def wrapper(*args, **kw): try: return func(*args, **kw) except Exception as e: i('sql alchemy ctx error??? %s' % e) with app.app_context(): return func(*args, **kw)
def wrapper(*args, **kw): try: if is_file: return func(*args, **kw) r = func(*args, **kw) # The view function did not return a valid response. # The return type must be a string, dict, tuple,Response instance, or WSGI callable, # but it was a int. if isNotEmpty(r) and \ (isinstance(r, Response) or isinstance(r, str) or isinstance(r, dict) or isinstance(r, dict) or isinstance(r, tuple)): return r raise Exception('返回的数据格式不对%s' % type(r)) except Exception: error_e = traceback.format_exc() i('try_except %s --- %s' % (func, error_e)) from libs.response_standard import response result = response(501, 'service error', is_response=False) if ob is None else ob if isinstance(result, type(response(is_response=False))): result['extra'] = '%s() %s (501-2)' % (str( func.__name__), error_e) return result return error_e
def send_mail(recipients: list, title, content_txt: str = None, content_html=None): from config import app if app.config['SEND_MAIL']: print('DEBUG状态,邮件被禁止发送了 \r\n \t%s \r\n \t%s \r\n \t%s' % (recipients, title, content_txt if content_html is None else content_html)) return from flask_mail import Message from config import mail msg = Message(title, sender=('oneself - service', app.config['MAIL_USERNAME']), recipients=recipients) msg.body = content_txt msg.html = content_html try: mail.send(msg) except Exception: try: with app.app_context(): mail.send(msg) except Exception as e: import traceback i('邮件发送失败%s' % traceback.format_exc())
def wrapper(*args, **kw): try: return func(*args, **kw) except Exception: error_e = traceback.format_exc() i('try_except %s --- %s' % (func, error_e)) if return_except: return error_e
def wrapper(*args, **kw): import time start = time.time() r = func(*args, **kw) i("%s%s方法执行时间为:%s" % ('' if txt is None else '%s ' % txt, func.__name__, '%.3fs' % float(time.time() - start))) return r
def commit(): try: db.session.commit() return True except Exception as e: i('db commit 报错 %s' % e) # i(traceback.format_exc()) db.session.rollback() raise Exception(e) # 异常上报,让sqlalchemy_ctx补捉处理
def wrapper(*args, **kw): import time start = time.time() r = func(*args, **kw) t = time.time() - start if t > min_time: i("方法执行超时(%.2fs) %s --- %s --- %s" % (min_time, func.__name__, args, int(t * 1000))) return r
def wrapper(*args, **kw): browser: WebDriver = cus_webdriver(chromedriverPath, headless) try: kw.update({'browser': browser}) r = func(*args, **kw) if not debug: browser.implicitly_wait(3) browser.quit() return r except Exception as e: i('selenium崩溃:%s' % e) browser.quit()
def wrapper(*args, **kw): __call_size = kw.get('__call_size') if isNotEmpty(__call_size) and __call_size >= loop_size: kw.pop('__call_size') return func(*args, **kw) try: if isNotEmpty(__call_size): kw.pop('__call_size') return func(*args, **kw) except Exception as e: i('死循环 Exception??%s' % e) if isEmpty(__call_size): __call_size = 0 __call_size += 1 kw.update({'__call_size': __call_size}) time.sleep(1) return wrapper(*args, **kw)
def retrieveWholes(sql: str, column_names: tuple = None, fetchone=False, bind=None): """ 查询整张表字段数据,返回JSON :param sql :param column_names 需要返回的json key ,需和sql中查询字段对于 :param fetchone 只取一个 """ if isEmpty(column_names): import re re1 ='from.\w*', sql) if isEmpty(re1): raise Exception('正则错误,获取表名失败,不支持的sql语句 %s' % sql) table_name ='from ', '') t = DB.retrieve( ConstantSql.column_name(table_name, app.config['DATABASE_NAME'] ) # todo appConfig中需要增加DATABASE_NAME , bind) # 获取表字段 if isEmpty(t): i('查询表列名出错 %s' % traceback.format_exc()) raise Exception('查询表列名出错') column_names = tuple(s[0] for s in t) elif '*' in sql: sql = sql.replace( '*', str(column_names).replace('(', '').replace(')', '').replace("'", '')) r = DB.retrieve(sql, fetchone, bind) if isEmpty(r): return None if fetchone else [] if fetchone: return DBSup.__tuple_cov_json(column_names, r) else: return [DBSup.__tuple_cov_json(column_names, d) for d in r]
def wrapper(*args, **kw): # url = ''.join(list(args)) headers = kw['headers'] if 'headers' in kw else None params = kw['params'] if 'params' in kw else None body = kw['body'] if 'body' in kw else None opt = kw['opt'] if 'opt' in kw else {} if 'max_retries' not in opt: opt['max_retries'] = 3 # 默认重连3次 if 'json' not in opt: opt['json'] = True # 默认转换为json if 'kw' not in opt: opt['kw'] = { } # 请求kw参数包装对象kw={'timeout':1,'proxies': {'http':'xxx'}...} # if headers: # opt['kw'].update({'headers': headers}) # if params: # opt['kw'].update({'params': params}) # if body: # opt['kw'].update({'body': body}) if 'timeout' not in opt['kw']: opt['kw'].update({'timeout': 10}) # 该请求框架应用于spider requests_session = requests.Session() requests_session.mount('http://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=opt['max_retries'])) requests_session.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=opt['max_retries'])) opt.update({'requests_session': requests_session}) kw.update({'opt': opt}) try: stime = ctime() r = func(*args, **kw) if opt.get('log'): # 是否打印日志 i('HTTP %s: %s %s %s毫秒' % (r.request.method, r.request.url, r.status_code, (ctime() - stime))) if headers: i('headers: %s' % headers) if body: i('body: %s' % body) if params: i('params: %s' % params) if 'encoding' in opt: r.encoding = opt['encoding'] if opt.get('original'): # 返回最原始的 return r elif opt.get('bare'): # 默认不裸露响应结果(response包装) return r.json() if opt['json'] else r.text elif r.status_code == 200: return response(result=r.json() if opt['json'] else r.text, is_response=False) # 默认返回包装值 else: return response(501, "service error (501)", '%s---%s' % (r.status_code, r.text), is_response=False) except Exception as e: i(e) import traceback return response(501, "service error (501-1)", traceback.format_exc(), is_response=False)
def execute(sql, bind): """ 执行sql语句 """ i('%s %s' % (sql, 'bind={}'.format(bind) if bind else '')) return db.session.execute( sql, bind=_binds(bind)) # 目前只有子线程执行sql才会报错,sqlalchemy_ctx会处理子线程异常