def test_add_edge_list_to_adj_list(managed, pool, graph_file): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) cu_M = read_csv_file(graph_file + '.csv') sources = cu_M['0'] destinations = cu_M['1'] M = read_mtx_file(graph_file + '.mtx').tocsr() if M is None: raise TypeError('Could not read the input graph') if M.shape[0] != M.shape[1]: raise TypeError('Shape is not square') offsets_exp = M.indptr indices_exp = M.indices # cugraph add_egde_list to_adj_list call G = cugraph.Graph() G.add_edge_list(sources, destinations, None) offsets_cu, indices_cu = G.view_adj_list() assert compare_offsets(offsets_cu, offsets_exp) assert compare_series(indices_cu, indices_exp)
def test_jaccard_edgevals(managed, pool, graph_file): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) M = read_mtx_file(graph_file) cu_M = read_csv_file(graph_file + '.csv') cu_src, cu_dst, cu_coeff = cugraph_call(cu_M, edgevals=True) nx_src, nx_dst, nx_coeff = networkx_call(M) # Calculating mismatch err = 0 tol = 1.0e-06 assert len(cu_coeff) == len(nx_coeff) for i in range(len(cu_coeff)): if (abs(cu_coeff[i] - nx_coeff[i]) > tol * 1.1 and cu_src[i] == nx_src[i] and cu_dst[i] == nx_dst[i]): err += 1 print("Mismatches: %d" % err) assert err == 0
def test_jaccard_two_hop_edge_vals(managed, pool, graph_file): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) M = read_mtx_file(graph_file) M = M.tocsr() Gnx = nx.DiGraph(M).to_undirected() G = cugraph.Graph() row_offsets = cudf.Series(M.indptr) col_indices = cudf.Series(M.indices) values = cudf.Series( G.add_adj_list(row_offsets, col_indices, values) pairs = G.get_two_hop_neighbors() nx_pairs = [] for i in range(len(pairs)): nx_pairs.append((pairs['first'][i], pairs['second'][i])) preds = nx.jaccard_coefficient(Gnx, nx_pairs) nx_coeff = [] for u, v, p in preds: nx_coeff.append(p) df = cugraph.jaccard(G, pairs['first'], pairs['second']) assert len(nx_coeff) == len(df) for i in range(len(df)): diff = abs(nx_coeff[i] - df['jaccard_coeff'][i]) assert diff < 1.0e-6
def test_pagerank(managed, pool, graph_file, max_iter, tol, alpha, personalization_perc, has_guess): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) M = read_mtx_file(graph_file + '.mtx') networkx_pr, networkx_prsn = networkx_call(M, max_iter, tol, alpha, personalization_perc) cu_nstart = None if has_guess == 1: cu_nstart = cudify(networkx_pr) max_iter = 5 cu_prsn = cudify(networkx_prsn) cu_M = read_csv_file(graph_file + '.csv') cugraph_pr = cugraph_call(cu_M, max_iter, tol, alpha, cu_prsn, cu_nstart) # Calculating mismatch networkx_pr = sorted(networkx_pr.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]) err = 0 assert len(cugraph_pr) == len(networkx_pr) for i in range(len(cugraph_pr)): if (abs(cugraph_pr[i][1] - networkx_pr[i][1]) > tol * 1.1 and cugraph_pr[i][0] == networkx_pr[i][0]): err = err + 1 print("Mismatches:", err) assert err < (0.01 * len(cugraph_pr))
def test_overlap(managed, pool, graph_file): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) M = utils.read_mtx_file(graph_file + '.mtx') M = M.tocsr() cu_M = utils.read_csv_file(graph_file + '.csv') row_offsets = cudf.Series(M.indptr) col_indices = cudf.Series(M.indices) G = cugraph.Graph() G.add_adj_list(row_offsets, col_indices, None) pairs = G.get_two_hop_neighbors() cu_coeff = cugraph_call(cu_M, pairs['first'], pairs['second']) cpu_coeff = cpu_call(M, pairs['first'], pairs['second']) assert len(cu_coeff) == len(cpu_coeff) for i in range(len(cu_coeff)): diff = abs(cpu_coeff[i] - cu_coeff[i]) assert diff < 1.0e-6
def test_louvain_with_edgevals(managed, pool, graph_file): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert(rmm.is_initialized()) M = utils.read_mtx_file(graph_file+'.mtx') cu_M = utils.read_csv_file(graph_file+'.csv') cu_parts, cu_mod = cugraph_call(cu_M, edgevals=True) nx_parts = networkx_call(M) # Calculating modularity scores for comparison Gnx = nx.Graph(M) cu_map = {0: 0} for i in range(len(cu_parts)): cu_map[cu_parts['vertex'][i]] = cu_parts['partition'][i] assert set(nx_parts.keys()) == set(cu_map.keys()) cu_mod_nx = community.modularity(cu_map, Gnx) nx_mod = community.modularity(nx_parts, Gnx) assert len(cu_parts) == len(nx_parts) assert cu_mod > (.82 * nx_mod) print(cu_mod) print(cu_mod_nx) print(nx_mod) assert abs(cu_mod - cu_mod_nx) < .0001
