Example #1
    def testRegistryAPI(self):
        Test case:
            Catalog API to list all repositories by system admin
        Test step and expected result:G
            1. Create user Alice;
            2. Create 1 new private projects project_Alice;
            3. Push 3 images to project_Alice and Add 3 tags to the 3rd image
            4. Call the image_list_tag API
            5. Call the catalog API using admin account without pagination, can get all 3 images
            5.1 Call the catalog API using admin account with pagination n=1, page=2, twice to get all 3 images.
            5.2 Call the catalog API using Alice account, no repos should be found.
        Tear down:
            1. Delete Alice's repository;
            2. Delete Alice's project;
            3. Delete user Alice.
        url = ADMIN_CLIENT["endpoint"]
        user_common_password = "******"
        #1. Create user Alice and Luca;
        TestProjects.user_Alice_id, user_Alice_name = self.user.create_user(user_password = user_common_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)

        USER_ALICE_CLIENT=dict(endpoint = url, username = user_Alice_name, password = user_common_password)

        #2. Create 2 new private projects project_Alice and project_Luca;
        TestProjects.project_Alice_id, TestProjects.project_Alice_name = self.project.create_project(metadata = {"public": "false"}, **USER_ALICE_CLIENT)

        #3. Push 3 images to project_Alice and Add 3 tags to the 3rd image.

        src_tag = "latest"
        image_a = "busybox"
        TestProjects.repo_a, tag_a = push_image_to_project(TestProjects.project_Alice_name, harbor_server, user_Alice_name, user_common_password, image_a, src_tag)
        image_b = "alpine"
        TestProjects.repo_b, tag_b = push_image_to_project(TestProjects.project_Alice_name, harbor_server, user_Alice_name, user_common_password, image_b, src_tag)
        image_c = "hello-world"
        TestProjects.repo_c, tag_c = push_image_to_project(TestProjects.project_Alice_name, harbor_server, user_Alice_name, user_common_password, image_c, src_tag)
        create_tags = ["1.0","2.0","3.0"]
        for tag in create_tags:
            self.artifact.create_tag(TestProjects.project_Alice_name, self.repo_name, tag_c, tag, **USER_ALICE_CLIENT)
        #4. Call the image_list_tags API
        tags = library.docker_api.list_image_tags(harbor_server,TestProjects.repo_c,user_Alice_name,user_common_password)
	for tag in create_tags:
            self.assertTrue(tags.count(tag)>0, "Expect tag: %s is not listed"%tag)
        page_tags = library.docker_api.list_image_tags(harbor_server,TestProjects.repo_c,user_Alice_name,user_common_password,len(tags)/2+1)
        page_tags += library.docker_api.list_image_tags(harbor_server,TestProjects.repo_c,user_Alice_name,user_common_password,len(tags)/2+1,tags[len(tags)/2])
	for tag in create_tags:
            self.assertTrue(page_tags.count(tag)>0, "Expect tag: %s is not listed by the pagination query"%tag)
        #5. Call the catalog API;
        repos = library.docker_api.list_repositories(harbor_server,admin_user,admin_pwd)
	self.assertTrue(repos.count(TestProjects.repo_a)>0 and repos.count(TestProjects.repo_b)>0 and repos.count(TestProjects.repo_c)>0, "Expected repo not found")
        for repo in [TestProjects.repo_a,TestProjects.repo_b,TestProjects.repo_c]:
            self.assertTrue(repos.count(repo)>0,"Expected repo: %s is not listed"%repo)
        page_repos = library.docker_api.list_repositories(harbor_server,admin_user,admin_pwd,len(repos)/2+1)
        page_repos += library.docker_api.list_repositories(harbor_server,admin_user,admin_pwd,len(repos)/2+1,repos[len(repos)/2])
        for repo in [TestProjects.repo_a,TestProjects.repo_b,TestProjects.repo_c]:
            self.assertTrue(page_repos.count(repo)>0,"Expected repo: %s is not listed by the pagination query"%repo)

        null_repos = library.docker_api.list_repositories(harbor_server,user_Alice_name,user_common_password)
        self.assertEqual(null_repos, "")
    def testAssignRoleToLdapGroup(self):
        Test case:
            Assign Role To Ldap Group
        Test step and expected result:
            1. Set LDAP Auth configurations;
            2. Create a new public project(PA) by Admin;
            3. Add 3 member groups to project(PA);
            4. Push image by each member role;
            5. Verfify that admin_user can add project member, dev_user and guest_user can not add project member;
            6. Verfify that admin_user and dev_user can push image, guest_user can not push image;
            7. Verfify that admin_user, dev_user and guest_user can view logs, test user can not view logs.
            8. Delete repository(RA) by user(UA);
            9. Delete project(PA);
        url = ADMIN_CLIENT["endpoint"]
        USER_ADMIN=dict(endpoint = url, username = "******", password = "******", repo = "haproxy")
        USER_DEV=dict(endpoint = url, username = "******", password = "******", repo = "alpine")
        USER_GUEST=dict(endpoint = url, username = "******", password = "******", repo = "busybox")
        USER_TEST=dict(endpoint = url, username = "******", password = "******")
        USER_MIKE=dict(endpoint = url, username = "******", password = "******")
        #USER001 is in group harbor_group3
        self.conf.set_configurations_of_ldap(ldap_filter="", ldap_group_attribute_name="cn", ldap_group_base_dn="ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com",
                                             ldap_group_search_filter="objectclass=groupOfNames", ldap_group_search_scope=2, **ADMIN_CLIENT)

        with created_project(metadata={"public": "false"}) as (project_id, project_name):
            self.project.add_project_members(project_id, member_role_id = 1, _ldap_group_dn = "cn=harbor_admin,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com", **ADMIN_CLIENT)
            self.project.add_project_members(project_id, member_role_id = 2, _ldap_group_dn = "cn=harbor_dev,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com", **ADMIN_CLIENT)
            self.project.add_project_members(project_id, member_role_id = 3, _ldap_group_dn = "cn=harbor_guest,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com", **ADMIN_CLIENT)

            projects = self.project.get_projects(dict(name=project_name), **USER_ADMIN)
            self.assertTrue(len(projects) == 1)
            self.assertEqual(1, projects[0].current_user_role_id)

            #Mike has logged in harbor in previous test.
            mike = self.user.get_user_by_name(USER_MIKE["username"], **ADMIN_CLIENT)

            #Verify role difference in add project member feature, to distinguish between admin and dev role
            self.project.add_project_members(project_id, user_id=mike.user_id, member_role_id = 3, **USER_ADMIN)
            self.project.add_project_members(project_id, user_id=mike.user_id, member_role_id = 3, expect_status_code=403, **USER_DEV)
            self.project.add_project_members(project_id, user_id=mike.user_id, member_role_id = 3, expect_status_code=403, **USER_GUEST)

            repo_name_admin, _  = push_image_to_project(project_name, harbor_server, USER_ADMIN["username"], USER_ADMIN["password"], USER_ADMIN["repo"], "latest")
            artifacts = self.artifact.list_artifacts(project_name, USER_ADMIN["repo"], **USER_ADMIN)
            self.assertTrue(len(artifacts) == 1)
            repo_name_dev, _ = push_image_to_project(project_name, harbor_server, USER_DEV["username"], USER_DEV["password"], USER_DEV["repo"], "latest")
            artifacts = self.artifact.list_artifacts(project_name, USER_DEV["repo"], **USER_DEV)
            self.assertTrue(len(artifacts) == 1)
            push_image_to_project(project_name, harbor_server, USER_GUEST["username"], USER_GUEST["password"], USER_GUEST["repo"], "latest", expected_error_message = "unauthorized to access repository")
            artifacts = self.artifact.list_artifacts(project_name, USER_GUEST["repo"], **USER_GUEST)
            self.assertTrue(len(artifacts) == 0)

            self.assertTrue(self.project.query_user_logs(project_name, **USER_ADMIN)>0, "admin user can see logs")
            self.assertTrue(self.project.query_user_logs(project_name, **USER_DEV)>0, "dev user can see logs")
            self.assertTrue(self.project.query_user_logs(project_name, **USER_GUEST)>0, "guest user can see logs")
            self.assertTrue(self.project.query_user_logs(project_name, status_code=403, **USER_TEST)==0, "test user can not see any logs")

            self.repo.delete_repository(project_name, repo_name_admin.split('/')[1], **USER_ADMIN)
            self.repo.delete_repository(project_name, repo_name_dev.split('/')[1], **USER_ADMIN)
Example #3
    def testProjectQuota(self):
        Test case:
            Project Quota
        Test step and expected result:
            1. Create a new user(UA);
            2. Create a new private project(PA) by user(UA);
            3. Add user(UA) as a member of project(PA) with project-admin role;
            4. Push an image to project(PA) by user(UA), then check the project quota usage;
            5. Check quota change
            6. Push the image with another tag to project(PA) by user(UA)
            7. Check quota not changed
            8. Delete repository(RA) by user(UA);
            9. Delete image, the quota should be changed to 0.
        Tear down:
            1. Delete repository(RA) by user(UA);
            2. Delete project(PA);
            3. Delete user(UA);
        user_001_password = "******"

