Example #1
    def __init__(self, bot):
        desc = {
            "Controle du mpd",
            "mpd current : chanson actuelle",
            "mpd next : chanson suivante",
            "mpd prev : chanson précédente",
            "mpd shuffle : fait un shuffle sur la playlist",
            "mpd list [n] : liste les [n] chansons suivantes",
            "mpd clear : vide la playlist (ou pas)",
            "mpd search (Artist|Title) requete : cherche toutes les pistes d'Artiste/Titre correspondant"
            " à la requête",
            "mpd setnext [i] : place la chanson à la position [i] dans la playlist après la chanson "
            "courante (enfin elle court pas vraiment)",
            "mpd nightmare [i] : les [i] prochaines chansons vont vous faire souffrir (plus que le "
            "mpd clean : pour retarder l'inévitable...",
            "mpd settag [artist|title]=Nouvelle valeur",
            "mpd lyrics: permet de retrouver les paroles de la chanson courante",

        # To limit flood in logs : if the bot can't connect to the server, it will only be notified
        # once in the logfile
        self.error_notified = False
            self.mpd = BotMPD(self.host, self.port, self.pwd, self.datadir)
            self.mpd_listen = BotMPD(self.host, self.port, self.pwd,
        except ConnectionError:
            logger.error("Can't connect to mpd server")
        except NameError:
            self.delay = 60
            logger.error("Error trying to connect to the mpd server")
Example #2
    def answer(self, sender, message):
            if self.datadir != "":
                mpd = BotMPD(self.host, self.port, self.pwd, self.datadir)
                mpd = BotMPD(self.host, self.port, self.pwd)
        except ConnectionError:
            return "Can't connect to mpd server"
        except NameError:
            self.delay = 60
            logger.error("Error trying to connect to the mpd server")
            return "Connection failed with mpd server"
            cmd, arg = message.split(' ', 1)
            cmd = message
            arg = ''

        # Table de correspondance entrée <-> méthode de BotMPD
        cmds = {'current': 'current',
                'next': 'next',
                'search': 'search',
                'prev': 'previous',
                'play': 'play',
#                'stop': 'stop',
#                'pause': 'pause',
                'list': 'nextplaylist',
                'settag': 'settag',
                'shuffle': 'shuffle',
                'setnext': 'setnext',
                'nightmare': 'nightmare',
                'clean': 'clean',
                'goto': 'goto',
                'coffee': 'coffee',
                'wakeup': 'wakeup',
                'connected': 'connected',
                '': DEFAULT_CMD,
        if cmd in cmds:
                if arg == '':
                    send = getattr(mpd, cmds[cmd])()
                    send = getattr(mpd, cmds[cmd])(arg)
            except (TypeError, CommandError):
                send = getattr(mpd, cmds[cmd])()
            send = "N'existe pas ça, RTFM. Ou alors tu sais pas écrire ..."

        return send
Example #3
    def action(self):
        # Here we redefine action (and not do_action as we are supposed to)
        # This is due to the fact that the "async" part here is handled by the idle()
        # function of the mpd library and not by a loop with sleep(delay) as usual
        # Since the delay is fixed to 0, then the 'run' method of NotifyModule becomes
        # def run(self):
        #     while self.alive:
        #         time.sleep(0)
        #         if not self._mute:
        #             self.do_action()
        # If the bot is muted, the action() does not block so there is no block at all !

