async def get_response(_user, title='RPSC', timeout=10*60, opener=''): choice = symbol_names[0] i = 0 while i < 3: i += 1 for msg in add_to_embed(title, f'{opener}Your choices are '+', '.join(symbol_names[:2*level+1]+['rules','abort'])): await _user.send(embed=msg) opener = '' try: msg = await bot.wait_for('message', check=get_check(_user),timeout=timeout) except: await _user.send(embed=add_to_embed(title, f'Awww, {} don\'t leave me hangin\'')[0]) return -1 # Abort challenge if you don't send an answer response = msg.content.lower().replace(' ','_').replace('\n','') choice = getClosestFromList(['abort','rules']+symbol_names,response.lower()) if distance(response, choice) >= len(response)*0.3: await _user.send(embed=add_to_embed(choice, 'No option recognized, try again')) if 'abort' in choice.lower(): return -1 if 'rules' in choice.lower(): for msg in add_to_embed(title, ' \n'.join(format_matrix(matrix, symbol_names))): await _user.send(embed=msg) i -= 1 else: # If neither rules or abort, it is correct break return choice
async def rps(ctx, *, level=1): if level > RPS_HARD_CAP and not isOwner(ctx): msg = add_to_embed('Level too high!', f'Sorry, but even though the code for it exists, why would you ever want to play rps-{level*2+1}???')[0] msg.set_footer(text='RPS Played by: ' +, await ctx.send(embed=msg) return symbol_names = ['rock','paper','scissors','spock','lizard','alien','well','generic','karen','heat','lemonade'] # Extend symbol names if necessary for i in range(len(symbol_names), level*2+5): symbol_names.append('item'+str(i)) # Generate matrix matrix = gen_rps_matrix(level) # Ask for user choice color = None embed = add_to_embed(f'{}\'s RPS','Pick an option:\nrules'+'\n'.join(symbol_names[:level*2+1]))[0] color = embed.color await ctx.send(embed=embed) # Get user choice def check(m): return == and == try: msg = await bot.wait_for('message', check=check,timeout=1*60) except: embed = add_to_embed(f'{}\'s RPS','Awww, don\'t leave me hangin\'')[0] embed.set_footer(text='RPS Played by: ' +, await return freeform = msg.content.lower().replace(' ','_').replace('\n','') # Process winner mlo = getClosestFromList(['rules']+symbol_names,freeform) output = '' if 'rules' in mlo: output = ' \n'.join(format_matrix(matrix, symbol_names)) elif distance(freeform, mlo) >= len(freeform)*0.3: #If the most likely option is more than 30% wrong, hassle output = 'No option recognized! Your choices are: '+'\n'.join(['rules']+symbol_names[:level*2+1]) else: choice = symbol_names.index(getClosestFromList(symbol_names, freeform)) computer_choice = random.randint(0, len(matrix[0])-1) winner = matrix[choice][computer_choice] if winner == 0: output = "Its a draw! Better luck next time" elif winner == 1: output = "You win. Nice job. 🥳" elif winner == 2: output = "I win ;) Better luck next time" output = output+"\n\nYou chose "+ symbol_names[choice]+"\nI chose "+symbol_names[computer_choice] embed = add_to_embed(f'{}\'s RPS', output)[0] if color != None: embed.color = color embed.set_footer(text='RPS Played by: ' +, await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def sad(ctx): user = bot.get_user( await user.send("Hey i see you have used the sad command, you are loved just know that :heart:") if checkAuthSerers(ctx): try: channel = await channel.connect() #sends muic embed = add_to_embed('Time to unsad yourself','Music you can listen too:\n[Sad playlist 1](\n[Sad Playlist 2](\nHope you feel better from Sai.')[0] embed.set_footer(text='Unsading ' +, await ctx.send(embed=embed) await ctx.send("") #leaving the voice channel await ctx.voice_client.disconnect() except AttributeError as e: #this is what it will do if user is not in vc print("user is not in a voice channel, reverting to text for unsadening user") quote = apis.quote_to_discord_embed(quotes.getQuoteJSON()) quote.set_thumbnail(url='') await ctx.send(embed=quote) else: #this is what it will do if user is not in trusted server quote = apis.quote_to_discord_embed(quotes.getQuoteJSON()) quote.set_thumbnail(url='') await ctx.send(embed=quote)