def test_sssp(managed, pool, graph_file, source): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) M = utils.read_mtx_file(graph_file + '.mtx') cu_M = utils.read_csv_file(graph_file + '.csv') cu_paths = cugraph_call(cu_M, source) nx_paths, Gnx = networkx_call(M, source) # Calculating mismatch err = 0 for vid in cu_paths: # Validate vertices that are reachable # NOTE : If distance type is float64 then cu_paths[vid][0] # should be compared against np.finfo(np.float64).max) if (cu_paths[vid][0] != np.finfo(np.float32).max): if (cu_paths[vid][0] != nx_paths[vid]): err = err + 1 # check pred dist + 1 = current dist (since unweighted) pred = cu_paths[vid][1] if (vid != source and cu_paths[pred][0] + 1 != cu_paths[vid][0]): err = err + 1 else: if (vid in nx_paths.keys()): err = err + 1 assert err == 0
def test_sssp_edgevals(managed, pool, graph_file, source): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) M = read_mtx_file(graph_file + '.mtx') cu_M = read_csv_file(graph_file + '.csv') cu_paths = cugraph_call(cu_M, source, edgevals=True) nx_paths, Gnx = networkx_call(M, source, edgevals=True) # Calculating mismatch err = 0 print(cu_paths) print(nx_paths) print(len(cu_paths)) for vid in cu_paths: if (cu_paths[vid][0] != np.finfo(np.float32).max): if (cu_paths[vid][0] != nx_paths[vid]): err = err + 1 # check pred dist + edge_weight = current dist if (vid != source): pred = cu_paths[vid][1] edge_weight = Gnx[pred][vid]['weight'] if (cu_paths[pred][0] + edge_weight != cu_paths[vid][0]): err = err + 1 else: if (vid in nx_paths.keys()): err = err + 1 assert err == 0
def test_strong_cc(managed, pool, graph_file): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) M = utils.read_mtx_file(graph_file + '.mtx') netx_labels = networkx_strong_call(M) cu_M = utils.read_csv_file(graph_file + '.csv') cugraph_labels = cugraph_strong_call(cu_M) # NetX returns a list of components, each component being a # collection (set{}) of vertex indices; # # while cugraph returns a component label for each vertex; nx_n_components = len(netx_labels) cg_n_components = get_n_uniqs(cugraph_labels) assert nx_n_components == cg_n_components lst_nx_components_lens = [len(c) for c in sorted(netx_labels, key=len)] # get counts of uniques: # lst_cg_components_lens = sorted(get_uniq_counts(cugraph_labels)) assert lst_nx_components_lens == lst_cg_components_lens
def test_sssp(managed, pool, graph_file, source): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) M = read_mtx_file(graph_file + '.mtx') cu_M = read_csv_file(graph_file + '.csv') cu_paths = cugraph_call(cu_M, source) nx_paths, Gnx = networkx_call(M, source) # Calculating mismatch err = 0 for vid in cu_paths: if (cu_paths[vid][0] != np.finfo(np.float32).max): if (cu_paths[vid][0] != nx_paths[vid]): err = err + 1 # check pred dist + 1 = current dist (since unweighted) pred = cu_paths[vid][1] if (vid != source and cu_paths[pred][0] + 1 != cu_paths[vid][0]): err = err + 1 else: if (vid in nx_paths.keys()): err = err + 1 assert err == 0
def test_modularity_clustering(managed, pool, graph_file, partitions): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) # Read in the graph and get a cugraph object cu_M = read_csv_file(graph_file + '.csv') sources = cu_M['0'] destinations = cu_M['1'] values = cu_M['2'] G = cugraph.Graph() G.add_edge_list(sources, destinations, values) # Get the modularity score for partitioning versus random assignment cu_score = cugraph_call(G, partitions) rand_score = random_call(G, partitions) # Assert that the partitioning has better modularity than the random # assignment assert cu_score > rand_score
def test_rmm_modes(managed, pool): rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() array_tester(np.int32, 128)