        #1. Create a new user(UA);
        with created_user(user_001_password) as (user_id, user_name):
            #2. Create a new private project(PA) by user(UA);
            #3. Add user(UA) as a member of project(PA) with project-admin role;
            with created_project(metadata={"public": "false"},
                                 user_id=user_id) as (project_id,
                #4. Push an image to project(PA) by user(UA), then check the project quota usage; -- {"count": 1, "storage": 2791709}
                image, tag = "goharbor/alpine", "3.10"
                push_image_to_project(project_name, harbor_server, user_name,
                                      user_001_password, image, tag)

                #5. Get project quota
                quota = self.system.get_project_quota("project", project_id,
                self.assertEqual(quota[0].used["count"], 1)
                self.assertEqual(quota[0].used["storage"], 2789002)

                #6. Push the image with another tag to project(PA) by user(UA), the check the project quota usage; -- {"count": 1, "storage": 2791709}
                push_image_to_project(project_name, harbor_server, user_name,
                                      user_001_password, image, tag)

                #7. Get project quota
                quota = self.system.get_project_quota("project", project_id,
                self.assertEqual(quota[0].used["count"], 1)
                self.assertEqual(quota[0].used["storage"], 2789002)

                #8. Delete repository(RA) by user(UA);
                self.repo.delete_repoitory(project_name, image, **ADMIN_CLIENT)

                #9. Quota should be 0
                quota = self.system.get_project_quota("project", project_id,
                self.assertEqual(quota[0].used["count"], 0)
                self.assertEqual(quota[0].used["storage"], 0)
    def testScanImageArtifact(self):
        Test case:
            Scan An Image Artifact
        Test step and expected result:
            1. Create a new user(UA);
            2. Create a new private project(PA) by user(UA);
            3. Add user(UA) as a member of project(PA) with project-admin role;
            4. Get private project of user(UA), user(UA) can see only one private project which is project(PA);
            5. Create a new repository(RA) and tag(TA) in project(PA) by user(UA);
            6. Send scan image command and get tag(TA) information to check scan result, it should be finished;
            7. Swith Scanner;
            8. Send scan another image command and get tag(TA) information to check scan result, it should be finished.
        Tear down:
            1. Delete repository(RA) by user(UA);
            2. Delete project(PA);
            3. Delete user(UA);

        #4. Get private project of user(UA), user(UA) can see only one private project which is project(PA);

        #Note: Please make sure that this Image has never been pulled before by any other cases,
        #      so it is a not-scanned image right after repository creation.
        image = "docker"
        src_tag = "1.13"
        #5. Create a new repository(RA) and tag(TA) in project(PA) by user(UA);
        TestScan.repo_name, tag = push_image_to_project(
            self.project_name, harbor_server, self.user_name,
            self.user_password, image, src_tag)

        #6. Send scan image command and get tag(TA) information to check scan result, it should be finished;
                                TestScan.repo_name.split('/')[1], tag,
        self.artifact.check_image_scan_result(self.project_name, image, tag,

        #7. Swith Scanner;
        uuid = self.scanner.scanners_get_uuid(**ADMIN_CLIENT)
        self.scanner.scanners_registration_id_patch(uuid, **ADMIN_CLIENT)

        image = "tomcat"
        src_tag = "latest"
        TestScan.repo_name, tag = push_image_to_project(
            self.project_name, harbor_server, self.user_name,
            self.user_password, image, src_tag)
        #8. Send scan another image command and get tag(TA) information to check scan result, it should be finished.
                                TestScan.repo_name.split('/')[1], tag,
        self.artifact.check_image_scan_result(self.project_name, image, tag,
Example #5
def do_data_creation():
    harborAPI = HarborAPI()

    for user in data["users"]:

    for user in data["admin"]:
        harborAPI.set_user_admin(user["name"], version=args.version)

    # Make sure to create endpoint first, it's for proxy cache project creation.
    for endpoint in data["endpoint"]:
        print("endpoint:", endpoint)

    for distribution in data["distributions"]:
        harborAPI.add_distribution(distribution, version=args.version)


    #pull_image("busybox", "redis", "haproxy", "alpine", "httpd:2")
    push_image_to_project(data["projects"][0]["name"], args.endpoint, 'admin',
                          'Harbor12345', "busybox", "latest")
    push_signed_image("alpine", data["projects"][0]["name"], "latest")

    for replicationrule in data["replicationrule"]:
        harborAPI.add_replication_rule(replicationrule, version=args.version)

        data["interrogation_services"]["cron"], version=args.version)

        float(data["configuration"]["robot_token"]) * 60 * 24)

Example #6
    def testScanImage(self):
        Test case:
            Scan All Image
        Test step and expected result:
            1. Create user Alice and Luca;
            2. Create 2 new private projects project_Alice and project_Luca;
            3. Push a image to project_Alice and push another image to project_Luca;
            4. Trigger scan all event;
            5. Check if image in project_Alice and another image in project_Luca were both scanned.
        Tear down:
            1. Delete Alice's repository and Luca's repository;
            2. Delete Alice's project and Luca's project;
            3. Delete user Alice and Luca.
        url = ADMIN_CLIENT["endpoint"]
        user_common_password = "******"

        #1. Create user Alice and Luca;
        TestProjects.user_Alice_id, user_Alice_name = self.user.create_user(user_password = user_common_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)
        TestProjects.user_Luca_id, user_Luca_name = self.user.create_user(user_password = user_common_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)

        USER_ALICE_CLIENT=dict(endpoint = url, username = user_Alice_name, password = user_common_password)
        USER_LUCA_CLIENT=dict(endpoint = url, username = user_Luca_name, password = user_common_password)

        #2. Create 2 new private projects project_Alice and project_Luca;
        TestProjects.project_Alice_id, project_Alice_name = self.project.create_project(metadata = {"public": "false"}, **USER_ALICE_CLIENT)
        TestProjects.project_Luca_id, project_Luca_name = self.project.create_project(metadata = {"public": "false"}, **USER_LUCA_CLIENT)

        #3. Push a image to project_Alice and push another image to project_Luca;

        #Note: Please make sure that this Image has never been pulled before by any other cases,
        #          so it is a not-scanned image rigth after repository creation.
        #image = "tomcat"
        image = "mariadb"
        src_tag = "latest"
        #3.1 Push a image to project_Alice;
        TestProjects.repo_Alice_name, tag_Alice = push_image_to_project(project_Alice_name, harbor_server, user_Alice_name, user_common_password, image, src_tag)

        #Note: Please make sure that this Image has never been pulled before by any other cases,
        #          so it is a not-scanned image rigth after repository creation.
        image = "httpd"
        src_tag = "latest"
        #3.2 push another image to project_Luca;
        TestProjects.repo_Luca_name, tag_Luca = push_image_to_project(project_Luca_name, harbor_server, user_Luca_name, user_common_password, image, src_tag)

        #4. Trigger scan all event;

        #5. Check if image in project_Alice and another image in project_Luca were both scanned.
        self.repo.check_image_scan_result(TestProjects.repo_Alice_name, tag_Alice, **USER_ALICE_CLIENT)
        self.repo.check_image_scan_result(TestProjects.repo_Luca_name, tag_Luca, **USER_LUCA_CLIENT)
Example #7
    def test_image_is_unpushable(self):
        Test case:
            Test Image is Unpushable
        Test step and expected result:
            1. Create a new project;
            2. Push image A to the project with 2 tags A and B;
            3. Create a enabled rule matched image A with tag A;
            4. Tag A should be immutable;
            5. Can not push image with the same image name and with the same tag name.
        image_a = dict(name="image_unpushable_a", tag1="latest", tag2="1.3.2")

        #1. Create a new project;
        project_id, project_name = self.project.create_project(
            metadata={"public": "false"}, **self.USER_CLIENT)

        #2. Push image A to the project with 2 tags A and B;
        push_special_image_to_project(project_name, harbor_server,
                                      self.user_name, self.user_password,
                                      [image_a["tag1"], image_a["tag2"]])

        #3. Create a enabled rule matched image A with tag A;
            selector_tag=str(image_a["tag1"])[0:2] + "*",

        #4. Tag A should be immutable;
        artifact_a = self.artifact.get_reference_info(project_name,
        print("[test_image_is_unpushable] - artifact:{}".format(artifact_a))
        self.check_tag_immutability(artifact_a, image_a["tag1"], status=True)
        self.check_tag_immutability(artifact_a, image_a["tag2"], status=False)

