def main():
    wavelength_range = sys.argv[1]
    print wavelength_range
    above, fits_data = library.get_data(wavelength_range)
    image = above * fits_data

    # Create mask without NaN
    m_array = library.create_marray(fits_data)

    # Make the Mexican hat kernel and convolve
    # The values given to the kernels should be 1.7328, 2.3963, 3.5270
    # for S, M and L.
    mex = MexicanHat2DKernel(1.7328)
    mex_convol = convolve(image, mex, boundary='extend')
    m_mex = ma.masked_array(mex_convol, ~m_array.mask)
    #c_mex = np.multiply(w, m_array.mask)

    # Make the gaussian kernel and convolve
    gauss = Gaussian2DKernel(stddev=1.7328)
    gauss_convol = convolve(image, gauss, boundary='extend')
    m_gauss = ma.masked_array(gauss_convol, ~m_array.mask)
    #c_gauss = np.multiply(z, m_array.mask)

    # Plot the figures; the min and the max values are reset in some of them
    # for visualization purposes.
    pixels = None
    fig, main_axes = plt.subplots(1,
                                  figsize=(15, 5))
    #main_axes[0][0].imshow(mex, origin="lower", interpolation="None")
    #main_axes[0][0].set_title("MexHat kernel")

                           origin="lower", interpolation="None")
    main_axes[0].set_title("Convolution with MexHat")

    main_axes[1].imshow(m_gauss, origin="lower", interpolation="None")
    main_axes[1].set_title("Convolution with gaussian")

    main_axes[2].imshow(image, origin="lower", interpolation="None")

    mean_data = (np.nanmax(fits_data) - np.nanmin(fits_data)) / 2
    print "Mean", mean_data, "\nMax", np.nanmax(fits_data),\
          "\nMin", np.nanmin(fits_data)

    return 0
def main():
    fig = plt.figure()

    above_L, fits_data_L = library.get_data("L")
    image_L = above_L * fits_data_L
    _, header_L = fits.getdata(get_filename("L"), header=True)

    # Ploting section
    wcs_proj_L = WCS(header_L)
    ax_wcs_L = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 3, projection=wcs_proj_L)
    # stablish limits of plots
    # that work for the other plots
    world = wcs_proj_L.wcs_pix2world(57., 57., 0)
    zero = wcs_proj_L.wcs_pix2world(0., 0., 0)
    # build limits
    pix_L = wcs_proj_L.wcs_world2pix(world[0], world[1], 0)
    pix0_L = wcs_proj_L.wcs_world2pix(zero[0], zero[1], 0)
    # set limits
    ax_wcs_L.set_xlim(pix0_L[0], pix_L[0])
    ax_wcs_L.set_ylim(pix0_L[1], pix_L[1])
    # plots in sky coordinates
    ax_wcs_L.imshow(image_L, origin='lower', interpolation='None')

    above_S, fits_data_S = library.get_data("S")
    image_S = above_S * fits_data_S
    _, header_S = fits.getdata(get_filename("S"), header=True)
    # Create mask without NaN
    m_array_S = library.create_marray(fits_data_S)

    # check limits 289.345018791 -33.6099453587
    # Ploting section
    wcs_proj = WCS(header_S)
    ax_wcs = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1, projection=wcs_proj)  #### OJO!!
    # defines coordinates of limits
    # -flag- print "world ", world[0], world[1]
    pix = wcs_proj.wcs_world2pix(world[0], world[1], 0)
    pix0 = wcs_proj.wcs_world2pix(zero[0], zero[1], 0)
    #print "pix ", pix[0], pix[1]
    ax_wcs.set_xlim(pix0[0], pix[0])
    ax_wcs.set_ylim(pix0[1], pix[1])
    ax_wcs.imshow(image_S, origin='lower', interpolation='None')

    above_M, fits_data_M = library.get_data("M")
    image_M = above_M * fits_data_M
    _, header_M = fits.getdata(get_filename("M"), header=True)
    # Create mask without NaN
    m_array_M = library.create_marray(fits_data_M)

    # Ploting section
    wcs_proj_M = WCS(header_M)
    ax_wcs_M = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 2, projection=wcs_proj_M)
    # define limits
    pix_M = wcs_proj_M.wcs_world2pix(world[0], world[1], 0)
    pix0_M = wcs_proj_M.wcs_world2pix(zero[0], zero[1], 0)
    #print "pix ", pix[0], pix[1]
    ax_wcs_M.set_xlim(pix0_M[0], pix_M[0])
    ax_wcs_M.set_ylim(pix0_M[1], pix_M[1])
    ax_wcs_M.imshow(image_M, origin='lower', interpolation='None')
    pix = wcs_proj_M.wcs_world2pix(world[0], world[1], 0)
    # -flag- print "pix ", pix[0], pix[1]

    return 0
def main():
    fig = plt.figure()

    above_L, fits_data_L = library.get_data("L")
    image_L = above_L * fits_data_L
    _ , header_L = fits.getdata(get_filename("L"),header=True)
    cento = [289.3972219, -33.60861111]
    coco = library.photometry(image_L, cento, "L" , header_L)
    print " coco ", coco