async def on_command_error(ctx, error): msgSend = "An internal error has occured. Use /contact to contact the owner if it persists" if isinstance(error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): e_msg = ', a '.join(str(error.param).replace('params','').split(':')) msgSend = f'You did not use the command correctly\nYou\'re missing {e_msg}\n\nIf you don\'t know how to use the command, use the /help command to see how to use all commands.' elif isinstance(error, commands.BadArgument): e_msg = ' and '.join(error.args) msgSend = f'You did not use the command correctly\nYou\'re arguements are wrong: {e_msg}\n\nIf you don\'t know how to use the command, use the /help command to see how to use all commands.' elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandOnCooldown): msgSend = 'You\'re on cooldown for '+ctx.invoked_with + '.\nPlease wait another '+str(round(error.retry_after))+' seconds' elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound): cmd = str(ctx.invoked_with) cmd_list = [ for cmd in bot.commands] mlo = getClosestFromList(cmd_list, cmd) if distance(cmd, mlo) <= 0.6*len(cmd): msgSend= f"Sorry, but that is not a valid command. Did you mean {mlo}?\n\nYou can add suggestions at [suggestions Website](" else: msgSend = "Sorry but that is not a valid command\nYou can add suggestions at [suggestions Website](" embeds = add_to_embed('Error','Command Entered: {}\n{}'.format(ctx.message.content, msgSend)) for embed in embeds: embed.set_footer(text='Command Broken by: ' +, await ctx.send(embed=embed) print(error) print(traceback.format_exc()) # Attempt to print exception
async def shrek(ctx, *, embed:bool=False): if not isOwner(ctx): await ctx.send(msgReturn("notOwner")) return with open('Shrek.txt', 'r') as file: shrek = if embed: for embed in add_to_embed('Shrek is love, Shrek is life', shrek.replace('\n\n','\n')): embed.color = discord.Colour(imgutils.randomSaturatedColor()) await ctx.send(embed=embed) else: for message in splitLongStrings(shrek): await ctx.send(message.replace('\n\n','\n'))
async def song(ctx, song:str=''): try: #splitting the stream to check if the input has a artist if not add by . to earch for the song name if ' by ' not in str(song): song = str(song) + ' by ' song = str(song).split(" by ") songInfo = Gen.search_song(song[0], song[1]) embed = discord.Embed(title=song[0].title(), colour = imgutils.randomSaturatedColor()) # Create and send embed for e in add_to_embed(embed, songInfo.lyrics): e.set_footer(text='Song Requested by: ' +, await ctx.send(embed=e) except AttributeError as e: print(e) embed = discord.Embed(title='Error in Song', description='The command was either used incorrectly or the song was not found\nCommand is used as follows: <b>/song songTitle by songArtist</b>') embed.set_footer(text='Song Requested by: ' +, await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def ping(ctx): await ctx.respond() embed = add_to_embed('Ping','Latency: {0}ms'.format(round(bot.latency*1000, 1)))[0] embed.set_footer(text='Ping Measured by: ' +, await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def rpsc(ctx, user:discord.User=None, level:int=1): if level > RPS_HARD_CAP and not isOwner(ctx): msg = add_to_embed('Level too high!', f'Sorry, but even though the code for it exists, why would you ever want to play rps-{level*2+1}???')