def abba_all(recipe_name, utdate, refdate="20140316", bands="HK", starting_obsids=None, #interactive=False, config_file="recipe.config"): from libs.igrins_config import IGRINSConfig config = IGRINSConfig(config_file) if not bands in ["H", "K", "HK"]: raise ValueError("bands must be one of 'H', 'K' or 'HK'") fn = config.get_value('RECIPE_LOG_PATH', utdate) from import Recipes #load_recipe_list, make_recipe_dict recipe = Recipes(fn) if starting_obsids is not None: starting_obsids = map(int, starting_obsids.split(",")) selected =, starting_obsids) if not selected: print "no recipe of with matching arguments is found" process_abba_band = ProcessABBABand(utdate, refdate, config).process for s in selected: obsids = s[0] frametypes = s[1] for band in bands: process_abba_band(recipe_name, band, obsids, frametypes, #do_interactive_figure=interactive )
def abba_all(recipe_name, utdate, refdate="20140316", bands="HK", starting_obsids=None, interactive=False, config_file="recipe.config", frac_slit=None, cr_rejection_thresh=100., debug_output=False, wavelength_increasing_order=False, fill_nan=None, lacosmics_thresh=0, subtract_interorder_background=False, ): from libs.igrins_config import IGRINSConfig config = IGRINSConfig(config_file) if not bands in ["H", "K", "HK"]: raise ValueError("bands must be one of 'H', 'K' or 'HK'") fn = config.get_value('RECIPE_LOG_PATH', utdate) from import Recipes #load_recipe_list, make_recipe_dict recipe = Recipes(fn) if starting_obsids is not None: starting_obsids = map(int, starting_obsids.split(",")) selected =, starting_obsids) if not selected: print "no recipe of with matching arguments is found" if frac_slit is not None: frac_slit = map(float, frac_slit.split(",")) if len(frac_slit) !=2: raise ValueError("frac_slit must be two floats separated by comma") kwargs = dict(frac_slit=frac_slit, cr_rejection_thresh=cr_rejection_thresh, debug_output=debug_output, wavelength_increasing_order=wavelength_increasing_order, subtract_interorder_background=subtract_interorder_background, fill_nan=fill_nan) process_abba_band = ProcessABBABand(utdate, refdate, config, **kwargs).process if len(selected) == 0: print "No entry with given recipe is found : %s" % recipe_name for s in selected: obsids = s[0] frametypes = s[1] for band in bands: process_abba_band(recipe_name, band, obsids, frametypes, #do_interactive_figure=interactive )
def plot_spec(utdate, refdate="20140316", bands="HK", starting_obsids=None, interactive=False, recipe_name="ALL_RECIPES", config_file="recipe.config", threshold_a0v=0.2, multiply_model_a0v=False, html_output=False): from libs.igrins_config import IGRINSConfig config = IGRINSConfig(config_file) if not bands in ["H", "K", "HK"]: raise ValueError("bands must be one of 'H', 'K' or 'HK'") fn = config.get_value('RECIPE_LOG_PATH', utdate) from import Recipes #load_recipe_list, make_recipe_dict recipe = Recipes(fn) if starting_obsids is not None: starting_obsids = map(int, starting_obsids.split(",")) # recipe_name = "ALL_RECIPES" selected =, starting_obsids) if not selected: print "no recipe of with matching arguments is found" for s in selected: obsids = s[0] frametypes = s[1] recipe_name = s[2]["RECIPE"].strip() objname = s[2]["OBJNAME"].strip() if recipe_name not in [ "A0V_AB", "STELLAR_AB", "EXTENDED_AB", "EXTENDED_ONOFF" ]: continue for band in bands: process_abba_band(recipe_name, utdate, refdate, band, obsids, frametypes, config, do_interactive_figure=interactive, threshold_a0v=threshold_a0v, objname=objname, multiply_model_a0v=multiply_model_a0v, html_output=html_output)
def publish_html(utdate, config_file="recipe.config"): #utdate = "20140713" from libs.igrins_config import IGRINSConfig config = IGRINSConfig(config_file) dirname = config.get_value("HTML_PATH", utdate) from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('jinja_templates')) template = env.get_template('index.html') sources = make_html(utdate, dirname) s = template.render(utdate=utdate, sources=sources) open(os.path.join(dirname, "index.html"), "w").write(s)
