Example #1
def ans():
    wanted_family_size: int = 8
    i: int = 11  # starting number to calc
    comb: List[List[int]] = [[0]]  # starting value for power set
    primes_checked: Dict[int, bool] = dict()  # primes/non primes dict
    valid_units_digs: Dict[int, int] = {
        1: 3,
        3: 7,
        7: 9,
        9: 11
    }  # only valid units digits, each dig point to the next
    while True:
        for digits in comb:  # for each subset of the digits indices
            if need_check(i,
                          digits):  # if this is the smallest number possible
                if family_size(i, digits, wanted_family_size,
                               primes_checked) == wanted_family_size:
                    # we found a solution
                    return first_prime_in_family(i, digits, primes_checked)
        # increment i to the next number with a valid units digit
        temp: int = i
        i = (i - i % 10) + valid_units_digs[i % 10]
        if num_size(i) > num_size(temp):  # if i is now a digit longer
            # extend the power set
            comb = sum([[c, c + [num_size(i) - 2]] for c in comb],
                       [[num_size(i) - 2]])
Example #2
def ans():
    count = 0
    for i in range(1, 10):
        n = 1
        while num_size(
        ) >= n:  # number of digits sort of decreases the higher the power
            if num_size(i**n) == n:
                count += 1
            n += 1
    return count
Example #3
def ans():
    nums: List[int] = [3, 7]
    dens: List[int] = [2, 5]
    # calculate the fractions
    while len(nums) < 1000:
        nums.append(2 * nums[len(nums) - 1] + nums[len(nums) - 2])
        dens.append(2 * dens[len(dens) - 1] + dens[len(dens) - 2])
    count = 0
    for i in range(len(nums)):
        if num_size(nums[i]) > num_size(dens[i]):
            count += 1
    return count
Example #4
def ans():
    prev: int = 1
    before_prev: int = 1
    index: int = 2
    limit: int = 1000
    # count numbers until we get a number with at least 1000 digits
    while num_size(prev) < limit:
        index += 1
        before_prev, prev = prev, before_prev + prev
    return index
Example #5
def left_prime(x: int) -> bool:
    :param x: input number
    :return: True if input number is a left prime
    while x > 0:
        if not isprime(x):
            return False
        x = x % (10**(num_size(x) - 1))
    return True
Example #6
 def create_nums(num=0) -> None:
     create all numbers with this property
     :param num: current number
     :return: None
     if num_size(num) == 10:
         # stop
     if num == 0:
         # add digs
         for i in range(1, 10):
         for i in digits.difference(num_to_list(num)):
             # add possible digits
             if num_size(num * 10 + i) <= 3 or (
                 (num * 10 + i) % 1000) % primes_list[num_size(num * 10) -
                                                      4] == 0:
                 create_nums(num * 10 + i)
Example #7
def is_circular_prime(x: int) -> bool:
    :param x: input number
    :return: if x is a circular prime or not
    n_size = num_size(x)
    for i in range(n_size):
        x = x // 10 + (x % 10) * 10**(n_size - 1)
        if not isprime(x):
            return False
    return True
Example #8
def rec(digs_left: Set[int], current_solution: List[int],
        all_solutions: Set[FrozenSet[int]]):
    :param digs_left: the digits left to handle in set
    :param current_solution: the current "set"
    :param all_solutions: all calculated solutions
    if len(digs_left) == 0:
    start = 1 if len(current_solution) == 0 else num_size(current_solution[-1])
    for i in range(start, len(digs_left) + 1):
        for c in combinations(digs_left, i):
            fs_c = frozenset(c)
            for p in get_primes_from_digits(fs_c):
                rec(digs_left.difference(c), current_solution + [p],
Example #9
def ans():
    max_n = 10**6
    primes = sieve_primes(max_n)
    # for (2,3)-> 12, for (3,5)-> no solution, start from (5,7):
    primes = [int(p) for p in primes[2:]]
    # add one more prime because the given limit is for p1
    s_sum = 0
    for p1, p2 in zip(primes, primes[1:]):
        let tp = 10**(number of digits of p1)
        so we want smallest s s.t.:
        s = k * tp + p1, and s % p2 = 0
        k * tp = -p1 (mod p2)
        k * tp = p2 - p1 (mod p2)
        k = (tp ^ -1) * (p2 - p1)  (mod p2)
        power_10 = 10**num_size(p1)
        k = (inverse_mod(power_10, p2) * (p2 - p1)) % p2
        s = k * power_10 + p1
        s_sum += s
    return s_sum
Example #10
def ans():
    # board:
    board_size = 40
    square_count = [0] * board_size
    # number of iterations
    number_of_iterations = 10**5
    # special squares
    cc_squares = [2, 17, 33]
    cc_squares_set = set(cc_squares)
    ch_squares = [7, 22, 36]
    ch_squares_set = set(ch_squares)
    r_squares = [5, 15, 25, 35]
    u_squares = [12, 28]
    g2j_squares = [30]
    jail_location = 10
    go_location = 0
    special_locations = set().union(cc_squares, ch_squares, g2j_squares)
    # card piles:
    cc_pile: List[Any] = [go_location, jail_location]
    cc_pile += [None] * (16 - len(cc_pile))
    ch_pile: List[Any] = [
        go_location, jail_location, 11, 24, 39, 5, "R", "R", "U", "M3"
    ch_pile += [None] * (16 - len(ch_pile))
    # dice range:
    dice_max_number = 4
    # player location
    player_location = 0

