def __init__(self, bot): if config.get('SYS', 'jd') == 'yes': = requests.session() self.start_keep_cookie_thread() self.load_cookies() self.ort = Orther() self.tu = tuling() self.logger = my_utils.init_logger()
def __init__(self, bot): self.tu = tuling.tuling() self.mjd = mediaJd.MediaJd(bot) self.logger = my_utils.init_logger() = alimama.Alimama(self.logger, bot) self.ort = Orther() self.pdd = pingdd.Pdd(bot) = movie.SharMovie()
def __init__(self, logger, bot): if config.get('SYS', 'tb') == 'yes': self.logger = logger self.ort = Orther() = SharMovie() self.bot2 = bot = requests.session()
from libs.alimama import Alimama from libs.mysql import ConnectMysql from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from libs.groupMessage import FormData from import SharMovie from libs import utils from libs.tuling import tuling from libs.wx_bot import * from libs.orther import Orther cm = ConnectMysql() logger = utils.init_logger() al = Alimama(logger) mjd = MediaJd() tu = tuling() ort = Orther() class TextMessage(object): def __init__(self): pass def getText(self, msg): wei_info = itchat.search_friends(userName=msg['FromUserName']) bot_info = itchat.search_friends(userName=msg['ToUserName']) patternURL = re.compile('^((https|http|ftp|rtsp|mms)?:\/\/)[^\s]+') pattern_bz = re.compile('^帮助$') pattern_profile = re.compile('^个人信息$') pattern_tixian = re.compile('^提现$')
class MediaJd: def __init__(self, bot): if config.get('SYS', 'jd') == 'yes': = requests.session() self.start_keep_cookie_thread() self.load_cookies() self.ort = Orther() self.tu = tuling() self.logger = my_utils.init_logger() # 启动一个线程,定时访问京东主页,防止cookie失效 def start_keep_cookie_thread(self): t = Thread(target=self.visit_main_url, args=()) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() def getJd(self, raw, bot, msg, good_url): if config.get('SYS', 'jd') == 'no': text = ''' 一一一一系统信息一一一一 亲,暂不支持京东链接哦 ''' return text cm = ConnectMysql() try: # 用户第一次查询,修改备注 query_good = cm.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM taojin_query_record WHERE puid='"+raw.sender.puid+"' AND bot_puid='"+bot.self.puid+"'") if query_good == (): se = re.compile('^(\d+)_(\d+)_\w_(\d)+$') if == None: remarkName = self.ort.generateRemarkName(bot) split_arr2 = remarkName.split('_') new_remark_name2 = '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s' % (split_arr2[0], '_', split_arr2[1], '_', 'B', '_', split_arr2[3]) bot.core.set_alias(userName=raw.sender.user_name, alias=new_remark_name2) cm.ExecNonQuery("UPDATE taojin_user_info SET remarkname = '"+new_remark_name2+"' WHERE puid='" + raw.sender.puid + "' AND bot_puid='" + bot.self.puid + "'") else: split_arr = raw.sender.remark_name.split('_') new_remark_name = '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s' % (split_arr[0], '_', split_arr[1], '_', 'B', '_', split_arr[3]) bot.core.set_alias(userName=raw.sender.user_name, alias=new_remark_name) cm.ExecNonQuery("UPDATE taojin_user_info SET remarkname = '"+new_remark_name+"' WHERE puid='" + raw.sender.puid + "' AND bot_puid='" + bot.self.puid + "'") print('开始查询分享商品的信息......'