def test_invalid_colourspace_warns():
    """Test that using an unknown colourspace gives a warning."""
    index = get_indexed_datasets('1.2.840.10008.')
    ds = index['JPEGBaseline_1s_1f_u_08_08.dcm']['ds']
    nr_frames = ds.get('NumberOfFrames', 1)
    frame = next(generate_pixel_data_frame(ds.PixelData, nr_frames))
    msg = r"no colour transformation will be applied"
    ds.PhotometricInterpretation = 'ANY'
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=msg):
        arr = decode_pixel_data(np.frombuffer(frame, 'uint8'), ds)

    arr = reshape_pixel_array(ds, arr)

    assert arr.flags.writeable
    assert 'uint8' == arr.dtype
    assert (ds.Rows, ds.Columns) == arr.shape

    # Reference values from GDCM handler
    assert 76 == arr[5, 50]
    assert 167 == arr[15, 50]
    assert 149 == arr[25, 50]
    assert 203 == arr[35, 50]
    assert 29 == arr[45, 50]
    assert 142 == arr[55, 50]
    assert 1 == arr[65, 50]
    assert 64 == arr[75, 50]
    assert 192 == arr[85, 50]
    assert 255 == arr[95, 50]
Example #2
 def test_invalid_colour_transform(self):
     """Test that an invalid colour transform raises an exception."""
     ds_list = get_indexed_datasets('1.2.840.10008.')
     # Image has invalid Se value in the SOS marker segment
     ds = ds_list['color3d_jpeg_baseline.dcm']['ds']
     data = defragment_data(ds.PixelData)
     msg = (r"Unknown error code '-8194' returned from Decode\(\): "
            r"Invalid colourTransform value")
     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=msg):
         decode(np.frombuffer(data, 'uint8'), -1)
Example #3
 def test_non_conformant_raises(self):
     """Test that a non-conformant JPEG image raises an exception."""
     ds_list = get_indexed_datasets('1.2.840.10008.')
     # Image has invalid Se value in the SOS marker segment
     item = ds_list['JPEG-lossy.dcm']
     assert 0xC000 == item['Status'][1]
     msg = (r"libjpeg error code '-1038' returned from Decode\(\): A "
            r"misplaced marker segment was found - scan start must be zero "
            r"and scan stop must be 63 for the sequential operating modes")
     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=msg):
    def test_extended(self, fname, info):
        """Test get_parameters() for the LS lossy datasets."""
        #info: (rows, columns, spp, bps)
        index = get_indexed_datasets('1.2.840.10008.')
        ds = index[fname]['ds']

        frame = next(self.generate_frames(ds))
        params = get_parameters(np.frombuffer(frame, 'uint8'))

        assert (info[0], info[1]) == (params['rows'], params['columns'])
        assert info[2] == params["nr_components"]
        assert info[3] == params["precision"]
def test_non_conformant_raises():
    """Test that a non-conformant JPEG image raises an exception."""
    ds_list = get_indexed_datasets('1.2.840.10008.')
    # Image has invalid Se value in the SOS marker segment
    item = ds_list['JPEG-lossy.dcm']
    assert 0xC000 == item['Status'][1]
    ds = item['ds']

    nr_frames = ds.get('NumberOfFrames', 1)
    frame = next(generate_pixel_data_frame(ds.PixelData, nr_frames))

    msg = (
        r"libjpeg error code '-1038' returned from GetJPEGParameters\(\): A "
        r"misplaced marker segment was found - scan start must be zero "
        r"and scan stop must be 63 for the sequential operating modes")
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=msg):
    def test_extended(self, fname, info):
        """Test get_parameters() for the LS lossy datasets."""
        #info: (rows, columns, spp, bps)
        index = get_indexed_datasets('1.2.840.10008.')
        ds = index[fname]['ds']

        frame = next(self.generate_frames(ds))
        arr = decode(np.frombuffer(frame, 'uint8'), reshape=True)

        if info[2] == 1:
            assert (info[0], info[1]) == arr.shape
            assert (info[0], info[1], info[2]) == arr.shape

        if 1 <= info[3] <= 8:
            assert arr.dtype == 'uint8'
        if 9 <= info[3] <= 16:
            assert arr.dtype == 'uint16'
def test_decode_bytes():
    """Test decode using bytes."""
    index = get_indexed_datasets('1.2.840.10008.')
    ds = index['JPEGBaseline_1s_1f_u_08_08.dcm']['ds']
    nr_frames = ds.get('NumberOfFrames', 1)
    frame = next(generate_pixel_data_frame(ds.PixelData, nr_frames))
    arr = decode(frame)
    assert arr.flags.writeable
    assert 'uint8' == arr.dtype
    assert (ds.Rows, ds.Columns) == arr.shape

    # Reference values from GDCM handler
    assert 76 == arr[5, 50]
    assert 167 == arr[15, 50]
    assert 149 == arr[25, 50]
    assert 203 == arr[35, 50]
    assert 29 == arr[45, 50]
    assert 142 == arr[55, 50]
    assert 1 == arr[65, 50]
    assert 64 == arr[75, 50]
    assert 192 == arr[85, 50]
    assert 255 == arr[95, 50]
Example #8
 def setup(self):
     self.ds = get_indexed_datasets(self.uid)