        #5. Can not push image with the same image name and with the same tag name.
                              expected_error_message="configured as immutable")
Example #8
    def testProjectLevelPolicyContentTrust(self):
        Test case:
            Project Level Policy Content Trust
        Test step & Expectation:
            1. Create a new user(UA);
            2. Create a new project(PA) by user(UA);
            3. Push a new image(IA) in project(PA) by admin;
            4. Image(IA) should exist;
            5. Pull image(IA) successfully;
            6. Enable content trust in project(PA) configuration;
            7. Pull image(IA) failed and the reason is "The image is not signed in Notary".
        Tear down:
            1. Delete repository(RA) by user(UA);
            2. Delete project(PA);
            3. Delete user(UA);
        url = ADMIN_CLIENT["endpoint"]
        admin_name = ADMIN_CLIENT["username"]
        admin_password = ADMIN_CLIENT["password"]
        user_content_trust_password = "******"

        #1. Create a new user(UA);
        TestProjects.user_content_trust_id, user_content_trust_name = self.user.create_user(
            user_password=user_content_trust_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)

        TestProjects.USER_CONTENT_TRUST_CLIENT = dict(

        #2. Create a new project(PA) by user(UA);
        TestProjects.project_content_trust_id, project_content_trust_name = self.project.create_project(
            metadata={"public": "false"},

        #3. Push a new image(IA) in project(PA) by admin;
        TestProjects.repo_name, tag = push_image_to_project(
            project_content_trust_name, harbor_server, admin_name,
            admin_password, "hello-world", "latest")

        #4. Image(IA) should exist;
        self.repo.image_should_exist(TestProjects.repo_name, tag,

        #5. Pull image(IA) successfully;
        pull_harbor_image_successfully(harbor_server, admin_name,
                                       admin_password, TestProjects.repo_name,

        #6. Enable content trust in project(PA) configuration;
                                    metadata={"enable_content_trust": "true"},

        #7. Pull image(IA) failed and the reason is "The image is not signed in Notary".
        pull_harbor_image_unsuccessfully(harbor_server, admin_name,
                                         TestProjects.repo_name, tag,
                                         "The image is not signed in Notary")
Example #9
    def testScanSignedImage(self):
        Test case:
            Scan A Signed Image
        Test step and expected result:
            1. Create a new user(UA);
            2. Create a new private project(PA) by user(UA);
            3. Add user(UA) as a member of project(PA) with project-admin role;
            4. Get private project of user(UA), user(UA) can see only one private project which is project(PA);
            5. Create a new repository(RA) and tag(TA) in project(PA) by user(UA);
            6. Send scan image command and get tag(TA) information to check scan result, it should be finished;
            7. Swith Scanner;
            8. Send scan another image command and get tag(TA) information to check scan result, it should be finished.
        Tear down:
            1. Delete repository(RA) by user(UA);
            2. Delete project(PA);
            3. Delete user(UA);

        #Note: Please make sure that this Image has never been pulled before by any other cases,
        #      so it is a not-scanned image right after repository creation.
        image = "redis"
        tag = "latest"
        #5. Create a new repository(RA) and tag(TA) in project(PA) by user(UA);
        TestScan.repo_name_1, tag = push_image_to_project(self.project_name, harbor_server, self.user_name, self.user_password, image, tag)

        sign_image(harbor_server, self.project_name, image, tag)

        #6. Send scan image command and get tag(TA) information to check scan result, it should be finished;
        self.scan.scan_artifact(self.project_name, TestScan.repo_name_1.split('/')[1], tag, **self.USER_CLIENT)
        self.artifact.check_image_scan_result(self.project_name, image, tag, **self.USER_CLIENT)
Example #10
    def testSignImage(self):
        Test case:
            Sign A Image
        Test step and expected result:
            1. Create a new user(UA);
            2. Create a new private project(PA) by user(UA);
            3. Add user(UA) as a member of project(PA) with project-admin role;
            4. Get private project of user(UA), user(UA) can see only one private project which is project(PA);
            5. Create a new repository(RA) and tag(TA) in project(PA) by user(UA);
            6. Sign image with tag(TA) which was tagged by step #5;
            7. Get signature of image with tag(TA), it should be exist.
        Tear down:
        url = ADMIN_CLIENT["endpoint"]
        user_001_password = "******"

        #1. Create user-001
        TestProjects.user_sign_image_id, user_sign_image_name = self.user.create_user(
            user_password=user_001_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)

        TestProjects.USER_sign_image_CLIENT = dict(

        #2. Create a new private project(PA) by user(UA);
        TestProjects.project_sign_image_id, TestProjects.project_sign_image_name = self.project.create_project(
            metadata={"public": "false"}, **ADMIN_CLIENT)

        #3. Add user(UA) as a member of project(PA) with project-admin role;

        #4. Get private project of user(UA), user(UA) can see only one private project which is project(PA);

        image = "hello-world"
        src_tag = "latest"
        #5. Create a new repository(RA) and tag(TA) in project(PA) by user(UA);
        TestProjects.repo_name, tag = push_image_to_project(
            TestProjects.project_sign_image_name, harbor_server,
            user_sign_image_name, user_001_password, image, src_tag)

        #6. Sign image with tag(TA) which was tagged by step #5;
        sign_image(harbor_server, TestProjects.project_sign_image_name, image,

        #7. Get signature of image with tag(TA), it should be exist.
        artifact = self.artifact.get_reference_info(
            TestProjects.project_sign_image_name, image, tag,
        self.assertEqual(artifact[0].tags[0].signed, True)
Example #11
    def testScanImage(self):
        Test case:
            Scan A Image
        Test step and expected result:
            1. Create a new user(UA);
            2. Create a new private project(PA) by user(UA);
            3. Add user(UA) as a member of project(PA) with project-admin role;
            4. Get private project of user(UA), user(UA) can see only one private project which is project(PA);
            5. Create a new repository(RA) and tag(TA) in project(PA) by user(UA);
            6. Send scan image command and get tag(TA) information to check scan result, it should be finished;
        Tear down:
            1. Delete repository(RA) by user(UA);
            2. Delete project(PA);
            3. Delete user(UA);
        url = ADMIN_CLIENT["endpoint"]
        user_001_password = "******"

        #1. Create user-001
        TestProjects.user_scan_image_id, user_scan_image_name = self.user.create_user(
            user_password=user_001_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)

        TestProjects.USER_SCAN_IMAGE_CLIENT = dict(

        #2. Create a new private project(PA) by user(UA);
        TestProjects.project_scan_image_id, project_scan_image_name = self.project.create_project(
            metadata={"public": "false"}, **ADMIN_CLIENT)

        #3. Add user(UA) as a member of project(PA) with project-admin role;

        #4. Get private project of user(UA), user(UA) can see only one private project which is project(PA);

        #Note: Please make sure that this Image has never been pulled before by any other cases,
        #          so it is a not-scanned image rigth after rpository creation.
        #image = "tomcat"
        image = "docker"
        src_tag = "1.13"
        #5. Create a new repository(RA) and tag(TA) in project(PA) by user(UA);
        TestProjects.repo_name, tag = push_image_to_project(
            project_scan_image_name, harbor_server, user_scan_image_name,
            user_001_password, image, src_tag)

        #6. Send scan image command and get tag(TA) information to check scan result, it should be finished;
        self.repo.scan_image(TestProjects.repo_name, tag,
            TestProjects.repo_name, tag, **TestProjects.USER_SCAN_IMAGE_CLIENT)
    def testAddSysLabelToRepo(self):
        Test case:
            Add Global Label To Tag
        Test step and expected result:
            1. Create a new user(UA);
            2. Create a new private project(PA) by user(UA);
            3. Add user(UA) as a member of project(PA) with project-admin role;
            4. Get private project of user(UA), user(UA) can see only one private project which is project(PA);
            5. Create a new repository(RA) and tag(TA) in project(PA) by user(UA);
            6. Create a new label(LA) in project(PA) by admin;;
            7. Add this system global label to repository(RA)/tag(TA);
        Tear down:
            1. Delete repository(RA) by user(UA);
            2. Delete project(PA);
            3. Delete user(UA);
            4. Delete label(LA).
        url = ADMIN_CLIENT["endpoint"]
        user_001_password = "******"

        #1. Create user-001
        TestProjects.user_add_g_lbl_id, user_add_g_lbl_name = self.user.create_user(
            user_password=user_001_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)

        TestProjects.USER_add_g_lbl_CLIENT = dict(endpoint=url,

        #2. Create private project-001
        TestProjects.project_add_g_lbl_id, TestProjects.project_add_g_lbl_name = self.project.create_project(
            metadata={"public": "false"}, **ADMIN_CLIENT)

        #3. Add user-001 as a member of project-001 with project-admin role

        #4. Get private project of user(UA), user(UA) can see only one private project which is project(PA);

