imports using an importer, the importer will store instances
    # of all of the dependencies of the resolved model.  These are accessible through the "library" function.
    # We can ascertain that all of import dependencies meet the diagnostic checks of the Validator and the 
    # Analyser individually by iterating through the importer's library.

    # Loop through the importer library and call the validator for each model.  
    for m in range(0, importer.libraryCount()):

        # Retrieve the library model by index, m.

        # Retrieve the key under which it's stored: this will be the URL at which the imported model was found.
        print("The validator found {} issues in {}.".format(validator.issueCount(),importer.key(m)))
        for i in range(0, validator.issueCount()):
            print("    - {}".format(validator.issue(i).description()))


    # STEP 5
    # Fix the validation errors in the imported files.
    # According to the printout above, we need to add units to the "iNeedUnits"
    # variable, to be found inside the "importExample3.cellml" file.
    # To fix this, we need to fix the model inside the "importExample3.cellml" file.
    # When the original_model's imports were resolved, this model was added to the
    # library in the Importer.  We can retrieve the model from there for repair.

    # Retrieve from the library by key.  Note the inclusion of the directory used to
    # resolve imports for the original model is included in the key string.