def compute_toverlaps_in_parallel( step ): """ Function used for the making the computation of time-overlaps parallel via python multiprocessing """ st_sd = step3.mapping.ovlp_mat_arb( sd_states_reindexed_sorted[step], sd_states_reindexed_sorted[step+1], St_ks[0][step], use_minimal=False ) st_sd = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(st_sd) return st_sd
def run_nbra_namd_wrapper(hvib, istate, outfile_name, params): """ A small wrapper function to run the nbra namd dynamics. hvib ( list of list of matrices ): The vibronic hamiltonian for all timesteps istate ( int ): Index of the initial state. This index is from 0 outfile ( string ): The name of the output file params ( dict ): A dictionary of important dynamical parameters returns: A list of energy values that is the electronic energy vs time. Returned energy is in eV """ print("decoherence_method = ", params["decoherence_method"]) params["outfile"] = outfile_name params["nstates"] = hvib[0].num_of_rows params["istate"] = istate res_nbra_namd =[hvib], params) nbra_namd = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(res_nbra_namd) # For SH energies energy_nbra_namd = (nbra_namd[:, 3 * params["nstates"] + 2] - nbra_namd[:, 1]) * units.au2ev return energy_nbra_namd
def run_bllz_wrapper( hvib, istate, outfile_name, params ): """ A small wrapper function to run the bllz dynamics. hvib ( list of list of matrices ): The vibronic hamiltonian for all timesteps istate ( int ): Index of the initial state. This index is from 0 outfile ( string ): The name of the output file params ( dict ): A dictionary of important dynamical parameters returns: A list of energy values that is the electronic energy vs time. Returned energy is in eV """ params["outfile"] = outfile_name params["nstates"] = hvib[0].num_of_rows params["istate"] = istate res_bllz, P = [hvib], params ) bllz_namd = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray( res_bllz ) # Recall that for bllz, we use the schrodiger not the surface hopping energy energy_bllz = ( bllz_namd[:,3*params["nstates"]+1] - bllz_namd[:,1] )*units.au2ev # for bllz surface hopping energy #energy_bllz = ( bllz_namd[:,3*params["nstates"]+2] - bllz_namd[:,1] )*units.au2ev return energy_bllz
def run_cp2k_xtb_step2(params): """ This function runs the step2 for computing the MO overlaps for xTB calculations and saves them as sparse matrices using scipy.sparse library. In order to load the saved sparse matrices you need to use scipy.sparse.load_npz command. Args: params (dictionary): A dictionary containing the following parameters: res_dir (string): The directory for saving the MO overlaps. all_logfiles (string): The directory to save all log files. all_pdosfiles (string): The directory to save all pdos files. istep (integer): The initial step. fstep (integer): The final step. init_state (integer): The initial state. final_state (integer): The final state. is_spherical (bool): Flag for spherical coordinates. remove_molden (bool): Flag for removing the molden files after computing the MO overlaps. nprocs (integer): Number of processors. cp2k_ot_input_template (string): The CP2K OT input template file name. cp2k_diag_input_template (string): The CP2K diagonalization input template file name. trajectory_xyz_filename (string): The trajectory xyz file name. step (integer): The time step. cp2k_exe (string): The full path to CP2K executable. """ # Making the required directories for gatherig all the information needed # including the overlap data and pdos files. The logfiles do not contain # specific data but we finally move them to all_logfiles if not os.path.exists(params['res_dir']): os.mkdir(params['res_dir']) if not os.path.exists(params['all_logfiles']): os.mkdir(params['all_logfiles']) if not os.path.exists(params['all_pdosfiles']): os.mkdir(params['all_pdosfiles']) # setting up the initial step and final step istep = params['istep'] fstep = params['fstep'] # spherical or cartesian GTOs is_spherical = params['is_spherical'] # number of processors nprocs = params['nprocs'] # the counter for a job steps, this counter is needed for not reading # the data of a molden file