        #5. Create a new repository(RA) and tag(TA) in project(PA) by user(UA);
        TestProjects.repo_name, tag = push_image_to_project(
            TestProjects.project_add_g_lbl_name, harbor_server,
            user_add_g_lbl_name, user_001_password, "hello-world", "latest")

        #6. Create a new label(LA) in project(PA) by admin;
        TestProjects.label_id, _ = self.label.create_label(**ADMIN_CLIENT)

        #7. Add this system global label to repository(RA)/tag(TA).
            TestProjects.repo_name.split('/')[1], tag,
            int(TestProjects.label_id), **TestProjects.USER_add_g_lbl_CLIENT)
Example #13
    def testGarbageCollection(self):
        Test case:
            Garbage Collection
        Test step and expected result:
            1. Create a new user(UA);
            2. Create a new project(PA) by user(UA);
            3. Push a new image(IA) in project(PA) by admin;
            4. Delete repository(RA) by user(UA);
            5. Get repository by user(UA), it should get nothing;
            6. Tigger garbage collection operation;
            7. Check garbage collection job was finished;
            8. Get garbage collection log, check there is number of files was deleted.
        Tear down:
            1. Delete project(PA);
            2. Delete user(UA).
        url = ADMIN_CLIENT["endpoint"]
        admin_name = ADMIN_CLIENT["username"]
        admin_password = ADMIN_CLIENT["password"]
        user_gc_password = "******"

        #1. Create a new user(UA);
        TestProjects.user_gc_id, user_gc_name = self.user.create_user(
            user_password=user_gc_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)

        TestProjects.USER_GC_CLIENT = dict(endpoint=url,

        #2. Create a new project(PA) by user(UA);
        TestProjects.project_gc_id, TestProjects.project_gc_name = self.project.create_project(
            metadata={"public": "false"}, **TestProjects.USER_GC_CLIENT)

        #3. Push a new image(IA) in project(PA) by admin;
        repo_name, _ = push_image_to_project(TestProjects.project_gc_name,
                                             harbor_server, admin_name,
                                             admin_password, "tomcat",

        #4. Delete repository(RA) by user(UA);

        #5. Get repository by user(UA), it should get nothing;
        repo_data = self.repo.list_repositories(TestProjects.project_gc_name,
        _assert_status_code(len(repo_data), 0)

        #6. Tigger garbage collection operation;
        gc_id = self.system.gc_now(**ADMIN_CLIENT)

        #7. Check garbage collection job was finished;
        self.system.validate_gc_job_status(gc_id, "finished", **ADMIN_CLIENT)

        #8. Get garbage collection log, check there is number of files was deleted.
        self.system.validate_deletion_success(gc_id, **ADMIN_CLIENT)
Example #14
    def testProjectQuota(self):
        Test case:
            Project Quota
        Test step and expected result:
            1. Create a new user(UA);
            2. Create a new private project(PA) by user(UA);
            3. Add user(UA) as a member of project(PA) with project-admin role;
            4. Push an image to project(PA) by user(UA), then check the project quota usage;
            5. Check quota change
            6. Delete image, the quota should be changed to 0.
        Tear down:
            1. Delete repository(RA) by user(UA);
            2. Delete project(PA);
            3. Delete user(UA);
        url = ADMIN_CLIENT["endpoint"]
        user_001_password = "******"

        #1. Create user-001
        TestProjects.user_test_quota_id, user_test_quota_name = self.user.create_user(
            user_password=user_001_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)
        TestProjects.USER_TEST_QUOTA_CLIENT = dict(

        #2. Create a new private project(PA) by user(UA);
        TestProjects.project_test_quota_id, project_test_quota_name = self.project.create_project(
            metadata={"public": "false"}, **ADMIN_CLIENT)

        #3. Add user(UA) as a member of project(PA) with project-admin role;

        #4.Push an image to project(PA) by user(UA), then check the project quota usage; -- {"count": 1, "storage": 2791709}
        image = "alpine"
        src_tag = "3.10"
        TestProjects.repo_name, _ = push_image_to_project(
            project_test_quota_name, harbor_server, user_test_quota_name,
            user_001_password, image, src_tag)

        #5. Get project quota
        quota = self.system.get_project_quota(
            "project", TestProjects.project_test_quota_id, **ADMIN_CLIENT)
        self.assertEqual(quota[0].used["count"], 1)
        self.assertEqual(quota[0].used["storage"], 2789002)

        #6. Delete repository(RA) by user(UA);
        self.repo.delete_repoitory(TestProjects.repo_name, **ADMIN_CLIENT)

        #6. Quota should be 0
        quota = self.system.get_project_quota(
            "project", TestProjects.project_test_quota_id, **ADMIN_CLIENT)
        self.assertEqual(quota[0].used["count"], 0)
        self.assertEqual(quota[0].used["storage"], 0)
Example #15
 def push_artifact_index(self, project, name, tag, **kwargs):
     image_a = "alpine"
     image_b = "busybox"
     repo_name_a, tag_a = push_image_to_project(project, args.endpoint,
                                                'admin', 'Harbor12345',
                                                image_a, "latest")
     repo_name_b, tag_b = push_image_to_project(project, args.endpoint,
                                                'admin', 'Harbor12345',
                                                image_b, "latest")
     manifests = [
         args.endpoint + "/" + repo_name_a + ":" + tag_a,
         args.endpoint + "/" + repo_name_b + ":" + tag_b
     index = args.endpoint + "/" + project + "/" + name + ":" + tag
                                    cfg_file=args.libpath +
Example #16
    def testDelRepo(self):
        Test case:
            Delete a repository
        Test step and expected result:
            1. Create a new user(UA);
            2. Create a new project(PA) by user(UA);
            3. Create a new repository(RA) in project(PA) by user(UA);
            4. Get repository in project(PA), there should be one repository which was created by user(UA);
            5. Delete repository(RA) by user(UA);
            6. Get repository by user(UA), it should get nothing;
        Tear down:
            1. Delete project(PA);
            2. Delete user(UA).
        url = ADMIN_CLIENT["endpoint"]
        user_del_repo_password = "******"

        #1. Create a new user(UA);
        TestProjects.user_del_repo_id, user_del_repo_name = self.user.create_user(
            user_password=user_del_repo_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)

        TestProjects.USER_del_repo_CLIENT = dict(

        #2. Create a new project(PA) by user(UA);
        TestProjects.project_del_repo_id, TestProjects.project_del_repo_name = self.project.create_project(
            metadata={"public": "false"}, **TestProjects.USER_del_repo_CLIENT)

        #3. Create a new repository(RA) in project(PA) by user(UA);
        repo_name, _ = push_image_to_project(
            TestProjects.project_del_repo_name, harbor_server, 'admin',
            'Harbor12345', "hello-world", "latest")

        #4. Get repository in project(PA), there should be one repository which was created by user(UA);
        repo_data = self.repo.list_repositories(
        _assert_status_code(repo_name, repo_data[0].name)

        #5. Delete repository(RA) by user(UA);

        #6. Get repository by user(UA), it should get nothing;
        repo_data = self.repo.list_repositories(
        _assert_status_code(len(repo_data), 0)
Example #17
    def testUserViewLogs(self):
        Test case:
            User View Logs
        Test step and expected result:
            1. Create a new user(UA);
            2. Create a new project(PA) by user(UA), in project(PA), there should be 1 'create' log record;;
            3. Push a new image(IA) in project(PA) by admin, in project(PA), there should be 1 'push' log record;;
            4. Delete repository(RA) by user(UA), in project(PA), there should be 1 'delete' log record;;
        Tear down:
            1. Delete project(PA);
            2. Delete user(UA).
        url = ADMIN_CLIENT["endpoint"]
        admin_name = ADMIN_CLIENT["username"]
        admin_password = ADMIN_CLIENT["password"]
        user_content_trust_password = "******"

        #1. Create a new user(UA);
        TestProjects.user_user_view_logs_id, user_user_view_logs_name = self.user.create_user(user_password = user_content_trust_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)

        TestProjects.USER_USER_VIEW_LOGS_CLIENT=dict(endpoint = url, username = user_user_view_logs_name, password = user_content_trust_password)

        #2.1 Create a new project(PA) by user(UA);
        TestProjects.project_user_view_logs_id, project_user_view_logs_name = self.project.create_project(metadata = {"public": "false"}, **TestProjects.USER_USER_VIEW_LOGS_CLIENT)

        #2.2 In project(PA), there should be 1 'create' log record;
        operation = "create"
        log_count = self.projectv2.filter_project_logs(project_user_view_logs_name, user_user_view_logs_name, project_user_view_logs_name, "project", operation, **TestProjects.USER_USER_VIEW_LOGS_CLIENT)
        if log_count != 1:
            self.test_result.add_test_result("1 - Failed to get log with user:{}, resource:{}, resource_type:{} and operation:{}".
                                             format(user_user_view_logs_name, project_user_view_logs_name, "project", operation))