            mpd = BotMPD(self.host, self.port, self.pwd)
            self.error_notified = False
            self.delay = 0
            r = mpd.fetch_idle()
            repDict = {"The Who - Baba O`riley": "La musique des experts !!!",
                       "The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again": "La musique des experts !!!",
                       "Oledaf et Monsieur D - Le café": "Coffee time !",
                       "Popcorn": "Moi aussi j'aime bien le popcorn",
                       "popcorn": "Moi aussi j'aime bien le popcorn",
                       "Ping Pong": "IPQ charlie est mauvais en ping pong :p",
                       "Daddy DJ": "<xouillet> on écoutait ca comme des dingues à La Souterraine en Creuse \o/ </xouillet>",
                       "Goldman": "JJG !!!",
#                       "Clapton": "<xouillet> owi c'est Joe !!! </xouillet>",
                       "Les 4 barbus - La pince a linge": "LA PINCE A LINGE !!!"}
            repDict["Les 4 barbus - La pince a linge"] = """
|\    /|
| \  / |
|  \/  |
|  ()  |
|_/||  |
|  ()  |
| (  ) |
|  ()  |
|  ||  |
|__/\__| """
            if r is not None and 'player' in r and not self._mute:
                title = mpd.currentsongf()
                self.bot.say("Nouvelle chanson : %s" % title)
                for c in repDict:
                    if c in title:
        except ConnectionError:
            if not self.error_notified:
                logger.error(_("Can't connect to server %s:%s") % (self.host, self.port))
                self.error_notified = True
                #The module will check again in `self.delay` seconds
                self.delay = 10
        except NameError:
            self.delay = 60
            logger.error("Error trying to connect to the mpd server")
Example #4
    def __init__(self, bot):
        desc = {"": "Controle du mpd",
                "current": "mpd current : chanson actuelle",
                "next": "mpd next : chanson suivante",
                "prev": "mpd prev : chanson précédente",
                "shuffle": "mpd shuffle : fait un shuffle sur la playlist",
                "list": "mpd list [n] : liste les [n] chansons suivantes",
                "clear": "mpd clear : vide la playlist (ou pas)",
                "search": "mpd search (Artist|Title) requete : cherche toutes les pistes d'Artiste/Titre correspondant"
                " à la requête",
                "setnext": "mpd setnext [i] : place la chanson à la position [i] dans la playlist après la chanson "
                "courante (enfin elle court pas vraiment)",
                "nightmare": "mpd nightmare [i] : les [i] prochaines chansons vont vous faire souffrir (plus que le "
                "clean": "mpd clean : pour retarder l'inévitable...",
                "settag": "mpd settag [artist|title]=Nouvelle valeur",
                "lyrics": "mpd lyrics: permet de retrouver les paroles de la chanson courante",

        # To limit flood in logs : if the bot can't connect to the server, it will only be notified
        # once in the logfile
        self.error_notified = False
            self.mpd = BotMPD(self.host, self.port, self.pwd, self.datadir)
            self.mpd_listen = BotMPD(self.host, self.port, self.pwd, self.datadir)
        except ConnectionError:
            logger.error("Can't connect to mpd server")
        except NameError:
            self.delay = 60
            logger.error("Error trying to connect to the mpd server")
Example #5
class CmdMpd(NotifyModule):
    _config = (("host", str, "localhost"),
               ("port", int, 6600),
               ("pwd", str, None),
               ("datadir", str, ""))

    def __init__(self, bot):
        desc = {"": "Controle du mpd",
                "current": "mpd current : chanson actuelle",
                "next": "mpd next : chanson suivante",
                "prev": "mpd prev : chanson précédente",
                "shuffle": "mpd shuffle : fait un shuffle sur la playlist",
                "list": "mpd list [n] : liste les [n] chansons suivantes",
                "clear": "mpd clear : vide la playlist (ou pas)",
                "search": "mpd search (Artist|Title) requete : cherche toutes les pistes d'Artiste/Titre correspondant"
                " à la requête",
                "setnext": "mpd setnext [i] : place la chanson à la position [i] dans la playlist après la chanson "
                "courante (enfin elle court pas vraiment)",
                "nightmare": "mpd nightmare [i] : les [i] prochaines chansons vont vous faire souffrir (plus que le "
                "clean": "mpd clean : pour retarder l'inévitable...",
                "settag": "mpd settag [artist|title]=Nouvelle valeur",
                "lyrics": "mpd lyrics: permet de retrouver les paroles de la chanson courante",

        # To limit flood in logs : if the bot can't connect to the server, it will only be notified
        # once in the logfile
        self.error_notified = False
            self.mpd = BotMPD(self.host, self.port, self.pwd, self.datadir)
            self.mpd_listen = BotMPD(self.host, self.port, self.pwd, self.datadir)
        except ConnectionError:
            logger.error("Can't connect to mpd server")
        except NameError:
            self.delay = 60
            logger.error("Error trying to connect to the mpd server")

    def answer(self, sender, message):
        if not message:
            return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.current, ())
            return "N'existe pas ça, RTFM. Ou alors tu sais pas écrire ..."