    # Ploting section
    wcs_proj_L = WCS(header_L)
    ax_wcs_L = fig.add_subplot(1,3,3, projection = wcs_proj_L)
    # stablish limits of plots
    # that work for the other plots
    world = wcs_proj_L.wcs_pix2world(57.,57., 0)
    zero = wcs_proj_L.wcs_pix2world(0.,0., 0)
    # build limits
    pix_L = wcs_proj_L.wcs_world2pix(world[0],world[1], 0)
    pix0_L = wcs_proj_L.wcs_world2pix(zero[0],zero[1], 0)
    # set limits
    ax_wcs_L.set_xlim(pix0_L[0], pix_L[0])
    ax_wcs_L.set_ylim(pix0_L[1], pix_L[1])
    # plots in sky coordinates
    ax_wcs_L.imshow(image_L, origin='lower', interpolation='None')

    above_S, fits_data_S = library.get_data("S")
    image_S = above_S * fits_data_S
    _ , header_S = fits.getdata(get_filename("S"),header=True)
    # Create mask without NaN
    m_array_S = library.create_marray(fits_data_S)
    # check limits 289.345018791 -33.6099453587
    # Ploting section
    wcs_proj = WCS(header_S)
    ax_wcs = fig.add_subplot(1,3,1, projection = wcs_proj)
    # defines coordinates of limits
    print "world ", world[0], world[1]
    pix = wcs_proj.wcs_world2pix(world[0],world[1], 0)
    pix0 = wcs_proj.wcs_world2pix(zero[0],zero[1], 0)
    #print "pix ", pix[0], pix[1] 
    ax_wcs.set_xlim(pix0[0], pix[0])
    ax_wcs.set_ylim(pix0[1], pix[1])
    ax_wcs.imshow(image_S, origin='lower', interpolation='None')

    above_M, fits_data_M = library.get_data("M")
    image_M = above_M * fits_data_M
    _ , header_M = fits.getdata(get_filename("M"),header=True)
    # Create mask without NaN
    m_array_M = library.create_marray(fits_data_M)
    # Ploting section
    wcs_proj_M = WCS(header_M)
    ax_wcs_M = fig.add_subplot(1,3,2, projection = wcs_proj_M)
    # define limits
    pix_M = wcs_proj_M.wcs_world2pix(world[0],world[1], 0)
    pix0_M = wcs_proj_M.wcs_world2pix(zero[0],zero[1], 0)
    #print "pix ", pix[0], pix[1] 
    ax_wcs_M.set_xlim(pix0_M[0], pix_M[0])
    ax_wcs_M.set_ylim(pix0_M[1], pix_M[1])
    ax_wcs_M.imshow(image_M, origin='lower', interpolation='None')
    pix = wcs_proj_M.wcs_world2pix(world[0],world[1], 0)
    print "pix ", pix[0], pix[1] 

    return 0
def main():
    fig = plt.figure()

    above_S, fits_data_S = library.get_data("S")
    image_S = above_S * fits_data_S
    _, header_S = fits.getdata(get_filename("S"), header=True)
    # Create mask without NaN
    m_array_S = library.create_marray(fits_data_S)

    # check limits 289.345018791 -33.6099453587
    # Plotting section
    wcs_proj = WCS(header_S)
    world = wcs_proj.wcs_pix2world(57., 57., 0)
    zero = wcs_proj.wcs_pix2world(0., 0., 0)
    ax_wcs = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2, projection=wcs_proj)
    ax_wcs1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, projection=wcs_proj)
    # defines coordinates of limitis
    # -flag- print "world ", world[0], world[1]
    pix = wcs_proj.wcs_world2pix(world[0], world[1], 0)
    pix0 = wcs_proj.wcs_world2pix(zero[0], zero[1], 0)

    ## simulating galaxies
    galaxy_counter = 0
    base = np.zeros((len(image_S[0]), len(image_S)))
    coord_array = []
    noise_me = 0
    clean_me = 0
    num_nans = 0
    diff = 0
    ## Arrays to plot photometric accuracy
    photo_accuracy = []
    flux_clean = []
    ## Initialize array for completeness plot it'll contain pairs of
    ## jansky, ratio.
    ratio = []
    flux_array = []
    matching_array = []

    while galaxy_counter < 1:
        counter = 0
        #################  Creates base arrays #######################
        noise_base = np.copy(image_S)
        base = np.zeros((len(image_S[0]), len(image_S)))

