'components': m

alloc_specs = {
    'alloc_f': give_sim_work_first,  # Allocation function
    'out': [('allocated', bool)],  # Output fields (included in History)
    'user': {
        'stop_on_NaNs': True,  # Should alloc preempt evals
        'batch_mode': True,  # Wait until all sim evals are done
        'stop_partial_fvec_eval': True
    }  # Should alloc preempt evals
# end_alloc_specs_rst_tag

persis_info = add_unique_random_streams(persis_info, nworkers + 1)
persis_info_safe = deepcopy(persis_info)

exit_criteria = {'sim_max': budget, 'elapsed_wallclock_time': 300}

# Perform the run
H, persis_info, flag = libE(sim_specs, gen_specs, exit_criteria, persis_info,
                            alloc_specs, libE_specs)
if is_master:
    assert flag == 0
    save_libE_output(H, persis_info, __file__, nworkers)

# Perform the run but not stopping on NaNs
persis_info = deepcopy(persis_info_safe)
H, persis_info, flag = libE(sim_specs, gen_specs, exit_criteria, persis_info,
Example #2
    'gen_f': gen_random_sample,  # Our generator function
    'out': [('x', float, (1, ))],  # gen_f output (name, type, size).
    'user': {
        'lower': np.array([-3]),  # random sampling lower bound
        'upper': np.array([3]),  # random sampling upper bound
        'gen_batch_size': 5  # number of values gen_f will generate per call

sim_specs = {
    'sim_f': sim_find_sine,  # Our simulator function
    'in': ['x'],  # Input field names. 'x' from gen_f output
    'out': [('y', float)]
}  # sim_f output. 'y' = sine('x')

persis_info = add_unique_random_streams(
    {}, nworkers + 1)  # Intitialize manager/workers random streams

exit_criteria = {'sim_max': 80}  # Stop libEnsemble after 80 simulations

H, persis_info, flag = libE(sim_specs,

# Some (optional) statements to visualize our History array
print([i for i in H.dtype.fields])

colors = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'y', 'm', 'c', 'k', 'w']