    def action(self):
        # Here we redefine action (and not do_action as we are supposed to)
        # This is due to the fact that the "async" part here is handled by the idle()
        # function of the mpd library and not by a loop with sleep(delay) as usual
        # Since the delay is fixed to 0, then the 'run' method of NotifyModule becomes
        # def run(self):
        #     while self.alive:
        #         time.sleep(0)
        #         if not self._mute:
        #             self.do_action()
        # If the bot is muted, the action() does not block so there is no block at all !

            self.mpd_listen.connection(self.host, self.port, self.pwd)
            self.error_notified = False
            self.delay = 0
            r = self.mpd_listen.fetch_idle()
            rep_dict = {"The Who - Baba O`riley": "La musique des experts !!!",
                        "The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again": "La musique des experts !!!",
                        "Oledaf et Monsieur D - Le café": "Coffee time !",
                        "Popcorn": "Moi aussi j'aime bien le popcorn",
                        "popcorn": "Moi aussi j'aime bien le popcorn",
                        "Ping Pong": "IPQ charlie est mauvais en ping pong :p",
                        "Daddy DJ": "<xouillet> on écoutait ca comme des dingues à La Souterraine en Creuse \o/",
                        "Goldman": "JJG !!!",
                        "Clapton": "<xouillet> owi c'est Joe !!! </xouillet>",
                        "Les 4 barbus - La pince a linge": "LA PINCE A LINGE !!!"}
            rep_dict["Les 4 barbus - La pince a linge"] = """
|\    /|
| \  / |
|  \/  |
|  ()  |
|_/||  |
|  ()  |
| (  ) |
|  ()  |
|  ||  |
|__/\__| """
            if r is not None and 'player' in r and not self._mute:
                title = self.mpd_listen.currentsongf()
                self.bot.say("Nouvelle chanson : %s" % title)
                for c in rep_dict:
                    if c in title:
        except ConnectionError:
            if not self.error_notified:
                logger.error(_("Can't connect to server %s:%s") % (self.host, self.port))
                self.error_notified = True
                # The module will check again in `self.delay` seconds
                self.delay = 10
        except NameError:
            self.delay = 60
            logger.error("Error trying to connect to the mpd server")

    def lyrics(self, sender):
        import urllib
        import BeautifulSoup
        import re

        self.mpd.connection(self.host, self.port, self.pwd)
        artist = self.mpd.artist()
        title = self.mpd.title()

        if not artist or not title:
            return "Bad tag"

        ret = artist + " - " + title + "\n"
        url = 'http://lyrics.wikia.com/api.php?action=lyrics&artist=%s&song=%s&fmt=xml&func=getSong' % (artist, title)
        f = urllib.urlopen(url)
        soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(f.read())
        if soup.find("lyrics").text != 'Not found':
            url2 = soup.find("url").text
            f2 = urllib.urlopen(url2)
            soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(f2.read())
            text = soup.find("div", {"class": "lyricbox"})
            if text is None:
                ret += "No lyrics available"
                for tag in text.findAll(True):
                    if tag.name == "div" or tag.name == "p":
                for tag in text.findAll("a"):
                for tag in text.findAll("i"):
                for tag in text.findAll("b"):
                comments = text.findAll(text=lambda text: isinstance(text, BeautifulSoup.Comment))
                [c.extract() for c in comments]
                t = "".join([str(i) for i in text.contents])
                ret2 = str(BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(t, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES))
                ret += re.sub('<br />', '\n', ret2)
            ret += "No lyrics available"
        return ret.strip()

    def current(self, sender):
        return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.current, ())

    def next(self, sender):
        return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.next_song, [sender])

    def prev(self, sender):
        return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.prev_song, ())

    @answercmd("list", "list (?P<number>\d+)")
    def list(self, sender, number="5"):
        nb = int(number)
        if nb > 15:
            return "Non mais oh ! Il ne faudrait pas exagérer tout de même."
        return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.nextplaylist, [nb])

    @answercmd("settag (artist ?= ?(?P<artist>[^\|]*))? ?\|? ?(title ?= ?(?P<title>.*))?")
    def settag(self, sender, artist, title):
        return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.settag, [artist, title])

    def shuffle(self, sender):
        self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.shuffle, ())
        return "Et on mélange le tout !"