        ## Local array of fluxes for the nine simulated galaxies below
        local_fluxes = []
        local_coords = []

        while counter < 9:
            counter += 1
            galaxy_counter += 1
            ################## Creates random Galaxies ####################
            #gauss_kernel = 5 * Gaussian2DKernel(2).array
            witdth_rand = np.random.uniform(2, 3)
            gauss_kernel = np.random.uniform(0.1,3, size=1)[0] *\
            coords_gal = np.random.randint(20, len(image_S[0]) - 20, size=2)
            # To plot completeness, we need flux value of sim galaxy

            for j in range(0, len(gauss_kernel)):
                for i in range(0, len(gauss_kernel[0])):
                    noise_base[coords_gal[1]+j-8][coords_gal[0]+i-8] += \
            for j in range(0, len(gauss_kernel)):
                for i in range(0, len(gauss_kernel[0])):
                    base[coords_gal[1]+j-8][coords_gal[0]+i-8] += \
            ################## integrates both w noise n w'out ############
            integ_clean = library.photometrySimple(base, coords_gal, "S")
            integ_noise = library.photometrySimple(noise_base, coords_gal, "S")

            if math.isnan(integ_noise[1]) is False:
                noise_me += integ_noise[1]
                clean_me += integ_clean[1]
                diff += abs(integ_noise[1] - integ_clean[1])
                num_nans += 1

            ## Photometric accuracy part
                (integ_clean[2] - integ_noise[2]) / integ_clean[2])

        ### Completeness part
        #filt_n = library.filter_direct("S", noise_base)

## Version of locator for completeness
# n_sig = 2
#sigma_n, mean_n = library.get_gauss_sigma(filt_n)
#mask = np.zeros((len(filt_n[0]), len(filt_n)))
#mask[filt_n >= n_sig * sigma_n + mean_n] =\
#         filt_n[filt_n >= n_sig * sigma_n + mean_n]

#suma_array = []
#centroides_array = []
#lumi_array = []
#print "Length mask_plot ", len(mask),\
#      "and mask_plot[1]", len(mask[1])

#for l in range(0, len(mask)):
#    for k in range(0, len(mask[1])):
#        if mask[l][k] == 0:
#            continue
#        else:
#            mask, suma, ext, lumi = library.cluster_scan([k,l], mask)
#            if suma < 5:
#                 continue
#            else:
#                suma_array.append(suma)
#                centroides_array.append(library.centroides(ext))
#                lumi_array.append(lumi)

# matched, unmatched = nearby_galaxies(local_fluxes, local_coords, centroides_array, "S")
#print "List unmatched ", unmatched
## little loop to append coherently in big array
#for m in range(0, len(matched)):
#    matching_array.append(matched[m])
#print "Flux and matching: ", flux_array, matching_array

# print "Lengths of flux and matching: ", len(flux_array), len(matching_array)

#    print "\n## CENTROIDS ##\n Centroids and lumi :", centroides_array,\
#           lumi_array, "Length of centroids: ", len(centroides_array)
#print filtered_noise
#print base_noise

#print "\n\n##Photo accuracy##\n\n Accuracy: ", photo_accuracy,\
#      "Input flux: ", flux_clean

    print "Clean integral = ", clean_me / 900., ",with noise = ", noise_me / 900.
    print "Difference = ", diff / 900.
    #print "pix ", pix[0], pix[1]
    #ax_wcs.set_xlim(pix0[0], pix[0])
    #ax_wcs.set_ylim(pix0[1], pix[1])
    ax_wcs.set_xlabel("ra [deg]")
    ax_wcs1.set_ylabel("dec [deg]")
    ax_wcs.set_title("Simulations over\nreal data")
    ax_wcs1.set_title("Simulated Galaxy")
    ax_wcs1.set_xlabel("ra [deg]")
    ax_wcs1.imshow(base, origin='lower', interpolation='None')
    ax_wcs.imshow(noise_base, origin='lower', interpolation='None')

    ## Photometric accuracy plots
    # Latex details
    #plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
    #plt.rc('font', family='serif')

    #fig2 = plt.figure()
    #ax = fig2.add_subplot(1,1,1)
    #ax.scatter(flux_clean, photo_accuracy)
    #ax.set_title('Photometric accuracy')
    #plt.ylabel("Normalized difference of flux")
    return 0
def main():
    fig = plt.figure()

    wavelength = "L"
    above_S, fits_data_S = library.get_data(wavelength)
    image_S = above_S * fits_data_S
    _, header_S = fits.getdata(get_filename(wavelength), header=True)
    # Create mask without NaN
    m_array_S = library.create_marray(fits_data_S)

    # check limits 289.345018791 -33.6099453587
    # Plotting section
    wcs_proj = WCS(header_S)
    world = wcs_proj.wcs_pix2world(57., 57., 0)
    zero = wcs_proj.wcs_pix2world(0., 0., 0)
    ax_wcs = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, projection=wcs_proj)
    ax_wcs1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2, projection=wcs_proj)
    # defines coordinates of limitis
    # -flag- print "world ", world[0], world[1]
    pix = wcs_proj.wcs_world2pix(world[0], world[1], 0)
    pix0 = wcs_proj.wcs_world2pix(zero[0], zero[1], 0)

    ## simulating galaxies
    galaxy_counter = 0
    base = np.zeros((len(image_S[0]), len(image_S)))
    coord_array = []
    noise_me = 0
    clean_me = 0
    num_nans = 0
    diff = 0
    ## Arrays to plot photometric accuracy
    photo_accuracy = []
    flux_clean = []
    ## Initialize array for completeness plot it'll contain pairs of
    ## jansky, ratio.
    flux_array = []
    flux_t_array = []
    popo = 0

    while galaxy_counter < 25000:
        counter = 0
        #################  Creates base arrays #######################
        noise_base = np.copy(image_S)
        base = np.zeros((len(image_S[0]), len(image_S)))