+msg['Text']) bot_puid = bot.self.puid sku_arr = good_url.split('') if sku_arr == None: if config.get('SYS', 'tl') == 'yes': msg_text = self.tu.tuling(msg) return msg_text else: return sku = sku_arr[1].split('.') res = self.get_good_link(sku[0]) if res['data']['shotCouponUrl'] == '': text = ''' 一一一一京东返利信息一一一一 【商品名】%s 【京东价】%s元 【返红包】%s元 返利链接:%s 获取返红包步骤: 1,点击商品链接并进行下单 2,下完单后复制订单号发给我 ''' % (res['logTitle'], res['logUnitPrice'], res['rebate'], res['data']['shotUrl']) insert_sql = "INSERT INTO taojin_query_record(wx_bot, good_title, good_price, good_coupon, username, create_time, puid, bot_puid, skuid, type) VALUES('"+ bot.self.nick_name +"', '" + \ res['logTitle'] + "', '" + str(res['logUnitPrice']) + "', '0', '" + raw.sender.nick_name + "', '" + str(time.time()) + "', '"+ raw.sender.puid +"', '"+ bot_puid +"', '"+ res['skuid'] +"', '1')" cm.ExecNonQuery(insert_sql) return text else: text = ''' 一一一一京东返利信息一一一一 【商品名】%s 【京东价】%s元 【优惠券】%s元 【券后价】%s元 【返红包】%s元 领券链接:%s 获取返红包步骤: 1,复制本条消息打开淘宝领券 2,下完单后复制订单号发给我 ''' % ( res['logTitle'], res['logUnitPrice'], res['youhuiquan_price'], res['coupon_price'], res['rebate'], res['data']['shotCouponUrl']) insert_sql = "INSERT INTO taojin_query_record(wx_bot, good_title, good_price, good_coupon, username, create_time, puid, bot_puid, skuid, type) VALUES('"+ bot.self.nick_name +"', '" + \ res['logTitle'] + "', '" + str(res['logUnitPrice']) + "', '" + res['coupon_price2'] + "', '" + raw.sender.nick_name + "', '" + str(time.time()) + "', '"+ raw.sender.puid +"', '"+ bot_puid +"', '"+ res['skuid'] +"', '1')" cm.ExecNonQuery(insert_sql) return text except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() self.logger.warning("error:{},trace:{}".format(str(e), trace)) text = ''' 一一一一 返利信息 一一一一 亲,当前商品暂无优惠券,建议您换一个商品试试呢,您也可以在下边的优惠券商城中查找哦 京东优惠券商城: '''+config.get('URL', 'jdshop')+''' 淘宝优惠券商城: '''+config.get('URL', 'tbshop')+''' 邀请好友得返利说明: '''+config.get('URL', 'lnvit')+''' ''' return text def getGroupJd(self, bot, msg, good_url, raw): if config.get('SYS', 'jd') == 'no': text = ''' 一一一一系统信息一一一一 亲,暂不支持京东链接 ''' return text cm = ConnectMysql() try: wei_info = bot.core.search_chatrooms(userName=msg['FromUserName']) puid = raw.member.puid bot_puid = bot.self.puid sku_arr = good_url.split('') if sku_arr == None: return sku = sku_arr[1].split('.') res = self.get_good_link(sku[0]) if res['data']['shotCouponUrl'] == '': text = ''' 一一一一京东返利信息一一一一 【商品名】%s 【京东价】%s元 【返红包】%s元 返利链接:%s 获取返红包步骤: 1,点击商品链接并进行下单 2,点击头像添加机器人好友 3,下完单后复制订单号发给我 ''' % (res['logTitle'], res['logUnitPrice'], res['rebate'], res['data']['shotUrl']) insert_sql = "INSERT INTO taojin_query_record(wx_bot, good_title, good_price, good_coupon, username, create_time, puid, bot_puid, chatroom, skuid, type) VALUES('"+ bot.self.nick_name +"', '" + \ res['logTitle'] + "', '" + str(res['logUnitPrice']) + "', '0', '" + msg[ 'ActualNickName'] + "', '" + str(time.time()) + "', '"+ puid +"', '"+ bot_puid +"', '"+ wei_info['NickName'] +"', '"+ res['skuid'] +"', '1')" cm.ExecNonQuery(insert_sql) return text else: text = ''' 一一一一京东返利信息一一一一 【商品名】%s 【京东价】%s元 【优惠券】%s元 【券后价】%s元 【返红包】%s元 领券链接:%s 获取返红包步骤: 1,复制本条消息打开淘宝领券 