Example #1
    def remove_parentheses_from_return(self, original_node: cst.Return,
                                       updated_node: cst.Return) -> cst.Return:

        # We get position of the `original_node`, since `updated_node` is
        # by definition different and was not processed by metadata provider.
        position: cst.metadata.CodeRange = self.get_metadata(
            PositionProvider, original_node)

        # Removing parentheses which are used to enable multi-line expression
        # will lead to invalid code, so we do nothing.
        if position.start.line != position.end.line:
            return original_node

        return updated_node.with_deep_changes(cst.ensure_type(
            updated_node.value, cst.Tuple),
Example #2
    def remove_parentheses_from_return(self, original_node: cst.Return,
                                       updated_node: cst.Return) -> cst.Return:

        # We get position of the `original_node`, since `updated_node` is
        # by definition different and was not processed by metadata provider.
        position: cst.metadata.CodeRange = self.get_metadata(
            PositionProvider, original_node)

        # Removing parentheses which are used to enable multi-line expression
        # will lead to invalid code, so we do nothing.
        if position.start.line != position.end.line:
            return original_node

        # Removing parentheses around empty tuple does not make sense
        # and will not result in a correct Python expression (see issue #108)
        return_tuple = cst.ensure_type(updated_node.value, cst.Tuple)
        if len(return_tuple.elements) == 0:
            return original_node

        return updated_node.with_deep_changes(return_tuple, lpar=[], rpar=[])