        ## Local array of fluxes for the nine simulated galaxies below
        local_fluxes = []
        local_coords = []

        while counter < 4:
            counter += 1
            galaxy_counter += 1
            ################## Creates random Galaxies ####################
            gauss_kernel = np.random.uniform(0.05,6, size=1)[0] *\
            coords_gal = np.random.randint(20, len(image_S[0]) - 20, size=2)

            # Completeness
            # To plot completeness, we need flux value of sim galaxy

            for j in range(0, len(gauss_kernel)):
                for i in range(0, len(gauss_kernel[0])):
                    noise_base[coords_gal[1]+j-8][coords_gal[0]+i-8] += \
            for j in range(0, len(gauss_kernel)):
                for i in range(0, len(gauss_kernel[0])):
                    base[coords_gal[1]+j-8][coords_gal[0]+i-8] += \
            ################## integrates both w noise n w'out ############
            integ_clean = library.photometrySimple(base, coords_gal,
            integ_noise = library.photometrySimple(noise_base, coords_gal,

            if math.isnan(integ_noise[1]) is False:
                noise_me += integ_noise[1]
                clean_me += integ_clean[1]
                diff += abs(integ_noise[1] - integ_clean[1])
                num_nans += 1

            ## Photometric accuracy part
                (integ_clean[2] - integ_noise[2]) / integ_clean[2])

        ## Completeness part
        filt_n = library.filter_direct(wavelength, noise_base)

        ## Version of locator for completeness
        n_sig = 3.5
        sigma_n, mean_n = library.get_gauss_sigma(filt_n)
        mask = np.zeros((len(filt_n[0]), len(filt_n)))
        mask[filt_n >= n_sig * sigma_n + mean_n] =\
                 filt_n[filt_n >= n_sig * sigma_n + mean_n]

        suma_array = []
        centroides_array = []
        lumi_array = []

        for l in range(0, len(mask)):
            for k in range(0, len(mask[1])):
                if mask[l][k] == 0:
                    mask, suma, ext, lumi = library.cluster_scan([k, l], mask)

        flux_t_array = nearby_galaxies(local_fluxes, local_coords,\
                                       centroides_array, wavelength, flux_t_array)

    ## Printing
    print "\nLEN FLUX ARRAY\n", len(flux_array)
    print "\nLEN FlUX T ARRAY\n", len(flux_t_array)
    print "\nELEMENT OF FLUX ARRAY\n", flux_array[0]

    fig3 = plt.figure()
    ax = fig3.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
    plt.ylabel("Effective completeness")
    plt.xlabel("Input flux density [Jy]")

    ## Array of bins as in Oliver et al
    binboundaries = [0.02, 0.029, 0.051, 0.069, 0.111, 0.289, 0.511]
    bincenter = [0.0238, 0.0375, 0.0589, 0.0859, 0.1662, 0.3741]

    flux_hist_y, flux_x = np.histogram(flux_t_array, bins=20)
    flux_hist_y_total, _ = np.histogram(flux_array, bins=20)
    f_h_y_t = flux_hist_y_total.astype(float)
    histograma = np.divide(flux_hist_y, f_h_y_t)
    #plt.plot(flux_x[:-1], histograma, 'ko-')

    out_1, _ = np.histogram(flux_t_array, bins=binboundaries)
    out_temp, _ = np.histogram(flux_array, bins=binboundaries)
    out_2 = out_temp.astype(float)
    correction = np.divide(out_1, out_2)
    print "CORRECTION\n", correction
    #plt.scatter(bincenter, histograma)

    ## Logarithmic completeness
    log_boundaries = np.logspace(-2.5, 0., 15)
    log_out_1, _ = np.histogram(flux_t_array, bins=log_boundaries)
    log_out_temp, _ = np.histogram(flux_array, bins=log_boundaries)
    log_out_2 = log_out_temp.astype(float)
    correction = np.divide(log_out_1, log_out_2)
    plt.plot(log_boundaries[:-1], correction, 'ko-')

    #flux_hist_y, flux_x = np.histogram(flux_t_array, bins=binboundaries)
    #flux_hist_y_total, _ = np.histogram(flux_array, bins=binboundaries)
    #f_h_y_t = flux_hist_y_total.astype(float)
    #histograma = np.divide(flux_hist_y, f_h_y_t)
    #print histograma
    #plt.scatter(bincenter, histograma)

    print "Binboundaries and bincenter ", binboundaries, "\n", bincenter

    #print "Clean integral = ", clean_me /900., ",with noise = ", noise_me/900.
    #print "Difference = ", diff/ 900.
    #print "pix ", pix[0], pix[1]
    #ax_wcs.set_xlim(pix0[0], pix[0])
    #ax_wcs.set_ylim(pix0[1], pix[1])
    ax_wcs.imshow(noise_base, origin='lower', interpolation='None')
    ax_wcs1.imshow(base, origin='lower', interpolation='None')