def make_html(utdate, dirname, config_file="recipe.config"): from libs.igrins_config import IGRINSConfig config = IGRINSConfig(config_file) fn = config.get_value('RECIPE_LOG_PATH', utdate) from import load_recipe_list recipe_list = load_recipe_list(fn) #recipe_dict = make_recipe_dict(recipe_list) #spec_template = env.get_template('spec.html') sources = [] for r, obsids, frametypes, desc in recipe_list: if r in [ "A0V_AB", "STELLAR_AB", "EXTENDED_AB", "EXTENDED_ONOFF", ]: s = dict( zip([ "name", "obj", "grp1", "grp2", "exptime", "recipe", "obsids", "frametypes" ], desc)) #s["obsids"] = s["obsids"].strip() s["nexp"] = len(obsids) for band in "HK": p = "igrins_spec_%04d_%s.html" % (obsids[0], band) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirname, p)): s["url_%s" % band] = p for band in "HK": p = "igrins_spec_%04dA0V_%s.html" % (obsids[0], band) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirname, p)): s["url_%s_A0V" % band] = p sources.append(s) # jsname = "igrins_spec_%04d_H.js" % obsids[0] # ss = spec_template.render(utdate=utdate, jsname=jsname) # open(os.path.join(dirname, s["url_H"]), "w").write(ss) # jsname = "igrins_spec_%04d_K.js" % obsids[0] # ss = spec_template.render(utdate=utdate, jsname=jsname) # open(os.path.join(dirname, s["url_K"]), "w").write(ss) return sources
def abba_all(recipe_name, utdate, refdate="20140316", bands="HK", starting_obsids=None, interactive=False, config_file="recipe.config", frac_slit=None): from libs.igrins_config import IGRINSConfig config = IGRINSConfig(config_file) if not bands in ["H", "K", "HK"]: raise ValueError("bands must be one of 'H', 'K' or 'HK'") fn = config.get_value('RECIPE_LOG_PATH', utdate) from import Recipes #load_recipe_list, make_recipe_dict recipe = Recipes(fn) if starting_obsids is not None: starting_obsids = map(int, starting_obsids.split(",")) selected =, starting_obsids) if not selected: print "no recipe of with matching arguments is found" if frac_slit is not None: frac_slit = map(float, frac_slit.split(",")) if len(frac_slit) != 2: raise ValueError("frac_slit must be two floats separated by comma") process_abba_band = ProcessABBABand(utdate, refdate, config, frac_slit=frac_slit).process for s in selected: obsids = s[0] frametypes = s[1] for band in bands: process_abba_band( recipe_name, band, obsids, frametypes, #do_interactive_figure=interactive )
def plot_spec(utdate, refdate="20140316", bands="HK", starting_obsids=None, interactive=False, recipe_name = "ALL_RECIPES", config_file="recipe.config", threshold_a0v=0.2, multiply_model_a0v=False, html_output=False): from libs.igrins_config import IGRINSConfig config = IGRINSConfig(config_file) if not bands in ["H", "K", "HK"]: raise ValueError("bands must be one of 'H', 'K' or 'HK'") fn = config.get_value('RECIPE_LOG_PATH', utdate) from import Recipes #load_recipe_list, make_recipe_dict recipe = Recipes(fn) if starting_obsids is not None: starting_obsids = map(int, starting_obsids.split(",")) # recipe_name = "ALL_RECIPES" selected =, starting_obsids) if not selected: print "no recipe of with matching arguments is found" selected.sort() for s in selected: obsids = s[0] frametypes = s[1] recipe_name = s[2]["RECIPE"].strip() objname = s[2]["OBJNAME"].strip() target_type = recipe_name.split("_")[0] if target_type not in ["A0V", "STELLAR", "EXTENDED"]: print "Unsupported recipe : %s" % recipe_name continue for band in bands: process_abba_band(recipe_name, utdate, refdate, band, obsids, frametypes, config, do_interactive_figure=interactive, threshold_a0v=threshold_a0v, objname=objname, multiply_model_a0v=multiply_model_a0v, html_output=html_output)
def make_html(utdate, dirname, config_file="recipe.config"): from libs.igrins_config import IGRINSConfig config = IGRINSConfig(config_file) fn = config.get_value('RECIPE_LOG_PATH', utdate) from import load_recipe_list recipe_list = load_recipe_list(fn) #recipe_dict = make_recipe_dict(recipe_list) #spec_template = env.get_template('spec.html') sources = [] for r, obsids, frametypes, desc in recipe_list: if r in ["A0V_AB", "STELLAR_AB", "EXTENDED_AB", "EXTENDED_ONOFF", ]: s = dict(zip(["name", "obj", "grp1", "grp2", "exptime", "recipe", "obsids", "frametypes"], desc)) #s["obsids"] = s["obsids"].strip() s["nexp"] = len(obsids) for band in "HK": p = "igrins_spec_%04d_%s.html" % (obsids[0], band) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirname, p)): s["url_%s" % band] = p for band in "HK": p = "igrins_spec_%04dA0V_%s.html" % (obsids[0], band) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirname, p)): s["url_%s_A0V" % band] = p sources.append(s) # jsname = "igrins_spec_%04d_H.js" % obsids[0] # ss = spec_template.render(utdate=utdate, jsname=jsname) # open(os.path.join(dirname, s["url_H"]), "w").write(ss) # jsname = "igrins_spec_%04d_K.js" % obsids[0] # ss = spec_template.render(utdate=utdate, jsname=jsname) # open(os.path.join(dirname, s["url_K"]), "w").write(ss) return sources