twice counter = 0 print('-----------------------Start-----------------------') for step in range(istep, fstep): # a timer for all the procedure t1_all = time.time() print('-----------------------Step %d-----------------------' % step) params['step'] = step # timer for CP2K t1 = time.time() CP2K_methods.run_cp2k_xtb(params) print('Done with step', step, 'Elapsed time:', time.time() - t1) # now if the counter is equal to zero # just compute the MO overlap of that step. if counter == 0: t1 = time.time() print('Creating shell...') shell_1, l_vals = molden_methods.molden_file_to_libint_shell('Diag_%d-libra-1_0.molden'%step,\ is_spherical) print('Done with creating shell. Elapsed time:', time.time() - t1) t1 = time.time() print('Reading energies and eigenvectors....') eig_vect_1, energies_1 = molden_methods.eigenvectors_molden('Diag_%d-libra-1_0.molden'%step,\ nbasis(shell_1),l_vals) print('Done with reading energies and eigenvectors. Elapsed time:', time.time() - t1) if params['remove_molden']: os.system('rm Diag_%d-libra-1_0.molden' % step) print('Computing atomic orbital overlap matrix...') t1 = time.time() AO_S = compute_overlaps(shell_1, shell_1, nprocs) print('Done with computing atomic orbital overlaps. Elapsed time:', time.time() - t1) t1 = time.time() print('Turning the MATRIX to numpy array...') AO_S = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(AO_S) print('Done with transforming MATRIX 2 numpy array. Elapsed time:', time.time() - t1) istate = params['init_state'] fstate = params['final_state'] ## Now, we need to resort the eigenvectors based on the new indices print('Resorting eigenvectors elements...') t1 = time.time() new_indices = CP2K_methods.resort_molog_eigenvectors(l_vals) eigenvectors_1 = [] for j in range(len(eig_vect_1)): # the new and sorted eigenvector eigenvector_1 = eig_vect_1[j] eigenvector_1 = eigenvector_1[new_indices] # append it to the eigenvectors list eigenvectors_1.append(eigenvector_1) eigenvectors_1 = np.array(eigenvectors_1) print('Done with resorting eigenvectors elements. Elapsed time:', time.time() - t1) ## t1 = time.time() print('Computing and saving molecular orbital overlaps...') # Note that we choose the data from istate to fstate # the values for istate and fstate start from 1 S = np.linalg.multi_dot([eigenvectors_1, AO_S, eigenvectors_1.T])[istate - 1:fstate - 1, istate - 1:fstate - 1] # creating zero matrix mat_block_size = len(S) zero_mat = np.zeros((mat_block_size, mat_block_size)) S_step = data_conv.form_block_matrix(S, zero_mat, zero_mat, S) # Since a lot of the data are zeros we save them as sparse matrices S_step_sparse = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(S_step) E_step = data_conv.form_block_matrix(np.diag(energies_1)[istate-1:fstate-1,istate-1:fstate-1],\ zero_mat,zero_mat,\ np.diag(energies_1)[istate-1:fstate-1,istate-1:fstate-1]) E_step_sparse = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(E_step) scipy.sparse.save_npz(params['res_dir'] + '/S_ks_%d.npz' % step, S_step_sparse) scipy.sparse.save_npz(params['res_dir'] + '/E_ks_%d.npz' % step, E_step_sparse) print( 'Done with computing molecular orbital overlaps. Elapsed time:', time.time() - t1) print('Done with step %d.' % step, 'Elapsed time:', time.time() - t1_all) else: # The same procedure as above but now we compute time-overlaps as well t1 = time.time() print('Creating shell...') shell_2, l_vals = molden_methods.molden_file_to_libint_shell('Diag_%d-libra-1_0.molden'%step,\ is_spherical) print('Done with creating shell. Elapsed time:', time.time() - t1) t1 = time.time() print('Reading energies and eigenvectors....') eig_vect_2, energies_2 = molden_methods.eigenvectors_molden('Diag_%d-libra-1_0.molden'%step,\ nbasis(shell_2),l_vals) print('Done with reading energies and eigenvectors. Elapsed time:', time.time() - t1) if params['remove_molden']: os.system('rm Diag_%d-libra-1_0.molden' % step) print('Computing atomic orbital overlap matrix...') t1 = time.time() AO_S = compute_overlaps(shell_2, shell_2, nprocs) AO_St = compute_overlaps(shell_1, shell_2, nprocs) print('Done with computing atomic orbital overlaps. Elapsed