Example #1
 def cls_log(self, log_level, msg, *args):
     '''cls_log() from libosd
     log_level : the log level
     msg       : message to be logged
     libosd = LibOSD(self)
     ret = libosd.cls_log(log_level, msg, *args)
     return CTemp(self, ret)
Example #2
 def cls_write_bl_full(self, hctx, ofs, indata):
     '''cls_write_bl() from libosd
     hctx : execution context
     ofs  : offset at which to begin write
     indata : bufferlist containing input data (void*)
     libosd = LibOSD(self)
     ret = libosd.cls_write_bl_full(hctx, ofs, indata)
     return CTemp(self, ret)
Example #3
 def cls_stat(self, hctx, size, mtime):
     '''cls_stat() from libosd
     hctx  : method context
     size  : size destination (int*)
     mtime : modified time destination (int64*)
     libosd = LibOSD(self)
     ret = libosd.cls_stat(hctx, size, mtime)
     return CTemp(self, ret)
Example #4
    def cls_map_get_val(self, hctx, key, outdata, outdatalen):
        '''cls_map_get_val() from libosd

        hctx : execution context
        key  : key into object map
        outdata : buffer for output data (char**)
        outdatalen : actual length of object map value
        libosd = LibOSD(self)
        ret = libosd.cls_map_get_val(hctx, key, outdata, outdatalen)
        return CTemp(self, ret)
Example #5
 def cls_setxattr(self, hctx, key, indata, length):
     '''cls_setxattr() from libosd
     hctx : execution context
     key  : key into object map
     indata : buffer containing input data (char*)
     length  : length of the input value value
     libosd = LibOSD(self)
     ret = libosd.cls_setxattr(hctx, key, indata, length)
     return CTemp(self, ret)
Example #6
 def cls_write(self, hctx, ofs, length, indata):
     '''cls_write() from libosd
     hctx : execution context
     ofs  : offset at which to begin write
     length  : number of bytes to write
     indata : buffer containing input data (char*)
     libosd = LibOSD(self)
     ret = libosd.cls_write(hctx, ofs, length, indata)
     return CTemp(self, ret)
Example #7
    def cls_map_get_keys(self, hctx, prefix, max_to_get, keys, key_lens):
        '''wrapper for cls_map_get_keys() from libosd

        hctx       : method context
        prefix     : key prefix
        max_to_get : maximum number of keys to read
        keys       : pointer to buffer-array to store the keys (char***)
        key_lens   : pointer to array to hold the length of each key (int**)
        libosd = LibOSD(self)
        ret = libosd.cls_map_get_keys(hctx, prefix, max_to_get, keys, key_lens)
        return CTemp(self, ret)
Example #8
 def cls_read(self, hctx, ofs, length, outdata, outdatalen):
     '''cls_read from libosd
     hctx : execution context
     ofs  : offset at which to begin read
     length  : number of bytes to read
     outdata : buffer for output data (char**)
     outdatalen : actual length of read
     libosd = LibOSD(self)
     ret = libosd.cls_read(hctx, ofs, length, outdata, outdatalen)
     return CTemp(self, ret)