Example #1
def test_holo_reconstruction(lt_ctx, backend):
    if backend == 'cupy':
        d = detect()
        cudas = detect()['cudas']
        if not d['cudas'] or not d['has_cupy']:
            pytest.skip("No CUDA device or no CuPy, skipping CuPy test")
    # Prepare image parameters and mesh
    nx, ny = (5, 7)
    sx, sy = (64, 64)
    slice_crop = (slice(None),
                  slice(sx // 4, sx // 4 * 3),
                  slice(sy // 4, sy // 4 * 3))

    lnx = np.arange(nx)
    lny = np.arange(ny)
    lsx = np.arange(sx)
    lsy = np.arange(sy)

    mnx, mny, msx, msy = np.meshgrid(lnx, lny, lsx, lsy)

    # Prepare phase image
    phase_ref = np.pi * msx * (mnx.max() - mnx) * mny / sx**2 \
        + np.pi * msy * mnx * (mny.max() - mny) / sy**2

    # Generate holograms
    holo = np.zeros_like(phase_ref)
    ref = np.zeros_like(phase_ref)

    for i in range(nx):
        for j in range(ny):
            holo[j, i, :, :] = hologram_frame(np.ones((sx, sy)), phase_ref[j, i, :, :])
            ref[j, i, :, :] = hologram_frame(np.ones((sx, sy)), np.zeros((sx, sy)))

    # Prepare LT datasets and do reconstruction
    dataset_holo = MemoryDataSet(data=holo, tileshape=(ny, sx, sy),
                                 num_partitions=2, sig_dims=2)

    dataset_ref = MemoryDataSet(data=ref, tileshape=(ny, sx, sy),
                                num_partitions=1, sig_dims=2)

    sb_position = [11, 6]
    sb_size = 6.26498204

    holo_job = HoloReconstructUDF(out_shape=(sx, sy),
        if backend == 'cupy':
        w_holo = lt_ctx.run_udf(dataset=dataset_holo, udf=holo_job)['wave'].data
        w_ref = lt_ctx.run_udf(dataset=dataset_ref, udf=holo_job)['wave'].data

    w = w_holo / w_ref

    phase = np.angle(w)

    assert np.allclose(phase_ref[slice_crop], phase[slice_crop], rtol=0.12)
Example #2
def test_holo_reconstruction(lt_ctx):
    # Prepare image parameters and mesh
    nx, ny = (5, 7)
    sx, sy = (64, 64)
    slice_crop = (slice(None),
                  slice(sx // 4, sx // 4 * 3),
                  slice(sy // 4, sy // 4 * 3))

    lnx = np.arange(nx)
    lny = np.arange(ny)
    lsx = np.arange(sx)
    lsy = np.arange(sy)

    mnx, mny, msx, msy = np.meshgrid(lnx, lny, lsx, lsy)

    # Prepare phase image
    phase_ref = np.pi * msx * (mnx.max() - mnx) * mny / sx**2 \
                + np.pi * msy * mnx * (mny.max() - mny) / sy**2

    # Generate holograms
    holo = np.zeros_like(phase_ref)
    ref = np.zeros_like(phase_ref)

    for i in range(nx):
        for j in range(ny):
            holo[j, i, :, :] = hologram_frame(np.ones((sx, sy)), phase_ref[j, i, :, :])
            ref[j, i, :, :] = hologram_frame(np.ones((sx, sy)), np.zeros((sx, sy)))

    # Prepare LT datasets and do reconstruction
    dataset_holo = MemoryDataSet(data=holo, tileshape=(ny, sx, sy),
                                 num_partitions=2, sig_dims=2)

    dataset_ref = MemoryDataSet(data=ref, tileshape=(ny, sx, sy),
                                num_partitions=1, sig_dims=2)

    sb_position = [11, 6]
    sb_size = 6.26498204

    holo_job = HoloReconstructUDF(out_shape=(sx, sy),
    w_holo = lt_ctx.run_udf(dataset=dataset_holo, udf=holo_job)['wave'].data

    w_ref = lt_ctx.run_udf(dataset=dataset_ref, udf=holo_job)['wave'].data

    w = w_holo / w_ref

    phase = np.angle(w)

    assert np.allclose(phase_ref[slice_crop], phase[slice_crop], rtol=0.12)
Example #3
def test_holo_frame_asserts():
    # test asserts:
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        hologram_frame(np.ones((7, 5)), np.zeros((5, 7)))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        hologram_frame(np.ones((5, 7)), np.zeros((5, 7)), gaussian_noise='a lot')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        hologram_frame(np.ones((5, 7)), np.zeros((5, 7)), poisson_noise='a bit')
Example #4
def test_hologram_frame(counts, sampling, visibility, f_angle, gauss, poisson, rtol1, rtol2):
    sx, sy = (32, 64)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(sx), np.arange(sy))

    kwargs = {}
    if counts:
        kwargs['counts'] = counts
        counts = 1000.
    if sampling:
        kwargs['sampling'] = sampling
        sampling = 5.
    if visibility:
        kwargs['visibility'] = visibility
        visibility = 1.
    if f_angle:
        kwargs['f_angle'] = f_angle
        f_angle = 30.
    if gauss:
        kwargs['gaussian_noise'] = gauss
    if poisson:
        kwargs['poisson_noise'] = poisson
    amp = 1 - np.random.randn(sy, sx) * 0.01
    phase = np.random.random() * x / sx + np.random.random() * y / sy
    holo_test = hologram_frame(amp, phase, **kwargs)

    f_angle = f_angle / 180. * np.pi

    holo = counts / 2 * (1. + amp ** 2 + 2. * amp * visibility
                         * np.cos(2. * np.pi * y / sampling * np.cos(f_angle)
                                  + 2. * np.pi * x / sampling * np.sin(f_angle)
                                  - phase))

    if poisson:
        noise_scale = poisson * counts
        holo = noise_scale * np.random.poisson(holo / noise_scale)

    if gauss:
        holo = gaussian_filter(holo, gauss)
    assert np.allclose(holo, holo_test, rtol=rtol1)

    # test derived parameters:
    # test if mean value equals to counts
    assert np.isclose(holo_test.mean(), counts, rtol=5e-3)

    # test if calculated contrast is equals to teh input
    contrast = lambda a: (a.max(1).mean() - a.min(1).mean()) \
                         / (a.min(1).mean() + a.max(1).mean())
    assert np.isclose(contrast(holo_test), visibility, rtol=rtol2)

    # test if fringe spacing equals to the input
    holo_fft = np.abs(np.fft.rfft2(holo_test[:sx, :sx]))
    holo_fft[:1, :1] = 0.
    holo_max = np.unravel_index(holo_fft.argmax(), holo_fft.shape)
    holo_max = np.hypot(holo_max[0], holo_max[1])
    sampling_test = sx / holo_max
    error_sampling = sampling_test * (1. / holo_max)
    assert np.isclose(sampling_test, sampling, atol=error_sampling)