time:', time.time() - t1) t1 = time.time() print('Turning the MATRIX to numpy array...') AO_S = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(AO_S) AO_St = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(AO_St) print('Done with transforming MATRIX 2 numpy array. Elapsed time:', time.time() - t1) ## Now, we need to resort the eigenvectors based on the new indices print('Resorting eigenvectors elements...') t1 = time.time() new_indices = CP2K_methods.resort_molog_eigenvectors(l_vals) eigenvectors_2 = [] for j in range(len(eig_vect_2)): # the new and sorted eigenvector eigenvector_2 = eig_vect_2[j] eigenvector_2 = eigenvector_2[new_indices] # append it to the eigenvectors list eigenvectors_2.append(eigenvector_2) eigenvectors_2 = np.array(eigenvectors_2) print('Done with resorting eigenvectors elements. Elapsed time:', time.time() - t1) ## t1 = time.time() print('Computing and saving molecular orbital overlaps...') S = np.linalg.multi_dot([eigenvectors_2, AO_S, eigenvectors_2.T])[istate - 1:fstate - 1, istate - 1:fstate - 1] St = np.linalg.multi_dot([eigenvectors_1, AO_S, eigenvectors_2.T])[istate - 1:fstate - 1, istate - 1:fstate - 1] S_step = data_conv.form_block_matrix(S, zero_mat, zero_mat, S) St_step = data_conv.form_block_matrix(St, zero_mat, zero_mat, St) S_step_sparse = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(S_step) St_step_sparse = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(St_step) E_step = data_conv.form_block_matrix(np.diag(energies_2)[istate-1:fstate-1,istate-1:fstate-1],\ zero_mat,zero_mat,\ np.diag(energies_2)[istate-1:fstate-1,istate-1:fstate-1]) E_step_sparse = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(E_step) scipy.sparse.save_npz(params['res_dir'] + '/S_ks_%d.npz' % step, S_step_sparse) scipy.sparse.save_npz( params['res_dir'] + '/St_ks_%d.npz' % (step - 1), St_step_sparse) scipy.sparse.save_npz(params['res_dir'] + '/E_ks_%d.npz' % step, E_step_sparse) print( 'Done with computing molecular orbital overlaps. Elapsed time:', time.time() - t1) shell_1 = shell_2 energies_1 = energies_2 eigenvectors_1 = eigenvectors_2 print('Removing unnecessary wfn files...') os.system('rm OT_%d-RESTART*' % (step - 1)) os.system('rm Diag_%d-RESTART*' % (step - 1)) print('Done with step %d.' % step, 'Elapsed time:', time.time() - t1_all) counter += 1 # Finally move all the pdos and log files to all_pdosfiles and all_logfiles os.system('mv *pdos %s/.' % params['all_pdosfiles']) os.system('mv *log %s/.' % params['all_logfiles']) print('Done with the job!!!')
clrs_index = ["11", "21", "31", "41", "12", "22", "32", "13", "23", "14", "24"] E_f = 2.1608 spd = ["s", "p", "d"] all_atoms = list(range(1, 67)) Cs = [spd, all_atoms, ["Cs"]] Sn = [spd, all_atoms, ["Sn"]] Br = [spd, all_atoms, ["Br"]] projections = [Cs, Sn, Br] E, pdosa, pdosb = pdos.QE_pdos("pdos/x.pdos_atm#", -10.0, 10.0, 0.1, projections,\ E_f, "pdos_", 1, 0.01, 0.1, nspin=1) e_grid = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(E) proja = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(pdosa) projb = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(pdosb) print(e_grid.shape, proja.shape, projb.shape) def plot(_energy, _pdosa, _pdosb): plt.rc('axes', titlesize=18) # fontsize of the axes title plt.rc('axes', labelsize=18) # fontsize of the x and y labels plt.rc('legend', fontsize=12) # legend fontsize plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=18) # fontsize of the tick labels plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=18) # fontsize of the tick labels plt.ylim(-5.0, 5.0)