        #3.1 Push a new image(IA) in project(PA) by admin;
        repo_name, tag = push_image_to_project(project_user_view_logs_name, harbor_server, admin_name, admin_password, "tomcat", "latest")

        #3.2 In project(PA), there should be 1 'push' log record;
        operation = "create"
        log_count = self.projectv2.filter_project_logs(project_user_view_logs_name,  admin_name, r'{}:{}'.format(repo_name, tag), "artifact", operation, **TestProjects.USER_USER_VIEW_LOGS_CLIENT)
        if log_count != 1:
            self.test_result.add_test_result("2 - Failed to get log with user:{}, resource:{}, resource_type:{} and operation:{}".
                                             format(user_user_view_logs_name, project_user_view_logs_name, "artifact", operation))
        #4.1 Delete repository(RA) by user(UA);
        self.repo.delete_repoitory(project_user_view_logs_name, repo_name.split('/')[1], **TestProjects.USER_USER_VIEW_LOGS_CLIENT)

        #4.2 In project(PA), there should be 1 'delete' log record;
        operation = "delete"
        log_count = self.projectv2.filter_project_logs(project_user_view_logs_name, user_user_view_logs_name, repo_name, "repository", operation, **TestProjects.USER_USER_VIEW_LOGS_CLIENT)
        if log_count != 1:
            self.test_result.add_test_result("5 - Failed to get log with user:{}, resource:{}, resource_type:{} and operation:{}".
                                             format(user_user_view_logs_name, project_user_view_logs_name, "repository", operation))
Example #18
    def testCreateDeleteTag(self):
        Test case:
            Create/Delete tag
        Test step and expected result:
            1. Create a new user(UA);
            2. Create a new project(PA) by user(UA);
            3. Push an image(IA) to Harbor by docker successfully;
            4. Create a tag(1.0) for the image(IA);
            5. Get the image(latest) from Harbor successfully;
            6. Verify the image(IA) contains tag named 1.0;
            7. Delete the tag(1.0) from image(IA);
            8. Get the image(IA) from Harbor successfully;
            9. Verify the image(IA) contains no tag named 1.0;
        Tear down:
            1. Delete repository(RA,IA) by user(UA);
            2. Delete project(PA);
            3. Delete user(UA).
        #1. Create a new user(UA);
        TestProjects.user_id, user_name = self.user.create_user(user_password = self.user_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)

        TestProjects.USER_CLIENT=dict(with_tag = True, endpoint = self.url, username = user_name, password = self.user_password)

        #2. Create a new project(PA) by user(UA);
        TestProjects.project_id, TestProjects.project_name = self.project.create_project(metadata = {"public": "false"}, **TestProjects.USER_CLIENT)

        #3. Push an image(IA) to Harbor by docker successfully;
        repo_name, tag = push_image_to_project(TestProjects.project_name, harbor_server, 'admin', 'Harbor12345', self.repo_name, "latest")

        #4. Create a tag(1.0) for the image(IA)
        self.artifact.create_tag(TestProjects.project_name, self.repo_name, tag, "1.0",**TestProjects.USER_CLIENT)

        #5. Get the image(IA) from Harbor successfully;
        artifact = self.artifact.get_reference_info(TestProjects.project_name, self.repo_name, tag, **TestProjects.USER_CLIENT)

        #6. Verify the image(IA) contains tag named 1.0;
        self.assertEqual(artifact[0].tags[0].name, "1.0")
        self.assertEqual(artifact[0].tags[1].name, tag)

        #7. Delete the tag(1.0) from image(IA);
        self.artifact.delete_tag(TestProjects.project_name, self.repo_name, tag, "1.0",**TestProjects.USER_CLIENT)

        #8. Get the image(latest) from Harbor successfully;
        artifact = self.artifact.get_reference_info(TestProjects.project_name, self.repo_name, tag, **TestProjects.USER_CLIENT)

        #9. Verify the image(IA) contains no tag named 1.0;
        self.assertEqual(artifact[0].tags[0].name, tag)
Example #19
    def testScanImageInPublicProject(self):
        Test case:
            Scan An Image Artifact In Public Project
        Test step and expected result:
            1. Create a new user(UA);
            2. Create a new public project(PA) by user(UA);
            3. Add user(UA) as a member of project(PA) with project-admin role;
            4. Create a new repository(RA) and tag(TA) in project(PA) by user(UA);
            5. Send scan image command without credential (anonymous), the API response should be 401;
            6. Create a new user(UB) which is non member of the project(PA);
            7. Send scan image command with credential of the new created user(UB), the API response should be 403;
            8. Delete user(UB);
            9. Send scan image command with credential of the user(UA) and get tag(TA) information to check scan result, it should be finished;
            10. Delete repository(RA) by user(UA);
            11. Delete project(PA);
            12. Delete user(UA);
        password = '******' # nosec
        with created_user(password) as (user_id, username):
            with created_project(metadata={"public": "true"}, user_id=user_id) as (_, project_name):
                image, src_tag = "docker", "1.13"
                full_name, tag = push_image_to_project(project_name, harbor_server, username, password, image, src_tag)

                repo_name = full_name.split('/')[1]

                # scan image with anonymous user
                self.scan.scan_artifact(project_name, repo_name, tag, expect_status_code=401, username=None, password=None)

                with created_user(password) as (_, username1):
                    # scan image with non project memeber
                    self.scan.scan_artifact(project_name, repo_name, tag, expect_status_code=403, username=username1, password=password)

                self.scan.scan_artifact(project_name, repo_name, tag, username=username, password=password)
                self.artifact.check_image_scan_result(project_name, image, tag, username=username, password=password, with_scan_overview=True)

                self.repo.delete_repoitory(project_name, repo_name)
    def testPushImageWithSpecialName(self):
        Test case:
            Push Image With Special Name
        Test step and expected result:
            1. Create a new user(UA);
            2. Create a new private project(PA) by user(UA);
            3. Add user(UA) as a member of project(PA) with project-admin role;
            4. Get private project of user(UA), user(UA) can see only one private project which is project(PA);
            5. Create a new repository(RA) and tag(TA) in project(PA) by user(UA);
            6. Sign image with tag(TA) which was tagged by step #5;
            7. Get signature of image with tag(TA), it should be exist.
        Tear down:
        url = ADMIN_CLIENT["endpoint"]
        user_001_password = "******"

        #1. Create user-001
        TestProjects.user_sign_image_id, user_sign_image_name = self.user.create_user(
            user_password=user_001_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)

        TestProjects.USER_sign_image_CLIENT = dict(

        #2. Create a new private project(PA) by user(UA);
        TestProjects.project_sign_image_id, TestProjects.project_sign_image_name = self.project.create_project(
            metadata={"public": "false"}, **ADMIN_CLIENT)

        #3. Add user(UA) as a member of project(PA) with project-admin role;

        #4. Get private project of user(UA), user(UA) can see only one private project which is project(PA);

        image = "redis"
        src_tag = "latest"
        profix = "aaa/bbb"

        #5. Create a new repository(RA) and tag(TA) in project(PA) by user(UA);
        TestProjects.repo_name, tag = push_image_to_project(

        #7. Get signature of image with tag(TA), it should be exist.
        full_name = urllib.parse.quote(profix + "/" + image, 'utf-8')

        artifact = self.artifact.get_reference_info(
            TestProjects.project_sign_image_name, full_name, tag,
        self.assertEqual(artifact.type, 'IMAGE')
Example #21
    def testRetag(self):
        Test case:
            Retag Image
        Test step and expected result:
            1. Create a new user(UA);
            2. Create a new project(PA) by user(UA);
            3. Create a new project(PB) by user(UA);
            4. Update role of user-retag as guest member of project(PB);
            5. Create a new repository(RA) in project(PA) by user(UA);
            6. Get repository in project(PA), there should be one repository which was created by user(UA);
            7. Get repository(RA)'s image tag detail information;
            8. Retag image in project(PA) to project(PB), it should be forbidden;
            9. Update role of user-retag as admin member of project(PB);
            10. Retag image in project(PA) to project(PB), it should be successful;
            11. Get repository(RB)'s image tag detail information;
            12. Read digest of retaged image, it must be the same with the image in repository(RA);
            13. Pull image from project(PB) by user_retag, it must be successful;
        Tear down:
            1. Delete repository(RA);
            2. Delete repository by retag;
            3. Delete project(PA);
            4. Delete user(UA).
        url = ADMIN_CLIENT["endpoint"]
        user_retag_password = "******"
        pull_tag_name = "latest"
        dst_repo_sub_name = "repo"