    @answercmd("setnext (?P<number>\d+)")
    def setnext(self, sender, number):
        nb = int(number)
        return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.setnext, [nb])

    @answercmd("nightmare", "nightmare (?P<number>\d+)")
    def nightmare(self, sender, number="5"):
        nb = int(number)
        if nb > 15:
            return "Meriletfou !"
        return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.nightmare, [nb])

    @answercmd("coffee", "coffee (?P<number>\d+)")
    def coffee(self, sender, number="5"):
        nb = int(number)
        if nb > 15:
            return "Meriletfou !"
        return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.coffee, [nb])

    @answercmd("wakeup", "wakeup (?P<number>\d+)")
    def wakeup(self, sender, number="5"):
        nb = int(number)
        if nb > 15:
            return "Meriletfou !"
        return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.wakeup, [nb])

    def clean(self, sender):
        return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.clean, ())

    @answercmd("goto (?P<position>\d+)")
    def goto(self, sender, position):
        pos = int(position)
        return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.goto, [pos])

    @answercmd("search title (?P<title>.*)", "search artist (?P<artist>.*)", "search (?P<search>.*)")
    def search(self, sender, search=None, title=None, artist=None):
        return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.search, [search, title, artist])

    def do_command_mpd(self, fct, args):
        self.mpd.connection(self.host, self.port, self.pwd)
        ret = fct(*args)
        return ret
Example #6
class CmdMpd(NotifyModule):
    _config = (("host", str, "localhost"), ("port", int, 6600),
               ("pwd", str, None), ("datadir", str, ""))

    def __init__(self, bot):
        desc = {
            "Controle du mpd",
            "mpd current : chanson actuelle",
            "mpd next : chanson suivante",
            "mpd prev : chanson précédente",
            "mpd shuffle : fait un shuffle sur la playlist",
            "mpd list [n] : liste les [n] chansons suivantes",
            "mpd clear : vide la playlist (ou pas)",
            "mpd search (Artist|Title) requete : cherche toutes les pistes d'Artiste/Titre correspondant"
            " à la requête",
            "mpd setnext [i] : place la chanson à la position [i] dans la playlist après la chanson "
            "courante (enfin elle court pas vraiment)",
            "mpd nightmare [i] : les [i] prochaines chansons vont vous faire souffrir (plus que le "
            "mpd clean : pour retarder l'inévitable...",
            "mpd settag [artist|title]=Nouvelle valeur",
            "mpd lyrics: permet de retrouver les paroles de la chanson courante",

        # To limit flood in logs : if the bot can't connect to the server, it will only be notified
        # once in the logfile
        self.error_notified = False
            self.mpd = BotMPD(self.host, self.port, self.pwd, self.datadir)
            self.mpd_listen = BotMPD(self.host, self.port, self.pwd,
        except ConnectionError:
            logger.error("Can't connect to mpd server")
        except NameError:
            self.delay = 60
            logger.error("Error trying to connect to the mpd server")

    def answer(self, sender, message):
        if not message:
            return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.current, ())
            return "N'existe pas ça, RTFM. Ou alors tu sais pas écrire ..."

    def action(self):
        # Here we redefine action (and not do_action as we are supposed to)
        # This is due to the fact that the "async" part here is handled by the idle()
        # function of the mpd library and not by a loop with sleep(delay) as usual
        # Since the delay is fixed to 0, then the 'run' method of NotifyModule becomes
        # def run(self):
        #     while self.alive:
        #         time.sleep(0)
        #         if not self._mute:
        #             self.do_action()
        # If the bot is muted, the action() does not block so there is no block at all !

            self.mpd_listen.connection(self.host, self.port, self.pwd)
            self.error_notified = False
            self.delay = 0
            r = self.mpd_listen.fetch_idle()
            rep_dict = {
                "The Who - Baba O`riley": "La musique des experts !!!",
                "The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again":
                "La musique des experts !!!",
                "Oledaf et Monsieur D - Le café": "Coffee time !",
                "Popcorn": "Moi aussi j'aime bien le popcorn",
                "popcorn": "Moi aussi j'aime bien le popcorn",
                "Ping Pong": "IPQ charlie est mauvais en ping pong :p",
                "Daddy DJ":
                "<xouillet> on écoutait ca comme des dingues à La Souterraine en Creuse \o/",
                "Goldman": "JJG !!!",
                "Clapton": "<xouillet> owi c'est Joe !!! </xouillet>",
                "Les 4 barbus - La pince a linge": "LA PINCE A LINGE !!!"
            rep_dict["Les 4 barbus - La pince a linge"] = """
|\    /|
| \  / |
|  \/  |
|  ()  |
|_/||  |
|  ()  |
| (  ) |
|  ()  |
|  ||  |
|__/\__| """
            if r is not None and 'player' in r and not self._mute:
                title = self.mpd_listen.currentsongf()
                self.bot.say("Nouvelle chanson : %s" % title)
                for c in rep_dict:
                    if c in title:
        except ConnectionError:
            if not self.error_notified:
                    _("Can't connect to server %s:%s") %
                    (self.host, self.port))
                self.error_notified = True
                # The module will check again in `self.delay` seconds
                self.delay = 10
        except NameError:
            self.delay = 60
            logger.error("Error trying to connect to the mpd server")

