def db_sync(request,table=''): from libs.db import db dbIns = db(set='aifang_backup_information') sql = "select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema = '"+ table +"' order by create_time desc" table_list_result = dbIns.findBySql(sql) table_list = [ {'table_schema':item[1],'table_name':item[2],'table_type':item[3],'engine':item[4],'table_row':item[7],'create_time':item[14],'update_time':item[15],'table_comment':item[20]} for item in table_list_result] db_info = Db.objects.get(name=table) for list in table_list: data = Table.objects.filter(table_schema=list['table_schema'],table_name=list['table_name']) if data: continue table_result = Table(table_schema = list['table_schema'], table_name = list['table_name'], table_type = list['table_type'], engine = list['engine'], table_row = list['table_row'], create_time = list['create_time'], update_time = list['update_time'], table_comment = list['table_comment'], # group = db_info.group_id, mygroup_id = db_info.mygroup_id, user = request.user ) message = '恭喜,数据表同步成功!' Table.objects.all() local_table_list = Table.objects.filter(table_schema=table) return render(request,'tools/table_list.html',{'local_table_list':local_table_list,'table':table,'message':message})
def corrent_accdata(userid): ''' :param userid: user card's id :return: ''' accdata_path = db.db(settings.DATABASEINFO) acc_file = '%s/%s.json'%(accdata_path,userid) with open(acc_file) as f: corrent_accdata = json.load(f) return corrent_accdata
def dump_accdata(data): ''' :param data: user data :return: ''' accdata_path = db.db(settings.DATABASEINFO) acc_file = '%s/%s.json'%(accdata_path,data['id']) with open(acc_file,'w') as f: json.dump(data,f) return True
def importIn(publisher, versionId): try: locker.lock('setAifangTestDatabaseTo') version = DataVersion.objects.get(id=versionId) dbIns = db(set='aifang_dev') dbIns.importIn(dumpFile(, 'aifangcrm_db') version.published = version.publisher = publisher except: # todo pass finally: locker.unlock('setAifangTestDatabaseTo')
def generate(generator): locker.lock('generateAifangTestData') dbIns = db(set='aifang_backup') databases = getTablesFromDumpSql() # dump 数据到文件 for (database, table, where) in databases: dbIns.dump(dumpFile(versionName()), database, table, where) # dump 完成后,压缩 os.popen("gzip %s -9" % dumpFile(versionName())) # 生成版本信息 DataVersion( name=versionName(), created=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %X", time.localtime()), generator=generator ).save() locker.unlock('generateAifangTestData')
def auth(userid, password): ''' account libs func :param userid: user card id :param password: user pasword :return: ''' userdbpath = db.db(settings.DATABASEINFO) account_file = '%s/%s.json' % (userdbpath, userid) # print(account_file) if os.path.isfile(account_file): with open(account_file) as f: account_data = json.load(f) if account_data['password'] == password: indate = time.mktime( time.strptime(account_data['expire_date'], '%Y-%m-%d')) if indate < time.time(): print("\033[31;1m your card was out of date\033[0m") else: return account_data else: print('\033[31;1m your id or password incorrect\033[0m') else: print('\033[31;1maccount [%s] does not exist\033[0m' % userid)
def stageTimesReport(request): requestDict = request.REQUEST if not requestDict.has_key('type'): type = 'common' else: type = requestDict['type'] from libs.db import db if not requestDict.has_key("month"): month = time.strftime("%Y-%m",time.localtime()) else: month = requestDict['month'] dbIns = db() sql = "select name,created,sha1 from deploy_release_list where `created` > '"+ month + "-00' and `created` <= '"+ month + "-31' order by created asc" releaseList = dbIns.findBySql(sql) releaseList = [ {'name':item[0],'sha1':item[2],'day':str(item[1].month)+'-'+(((item[1].day<10) and '0'+str(item[1].day)) or str(item[1].day))} for item in releaseList] countList = {} for item in releaseList: if not countList.has_key(item['day']): countList[item['day']] = 1 else: countList[item['day']] += 1 dateList = sorted(countList.keys()) countList = [[item,countList[item]] for item in dateList] data = {} if type == 'ajax': #表示ajax传值,直接返回list数据 import json return json.dumps(countList) else: data['countList'] = countList data['channelName'] = 'deploy' data['month'] = month return render(request,'tools/stagereport.html',{'data':data})
def __init__(self): self.config = config.getConfig() self.db = db(w_db = self.config.site_db_w)
#coding:utf-8 from libs.db import db testdb = db() cur = testdb.connectdb("./database/minions.db") testdb.modify(cur,"create table 'manager'('id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY autoincrement,'username' varhar(20) NOT NULL,'password' char(16) NOT NULL)") testdb.modify(cur,"insert into manager(username,password) values('admin','e6e061838856bf47e1de730719fb2609')")
#coding:utf-8 from libs.db import db testdb = db() cur = testdb.connectdb("./database/minions.db") testdb.modify( cur, "create table 'manager'('id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY autoincrement,'username' varhar(20) NOT NULL,'password' char(16) NOT NULL)" ) testdb.modify( cur, "insert into manager(username,password) values('admin','e6e061838856bf47e1de730719fb2609')" )
#!usr/bin/env python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- # author:yangva # datetime:2018/1/20 0020 15:43 import json, sys, os, datetime base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) sys.path.append(base_dir) from conf import settings from libs import db path = db.db(settings.DATABASEINFO) acc_dic = { 'id': 123, #卡号 'password': '******', #密码 'credit': 15000, #额度 'balance': 15000, #余额 'enroll_date': '2016-01-02', #注册日期 'expire_date': '2021-01-01', #失效日期 'pay_day': 22, #还款日 'status': 0 # 0 = normal, 1 = locked, 2 = disabled } id = int(input('\033[36;1menter your user id:\033[0m')) corrent_path = '%s/%s.json' % (path, id) acc_dic['id'] = id
from libs.utils import daemonize, markdown, fetchGithubData, qrToB64, twitterAPI, newBuild, randomcode, buildCheck, webHook #import libs.wraps.auth as auth import libs.wraps.misc as misc import configparser import libs.db as database app = flask.Flask(__name__) socket = SocketIO(app) config = configparser.ConfigParser()"auth/auth.cfg") construction_mode = False building = False running = False updateTime = 3600 PKSM_commits = 0 db = database.db(config['Database']['Address']) @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(error): nav_projects = database.get_all(db, "repos", "name") return flask.render_template('404.html', nav_projects=nav_projects), 404 @app.route('/nav') @app.route('/base') @app.route('/project') @app.route('/graph') @app.route('/stats') @app.route('/construction') @app.route('/extra_saves.html')