    # function for card movement:
    def next_location(card: Union[str, int, None],
                      curr_player_location: int) -> int:
        :param card: card gotten
        :param curr_player_location: current location
        :return: next location based on card
        if card is None:
            return curr_player_location
        if isinstance(card, str):
            if card == "R":
                next_loc = bisect_left(r_squares,
                                       curr_player_location) % len(r_squares)
                if r_squares[next_loc] == curr_player_location:
                    next_loc = (next_loc + 1) % len(r_squares)
                return r_squares[next_loc]
            if card == "U":
                next_loc = bisect_left(u_squares,
                                       curr_player_location) % len(u_squares)
                if u_squares[next_loc] == curr_player_location:
                    next_loc = (next_loc + 1) % len(u_squares)
                return u_squares[next_loc]
            if card == "M3":
                return (board_size + curr_player_location - 3) % board_size
            raise Exception("got an unknown card:", card)
        if isinstance(card, int):
            return card
        raise Exception("got an unknown card:", card)

    def is_in_special_location(curr_player_location: int) -> bool:
        :param curr_player_location: current location
        :return: True if current location is a special location
        return curr_player_location in special_locations

    def next_location_after_special_location(curr_player_location: int) -> int:
        :param curr_player_location: current location, knowing it is a special location
        :return: the new location from the current location
        if curr_player_location in g2j_squares:
            return jail_location
        if curr_player_location in cc_squares_set:
            # take one card
            card = cc_pile[0]
            # put it back at the end of the pile
            # do what the card says:
            return next_location(card, curr_player_location)
        if curr_player_location in ch_squares_set:
            # take one card
            card = ch_pile[0]
            # put it back at the end of the pile
            # do what the card says:
            return next_location(card, curr_player_location)
            raise Exception(
                "not in special location, yet in special location movement function",

    # play the game:
    for _ in range(number_of_iterations):
        # arrived here, add 1 to this place
        square_count[player_location] += 1
        # roll dice
        d1 = random.randint(1, dice_max_number)
        d2 = random.randint(1, dice_max_number)
        # go forward
        player_location += d1 + d2
        player_location %= board_size
        prev_location = -1
        while is_in_special_location(
                player_location) and player_location != prev_location:
            # may pull M3 card and go back to another special location
            prev_location = player_location
            player_location = next_location_after_special_location(
    # get stats of placing:
    final_stats = []
    for i in range(board_size):
        final_stats.append((square_count[i] / number_of_iterations, i))
    three_most_visited = [
        final_stats[0][1], final_stats[1][1], final_stats[2][1]
    # finish up
    result_str = ""
    for i in three_most_visited:
        if num_size(i) == 1:
            result_str += "0" + str(i)
            result_str += str(i)
    return result_str
Example #11
def get_file_number(n: int) -> str:
    return "0" * (3 - num_size(n)) + str(n)