    def lyrics(self, sender):
        import urllib
        import BeautifulSoup
        import re

        self.mpd.connection(self.host, self.port, self.pwd)
        artist = self.mpd.artist()
        title = self.mpd.title()

        if not artist or not title:
            return "Bad tag"

        ret = artist + " - " + title + "\n"
        url = 'http://lyrics.wikia.com/api.php?action=lyrics&artist=%s&song=%s&fmt=xml&func=getSong' % (
            artist, title)
        f = urllib.urlopen(url)
        soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(f.read())
        if soup.find("lyrics").text != 'Not found':
            url2 = soup.find("url").text
            f2 = urllib.urlopen(url2)
            soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(f2.read())
            text = soup.find("div", {"class": "lyricbox"})
            if text is None:
                ret += "No lyrics available"
                for tag in text.findAll(True):
                    if tag.name == "div" or tag.name == "p":
                for tag in text.findAll("a"):
                for tag in text.findAll("i"):
                for tag in text.findAll("b"):
                comments = text.findAll(
                    text=lambda text: isinstance(text, BeautifulSoup.Comment))
                [c.extract() for c in comments]
                t = "".join([str(i) for i in text.contents])
                ret2 = str(
                ret += re.sub('<br />', '\n', ret2)
            ret += "No lyrics available"
        return ret.strip()

    def current(self, sender):
        return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.current, ())

    def next(self, sender):
        return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.next_song, [sender])

    def prev(self, sender):
        return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.prev_song, ())

    @answercmd("list", "list (?P<number>\d+)")
    def list(self, sender, number="5"):
        nb = int(number)
        if nb > 15:
            return "Non mais oh ! Il ne faudrait pas exagérer tout de même."
        return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.nextplaylist, [nb])

        "settag (artist ?= ?(?P<artist>[^\|]*))? ?\|? ?(title ?= ?(?P<title>.*))?"
    def settag(self, sender, artist, title):
        return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.settag, [artist, title])

    def shuffle(self, sender):
        self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.shuffle, ())
        return "Et on mélange le tout !"

    @answercmd("setnext (?P<number>\d+)")
    def setnext(self, sender, number):
        nb = int(number)
        return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.setnext, [nb])

    @answercmd("nightmare", "nightmare (?P<number>\d+)")
    def nightmare(self, sender, number="5"):
        nb = int(number)
        if nb > 15:
            return "Meriletfou !"
        return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.nightmare, [nb])

    @answercmd("coffee", "coffee (?P<number>\d+)")
    def coffee(self, sender, number="5"):
        nb = int(number)
        if nb > 15:
            return "Meriletfou !"
        return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.coffee, [nb])

    @answercmd("wakeup", "wakeup (?P<number>\d+)")
    def wakeup(self, sender, number="5"):
        nb = int(number)
        if nb > 15:
            return "Meriletfou !"
        return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.wakeup, [nb])

    def clean(self, sender):
        return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.clean, ())

    @answercmd("goto (?P<position>\d+)")
    def goto(self, sender, position):
        pos = int(position)
        return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.goto, [pos])

    @answercmd("search title (?P<title>.*)", "search artist (?P<artist>.*)",
               "search (?P<search>.*)")
    def search(self, sender, search=None, title=None, artist=None):
        return self.do_command_mpd(self.mpd.search, [search, title, artist])

    def do_command_mpd(self, fct, args):
        self.mpd.connection(self.host, self.port, self.pwd)
        ret = fct(*args)
        return ret