    ## Photometric accuracy plots
    # Latex details
    #plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
    #plt.rc('font', family='serif')

    fig2 = plt.figure()
    ax = fig2.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
    ax.scatter(flux_clean, photo_accuracy)
    #ax.set_title('Photometric accuracy')
    plt.ylabel("Effective accuracy")
    plt.xlabel("Input flux density [Jy]")
    return 0
Example #6
def main():

    indices_list_Complete = [
        "^GSPC", "SPY", "^IXIC", "^DJI", "^GDAXI", "^FTSE", "^FCHI", "^N225",
        "^HSI", "^AXJO", "ORB", "EUR", "AUD", "GBP", "JPY", "SILVER", "GOLD",
        "PLAT", "WT1010"
    ]  # reduced list only the most correlated
    indices_list_reduced = [
        "^GSPC", "^IXIC", "^DJI", "^GDAXI", "^FTSE", "^N225", "^HSI", "^AXJO",
        "EUR", "JPY"
    ]  # Indexes correlated >.5
    indices_list_ultra = [
        "^GSPC", "^IXIC", "^DJI", "^GDAXI", "^FTSE", "^N225"
    ]  # Indexes correlated >.7
    indices_day_after = [
        "^GSPC", "^N225", "^HSI", "^AXJO", "ORB", "AUD", "JPY", "GOLD", "PLAT"
    ]  # this index have closing price before NY stock exchange opens
    algorithm = [
        "KNN", "RFC", "SVM", "ADA Bost", "GTB", "LDA", "SGD", "LRC", "VOT",
    #algorithm=["SVM","ADA Bost"]
    optimiza = 0  # Control to optize Algorithms or to Produce outcomes
    TEST = 6  # Tipo Ge feautures
    numDaysArray = [1]  # day, week, month, quarter, year
    numDays = [5, 21, 63]
    param = 'Default'
    version = 'Completed'

    start_date = "2003-01-01"
    end_date = "2017-01-01"
    dates = pd.date_range(start_date, end_date)  # date range as index
    df_accu = mio.Load_DataFrames()

    indices_list = indices_list_Complete

    if indices_list == indices_list_ultra:
        version = 'Ultra'
    elif indices_list == indices_list_reduced:
        version = 'reduced'
    elif indices_list == indices_list_Complete:
        version = 'Completed'
    elif indices_list == indices_day_after:
        version = 'Day After'

    kFOLDS = 0  # use K-FOLDS  yes or no 1=YES, 0 = NO

    if kFOLDS == 1:
        param = 'K-folds'
        param = 'Default'

    df_index = mio.get_data(
        indices_list, dates
    )  # get data from index and return a dataframe with all prices , but adjusted to the days we have prices of SP500
    #df_index=mio.shit_day(df_index,indices_list,indices_day_after)	# Move the closing price 1 day before if needed
        inplace=True)  # fill Nan with previos value as order is ascending date
    df_index.fillna(method='bfill', inplace=True)  # fill NaN first day
    #write_Excel(df_index, "prices_shift.xlsx", "prices_shift")
    #Normalize data as have diferent dimension
    df_index_normalized = mio.normalize(df_index, indices_list)
    correlations(df_index_normalized)  ##CORRELATIONS#
    #write_Excel(df_index_normalized, "prices_merged_normalized.xlsx", "Correlation")

    df_adjusted = df_index_normalized.copy()

    # SP Adjust Price 1 + Rest Adjust Rolling Average 5,21,63
    # SP 500 adjusted return 1 + rest feuturest adjust return rolling 5,21,63

    if TEST == 1 or TEST == 5:
        # SP Adjust Price 1 + Rest Adjust Rolling Average 5,21,63
        # SP 500 adjusted return 1 + rest feuturest adjust return rolling 5,21,63
        features_taken = 'SP Adjust Price 1 + Rest Adjust Rolling Average 5'  #TEST 1
        for symbol in indices_list:

            df_adjusted = mio.adjusted_return(
                df_adjusted, symbol, numDaysArray
            )  #calculate day returns in day t -n days from Array numDaysArray
            df_adjusted = mio.remove_col(
                df_adjusted, symbol,
                '^GSPC_Adj_1')  # delete not necessary columns

        df_adjusted_2 = mio.Cleaning(df_adjusted)
        df_adjusted_rolling = df_adjusted_2.copy()
        mylist = df_adjusted_rolling.columns.values.tolist()

    elif TEST == 2:
        # SP Adjust Price 1 + Rest Adjust Rolling Average 5,21,63
        # SP 500 adjusted return 1 + rest feuturest adjust return rolling 5,21,63
        features_taken = 'SP Adjust Price  + Momentum 5'  #TEST 1

        df_adjusted_rolling = df_adjusted.copy()
        mylist = df_adjusted_rolling.columns.values.tolist()

    elif TEST == 3:
        features_taken = 'SP Adjust Price 1 + Rest Volatility Rolling Average 5'  #TEST 3

        df_adjusted_rolling = df_adjusted.copy()
        mylist = df_adjusted_rolling.columns.values.tolist()