def test_renumber_files(managed, pool, graph_file): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) M = read_mtx_file(graph_file) sources = cudf.Series(M.row) destinations = cudf.Series(M.col) translate = 1000 source_translated = cudf.Series([x + translate for x in sources]) dest_translated = cudf.Series([x + translate for x in destinations]) G = cugraph.Graph() src, dst, numbering = G.renumber(source_translated, dest_translated) for i in range(len(sources)): assert sources[i] == (numbering[src[i]] - translate) assert destinations[i] == (numbering[dst[i]] - translate)
def test_add_adj_list_to_edge_list(managed, pool, graph_file): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) M = read_mtx_file(graph_file + '.mtx').tocsr() if M is None: raise TypeError('Could not read the input graph') if M.shape[0] != M.shape[1]: raise TypeError('Shape is not square') offsets = cudf.Series(M.indptr) indices = cudf.Series(M.indices) M = M.tocoo() sources_exp = cudf.Series(M.row) destinations_exp = cudf.Series(M.col) # cugraph add_adj_list to_edge_list call G = cugraph.Graph() G.add_adj_list(offsets, indices, None) sources, destinations = G.view_edge_list() sources_cu = np.array(sources) destinations_cu = np.array(destinations) assert compare_series(sources_cu, sources_exp) assert compare_series(destinations_cu, destinations_exp)
def __init__(self): self.data_gpu = None self.back_up_dimension = None self.dimensions_filters = {} self.dimensions_filters_response_format = {} self.group_by_backups = {} rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = True # default is False rmm.finalize() rmm.initialize()
def test_rmm_modes(managed, pool): rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert(rmm.is_initialized()) array_tester(np.int32, 128)
def test_grmat_gen(managed, pool): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) vertices, edges, sources, destinations = cugraph.grmat_gen( 'grmat --rmat_scale=2 --rmat_edgefactor=2 --device=0 --normalized' ' --quiet')
def test_networkx_compatibility(managed, pool, graph_file): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) # test from_cudf_edgelist() M = utils.read_mtx_file(graph_file) df = pd.DataFrame() df['source'] = pd.Series(M.row) df['target'] = pd.Series(M.col) df['weight'] = pd.Series( gdf = cudf.from_pandas(df) # cugraph.Graph() is implicitly a directed graph right at this moment, so # we should use nx.DiGraph() for comparison. Gnx = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(df, source='source', target='target', edge_attr=['weight'], create_using=nx.DiGraph) G = cugraph.from_cudf_edgelist(gdf, source='source', target='target', weight='weight') assert compare_graphs(Gnx, G) Gnx.clear() G.clear() # cugraph.Graph() is implicitly a directed graph right at this moment, so # we should use nx.DiGraph() for comparison. Gnx = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(df, source='source', target='target', create_using=nx.DiGraph) G = cugraph.from_cudf_edgelist(gdf, source='source', target='target') assert compare_graphs(Gnx, G) Gnx.clear() G.clear()
def test_triangles_edge_vals(managed, pool, graph_file): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) M = read_mtx_file(graph_file) cu_count = cugraph_call(M, edgevals=True) nx_count = networkx_call(M) assert cu_count == nx_count
def test_add_edge_or_adj_list_after_add_edge_or_adj_list( managed, pool, graph_file): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) M = read_mtx_file(graph_file) sources = cudf.Series(M.row) destinations = cudf.Series(M.col) M = M.tocsr() if M is None: raise TypeError('Could not read the input graph') if M.shape[0] != M.shape[1]: raise TypeError('Shape is not square') offsets = cudf.Series(M.indptr) indices = cudf.Series(M.indices) G = cugraph.Graph() # If cugraph has at least one graph representation, adding a new graph # should fail to prevent a single graph object storing two different # graphs. # If cugraph has a graph edge list, adding a new graph should fail. G.add_edge_list(sources, destinations, None) with