Example #1
def ans():
    result = 0
    p_max = 0
    for D in range(2, 1000 + 1):
        if is_square(D):
        limit = int(sqrt(D))

        m = 0
        d = 1
        a = limit
        num1 = 1
        num = a
        den1 = 0
        den = 1
        while num**2 - D * den**2 != 1:
            m = d * a - m
            d = (D - m * m) // d
            a = (limit + m) // d
            num2 = num1
            num1 = num
            den2 = den1
            den1 = den

            num = a * num1 + num2
            den = a * den1 + den2

        if num > p_max:
            p_max = num
            result = D
    return result
Example #2
def handle_one_side(w1: str, w2: str, digits: List[int]) -> int:
    use w1 to create a number for w2
    :param w1: first word
    :param w2: second word
    :param digits: digits list
    :return: a number found, -1 if not
    letters_values: Dict[str, int] = dict()
    digs_used: Set[int] = set()
    for index, c in enumerate(w1):
        dig = digits[index]
        # now set the value for the letter in c.
        # if there is already a letter with this value, or c already has a value different than dig, break
        if c in letters_values and letters_values[c] != dig:
            return -1
        if c not in letters_values and dig in digs_used:
            return -1
        # else, it is ok
        letters_values[c] = dig
        # if we did not break, calculate the value for the other word:
        other_word_num_list = [letters_values[c] for c in w2]
        # if it has a leading zero, go to next
        if other_word_num_list[0] == 0:
            return -1
        other_word_num = list_to_num(other_word_num_list)
        if is_square(other_word_num):
            return other_word_num
    return -1
Example #3
def sum_n_digits(num: int, n: int) -> int:
    :param num: input number
    :param n: number of digits
    :return: 0 is perfect square, else sum of first n digits of sqrt(num)
    if is_square(num):
        return 0
    return digits_sum(square_root(num, n))
Example #4
def ans():
    using calculus, the min distance for a,b,c if sqrt(a^2+(b-c)^2)
    but we should also choose which of them is the a
    because a>=b>=c, it is better to put a outside so the squares are more balanced
    count = 0
    big_m = 0
    while count < 10**6:
        big_m += 1
        a = big_m
        for bc in range(2, 2 * a + 1):
            x = bc**2 + a**2
            if is_square(x):
                count += bc // 2 - max(
                    bc - a - 1,
                    0)  # add all pairs (b,c) such that b+c=bs, a>=b>=c>=1
    return big_m
Example #5
def square_root(num: int, digs: int) -> int:
    :param num: input number
    :param digs: number of wanted digits
    :return: first "digs" digits in the square root of num including digits before and after the decimal point
    if is_square(num):
        return int(sqrt(num))
    res = 0
    for i in range(digs):
        res *= 10
        for j in range(1, 10):
            # add until we pass the square
            res += 1
            np = num * 10**(2 * i)
            if res**2 > np:
                # too much, go back 1 and go for next digit to get more accurate
                res -= 1
    return res