[0] msg.set_footer(text='RPS Played by: ' +, await ctx.send(embed=msg) return symbol_names = ['rock','paper','scissors','spock','lizard','alien','well','generic','karen','heat','lemonade'] # Extend symbol names if necessary for i in range(len(symbol_names),level*2+5): symbol_names.append('item'+str(i)) # Generate matrix matrix = gen_rps_matrix(level) msg = 'You are challenging '' to rock-paper-scissors' if level > 1: msg = msg+'-'+str(level*2+1) embed = add_to_embed(f'Your challenge to {}',msg+'\nCheck your DMs!')[0] embed.set_footer(text='Challenge sent by: ' +, await ctx.send(embed=embed) def get_check(user): def check(msg): return == user and == user.dm_channel return check async def get_response(_user, title='RPSC', timeout=10*60, opener=''): choice = symbol_names[0] i = 0 while i < 3: i += 1 for msg in add_to_embed(title, f'{opener}Your choices are '+', '.join(symbol_names[:2*level+1]+['rules','abort'])): await _user.send(embed=msg) opener = '' try: msg = await bot.wait_for('message', check=get_check(_user),timeout=timeout) except: await _user.send(embed=add_to_embed(title, f'Awww, {} don\'t leave me hangin\'')[0]) return -1 # Abort challenge if you don't send an answer response = msg.content.lower().replace(' ','_').replace('\n','') choice = getClosestFromList(['abort','rules']+symbol_names,response.lower()) if distance(response, choice) >= len(response)*0.3: await _user.send(embed=add_to_embed(choice, 'No option recognized, try again')) if 'abort' in choice.lower(): return -1 if 'rules' in choice.lower(): for msg in add_to_embed(title, ' \n'.join(format_matrix(matrix, symbol_names))): await _user.send(embed=msg) i -= 1 else: # If neither rules or abort, it is correct break return choice # Get your response your_choice = await get_response(, title=f'Your challenge to {}') if your_choice == -1: await'Your challenge to {}', 'Challenge cancelled!')[0]) await'{}\'s challenge', 'Challenge cancelled!')[0]) return your_choice = symbol_names.index(your_choice) await'Your challenge to {}',f'You chose {symbol_names[your_choice]}')[0]) # Get other person's response #await user.send(embed=add_to_embed('Rock-Paper-Scissors Challenge!', f'{} has challenged you to rock-paper-scissors-'+str(level*2+1) if level > 1 else '')[0]) enemy_choice = await get_response(user, title=f'{}\'s challenge', opener=f'{} has challenged you to rock-paper-scissors-'+str(level*2+1) if level > 1 else '') if enemy_choice == -1: embed = add_to_embed(f'{}\'s challenge', 'Challenge cancelled!')[0] await user.send(embed=embed) await await'Your challenge to {}', 'Challenge cancelled by opponent')[0]) return enemy_choice = symbol_names.index(enemy_choice) await user.send(embed=add_to_embed(f'{}\'s challenge', f'You chose {symbol_names[enemy_choice]}')[0]) msg = "" # Display results msg = f'{} chose {symbol_names[your_choice]}' msg += f'\n{} chose {symbol_names[enemy_choice]}' winner = matrix[enemy_choice][your_choice] if winner == 0: await'Your challenge to {}', msg.replace(,'You')+'\nThe bout ended in a draw')[0]) await user.send(embed=add_to_embed(f'{}\'s challenge', msg.replace(,'You')+'\nThe bout ended in a draw')[0]) msg += '\nThe bout ended in a draw' elif winner == 1: await'Your challenge to {}', msg.replace(,'You')+'\nYou won 🥳')[0]) await user.send(embed=add_to_embed(f'{}\'s challenge', msg.replace(,'You')+'\nYou lost.')[0]) msg += f'\n{} won! 🥳' elif winner == 2: await'Your challenge to {}', msg.replace(,'You')+'\nYou lost')[0]) await user.send(embed=add_to_embed(f'{}\'s challenge', msg.replace(,'You')+'\nYou won 🥳')[0]) msg += f'\n{} won. Nice job. 🥳' embed = add_to_embed(f'{}\'s challenge to {}', msg)[0] embed.set_footer(text='RPS Played by: ' +, await ctx.send(embed=embed)