pytest.raises(cudf.bindings.GDFError.GDFError) as excinfo: G.add_edge_list(sources, destinations, None) assert excinfo.value.errcode.decode() == 'GDF_INVALID_API_CALL' with pytest.raises(cudf.bindings.GDFError.GDFError) as excinfo: G.add_adj_list(offsets, indices, None) assert excinfo.value.errcode.decode() == 'GDF_INVALID_API_CALL' G.delete_edge_list() # If cugraph has a graph adjacency list, adding a new graph should fail. G.add_adj_list(sources, destinations, None) with pytest.raises(cudf.bindings.GDFError.GDFError) as excinfo: G.add_edge_list(sources, destinations, None) assert excinfo.value.errcode.decode() == 'GDF_INVALID_API_CALL' with pytest.raises(cudf.bindings.GDFError.GDFError) as excinfo: G.add_adj_list(offsets, indices, None) assert excinfo.value.errcode.decode() == 'GDF_INVALID_API_CALL' G.delete_adj_list()
def test_subgraph_extraction(managed, pool, graph_file): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert(rmm.is_initialized()) M = utils.read_mtx_file(graph_file) verts = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.int32) verts[0] = 0 verts[1] = 1 verts[2] = 17 cu_sg = cugraph_call(M, verts) nx_sg = nx_call(M, verts) assert compare_edges(cu_sg, nx_sg, verts)
def test_wjaccard(managed, pool, graph_file): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert(rmm.is_initialized()) M = utils.read_mtx_file(graph_file+'.mtx') cu_M = utils.read_csv_file(graph_file+'.csv') # suppress F841 (local variable is assigned but never used) in flake8 # no networkX equivalent to compare cu_coeff against... cu_coeff = cugraph_call(cu_M) # noqa: F841 nx_coeff = networkx_call(M) for i in range(len(cu_coeff)): diff = abs(nx_coeff[i] - cu_coeff[i]) assert diff < 1.0e-6
def test_degree_functionality(managed, pool, graph_file): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) M = read_mtx_file(graph_file + '.mtx') cu_M = read_csv_file(graph_file + '.csv') sources = cu_M['0'] destinations = cu_M['1'] values = cu_M['2'] G = cugraph.Graph() G.add_edge_list(sources, destinations, values) Gnx = nx.DiGraph(M) df_in_degree = G.in_degree() df_out_degree = G.out_degree() df_degree = nx_in_degree = Gnx.in_degree() nx_out_degree = Gnx.out_degree() nx_degree = err_in_degree = 0 err_out_degree = 0 err_degree = 0 for i in range(len(df_degree)): if (df_in_degree['degree'][i] != nx_in_degree[i]): err_in_degree = err_in_degree + 1 if (df_out_degree['degree'][i] != nx_out_degree[i]): err_out_degree = err_out_degree + 1 if (df_degree['degree'][i] != nx_degree[i]): err_degree = err_degree + 1 assert err_in_degree == 0 assert err_out_degree == 0 assert err_degree == 0
def test_transpose_from_adj_list(managed, pool, graph_file): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) M = read_mtx_file(graph_file + '.mtx').tocsr() offsets = cudf.Series(M.indptr) indices = cudf.Series(M.indices) G = cugraph.Graph() G.add_adj_list(offsets, indices, None) G.add_transposed_adj_list() Mt = M.transpose().tocsr() toff, tind = G.view_transposed_adj_list() assert compare_series(tind, Mt.indices) assert compare_offsets(toff, Mt.indptr)
def test_view_edge_list_from_adj_list(managed, pool, graph_file): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) M = read_mtx_file(graph_file + '.mtx').tocsr() offsets = cudf.Series(M.indptr) indices = cudf.Series(M.indices) G = cugraph.Graph() G.add_adj_list(offsets, indices, None) src2, dst2 = G.view_edge_list() M = M.tocoo() src1 = M.row dst1 = M.col assert compare_series(src1, src2) assert compare_series(dst1, dst2)