from libra_py import CP2K_methods from libra_py import molden_methods from libra_py import data_conv # number of processors nprocs = 4 # set up the timer t1 = time.time() # creating the shell for the molden file shells_1, l_vals = molden_methods.molden_file_to_libint_shell('CdSe13-CdSe13-1_0.molden',True) # extracting the eigenvectors and energies from molden file eig1, ener1 = molden_methods.eigenvectors_molden('CdSe13-CdSe13-1_0.molden',nbasis(shells_1),l_vals) # compute the AO overlap matrix AO = compute_overlaps(shells_1,shells_1,nprocs) # turn it into a numpy array AO = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(AO) # new indices for the the MOLog eigenvectors new_indices = CP2K_methods.resort_molog_eigenvectors(l_vals) # making all the reindexed eigenvectors eigenvectors = [] for i in range(len(eig1)): # the new and sorted eigenvector eigenvector = eig1[i] eigenvector = eigenvector[new_indices] # append it to the eigenvectors list eigenvectors.append(eigenvector) # make it a numpy array to be able to work with eigs = np.array(eigenvectors) # compute the MO overlap S = np.linalg.multi_dot([eigs, AO ,eigs.T]) # print out the diagonal element of the MO overlap matrix
ANN.init_weights_biases_uniform(rnd, -0.1, 0.1, -0.1, 0.1) params = { "num_epochs": 100, "steps_per_epoch": 10000, "epoch_size": 32, "learning_rate": 0.05, "verbosity": 1 } ANN.train(rnd, params, inputs1, targets1) Y_train = ANN.propagate(inputs1) Y_test = ANN.propagate(inputs2) #sys.exit(0) #x_train = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(inputs1)[0][:] #x_test = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(inputs2)[0][:] y_train = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(Y_train[2])[0][:] y_test = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(Y_test[2])[0][:] eg_target1 = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(targets1)[0][:] eg_target2 = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(targets2)[0][:] time1 = np.array(time1) time2 = np.array(time2) #print(x.shape, y.shape, eg_target2.shape) #sys.exit(0) plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(3.21, 2.41), dpi=300, edgecolor='black', frameon=True) plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.title('Lumo Energy - Training',
def myfunc_st( step ): st_sd = step3.mapping.ovlp_mat_arb( sd_states_reindexed_sorted[step], sd_states_reindexed_sorted[step+1], St_ks_job[0][step], use_minimal=False ) #print(step, "st_sd as CMATRIX <1|1> = ", st_sd.get(1,1) ) st_sd = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(st_sd) #print(step, "st_sd as np.array <1|1> = ", st_sd[1,1]) return st_sd
def myfunc(subtraj): start_time = subtraj * subtraj_increment print("\nsubtraj ", subtraj) print("start time = ", start_time) print("end time = ", start_time + subtraj_len) md_time = [i for i in range(subtraj_len)] md_time = np.array(md_time) * params["dt"] * units.au2fs # Obtain the subtrajectory for i in range(start_time, start_time + subtraj_len): hvib_mb_subtrajs[subtraj].append(hvib_mb[0][i]) hvib_sd_subtrajs[subtraj].append(hvib_sd[0][i]) # Compute mb energy gaps and decoherence times params["nsteps"] = subtraj_len params["init_times"] = [0] tau_mb, rates_mb = decoherence_times.decoherence_times( hvib_mb_subtrajs[subtraj]) dE_mb = decoherence_times.energy_gaps(hvib_mb_subtrajs[subtraj]) avg_deco_mb = tau_mb * units.au2fs print("Finished gather data for MD time", params["init_times"][0] + params["nsteps"], "steps.") print("Dephasing time between mb states 0 and 1 is:", tau_mb.get(0, 1) * units.au2fs, "fs") # Compute sd energy gaps and decoherence times params["nsteps"] = subtraj_len params["init_times"] = [0] tau_sd, rates_sd = decoherence_times.decoherence_times( hvib_sd_subtrajs[subtraj]) dE_sd = decoherence_times.energy_gaps(hvib_sd_subtrajs[subtraj]) avg_deco_sd = tau_sd * units.au2fs print("Finished gather data for MD time", params["init_times"][0] + params["nsteps"], "steps.") print("Dephasing time between sd states 0 and 1 is:", tau_sd.get(0, 1) * units.au2fs, "fs") # Compute mb energies mb_subtraj_energy = [] params["nstates"] = 31 for mb_index in range(params["nstates"]): mb_subtraj_energy.append([]) for step in range(params["nsteps"]): mb_subtraj_energy[mb_index].append( hvib_mb_subtrajs[subtraj][step].get(mb_index, mb_index).real - hvib_mb_subtrajs[subtraj][step].get(0, 0).real) mb_subtraj_energy = np.array(mb_subtraj_energy) tmp_mb_energies.append(mb_subtraj_energy) # Compute sd energies params["nstates"] = 64 sd_subtraj_energy = [] for sd_index in range(params["nstates"]): sd_subtraj_energy.append([]) for step in range(params["nsteps"]): sd_subtraj_energy[sd_index].append( hvib_sd_subtrajs[subtraj][step].get(sd_index, sd_index).real - hvib_sd_subtrajs[subtraj][step].get(0, 0).real) sd_subtraj_energy = np.array(sd_subtraj_energy) tmp_sd_energies.append(sd_subtraj_energy) ############################################### ############################################### # Now it is time to run the NAMD params["T"] = 300.0 params["ntraj"] = 250 params["sh_method"] = 1 params["Boltz_opt"] = 1 params["nsteps"] = subtraj_len params["init_times"] = [0] istates = [14, 18] for istate in istates: params["istate"] = istate # Recall index from 0 ### FSSH params["decoherence_method"] = 0 start = time.time() # mb fssh params["outfile"] = "_out_mb_fssh_subtraj_" + str( subtraj) + "_istate" + str(istate) + ".txt" params["nstates"] = 31 # total number of mb electronic states res_mb_fssh =[hvib_mb_subtrajs[subtraj]], params) mb_nbra_namd = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(res_mb_fssh) tmp_fssh_mb.append(mb_nbra_namd) mb_hot_energy_fssh = (mb_nbra_namd[:, 95] - mb_nbra_namd[:, 1]) * units.au2ev #sys.exit(0) #sd fssh params["outfile"] = "_out_sd_fssh_subtraj_" + str( subtraj) + "_istate" + str(istate) + ".txt" params["nstates"] = 64 # total number of sd electronic states res_sd_fssh =[hvib_sd_subtrajs[subtraj]], params) sd_nbra_namd = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(res_sd_fssh) tmp_fssh_sd.append(sd_nbra_namd) sd_hot_energy_fssh = (sd_nbra_namd[:, 194] - sd_nbra_namd[:, 1]) * units.au2ev end = time.time() print("Time to run NBRA NAMD = ", end - start) ### IDA params["decoherence_method"] = 1 start = time.time() # mb ida params["outfile"] = "_out_mb_ida_subtraj_" + str( subtraj) + "_istate" + str(istate) + ".txt" params["nstates"] = 31 # total number of mb electronic states res_mb_ida =[hvib_mb_subtrajs[subtraj]], params) mb_nbra_namd = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(res_mb_ida) tmp_ida_mb.append(mb_nbra_namd) mb_hot_energy_ida = (mb_nbra_namd[:, 95] - mb_nbra_namd[:, 1]) * units.au2ev #sd ida params["outfile"] = "_out_sd_ida_subtraj_" + str( subtraj) + "_istate" + str(istate) + ".txt" params["nstates"] = 64 # total number of sd electronic states res_sd_ida =[hvib_sd_subtrajs[subtraj]], params) sd_nbra_namd = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(res_sd_ida) tmp_ida_sd.append(sd_nbra_namd) sd_hot_energy_ida = (sd_nbra_namd[:, 194] - sd_nbra_namd[:, 1]) * units.au2ev end = time.time() print("Time to run NBRA NAMD = ", end - start) ### mSDM params["decoherence_method"] = 2 start = time.time() # mb msdm params["outfile"] = "_out_mb_msdm_subtraj_" + str( subtraj) + "_istate" + str(istate) + ".txt" params["nstates"] = 31 # total number of mb electronic states res_mb_msdm =[hvib_mb_subtrajs[subtraj]], params) mb_nbra_namd = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(res_mb_msdm) tmp_msdm_mb.append(mb_nbra_namd) mb_hot_energy_msdm = (mb_nbra_namd[:, 95] - mb_nbra_namd[:, 1]) * units.au2ev #sd msdm params["outfile"] = "_out_sd_msdm_subtraj_" + str( subtraj) + "_istate" + str(istate) + ".txt" params["nstates"] = 64 # total number of sd electronic states res_sd_msdm =[hvib_sd_subtrajs[subtraj]], params) sd_nbra_namd = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(res_sd_msdm) tmp_msdm_sd.append(sd_nbra_namd) sd_hot_energy_msdm = (sd_nbra_namd[:, 194] - sd_nbra_namd[:, 1]) * units.au2ev end = time.time() print("Time to run NBRA NAMD = ", end - start) plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(3.21, 2.41), dpi=300, edgecolor='black', frameon=True) plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.title('(CdSe)$_{33}$ MB traj' + str(subtraj) + ' istate' + str(istate) + '', fontsize=10) plt.xlabel('Time, fs', fontsize=10) plt.ylabel('Energy, eV', fontsize=10) plt.ylim(0, 3.5) plt.yticks([0, 1, 2, 3]) for sd_index in range(31): plt.plot(md_time, mb_subtraj_energy[sd_index] * units.au2ev, label="", linewidth=1, color="gray") plt.plot(md_time, mb_hot_energy_fssh, linewidth=2.5, color="red", label="FSSH") plt.plot(md_time, mb_hot_energy_ida, linewidth=2.5, color="green", label="IDA") plt.plot(md_time, mb_hot_energy_msdm, linewidth=2.5, color="blue", label="mSDM") plt.tight_layout() plt.legend(fontsize=8, ncol=3, loc="lower