def toSphericalMercator(inputFile,outputFile): # Open the LAS file and reproject to Pseudo-Mercator # WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator -- Spherical Mercator, Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Bing, ArcGIS, ESRI targetProjection = srs.SRS() targetProjection.set_userinput('epsg:3857') # Ending projection ( ) inf = file.File(inputFile, header=None, mode='r', in_srs=None , out_srs=targetProjection) inh = inf.header # If the height is in US Feets scale them into meters if (inh.srs.proj4.find('+units=us-ft')): scaleZ = 0.3048006096012192 # Create the out put file. outh = header.Header() outh.dataformat_id = 1 outh.scale = [0.01,0.01,0.01] outh.offset = [0.0,0.0,-0.0] outsrs = srs.SRS() outsrs.set_userinput('epsg:3857') outh.srs = outsrs outh.schema = inh.schema # Open file outf = file.File(outputFile, mode='w', header=outh) # filter the outside the bBox (projected) for p in inf: p.z = p.z * scaleZ outf.write(p) outf.close();
def __init__(self, arguments, options=None): self.connection = None self.output = None self.sql = None self.opts = options self.construct_parser() self.options, self.args = self.parser.parse_args(args=arguments) if self.args: self.options.connection = self.args[0] if not self.options.output: try: self.options.output = self.args[1] except IndexError: self.options.output = 'output.las' if not self.options.sql: try: self.options.sql = self.args[2] except IndexError: raise self.parser.error("No SQL was provided to select the point cloud!") if self.options.output: self.options.output = os.path.abspath(self.options.output) if os.path.isdir(self.options.output): raise self.parser.error("Output '%s' is a directory, not a file " % self.options.output) if os.path.exists(self.options.output): if not self.options.overwrite: raise self.parser.error("Output file '%s' exists, but you have not selected the --overwrite option" % self.options.output) else: raise self.parser.error("No output was specified") try: self.options.precision = int(self.options.precision) if not self.options.precision: raise self.parser.error("Precision cannot be 0") except: raise self.parser.error("Precision was not an number") self.minx = None self.miny = None self.minz = None self.maxx = None self.maxy = None self.maxz = None self.count = 0 self.first_point = True self.cloud_column = True self.header = None self.points = [] if self.options.srs: self.srs = srs.SRS() self.srs.set_userinput(self.options.srs) print 'setting srs to %s' %self.srs.proj4 else: self.srs = None
def cropTile(inputFile, x, y, z): # Get the edges of a tile south, west, north, east = tileEdges(x, y, z) scaleZ = 1.0 # Open the LAS file and reproject to Pseudo-Mercator # WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator -- Spherical Mercator, Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Bing, ArcGIS, ESRI targetProjection = srs.SRS() targetProjection.set_userinput( 'epsg:3857') # Ending projection ( ) inf = file.File(inputFile, header=None, mode='r', in_srs=None, out_srs=targetProjection) inh = inf.header # If the height is in US Feets scale them into meters if (inh.srs.proj4.find('+units=us-ft')): scaleZ = 0.3048006096012192 # Create the out put file. outh = header.Header() outh.dataformat_id = 1 outh.scale = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01] outh.offset = [0.0, 0.0, -0.0] outsrs = srs.SRS() outsrs.set_userinput('epsg:3857') outh.srs = outsrs outh.schema = inh.schema # Open file outf = file.File(str(int(x)) + '-' + str(int(y)) + '-' + str(int(z)) + '.las', mode='w', header=outh) # filter the outside the bBox (projected) for p in inf: if west <= p.x <= east and south <= p.y <= north: p.z = p.z * scaleZ outf.write(p) print '%.2f,%.2f,%.2f' % (p.x, p.y, p.z) outf.close()
def get_srid(self, srid): cur = self.con.cursor() if not srid: return '' cur.execute('SELECT WKTEXT,WKTEXT3D from MDSYS.CS_SRS where srid=%d'%(int(srid))) res = cur.fetchall() for wkt in res: text = wkt[0] text3d = wkt[1] s = srs.SRS() if text3d: s.wkt = text3d else: s.wkt = text return s
