def game_result_receiver(): """ This task register callback function on getting user results. :return: """ rabbit = get_rabbit() init_rabbit(rabbit) rabbit_channel = rabbit_channel.basic_qos(prefetch_count=1) rabbit_channel.basic_consume( game_result_receiver_callback, queue="game.result" ) rabbit_channel.start_consuming()
def game_spider_checker(): """ This function checks if a user should be crawled. :return: """ global game_spider_checker_pub_channel rabbit = get_rabbit() init_rabbit(rabbit) game_spider_checker_pub_channel = rabbit_channel = rabbit_channel.basic_qos(prefetch_count=1) rabbit_channel.basic_consume( game_spider_checker_callback, queue="game.order.pre" ) rabbit_channel.start_consuming()
def review_spider_issuer(): """ This task issue orders to the review spider to crawl reviews. :return: """ while True: dolphin = get_dolphin() rabbit = get_rabbit() init_rabbit(rabbit) query_sql = "SELECT `appid`, `crawled_at` FROM `apps` WHERE `crawled_at` < %s AND `is_concerned` = 1" update_sql = "UPDATE `apps` SET `crawled_at` = %s WHERE `appid` = %s" issue_interval = args.review_interval this_time = int(time.time()) time_since = this_time - issue_interval review_language = args.review_language try: with dolphin.cursor() as cursor: # Query apps haven't be crawled in some time. cursor.execute(query_sql, (time_since,)) results = cursor.fetchall() with as channel: # Publish review crawl orders. for app in results: app["language"] = review_language app["last_crawled"] = app["crawled_at"] channel.basic_publish( exchange="ubi", routing_key="review.order", body=json.dumps(app), properties=pika.BasicProperties(delivery_mode=2, ) ) "Issued a review order of app [%d] since [%d] in [%s]", app["appid"], app["last_crawled"], app["language"] ) with dolphin.cursor() as cursor: # Update "last_crawled". cursor.execute(update_sql, (this_time, app["appid"])) dolphin.commit() except Exception as e: logging.error("An error occurred while issuing review orders: %s", e) finally: dolphin.close() # Let's sleep. time.sleep(issue_interval // 2)
def main(): global rabbit # Initialise logging. init_logging("game") # Parse arguments. args = parse_arguments() # Establish MQ connection. rabbit_params = pika.URLParameters(args.mq_url) rabbit_params.heartbeat = 0 rabbit = pika.BlockingConnection(rabbit_params) # Declare exchange & queues. init_rabbit(rabbit) # Set up subscription and start consuming. rabbit_channel = rabbit_channel.basic_qos(prefetch_count=1) rabbit_channel.basic_consume(order_callback, queue="game.order") rabbit_channel.start_consuming()