def test_modularity_clustering(managed, pool, graph_file, partitions): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) # Read in the graph and get a cugraph object M = utils.read_mtx_file(graph_file + '.mtx').tocsr() cu_M = utils.read_csv_file(graph_file + '.csv', read_weights_in_sp=False) row_offsets = cudf.Series(M.indptr) col_indices = cudf.Series(M.indices) sources = cu_M['0'] destinations = cu_M['1'] G_adj = cugraph.Graph() G_adj.add_adj_list(row_offsets, col_indices) G_edge = cugraph.Graph() G_edge.add_edge_list(sources, destinations) # Get the modularity score for partitioning versus random assignment cu_vid, cu_score = cugraph_call(G_adj, partitions) rand_vid, rand_score = random_call(G_adj, partitions) # Assert that the partitioning has better modularity than the random # assignment assert cu_score < rand_score # Get the modularity score for partitioning versus random assignment cu_vid, cu_score = cugraph_call(G_edge, partitions) rand_vid, rand_score = random_call(G_edge, partitions) # Assert that the partitioning has better modularity than the random # assignment assert cu_score < rand_score
def test_filter_unreachable(managed, pool, graph_file, source): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) cu_M = utils.read_csv_file(graph_file + '.csv') # Device data sources = cu_M['0'] destinations = cu_M['1'] print('sources size = ' + str(len(sources))) print('destinations size = ' + str(len(destinations))) # cugraph Pagerank Call G = cugraph.Graph() G.add_edge_list(sources, destinations) print('cugraph Solving... ') t1 = time.time() df = cugraph.sssp(G, source) t2 = time.time() - t1 print('Time : ' + str(t2)) reachable_df = cugraph.filter_unreachable(df) if (np.issubdtype(df['distance'].dtype, np.integer)): inf = np.iinfo(reachable_df['distance'].dtype).max # noqa: F841 assert len(reachable_df.query("distance == @inf")) == 0 elif (np.issubdtype(df['distance'].dtype, np.inexact)): inf = np.finfo(reachable_df['distance'].dtype).max # noqa: F841 assert len(reachable_df.query("distance == @inf")) == 0 assert len(reachable_df) != 0
def test_number_of_vertices(managed, pool, graph_file): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) cu_M = utils.read_csv_file(graph_file + '.csv') sources = cu_M['0'] destinations = cu_M['1'] M = utils.read_mtx_file(graph_file + '.mtx') if M is None: raise TypeError('Could not read the input graph') # cugraph add_edge_list G = cugraph.Graph() G.add_edge_list(sources, destinations, None) assert (G.number_of_vertices() == M.shape[0])
def test_bfs(managed, pool, graph_file): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) M = read_mtx_file(graph_file + '.mtx') cu_M = read_csv_file(graph_file + '.csv') base_vid, base_dist = base_call(M, 0) cugraph_vid, cugraph_dist = cugraph_call(cu_M, 0) # Calculating mismatch assert len(base_dist) == len(cugraph_dist) for i in range(len(cugraph_dist)): assert base_vid[i] == cugraph_vid[i] assert base_dist[i] == cugraph_dist[i]
def test_two_hop_neighbors(managed, pool, graph_file): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) cu_M = read_csv_file(graph_file + '.csv') sources = cu_M['0'] destinations = cu_M['1'] values = cu_M['2'] G = cugraph.Graph() G.add_edge_list(sources, destinations, values) df = G.get_two_hop_neighbors() M = read_mtx_file(graph_file + '.mtx').tocsr() find_two_paths(df, M) check_all_two_hops(df, M)
def test_delete_edge_list_delete_adj_list(managed, pool, graph_file): gc.collect() rmm.finalize() rmm_cfg.use_managed_memory = managed rmm_cfg.use_pool_allocator = pool rmm.initialize() assert (rmm.is_initialized()) M = read_mtx_file(graph_file + '.mtx') sources = cudf.Series(M.row) destinations = cudf.Series(M.col) M = M.tocsr() if M is None: raise TypeError('Could not read the input graph') if M.shape[0] != M.shape[1]: raise TypeError('Shape is not square') offsets = cudf.Series(M.indptr) indices = cudf.Series(M.indices) # cugraph delete_adj_list delete_edge_list call G = cugraph.Graph() G.add_edge_list(sources, destinations, None) G.delete_edge_list() with pytest.raises(cudf.bindings.GDFError.GDFError) as excinfo: G.view_adj_list() assert excinfo.value.errcode.decode() == 'GDF_INVALID_API_CALL' G.add_adj_list(offsets, indices, None) G.delete_adj_list() with pytest.raises(cudf.bindings.GDFError.GDFError) as excinfo: G.view_edge_list() assert excinfo.value.errcode.decode() == 'GDF_INVALID_API_CALL'
def test_uninitialized(): rmm.finalize() assert(not rmm.is_initialized()) rmm.initialize() # so further tests will pass