        #1. Create a new user(UA);
        TestProjects.user_retag_id, user_retag_name = self.user.create_user(
            user_password=user_retag_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)

        TestProjects.USER_RETAG_CLIENT = dict(endpoint=url,

        #2. Create a new project(PA) by user(UA);
        TestProjects.project_src_repo_id, TestProjects.project_src_repo_name = self.project.create_project(
            metadata={"public": "false"}, **TestProjects.USER_RETAG_CLIENT)

        #3. Create a new project(PB) by user(UA);
        TestProjects.project_dst_repo_id, TestProjects.project_dst_repo_name = self.project.create_project(
            metadata={"public": "false"}, **TestProjects.USER_RETAG_CLIENT)

        retag_member_id = self.project.get_project_member_id(
            TestProjects.project_dst_repo_id, user_retag_name,

        #4. Update role of user-retag as guest member of project(PB);
            TestProjects.project_dst_repo_id, retag_member_id, 3,

        #5. Create a new repository(RA) in project(PA) by user(UA);
        TestProjects.src_repo_name, tag_name = push_image_to_project(
            TestProjects.project_src_repo_name, harbor_server, 'admin',
            'Harbor12345', "hello-world", pull_tag_name)

        #6. Get repository in project(PA), there should be one repository which was created by user(UA);
        src_repo_data = self.repo.get_repository(
        _assert_status_code(TestProjects.src_repo_name, src_repo_data[0].name)

        #7. Get repository(RA)'s image tag detail information;
        src_tag_data = self.artifact.get_reference_info(
            TestProjects.src_repo_name.split('/')[1], tag_name,
        TestProjects.dst_repo_name = TestProjects.project_dst_repo_name + "/" + dst_repo_sub_name
        #8. Retag image in project(PA) to project(PB), it should be forbidden;
                                    TestProjects.src_repo_name + "@" +

        #9. Update role of user-retag as admin member of project(PB);
            TestProjects.project_dst_repo_id, retag_member_id, 1,

        #10. Retag image in project(PA) to project(PB), it should be successful;
            TestProjects.project_dst_repo_name, dst_repo_sub_name,
            TestProjects.src_repo_name + "@" + src_tag_data[0].digest,

        #11. Get repository(RB)'s image tag detail information;
        dst_tag_data = self.artifact.get_reference_info(
            TestProjects.project_dst_repo_name, dst_repo_sub_name, tag_name,

        #12. Read digest of retaged image, it must be the same with the image in repository(RA);
        self.assertEqual(src_tag_data[0].digest, dst_tag_data[0].digest)

        #13. Pull image from project(PB) by user_retag, it must be successful;"
        pull_harbor_image(harbor_server, user_retag_name, user_retag_password,
                          TestProjects.dst_repo_name, tag_name)
Example #22
    def testRobotAccount(self):
        Test case:
            Robot Account
        Test step and expected result:
			1. Create user(UA);
			2. Create private project(PA), private project(PB) and public project(PC) by user(UA);
			3. Push image(ImagePA) to project(PA), image(ImagePB) to project(PB) and image(ImagePC) to project(PC) by user(UA);
			4. Create a new robot account(RA) with pull and push privilige in project(PA) by user(UA);
			5. Check robot account info, it should has both pull and push priviliges;
			6. Pull image(ImagePA) from project(PA) by robot account(RA), it must be successful;
			7. Push image(ImageRA) to project(PA) by robot account(RA), it must be successful;
			8. Push image(ImageRA) to project(PB) by robot account(RA), it must be not successful;
			9. Pull image(ImagePB) from project(PB) by robot account(RA), it must be not successful;
			10. Pull image from project(PC), it must be successful;
			11. Push image(ImageRA) to project(PC) by robot account(RA), it must be not successful;
			12. Update action property of robot account(RA);
			13. Pull image(ImagePA) from project(PA) by robot account(RA), it must be not successful;
			14. Push image(ImageRA) to project(PA) by robot account(RA), it must be not successful;
			15. Delete robot account(RA), it must be not successful.
        Tear down:
            1. Delete repository(RA) by user(UA);
            2. Delete project(PA);
            3. Delete user(UA).
        url = ADMIN_CLIENT["endpoint"]
        admin_name = ADMIN_CLIENT["username"]
        admin_password = ADMIN_CLIENT["password"]
        user_ra_password = "******"
        image_project_a = "haproxy"
        image_project_b = "hello-world"
        image_project_c = "httpd"
        image_robot_account = "alpine"
        tag = "latest"

        #1. Create user(UA);"
        TestProjects.user_ra_id, user_ra_name = self.user.create_user(
            user_password=user_ra_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)
        TestProjects.USER_RA_CLIENT = dict(endpoint=url,

        #2. Create private project(PA), private project(PB) and public project(PC) by user(UA);
        TestProjects.project_ra_id_a, TestProjects.project_ra_name_a = self.project.create_project(
            metadata={"public": "false"}, **TestProjects.USER_RA_CLIENT)
        TestProjects.project_ra_id_b, TestProjects.project_ra_name_b = self.project.create_project(
            metadata={"public": "false"}, **TestProjects.USER_RA_CLIENT)
        TestProjects.project_ra_id_c, TestProjects.project_ra_name_c = self.project.create_project(
            metadata={"public": "true"}, **TestProjects.USER_RA_CLIENT)

        #3. Push image(ImagePA) to project(PA), image(ImagePB) to project(PB) and image(ImagePC) to project(PC) by user(UA);
        TestProjects.repo_name_in_project_a, tag_a = push_image_to_project(
            TestProjects.project_ra_name_a, harbor_server, user_ra_name,
            user_ra_password, image_project_a, tag)
        TestProjects.repo_name_in_project_b, tag_b = push_image_to_project(
            TestProjects.project_ra_name_b, harbor_server, user_ra_name,
            user_ra_password, image_project_b, tag)
        TestProjects.repo_name_in_project_c, tag_c = push_image_to_project(
            TestProjects.project_ra_name_c, harbor_server, user_ra_name,
            user_ra_password, image_project_c, tag)

        #4. Create a new robot account(RA) with pull and push privilege in project(PA) by user(UA);
        robot_id, robot_account = self.robot.create_project_robot(
            TestProjects.project_ra_name_a, 2441000531,

        #5. Check robot account info, it should has both pull and push privilege;
        data = self.robot.get_robot_account_by_id(
            robot_id, **TestProjects.USER_RA_CLIENT)
        _assert_status_code(robot_account.name, data.name)

        #6. Pull image(ImagePA) from project(PA) by robot account(RA), it must be successful;
        pull_harbor_image(harbor_server, robot_account.name,
                          TestProjects.repo_name_in_project_a, tag_a)

        #7. Push image(ImageRA) to project(PA) by robot account(RA), it must be successful;
        TestProjects.repo_name_pa, _ = push_image_to_project(
            TestProjects.project_ra_name_a, harbor_server, robot_account.name,
            robot_account.secret, image_robot_account, tag)

        #8. Push image(ImageRA) to project(PB) by robot account(RA), it must be not successful;
            expected_error_message="unauthorized to access repository")

        #9. Pull image(ImagePB) from project(PB) by robot account(RA), it must be not successful;
            expected_error_message="unauthorized to access repository")

        #10. Pull image from project(PC), it must be successful;
        pull_harbor_image(harbor_server, robot_account.name,
                          TestProjects.repo_name_in_project_c, tag_c)

        #11. Push image(ImageRA) to project(PC) by robot account(RA), it must be not successful;
            expected_error_message="unauthorized to access repository")

        #12. Update action property of robot account(RA);"
        self.robot.disable_robot_account(robot_id, True,

        #13. Pull image(ImagePA) from project(PA) by robot account(RA), it must be not successful;
            expected_login_error_message="unauthorized: authentication required"

        #14. Push image(ImageRA) to project(PA) by robot account(RA), it must be not successful;
            expected_login_error_message="unauthorized: authentication required"