left") plt.savefig("CdSe33_MB_Dyn_" + str(subtraj) + "_" + str(istate) + ".png", dpi=300) plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(3.21, 2.41), dpi=300, edgecolor='black', frameon=True) plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.title('(CdSe)$_{33}$ SP traj' + str(subtraj) + ' istate' + str(istate) + '', fontsize=10) plt.xlabel('Time, fs', fontsize=10) plt.ylabel('Energy, eV', fontsize=10) plt.ylim(0, 3.5) plt.yticks([0, 1, 2, 3]) for sd_index in range(64): plt.plot(md_time, sd_subtraj_energy[sd_index] * units.au2ev, label="", linewidth=1, color="gray") plt.plot(md_time, sd_hot_energy_fssh, linewidth=2.5, color="red", label="FSSH") plt.plot(md_time, sd_hot_energy_ida, linewidth=2.5, color="green", label="IDA") plt.plot(md_time, sd_hot_energy_msdm, linewidth=2.5, color="blue", label="mSDM") plt.tight_layout() plt.legend(fontsize=8, ncol=3, loc="lower left") plt.savefig("CdSe33_" + str(subtraj) + "_SP_Dyn_" + str(istate) + ".png", dpi=300)
def plot_training(_plt, _ann, _training_input, _training_target, mode1=0, mode2=2, filename="ANN_training.png"): """ Args: _plt (matplotlib instance) _ann (NeuralNetwork object) _training_input ( MATRIX(n_inputs, n_patterns ) _training_target ( MATRIX(n_outputs, n_patterns ) """ last_indx = _ann.Nlayers - 1 # Predict # There is only 1 output in this case - we take the first index training_out = _ann.propagate(_training_input) y_predict = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(training_out[last_indx])[0, :] #print(F"len(training_out) = {len(training_out)}") #print(F"len(y_predict) = {len(y_predict)}") # Given targets # Targets also have only 1 components in this case y_targets = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(_training_target)[0, :] #print(F"len(y_targets) = {len(y_targets)}") nsteps = len(y_predict) # one less, so it would work for NACs too steps_train = list(range(nsteps)) #print(F"nsteps = {nsteps}") #print(F"steps_trian = {steps_train}") x_mode1 = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(_training_input)[mode1, :] x_mode2 = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(_training_input)[mode2, :] #print(x_mode1) #print(x_mode2) _plt.rc('axes', titlesize=12) # fontsize of the axes title _plt.rc('axes', labelsize=12) # fontsize of the x and y labels _plt.rc('legend', fontsize=10) # legend fontsize _plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=8) # fontsize of the tick labels _plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=8) # fontsize of the tick labels _plt.rc('figure.subplot', left=0.2) _plt.rc('figure.subplot', right=0.95) _plt.rc('figure.subplot', bottom=0.13) _plt.rc('figure.subplot', top=0.88) figure = _plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(3.21 * 3, 2.41), dpi=300, edgecolor='black', frameon=True) _plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) _plt.xlabel('Timestep', fontsize=10) _plt.ylabel('Property', fontsize=10) _plt.plot(steps_train, y_predict[:nsteps], color="black", label="ANN", linewidth=2) _plt.plot(steps_train, y_targets[:nsteps], color="green", label="reference", linewidth=2) _plt.legend(fontsize=6.75, ncol=1, loc='upper left') _plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) _plt.xlabel(F'Mode {mode1}', fontsize=10) _plt.ylabel('Property', fontsize=10) x_mode1 = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(_training_input)[mode1, :] _plt.plot(x_mode1[:nsteps], y_predict[:nsteps], color="black", label="ANN", linewidth=2) _plt.plot(x_mode1[:nsteps], y_targets[:nsteps], color="green", label="reference", linewidth=2) _plt.legend(fontsize=6.75, ncol=1, loc='upper left') _plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) _plt.xlabel(F'Mode {mode2}', fontsize=10) _plt.ylabel('Property', fontsize=10) x_mode2 = data_conv.MATRIX2nparray(_training_input)[mode2, :] _plt.plot(x_mode2[:nsteps], y_predict[:nsteps], color="black", label="ANN", linewidth=2) _plt.plot(x_mode2[:nsteps], y_targets[:nsteps], color="green", label="reference", linewidth=2) _plt.legend(fontsize=6.75, ncol=1, loc='upper left') _plt.tight_layout() _plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300)