    elif TEST == 4:
        features_taken = 'SP Adjust Price 1 + exponential moving weighted average with a span of 5'  #TEST 4

        df_adjusted_rolling = df_adjusted.copy()
        mylist = df_adjusted_rolling.columns.values.tolist()

    elif TEST == 6:
        features_taken = 'SP Adjust Price 1 + Combination of Series'  #TEST 4

        df_adjusted_rolling = df_adjusted.copy()
        mylist = df_adjusted_rolling.columns.values.tolist()

    for symbol in mylist:

        if TEST == 1 or TEST == 5:  # Adjusted prices + adjusted prices rolling N days
            numDays = [5]
            df_adjusted_rolling = mio.rolling_average(
                df_adjusted_rolling, symbol, numDays
            )  #SP Adjust Price 1 + Rest Adjust Rolling Average 5,21,63
            df_adjusted_rolling = mio.remove_col(
                df_adjusted_rolling, symbol,
                '^GSPC_Adj_1')  # delete not necessary columns
            df_adjusted_rolling = mio.Cleaning(
                df_adjusted_rolling)  #(Remove, inf with NaN and replace Bfill)

        if TEST == 2:  # Adjusted prices + Momentum rolling N days
            numDays = [5]
            df_adjusted_rolling = mio.MOM(
                df_adjusted_rolling, symbol,
                numDays)  #calculate momentum in n days from Array numDaysArray
            df_adjusted_rolling = mio.remove_col(
                df_adjusted_rolling, symbol,
                '^GSPC')  # delete not necessary columns
            df_adjusted_rolling = mio.Cleaning(
                df_adjusted_rolling)  #(Remove, inf with NaN and replace Bfill)

        if TEST == 3:  # Adjusted prices + Volatility rolling N days
            numDaysArray = [5]
            df_adjusted_rolling = mio.Volatity_n(
                df_adjusted_rolling, symbol, numDaysArray
            )  #calculate volatility in n days from numDaysArray 2, 21, 63
            df_adjusted_rolling = mio.remove_col(
                df_adjusted_rolling, symbol,
                '^GSPC')  # delete not necessary columns
            df_adjusted_rolling = mio.Cleaning(
                df_adjusted_rolling)  #(Remove, inf with NaN and replace Bfill)

        if TEST == 4:  # Adjusted prices + EWM rolling N days
            numDays = [5]
            df_adjusted_rolling = mio.ExpMovingAverage(
                df_adjusted_rolling, symbol, numDays
            )  #exponential moving weighted average with a span of 5,21,63
            df_adjusted_rolling = mio.remove_col(
                df_adjusted_rolling, symbol,
                '^GSPC')  # delete not necessary columns
            df_adjusted_rolling = mio.Cleaning(
                df_adjusted_rolling)  #(Remove, inf with NaN and replace Bfill)

        if TEST == 6:  # Adjusted prices + EWM rolling N days
            if symbol != '^GSPC':
                df_adjusted_rolling = mio.adjusted_return(
                    df_adjusted_rolling, symbol, numDaysArray)
                numDays = [5]
                name_symbol = symbol + "_Adj_1"
                df_adjusted_rolling = mio.rolling_average(
                    df_adjusted_rolling, name_symbol, numDays)
            numDays = [21]
            df_adjusted_rolling = mio.MOM(df_adjusted_rolling, symbol, numDays)
            numDays = [2]
            df_adjusted_rolling = mio.Volatity_n(df_adjusted_rolling, symbol,
            numDays = [21]
            df_adjusted_rolling = mio.ExpMovingAverage(
                df_adjusted_rolling, symbol, numDays
            )  #exponential moving weighted average with a span of 5,21,63
            df_adjusted_rolling = mio.remove_col(
                df_adjusted_rolling, symbol,
                '^GSPC')  # delete not necessary columns
            df_adjusted_rolling = mio.Cleaning(
                df_adjusted_rolling)  #(Remove, inf with NaN and replace Bfill)

    if TEST != 1 and TEST != 5:

        M = pd.Series(df_adjusted_rolling["^GSPC"].pct_change(1).shift(-1),
                      name="^GSPC_Adj_" + str(1))

        df_adjusted_rolling = df_adjusted_rolling.join(M)
        del df_adjusted_rolling['^GSPC']

    #write_Excel(df_adjusted_rolling, "prices_adjusted_rolling.xlsx", "rolling")
    df_adjusted_final = mio.Cleaning(
        df_adjusted_rolling)  #(Remove, inf with NaN and replace Bfill)
    #write_Excel(df_adjusted_final, "prices_adjusted_rolling_test6.xlsx", "Test6")
    #pie =df_adjusted_final.plot(figsize=(15,20), subplots=True, grid=True, layout=(20,4))
    #[ax.legend(loc=5) for ax in plt.gcf().axes]
    #fig = pie[0].get_figure()
    df_final, X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = mio.prepareDataForClassification(
        df_adjusted_final, '01/01/2013  00:00:00', TEST)
    #write_Excel(df_final, "prices_final.xlsx", "Data Final")