        #15. Delete robot account(RA), it must be not successful.
Example #23
    def testRobotAccount(self):
        Test case:
            Robot Account
        Test step and expected result:
			1. Create user(UA);
			2. Create private project(PA), private project(PB) and public project(PC) by user(UA);
			3. Push image(ImagePA) to project(PA), image(ImagePB) to project(PB) and image(ImagePC) to project(PC) by user(UA);
			4. Create a new robot account(RA) with pull and push privilige in project(PA) by user(UA);
			5. Check robot account info, it should has both pull and push priviliges;
			6. Pull image(ImagePA) from project(PA) by robot account(RA), it must be successful;
			7. Push image(ImageRA) to project(PA) by robot account(RA), it must be successful;
			8. Push image(ImageRA) to project(PB) by robot account(RA), it must be not successful;
			9. Pull image(ImagePB) from project(PB) by robot account(RA), it must be not successful;
			10. Pull image from project(PC), it must be successful;
			11. Push image(ImageRA) to project(PC) by robot account(RA), it must be not successful;
			12. Update action property of robot account(RA);
			13. Pull image(ImagePA) from project(PA) by robot account(RA), it must be not successful;
			14. Push image(ImageRA) to project(PA) by robot account(RA), it must be not successful;
			15. Push image(ImageRA) to project(PA) by robot account(RA), it must be not successful;
        Tear down:
            1. Delete project(PA) (PB) (PC);
            2. Delete user(UA).
        url = ADMIN_CLIENT["endpoint"]
        admin_name = ADMIN_CLIENT["username"]
        admin_password = ADMIN_CLIENT["password"]
        user_ra_password = "******"
        image_project_a = "tomcat"
        image_project_b = "hello-world"
        image_project_c = "mysql"
        image_robot_account = "mariadb"
        tag = "latest"

        print "#1. Create user(UA);"
        TestProjects.user_ra_id, user_ra_name = self.user.create_user(
            user_password=user_ra_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)
        TestProjects.USER_RA_CLIENT = dict(endpoint=url,

        print "#2. Create private project(PA), private project(PB) and public project(PC) by user(UA);"
        TestProjects.project_ra_id_a, project_ra_name_a = self.project.create_project(
            metadata={"public": "false"}, **TestProjects.USER_RA_CLIENT)
        TestProjects.project_ra_id_b, project_ra_name_b = self.project.create_project(
            metadata={"public": "false"}, **TestProjects.USER_RA_CLIENT)
        TestProjects.project_ra_id_c, project_ra_name_c = self.project.create_project(
            metadata={"public": "true"}, **TestProjects.USER_RA_CLIENT)

        print "#3. Push image(ImagePA) to project(PA), image(ImagePB) to project(PB) and image(ImagePC) to project(PC) by user(UA);"
        TestProjects.repo_name_in_project_a, tag_a = push_image_to_project(
            project_ra_name_a, harbor_server, user_ra_name, user_ra_password,
            image_project_a, tag)
        TestProjects.repo_name_in_project_b, tag_b = push_image_to_project(
            project_ra_name_b, harbor_server, user_ra_name, user_ra_password,
            image_project_b, tag)
        TestProjects.repo_name_in_project_c, tag_c = push_image_to_project(
            project_ra_name_c, harbor_server, user_ra_name, user_ra_password,
            image_project_c, tag)

        print "#4. Create a new robot account(RA) with pull and push privilige in project(PA) by user(UA);"
        robot_id, robot_account = self.project.add_project_robot_account(
            TestProjects.project_ra_id_a, project_ra_name_a, 2441000531,
        print robot_account.name
        print robot_account.token

        print "#5. Check robot account info, it should has both pull and push priviliges;"
        data = self.project.get_project_robot_account_by_id(
            TestProjects.project_ra_id_a, robot_id,
        _assert_status_code(robot_account.name, data.name)

        print "#6. Pull image(ImagePA) from project(PA) by robot account(RA), it must be successful;"
        pull_harbor_image(harbor_server, robot_account.name,
                          TestProjects.repo_name_in_project_a, tag_a)

        print "#7. Push image(ImageRA) to project(PA) by robot account(RA), it must be successful;"
        TestProjects.repo_name_pa, _ = push_image_to_project(
            project_ra_name_a, harbor_server, robot_account.name,
            robot_account.token, image_robot_account, tag)

        print "#8. Push image(ImageRA) to project(PB) by robot account(RA), it must be not successful;"
            "denied: requested access to the resource is denied")

        print "#9. Pull image(ImagePB) from project(PB) by robot account(RA), it must be not successful;"
                          expected_error_message=r"pull access denied for " +
                          harbor_server + "/" +

        print "#10. Pull image from project(PC), it must be successful;"
        pull_harbor_image(harbor_server, robot_account.name,
                          TestProjects.repo_name_in_project_c, tag_c)

        print "#11. Push image(ImageRA) to project(PC) by robot account(RA), it must be not successful;"
            "denied: requested access to the resource is denied")

        print "#12. Update action property of robot account(RA);"
            TestProjects.project_ra_id_a, robot_id, True,

        print "#13. Pull image(ImagePA) from project(PA) by robot account(RA), it must be not successful;"
            expected_login_error_message="401 Client Error: Unauthorized")

        print "#14. Push image(ImageRA) to project(PA) by robot account(RA), it must be not successful;"
            expected_login_error_message="401 Client Error: Unauthorized")

        print "#15. Delete robot account(RA), it must be not successful;"
            TestProjects.project_ra_id_a, robot_id,
Example #24
    def testAddIndexByDockerManifest(self):
        Test case:
            Push Index By Docker Manifest
        Test step and expected result:
            1. Create a new user(UA);
            2. Create a new project(PA) by user(UA);
            3. Create 2 new repositorys(RA,RB) in project(PA) by user(UA);
            4. Push an index(IA) to Harbor by docker manifest CLI successfully;
            5. Get index(IA) from Harbor successfully;
            6. Verify harbor index is index(IA) pushed by docker manifest CLI;
            7. Verify harbor index(IA) can be pulled by docker CLI successfully.
        Tear down:
            1. Delete repository(RA,RB,IA) by user(UA);
            2. Delete project(PA);
            3. Delete user(UA).
        #1. Create a new user(UA);
        TestProjects.user_id, user_name = self.user.create_user(
            user_password=self.user_push_index_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)

        TestProjects.USER_CLIENT = dict(endpoint=self.url,

        #2. Create a new project(PA) by user(UA);
        TestProjects.project_push_index_id, TestProjects.project_push_index_name = self.project.create_project(
            metadata={"public": "false"}, **TestProjects.USER_CLIENT)

        #3. Create 2 new repositorys(RA,RB) in project(PA) by user(UA);
        repo_name_a, tag_a = push_image_to_project(
            TestProjects.project_push_index_name, harbor_server, 'admin',
            'Harbor12345', self.image_a, "latest")
        repo_name_b, tag_b = push_image_to_project(
            TestProjects.project_push_index_name, harbor_server, 'admin',
            'Harbor12345', self.image_b, "latest")

        #4. Push an index(IA) to Harbor by docker manifest CLI successfully;
        manifests = [
            harbor_server + "/" + repo_name_a + ":" + tag_a,
            harbor_server + "/" + repo_name_b + ":" + tag_b
        index = harbor_server + "/" + TestProjects.project_push_index_name + "/" + self.index_name + ":" + self.index_tag
        index_sha256_cli_ret, manifests_sha256_cli_ret = library.docker_api.docker_manifest_push_to_harbor(
            index, manifests, harbor_server, user_name,

        #5. Get index(IA) from Harbor successfully;
        index_data = self.artifact.get_reference_info(
            TestProjects.project_push_index_name, self.index_name,
            self.index_tag, **TestProjects.USER_CLIENT)
        manifests_sha256_harbor_ret = [

        #6. Verify harbor index is index(IA) pushed by docker manifest CLI;
        self.assertEqual(index_data[0].digest, index_sha256_cli_ret)
            manifests_sha256_harbor_ret.count(manifests_sha256_cli_ret[0]), 1)
            manifests_sha256_harbor_ret.count(manifests_sha256_cli_ret[1]), 1)

        #7. Verify harbor index(IA) can be pulled by docker CLI successfully;
            harbor_server, user_name, self.user_push_index_password,
            TestProjects.project_push_index_name + "/" + self.index_name,
    def testAddIndexByDockerManifest(self):
        Test case:
            Push Index By Docker Manifest
        Test step and expected result:
            1. Create a new user(UA);
            2. Create a new project(PA) by user(UA);
            3. Create 2 new repositorys(RA,RB) in project(PA) by user(UA);
            4. Push an index(IA) to Harbor by docker manifest CLI successfully;
            5. Get Artifacts successfully;
            6. Get index(IA) by reference successfully;
            7. Verify harbor index is index(IA) pushed by docker manifest CLI;
            8.1 Verify harbor index(IA) can be pulled by docker CLI successfully;
            8.2 Verify harbor index(IA) can be pulled by docker CLI successfully;
            9. Get addition successfully;
            10. Unable to Delete artifact in manifest list;
            11. Delete index successfully.
        Tear down:
            1. Delete repository(RA,RB,IA) by user(UA);
            2. Delete project(PA);
            3. Delete user(UA).
        #1. Create a new user(UA);
        TestProjects.user_id, user_name = self.user.create_user(
            user_password=self.user_push_index_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)

        TestProjects.USER_CLIENT = dict(endpoint=self.url,

        #2. Create a new project(PA) by user(UA);
        TestProjects.project_push_index_id, TestProjects.project_push_index_name = self.project.create_project(
            metadata={"public": "false"}, **TestProjects.USER_CLIENT)