def las2ply(inputFile, outputFile): # Open the LAS file and reproject to Pseudo-Mercator # WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator -- Spherical Mercator, Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Bing, ArcGIS, ESRI targetProjection = srs.SRS() targetProjection.set_userinput( 'epsg:3857') # Ending projection ( ) inFile = file.File(inputFile, header=None, mode='r', in_srs=None, out_srs=targetProjection) # Clear file open(outputFile, 'w').close() plyHeader = '''ply format ascii 1.0 element vertex ''' + str(inHeader.count) + ''' property float x property float y property float z property uchar red property uchar green property uchar blue end_header ''' newLine = '' newFile = open(outputFile, 'w') for p in inFile: newline = '%.2f %.2f %.2f %i %i %i' % (p.x, p.y, p.z, p.intensity, p.intensity, p.intensity) newFile.write(newline + "\n") newFile.close() line_prepend(outputFile, plyHeader)
def process(self): self.print_options() self.connect() self.cur = self.con.cursor() # self.cur.execute(self.options.sql) # clouds = [] # # res = self.cur.fetchall() # for row in res: # for column in row: # try: # column.BASE_TABLE_COL # clouds.append(column) # except AttributeError: # # This column isn't a cloud # pass # points = [] # write an actual cloud column # for cloud in clouds: # cur2 = self.con.cursor() # # cur2.execute('SELECT NUM_POINTS, POINTS, BLK_EXTENT FROM %s'% cloud.BLK_TABLE) # for num_points, blob, extent in cur2: # # set the SRS from the first geometry # if not self.srs: # self.srs = self.get_srid(extent.SDO_SRID) # b = # points.append(self.get_points(num_points,b)) # num_pts_index, blob_index = self.get_block_indexes(self.cur) # if we don't have a cloud object, we'll assume that NUM_POINTS and # the POINTS blob exist in our already queried cursor clouds = None points = [] print 'have srs?: %s' % bool(self.srs) self.output = self.open_output() if not clouds: cur = self.cur.execute(self.options.sql) num_pts_index, blob_index = self.get_block_indexes(cur) for row in cur: num_points = row[num_pts_index] blob = row[blob_index].read() self.write_points(num_points, blob) # try to set the SRS if not self.srs: for col in row: try: col.SDO_SRID self.srs = self.get_srid(col.SDO_SRID) break except AttributeError: continue # if we still haven't been able to set an SRS, don't try # to anymore if not self.srs: self.srs = srs.SRS() self.rewrite_header()
p.classification = 0 p.scan_angle = -13 p.x = 470692.447538 p.y = 4602888.904642 p.z = 16.0 c = color.Color() = 255 = 12 = 234 p.color = c p.time = datetime.datetime(2008, 3, 19) p.classification = 2 p.return_number = 2 s = srs.SRS() s.proj4 = '+proj=utm +zone=15 +ellps=NAD83 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs ' g = guid.GUID(key='8388f1b8-aa1b-4108-bca3-6bc68e7b062e') number_of_points = 1 def write_file(version, format): h = header.Header() h.guid = g = h.dataformat_id = format h.major_version = 1 h.minor_version = version h.min = [p.x, p.y, p.z] h.max = [p.x, p.y, p.z]
def __init__(self, arguments, options=None): self.las = None self.image = None self.output = None self.sql = None self.opts = options self.construct_parser() self.options, self.args = self.parser.parse_args(args=arguments) if not self.options.image: try: self.options.image = self.args[1] self.options.image = gdal.Open(self.options.image) except IndexError: raise self.parser.error( "No input image was selected to use for color values!") except Exception as inst: raise self.parser.error("Unable to open GDAL image: %s" % inst.args[0]) if not self.options.bands: self.options.bands = (1, 2, 3) else: self.options.bands = [ int(i) for i in self.options.bands.split(',') ] if not self.options.output: try: self.options.output = self.args[2] except IndexError: self.options.output = 'output.las' if self.options.output: self.options.output = os.path.abspath(self.options.output) if os.path.isdir(self.options.output): raise self.parser.error( "Output '%s' is a directory, not a file " % self.options.output) if os.path.exists(self.options.output): if not self.options.overwrite: raise self.parser.error( "Output file '%s' exists, but you have not selected the --overwrite option" % self.options.output) else: raise self.parser.error("No output was specified") if self.options.target_srs: s = srs.SRS() s.set_userinput(self.options.target_srs) self.options.target_srs = s if self.options.assign_srs: s = srs.SRS() s.set_userinput(self.options.assign_srs) self.options.assign_srs = s if self.args: self.options.las = self.args[0] try: f = self.options.las self.options.las = lasfile.File(f, mode='r') if self.options.assign_srs: # if we're assigning an SRS, take the header from the # file, grab it, and then stick our SRS on it and use it # to read the file h = self.options.las.header h.srs = self.options.assign_srs self.options.las = lasfile.File(f, header=h) except Exception as inst: raise self.parser.error("Unable to open input LAS file: %s" % inst.args[0])