    # test algorithm. GO OVER ALL ALGORITHMS with other without Kfols
    if optimiza == 0:
        for alg in algorithm:

            if kFOLDS == 0:
                score, f1score, y_test, predictions, training, predecir, roc, mat = mio.call_alg(
                    X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, alg)
                report = classification_report(y_test, predictions)
                mio.classifaction_report_csv(report, alg, version,
                                             features_taken, kFOLDS, score,
                                             training, predecir, roc, mat)

            elif kFOLDS == 2:  # WALF FORWARD VALIDATION

                score, f1score, y_test, predictions, training, predecir, roc, mat = mio.Walk_Forward_Validation_CV(
                    df_adjusted_final, '01/01/2013  00:00:00', alg)
                report = classification_report(y_test, predictions)
                mio.classifaction_report_csv(report, alg, version,
                                             features_taken, kFOLDS, score,
                                             training, predecir, roc, mat)

                nfolds = 2
                score, f1score, y_test, predictions, training, predecir, roc, mat = mio.TimeSeriesCrossValidation(
                    X_train, y_train, nfolds, alg)
                report = classification_report(y_test, predictions)
                if kFOLDS == 1:
                    param1 = param + " " + str(nfolds)

                mio.classifaction_report_csv(report, alg, version,
                                             features_taken, param1, score,
                                             training, predecir, roc, mat)

            if kFOLDS == 1 and alg == "KNN":
                param = param + " " + str(nfolds)

        # Keep track of the TEST
            df_accu = df_accu.append(
                    'Algorithm': alg,
                    'Accuracy': score,
                    'Parameters': param,
                    'version': version,
                    'F1Score': f1score,
                    'Feautures': features_taken
            print(classification_report(y_test, predictions))

    if optimiza == 1:
        #parameters=mio.GSSVC(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, TEST)
        #parameters=mio.GSKNN(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, TEST)
        #parameters=mio.GSRFC(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, TEST)
        #parameters = mio.GSGTB(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, TEST)
        #parameters = mio.GSLRC(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, TEST)
        #parameters = mio.GSADA(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, TEST)
        #parameters = mio.GSLDA(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, TEST)
        #parameters = mio.GSSGD(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, TEST)
        #parameters = mio.GSDTC(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, TEST)
        parameters, parameters1 = mio.CVperformEnsemberBlendingClass(
            X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test)
    if optimiza == 2:
        df_out, accuracy, Sscore, accuracy2, Sscore2 = mio.performEnsemberBlendingClass(
            X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test)
        path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        print("Loading csv...")
        file_path = path + "\\raw_data\\binary.csv"
        df_out.to_csv(file_path, sep=',')
        df_accu = df_accu.append(
                'Algorithm': "BLE1",
                'Accuracy': accuracy,
                'Parameters': param,
                'version': version,
                'F1Score': Sscore,
                'Feautures': features_taken
        df_accu = df_accu.append(
                'Algorithm': "BLE2",
                'Accuracy': accuracy2,
                'Parameters': param,
                'version': version,
                'F1Score': Sscore2,
                'Feautures': features_taken

    if optimiza == 0 or optimiza == 2:
        write_Excel(df_accu, "Accuracy.xlsx", "Accuraccy")
def main():
    fig = plt.figure()

    wavelength = "L"
    above_S, fits_data_S = library.get_data(wavelength)
    image_S = above_S * fits_data_S
    _ , header_S = fits.getdata(get_filename(wavelength),header=True)
    # Create mask without NaN
    m_array_S = library.create_marray(fits_data_S)
    # check limits 289.345018791 -33.6099453587
    # Plotting section
    wcs_proj = WCS(header_S)
    world = wcs_proj.wcs_pix2world(57.,57., 0)                                
    zero = wcs_proj.wcs_pix2world(0.,0., 0)
    ax_wcs = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1, projection = wcs_proj)
    ax_wcs1 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2, projection = wcs_proj)
    # defines coordinates of limitis
    # -flag- print "world ", world[0], world[1]
    pix = wcs_proj.wcs_world2pix(world[0],world[1], 0)
    pix0 = wcs_proj.wcs_world2pix(zero[0],zero[1], 0)
    ## simulating galaxies
    galaxy_counter = 0
    base = np.zeros((len(image_S[0]),len(image_S)))
    coord_array = []
    noise_me = 0
    clean_me = 0
    num_nans = 0
    diff = 0
    ## Arrays to plot photometric accuracy
    photo_accuracy = []
    flux_clean = []
    ## Initialize array for completeness plot it'll contain pairs of
    ## jansky, ratio.
    flux_array = []
    flux_t_array = []
    popo = 0