        #3. Create 2 new repositorys(RA,RB) in project(PA) by user(UA);
        repo_name_a, tag_a = push_image_to_project(
            TestProjects.project_push_index_name, harbor_server, 'admin',
            'Harbor12345', self.image_a, "latest")
        repo_name_b, tag_b = push_image_to_project(
            TestProjects.project_push_index_name, harbor_server, 'admin',
            'Harbor12345', self.image_b, "latest")

        #4. Push an index(IA) to Harbor by docker manifest CLI successfully;
        manifests = [
            harbor_server + "/" + repo_name_a + ":" + tag_a,
            harbor_server + "/" + repo_name_b + ":" + tag_b
        index = harbor_server + "/" + TestProjects.project_push_index_name + "/" + self.index_name + ":" + self.index_tag
        index_sha256_cli_ret, manifests_sha256_cli_ret = library.docker_api.docker_manifest_push_to_harbor(
            index, manifests, harbor_server, user_name,

        #5. Get Artifacts successfully;
        artifacts = self.artifact.list_artifacts(
            TestProjects.project_push_index_name, self.index_name,
        artifacts_ref_child_list = [
            artifacts_ref_child_list.count(manifests_sha256_cli_ret[0]), 1)
            artifacts_ref_child_list.count(manifests_sha256_cli_ret[1]), 1)

        #6. Get index(IA) by reference successfully;
        index_data = self.artifact.get_reference_info(
            TestProjects.project_push_index_name, self.index_name,
            self.index_tag, **TestProjects.USER_CLIENT)
        manifests_sha256_harbor_ret = [

        #7. Verify harbor index is index(IA) pushed by docker manifest CLI;
        self.assertEqual(index_data[0].digest, index_sha256_cli_ret)
            manifests_sha256_harbor_ret.count(manifests_sha256_cli_ret[0]), 1)
            manifests_sha256_harbor_ret.count(manifests_sha256_cli_ret[1]), 1)

        #8.1 Verify harbor index(IA) can be pulled by docker CLI successfully;
            harbor_server, user_name, self.user_push_index_password,
            TestProjects.project_push_index_name + "/" + self.index_name,

        #8.2 Verify harbor index(IA) can be pulled by ctr successfully;
        oci_ref = harbor_server + "/" + TestProjects.project_push_index_name + "/" + self.index_name + ":" + self.index_tag

        #9. Get addition successfully;
        addition_v = self.artifact.get_addition(
            TestProjects.project_push_index_name, self.index_name,
            self.index_tag, "vulnerabilities", **TestProjects.USER_CLIENT)
        self.assertEqual(addition_v[0], '{}')
        #This artifact has no build history

        addition_v = self.artifact.get_addition(
            TestProjects.project_push_index_name, self.index_name,
            manifests_sha256_cli_ret[0], "vulnerabilities",
        self.assertEqual(addition_v[0], '{}')
        addition_b = self.artifact.get_addition(
            TestProjects.project_push_index_name, self.index_name,
            manifests_sha256_cli_ret[0], "build_history",
        self.assertIn("ADD file:", addition_b[0])
        image_data = self.artifact.get_reference_info(
            TestProjects.project_push_index_name, self.index_name,
            manifests_sha256_cli_ret[0], **TestProjects.USER_CLIENT)

        addition_v = self.artifact.get_addition(
            TestProjects.project_push_index_name, self.index_name,
            manifests_sha256_cli_ret[1], "vulnerabilities",
        self.assertEqual(addition_v[0], '{}')
        addition_b = self.artifact.get_addition(
            TestProjects.project_push_index_name, self.index_name,
            manifests_sha256_cli_ret[1], "build_history",
        self.assertIn("ADD file:", addition_b[0])
        image_data = self.artifact.get_reference_info(
            TestProjects.project_push_index_name, self.index_name,
            manifests_sha256_cli_ret[0], **TestProjects.USER_CLIENT)

        #10. Unable to Delete artifact in manifest list;

        #11. Delete index successfully.
                                      self.index_name, self.index_tag,
Example #26
    def testManageProjectMember(self):
        Test case:
            Manage Project members
        Test step and expected result:
            1. Create user Alice, Bob, Carol;
            2. Create private project(Alice) by Alice, Add a repository to project(Alice) by Alice;
            3. Bob is not a member of project(Alice);
            4. Alice Add Bob as a guest member of project(Alice), Check Bob is a guest member of project(Alice);
            5. Update role of Bob to developer of project(Alice), Check Bob is developer member of project(Alice);
            6. Update role of Bob to admin member of project(Alice), Check Bob is admin member of project(Alice);
            7. Bob add Carol to project(Alice) as a guest member, Carol is a member of project(Alice) as a guest;
            8. Alice delete Bob from project(Alice),
               Bob is no longer a member of project(Alice) and Bob can see project(Alice),
               Carol is still a member of project(Alice) as a guest.
        Tear down:
            1. Delete repository(RA) by admin;
            2. Delete project(Alice);
            3. Delete user Alice, Bob and Carol.
        url = ADMIN_CLIENT["endpoint"]
        user_alice_password = "******"
        user_bob_password = "******"
        user_carol_password = "******"

        #1.1 Create user Alice
        TestProjects.user_alice_id, user_alice_name = self.user.create_user(user_password = user_alice_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)
        USER_ALICE_CLIENT=dict(endpoint = url, username = user_alice_name, password = user_alice_password)

        #1.2 Create user Bob
        TestProjects.user_bob_id, user_bob_name = self.user.create_user(user_password = user_bob_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)
        USER_BOB_CLIENT=dict(endpoint = url, username = user_bob_name, password = user_bob_password)

        #1.3 Create user Carol
        TestProjects.user_carol_id, user_carol_name = self.user.create_user(user_password = user_carol_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)

        #2.1 Create private project(PA) by Alice
        TestProjects.project_alice_id, TestProjects.project_alice_name = self.project.create_project(metadata = {"public": "false"}, **USER_ALICE_CLIENT)

        #2.2 Add a repository to project(PA) by Alice
        TestProjects.repo_name, _ = push_image_to_project(TestProjects.project_alice_name, harbor_server, user_alice_name, user_alice_password, "hello-world", "latest")

        #3. Bob is not a member of project(PA);
        self.project.check_project_member_not_exist(TestProjects.project_alice_id, user_bob_name, **USER_ALICE_CLIENT)

        #4.1 Alice Add Bob as a guest member of project(PA)
        member_id_bob = self.project.add_project_members(TestProjects.project_alice_id, TestProjects.user_bob_id, member_role_id = 3, **USER_ALICE_CLIENT)

        #4.2 Check Bob is a guest member of project(PA)
        self.project.check_project_members_exist(TestProjects.project_alice_id, user_bob_name, expected_member_role_id = 3, user_name = user_bob_name, user_password = user_bob_password, **USER_ALICE_CLIENT)

        #5.1 Update role of Bob to developer of project(PA)
        self.project.update_project_member_role(TestProjects.project_alice_id, member_id_bob, 2, **USER_ALICE_CLIENT)

        #5.2 Check Bob is developer member of project(PA)
        self.project.check_project_members_exist(TestProjects.project_alice_id, user_bob_name, expected_member_role_id = 2, user_name = user_bob_name, user_password = user_bob_password, **USER_ALICE_CLIENT)

        #6.1 Update role of Bob to admin member of project(PA)
        self.project.update_project_member_role(TestProjects.project_alice_id, member_id_bob, 1, **USER_ALICE_CLIENT)

        #6.2 Check Bob is admin member of project(PA)
        self.project.check_project_members_exist(TestProjects.project_alice_id, user_bob_name, expected_member_role_id = 1, user_name = user_bob_name, user_password = user_bob_password, **USER_ALICE_CLIENT)

        #7.1 Bob add Carol to project(PA) as a guest member.
        self.project.add_project_members(TestProjects.project_alice_id, TestProjects.user_carol_id, member_role_id = 3, **USER_BOB_CLIENT)

        #7.2 Carol is a member of project(PA) as a guest.
        self.project.check_project_members_exist(TestProjects.project_alice_id, user_carol_name, expected_member_role_id = 3, user_name = user_carol_name, user_password = user_carol_password, **USER_ALICE_CLIENT)

        #8.1 Alice delete Bob from project(PA).
        self.project.delete_project_member(TestProjects.project_alice_id, member_id_bob, **USER_ALICE_CLIENT)

        #8.2 Bob is no longer a member of project(PA) and Bob can see project(PA).
        self.project.check_project_member_not_exist(TestProjects.project_alice_id, user_bob_name, **USER_ALICE_CLIENT)

        #8.3 Carol is still a member of project(PA) as a guest.
        self.project.check_project_members_exist(TestProjects.project_alice_id, user_carol_name, expected_member_role_id = 3, user_name = user_carol_name, user_password = user_carol_password, **USER_ALICE_CLIENT)