class RecipeBase(object): """ The derived mus define RECIPE_NAME attribute and must implement run_selected_bands method. """ def _validate_bands(self, bands): if not bands in ["H", "K", "HK"]: raise ValueError("bands must be one of 'H', 'K' or 'HK'") def get_recipe_name(self, utdate): fn = self.config.get_value('RECIPE_LOG_PATH', utdate) return fn def get_recipes(self, utdate): fn = self.get_recipe_name(utdate) from import Recipes #load_recipe_list, make_recipe_dict return Recipes(fn) def parse_starting_obsids(self, starting_obsids): if starting_obsids is not None: starting_obsids = map(int, starting_obsids.split(",")) return starting_obsids else: return None def __call__(self, utdate, bands="HK", starting_obsids=None, config_file="recipe.config"): from libs.igrins_config import IGRINSConfig self.config = IGRINSConfig(config_file) self.refdate = self.config.get_value('REFDATE', utdate) self._validate_bands(bands) recipes = self.get_recipes(utdate) starting_obsids_parsed = self.parse_starting_obsids(starting_obsids) selected =, starting_obsids_parsed) self.run_selected_bands(utdate, selected, bands)
def prepare_recipe_logs(utdate, config_file="recipe.config"): from libs.igrins_config import IGRINSConfig config = IGRINSConfig(config_file) fn0 = config.get_value('INDATA_PATH', utdate) # there could be two log files! import glob fn_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(fn0, "IGRINS_DT_Log_*-1_H.txt")) print "loading DT log files:", fn_list #fn = os.path.join(fn0, "IGRINS_DT_Log_%s-1_H.txt" % (utdate,)) # p_end_comma = re.compile(r",\s$") # s = "".join(p_end_comma.sub(",\n", l) for l in lines) #s = "".join(lines) # dtype=[('FILENAME', 'S128'), ('OBSTIME', 'S128'), ('GROUP1', 'i'), ('GROUP2', 'i'), ('OBJNAME', 'S128'), ('OBJTYPE', 'S128'), ('FRAMETYPE', 'S128'), ('EXPTIME', 'd'), ('ROTPA', 'd'), ('RA', 'S128'), ('DEC', 'S128'), ('AM', 'd')] # log file format for March and May, July is different. dtype_=[('FILENAME', 'S128'), ('OBSTIME', 'S128'), ('GROUP1', 'i'), ('GROUP2', 'i'), ('OBJNAME', 'S128'), ('OBJTYPE', 'S128'), ('FRAMETYPE', 'S128'), ('EXPTIME', 'd'), ('ROTPA', 'd'), ('RA', 'S128'), ('DEC', 'S128'), ('AM', 'd'), ('OBSDATE', 'S128'), ('SEQID1', 'i'), ('SEQID2', 'i'), ('ALT', 'd'), ('AZI', 'd'), ('OBSERVER', 'S128'), ('EPOCH', 'S128'), ('AGPOS', 'S128'), ] dtype_map = dict(dtype_) dtype_replace = dict(SEQID1="GROUP1", SEQID2="GROUP2") def load_data(fn): lines = open(fn).readlines() stripped_lines = [s1.strip() for s1 in lines[1].split(",")] dtype = [(dtype_replace.get(s1, s1), dtype_map[s1]) for s1 in stripped_lines if s1] l = np.genfromtxt(fn, skip_header=2, delimiter=",", dtype=dtype) return l l_list = [load_data(fn) for fn in fn_list] l = np.concatenate(l_list) from itertools import groupby groupby_keys = ["OBJNAME", "OBJTYPE", "GROUP1", "GROUP2", "EXPTIME"] def keyfunc(l1): return tuple(l1[k] for k in groupby_keys) s_list = [] for lll in groupby(l, keyfunc): grouper = list(lll[1]) obsids = [int(lll1[0].split(".")[0].split("_")[-1]) for lll1 in grouper] frametypes = [lll1["FRAMETYPE"] for lll1 in grouper] objtype = lll[0][1] if objtype.lower() == "flat": recipe = "FLAT" elif objtype.lower() == "std": recipe = "A0V_AB" elif objtype.lower() == "tar": recipe = "STELLAR_AB" else: recipe = "DEFAULT" s1 = "%s, %s, %d, %d, %f," % lll[0] s2 = "%s, %s, %s\n" % (recipe, " ".join(map(str,obsids)), " ".join(frametypes), ) s_list.append(s1+" "+s2) headers = groupby_keys + ["RECIPE", "OBSIDS", "FRAMETYPES"] recipe_log_name = config.get_value('RECIPE_LOG_PATH', utdate) fn_out = recipe_log_name + ".tmp" fout = open(fn_out, "w") fout.write(", ".join(headers) + "\n") fout.write("# Avaiable recipes : FLAT, THAR, SKY_WVLSOL, A0V_AB, STELLAR_AB, EXTENDED_AB, EXTENDED_ONOFF\n") fout.writelines(s_list) fout.close() print "A draft version of the recipe log is written to '%s'." % (fn_out,) print "Make an adjusment and rename it to '%s'." % (recipe_log_name,)