    while galaxy_counter < 25000:
        counter = 0
        #################  Creates base arrays #######################      
        noise_base = np.copy(image_S)                                       
        base = np.zeros((len(image_S[0]),len(image_S))) 
        ## Local array of fluxes for the nine simulated galaxies below
        local_fluxes = []
        local_coords = []
        while counter < 4:
            counter += 1
            galaxy_counter += 1
            ################## Creates random Galaxies ####################
            gauss_kernel = np.random.uniform(0.05,6, size=1)[0] *\
            coords_gal = np.random.randint(20,len(image_S[0])-20, size=2)
            # Completeness
            # To plot completeness, we need flux value of sim galaxy
            for j in range(0, len(gauss_kernel)):
                for i in range(0, len(gauss_kernel[0])):
                    noise_base[coords_gal[1]+j-8][coords_gal[0]+i-8] += \
            for j in range(0, len(gauss_kernel)):
                for i in range(0, len(gauss_kernel[0])):
                    base[coords_gal[1]+j-8][coords_gal[0]+i-8] += \
            ################## integrates both w noise n w'out ############
            integ_clean = library.photometrySimple(base,coords_gal,wavelength)
            integ_noise = library.photometrySimple(noise_base,coords_gal,wavelength)

            if math.isnan(integ_noise[1]) is False:
                noise_me += integ_noise[1]
                clean_me += integ_clean[1]
                diff += abs(integ_noise[1] - integ_clean[1])
                num_nans += 1
            ## Photometric accuracy part
            photo_accuracy.append((integ_clean[2] - integ_noise[2]) / integ_clean[2])
        ## Completeness part
        filt_n = library.filter_direct(wavelength, noise_base)
		## Version of locator for completeness
        n_sig = 3.5
        sigma_n, mean_n = library.get_gauss_sigma(filt_n)
        mask = np.zeros((len(filt_n[0]), len(filt_n)))
        mask[filt_n >= n_sig * sigma_n + mean_n] =\
                 filt_n[filt_n >= n_sig * sigma_n + mean_n]

        suma_array = []
        centroides_array = []
        lumi_array = []                                                         
        for l in range(0, len(mask)):                                      
            for k in range(0, len(mask[1])):                               
                if mask[l][k] == 0:                                        
                    mask, suma, ext, lumi = library.cluster_scan([k,l], mask) 
        flux_t_array = nearby_galaxies(local_fluxes, local_coords,\
                                       centroides_array, wavelength, flux_t_array)
    ## Printing
    print "\nLEN FLUX ARRAY\n", len(flux_array)
    print "\nLEN FlUX T ARRAY\n", len(flux_t_array)
    print "\nELEMENT OF FLUX ARRAY\n", flux_array[0]
    fig3 = plt.figure()
    ax = fig3.add_subplot(1,1,1)
    plt.ylabel("Effective completeness")
    plt.xlabel("Input flux density [Jy]")
    ## Array of bins as in Oliver et al
    binboundaries = [0.02, 0.029,0.051,0.069,0.111,0.289,0.511]
    bincenter = [0.0238, 0.0375, 0.0589, 0.0859, 0.1662, 0.3741]
    flux_hist_y, flux_x = np.histogram(flux_t_array, bins=20)
    flux_hist_y_total, _ = np.histogram(flux_array, bins=20)
    f_h_y_t = flux_hist_y_total.astype(float)
    histograma = np.divide(flux_hist_y, f_h_y_t)
    #plt.plot(flux_x[:-1], histograma, 'ko-')
    out_1, _ = np.histogram(flux_t_array, bins=binboundaries)
    out_temp, _ = np.histogram(flux_array, bins=binboundaries)
    out_2 = out_temp.astype(float)
    correction = np.divide(out_1, out_2)
    print "CORRECTION\n", correction
    #plt.scatter(bincenter, histograma)

    ## Logarithmic completeness
    log_boundaries = np.logspace(-2.5, 0., 15)
    log_out_1, _ = np.histogram(flux_t_array, bins=log_boundaries)
    log_out_temp, _ = np.histogram(flux_array, bins=log_boundaries)
    log_out_2 = log_out_temp.astype(float)
    correction = np.divide(log_out_1, log_out_2)
    plt.plot(log_boundaries[:-1], correction, 'ko-')
    #flux_hist_y, flux_x = np.histogram(flux_t_array, bins=binboundaries)
    #flux_hist_y_total, _ = np.histogram(flux_array, bins=binboundaries)
    #f_h_y_t = flux_hist_y_total.astype(float)
    #histograma = np.divide(flux_hist_y, f_h_y_t)
    #print histograma
    #plt.scatter(bincenter, histograma)

    print "Binboundaries and bincenter ", binboundaries, "\n", bincenter
    #print "Clean integral = ", clean_me /900., ",with noise = ", noise_me/900.
    #print "Difference = ", diff/ 900.
    #print "pix ", pix[0], pix[1] 
    #ax_wcs.set_xlim(pix0[0], pix[0])
    #ax_wcs.set_ylim(pix0[1], pix[1])
    ax_wcs.imshow(noise_base, origin='lower', interpolation='None')
    ax_wcs1.imshow(base, origin='lower', interpolation='None')

    ## Photometric accuracy plots
    # Latex details
    #plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
    #plt.rc('font', family='serif')
    fig2 = plt.figure()
    ax = fig2.add_subplot(1,1,1)
    ax.scatter(flux_clean, photo_accuracy)
    #ax.set_title('Photometric accuracy')
    plt.ylabel("Effective accuracy")
    plt.xlabel("Input flux density [Jy]")
    return 0