def get_last_beat(cumscore):
        """Get the last beat from the cumulative score array"""

        maxes       = librosa.localmax(cumscore)
        med_score   = np.median(cumscore[np.argwhere(maxes)])

        # The last of these is the last beat (since score generally increases)
        return np.argwhere((cumscore * maxes * 2 > med_score)).max()
def onset_estimate_bpm(onsets, start_bpm, fft_res):
    """Estimate the BPM from an onset envelope

      onsets     -- (ndarray)   time-series of onset strengths
      start_bpm  -- (float)     initial guess of the BPM
      fft_res    -- (float)     resolution of FFT (sample rate / hop length)

    Returns bpm:
      bpm       -- (float)  estimated BPM


    ac_size     = 4.0
    duration    = 90.0
    end_time    = 90.0
    bpm_std     = 1.0

    # Chop onsets to X[(upper_limit - duration):upper_limit]
    # or as much as will fit
    maxcol      = min(len(onsets)-1, np.round(end_time * fft_res))
    mincol      = max(0,    maxcol - np.round(duration * fft_res))

    # Use auto-correlation out of 4 seconds (empirically set??)
    ac_window   = np.round(ac_size * fft_res)

    # Compute the autocorrelation
    x_corr      = librosa.autocorrelate(onsets[mincol:maxcol], ac_window)

    #   FIXME:  2013-01-25 08:55:40 by Brian McFee <*****@*****.**>
    #   this fails if ac_window > length of song   
    # re-weight the autocorrelation by log-normal prior
    bpms    = 60.0 * fft_res / (np.arange(1, ac_window+1))

    # Smooth the autocorrelation by a log-normal distribution
    x_corr  = x_corr * np.exp(-0.5 * ((np.log2(bpms / start_bpm)) / bpm_std)**2)

    # Get the local maximum of weighted correlation
    x_peaks = librosa.localmax(x_corr)

    # Zero out all peaks before the first negative
    x_peaks[:np.argmax(x_corr < 0)] = False

    # Choose the best peak out of .33, .5, 2, 3 * start_period
    candidates      = np.multiply(  np.argmax(x_peaks * x_corr), 
                                    [1.0/3, 1.0/2, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0])

    candidates      = candidates.astype(int)
    candidates      = candidates[candidates < ac_window]

    best_period     = np.argmax(x_corr[candidates])

    return 60.0 * fft_res / candidates[best_period]
Example #3
def activation_upsample(A_low, sr):

    n, k, _, sr_old = A_low.shape

    A = np.zeros((n, k, 1, sr))

    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(k):
            act_res = librosa.resample(A_low[i, j, :, :].squeeze(), orig_sr=sr_old, target_sr=sr)

            # Local-max filter act_res
            A[i, j, :, : min(sr, len(act_res))] = librosa.localmax(act_res) * act_res

    return A
Example #4
def activation_upsample(A_low, sr):

    n, k, _, sr_old = A_low.shape

    A = np.zeros((n, k, 1, sr))

    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(k):
            act_res = librosa.resample(A_low[i, j, :, :].squeeze(),

            # Local-max filter act_res
            A[i, j, :, :min(sr, len(act_res)
                            )] = librosa.localmax(act_res) * act_res

    return A
Example #5
    def __test_peaks(tempo, win_length, window, norm):
        # Generate an evenly-spaced pulse train
        odf = np.zeros(duration * sr // hop_length)
        spacing = sr * 60. // (hop_length * tempo)
        odf[::int(spacing)] = 1

        tempogram = librosa.feature.tempogram(onset_envelope=odf,

        # Check the shape of the output
        eq_(tempogram.shape[0], win_length)

        eq_(tempogram.shape[1], len(odf))

        # Mean over time to wash over the boundary padding effects
        idx = np.where(librosa.localmax(tempogram.max(axis=1)))[0]

        # Indices should all be non-zero integer multiples of spacing
        assert np.allclose(idx, spacing * np.arange(1, 1 + len(idx)))