2,点击头像添加机器人好友 3,下完单后复制订单号发给我 ''' % ( res['logTitle'], res['logUnitPrice'], res['youhuiquan_price'], res['coupon_price'], res['rebate'], res['data']['shotCouponUrl']) insert_sql = "INSERT INTO taojin_query_record(wx_bot, good_title, good_price, good_coupon, username, create_time, puid, bot_puid, chatroom, skuid, type) VALUES('"+ bot.self.nick_name +"', '" + \ res['logTitle'] + "', '" + str(res['logUnitPrice']) + "', '" + res['coupon_price2'] + "', '" + \ msg['ActualNickName'] + "', '" + str(time.time()) + "', '"+ puid +"', '"+ bot_puid +"', '"+ wei_info['NickName'] +"', '"+ res['skuid'] +"', '1')" cm.ExecNonQuery(insert_sql) return text except Exception as e: text = ''' 一一一一 返利信息 一一一一 亲,当前商品暂无优惠券,建议您换一个商品试试呢,您也可以在下边的优惠券商城中查找哦 京东优惠券商城: '''+config.get('URL', 'jdshop')+''' 淘宝优惠券商城: '''+config.get('URL', 'tbshop')+''' 邀请好友得返利说明: '''+config.get('URL', 'lnvit')+''' ''' return text def visit_main_url(self): self.load_cookies() url = "" while True: time.sleep(60 * 3) try: # 搜索商品 res = # 使用BeautifulSoup解析HTML,并提取属性数据 soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'lxml') a ='.extension-btn') if not len(a): print('京东登录失效 正在重新登录京东') self.login() except Exception as e: self.login() trace = traceback.format_exc() print("error:{},trace:{} 京东登录失效 正在重新登录京东".format(str(e), trace)) def check_login(self): self.load_cookies() url = '' res = # 使用BeautifulSoup解析HTML,并提取登录属性,判断登录是否失效 soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'lxml') login ='.tips') # 判断登录状态是否失效 if len(login) > 0: return 'Login Failed' else: return 'Login Success' def do_login(self): if (sysstr == "Linux") or (sysstr == "Darwin"): firefoxOptions = webdriver.FirefoxOptions() firefoxOptions.set_headless() # 开启driver wd = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_options=firefoxOptions) else: wd = webdriver.Firefox() wd.get('') # 输入账号密码 wd.find_element_by_id('loginname').send_keys(config.get('JD', 'JD_USERNAME')) # 休息3秒 time.sleep(3) # 输入密码 wd.find_element_by_id('nloginpwd').send_keys(config.get('JD', 'JD_PASSWORD')) # 点击登录按钮 time.sleep(10) wd.find_element_by_id('paipaiLoginSubmit').click() # 获取cookie并写入文件 cookies = wd.get_cookies() # 写入Cookies文件 with open(cookie_fname, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(cookies)) time.sleep(5) wd.quit() return 'Login Success' def login(self): clr = self.check_login() if 'Login Success' in clr: print('京东已登录!不需要再次登录!') return 'Login Success' else: self.do_login() def load_cookies(self): if os.path.isfile(cookie_fname): with open(cookie_fname, 'r') as f: c_str = self.set_cookies(c_str) def set_cookies(self, c_str): try: cookies = json.loads(c_str) except: return for c in cookies:['name'], c['value']) def get_good_link(self, good_name): self.load_cookies() try: uu = "" + good_name + "&input_keyword=" + good_name + "&price=PC" # 搜索商品 res = # 使用BeautifulSoup解析HTML,并提取属性数据 soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'lxml') a ='.extension-btn') coupon = soup.find(attrs={'style':'color: #ff5400;'}) coupon_price = 0; if coupon != None: coupon_text = coupon.string coupon_price = coupon_text.split('减')[1] request_id ='#requestId') str_onclick = a[0].get('onclick') string = str_onclick[13:-8] arr = string.split(',') dict_str = {} for item in arr: str = item.split('\':') str_b = str[0].split('\r\n') str_1 = str_b[1].strip() str_2 = str_1.split('\'') str_3 = str[1].split('\'') if len(str_3) >= 2: dict_str[str_2[1]] = str_3[1] else: dict_str[str_2[1]] = str_3[0] # 拼装FormData dict_str['adtType'] = 31 dict_str['siteName'] = -1 dict_str['unionWebId'] = -1 dict_str['protocol'] = 1 dict_str['codeType'] = 2 dict_str['type'] = 1 dict_str['positionId'] = 1194027498 dict_str['positionName'] = '京推推推广位' dict_str['sizeId'] = -1 dict_str['logSizeName'] = -1 dict_str['unionAppId'] = -1 dict_str['unionMediaId'] = -1 dict_str['materialType'] = 1 dict_str['orienPlanId'] = -1 dict_str['landingPageType'] = -1 dict_str['adOwner'] = 'z_0' dict_str['saler'] = -1 dict_str['isApp'] = -1 dict_str['actId'] = dict_str['materialId'] dict_str['wareUrl'] = dict_str['pcDetails'] dict_str['category'] = dict_str['logCategory'] dict_str['requestId'] = request_id[0].get('value') # 删除多余的属性 dict_str.pop('logCategory') dict_str.pop('pcDetails') dict_str.pop('mDetails') # 获取领券链接和下单链接 good_link ='', data=dict_str) good_text = json.loads(good_link.text) good_text['logTitle'] = dict_str['logTitle'] good_text['logUnitPrice'] = dict_str['logUnitPrice'] good_text['imgUrl'] = dict_str['imgUrl'] good_text['skuid'] = dict_str['materialId'] rebate = float(dict_str['pcComm']) / 100 if coupon != None: good_text['coupon_price'] = round(float(good_text['logUnitPrice']) - int(coupon_price), 2) good_text['youhuiquan_price'] = coupon_price good_text['rebate'] = round(float(good_text['coupon_price']) * rebate * float(config.get('BN', 'bn3j')), 2) else: good_text['rebate'] = round(float(good_text['logUnitPrice']) * rebate * float(config.get('BN', 'bn3j')), 2) good_text['coupon_price2'] = coupon_price return good_text except Exception as e: trace = traceback.format_exc() self.logger.warning("error:{},trace:{}".format(str(e), trace)) def get_good_info(self, bot): cm = ConnectMysql() self.load_cookies() page = 1 sku_num = 0 while sku_num < 20: url = ""+str(page)+"&pageSize=50&property=&sort=&goodsView=&adownerType=&pcRate=&wlRate=&category1=&category=&category3=&condition=1&fromPrice=&toPrice=&dataFlag=0&keyword=&input_keyword=&hasCoupon=1&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC&price=PC" page += 1 self.logger.debug(page) res = soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'lxml') skuList = [] for li in soup.find_all('li', skuid = re.compile('^[0-9]+$')): sku = li.get('skuid') exists_sql = "SELECT * FROM taojin_good_info WHERE skuid='"+str(sku)+"' AND bot_puid='"+ bot.self.puid +"';" is_exists = cm.ExecQuery(exists_sql) if len(is_exists) != 0: print('0....') continue sku_num += 1 skuList.append(sku) if skuList == []: print('[]....') continue for item in skuList: link_info = self.get_good_link(str(item)) # item_image = link_info['data']['qRcode'] item_image = link_info['imgUrl'] # 请求图片 res_img = requests.get(item_image) img_name = item_image.split('/') # 拼接图片名 file_name = "images/" + img_name[-1] fp = open(file_name, 'wb') # 写入图片 fp.write(res_img.content) fp.close() if link_info['data']['shotCouponUrl'] == '': continue else: sql = "INSERT INTO taojin_good_info(wx_bot, skuid, title, image, price, rebate, yhq_price, coupon_price, shoturl, shotcouponurl, status, create_time, bot_puid) VALUES('"+ bot.self.nick_name +"', '" + str( item) + "', '" + str(link_info['logTitle']) + "', '" + str(item_image) + "', '" + str( link_info['logUnitPrice']) + "', '" + str(link_info['rebate']) + "', '" + str( link_info['youhuiquan_price']) + "', '" + str(link_info['coupon_price']) + "', '" + str( link_info['data']['shotUrl']) + "', '" + str( link_info['data']['shotCouponUrl']) + "', '1', '" + str(time.time()) + "', '"+ bot.self.puid +"')" cm.ExecNonQuery(sql) print("insert success!") def get_jd_order(self, bot, msg, orderId, userInfo, puid, raw): # try: order_id = int(orderId) timestr = str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) cm = ConnectMysql() # 查询订单是否已经提现过了 check_order_sql = "SELECT * FROM taojin_order WHERE order_id='" + str(order_id) + "' AND bot_puid='"+ bot.self.puid +"' AND puid='"+puid+"';" check_order_res = cm.ExecQuery(check_order_sql) # 判断该订单是否已经提现 if len(check_order_res) >= 1: cm.Close() sendtext = ''' 一一一一 订单消息 一一一一 订单【%s】提交成功,请勿重复提交 ''' % (order_id) return sendtext cm.ExecNonQuery("INSERT INTO taojin_order(wx_bot, username, order_id, completion_time, order_source, puid, bot_puid, status) VALUES('"+ str(bot.self.nick_name) +"', '" + str(userInfo['NickName']) + "', '" + str(order_id) + "', '" + str(timestr) + "', '2', '"+puid+"', '"+ bot.self.puid +"', '1')") send_text =''' 一一一一 订单消息 一一一一 订单【%s】提交成功,请耐心等待订单结算 结算成功后机器人将自动返利到您个人账户 ''' % (order_id) return send_text
class TextMessage: def __init__(self, bot): self.tu = tuling.tuling() self.mjd = mediaJd.MediaJd(bot) self.logger = my_utils.init_logger() = alimama.Alimama(self.logger, bot) self.ort = Orther() self.pdd = pingdd.Pdd(bot) = movie.SharMovie() def is_valid_date(self, str): try: time.strptime(str, "%Y-%m-%d") return True except: return False def getText(self, raw, bot, msg): wei_info = bot.core.search_friends(userName=msg['FromUserName']) patternURL = re.compile('^((https|http|ftp|rtsp|mms)?:\/\/)[^\s]+') pattern_bz = re.compile('^帮助$') pattern_profile = re.compile('^个人信息$') pattern_tixian = re.compile('^提现$') pattern_tuig = re.compile('^推广$') pattern_proxy = re.compile('^代理$') appect_friend = re.compile('^我通过了你的朋友验证请求,现在我们可以开始聊天了$') # 判断是否是URL链接 if['Text']) == None: pattern_s = re.compile('^搜') pattern_z = re.compile('^找') pattern_m = re.compile('^买') if (['Text']) != None) | ( msg['Text']) != None) | (['Text']) != None): res = self.ort.ishaveuserinfo(bot, msg, raw) if res['res'] == 'not_info': self.ort.create_user_info(raw, bot, msg, 0, tool=False) jdurl = quote(config.get('URL', 'jdshopingurl') + msg['Text'][1:], safe='/:?=&') tburl = quote(config.get('URL', 'tbshopingurl') + msg['Text'][1:], safe='/:?=&') res1 = res2 = print('WEEWEWEW', msg) text = ''' 一一一一系统消息一一一一 亲,以下是【%s】优惠券集合 京东:%s 淘宝:%s ''' % (msg['Text'][1:], res1, res2) return text elif['Text']) != None: # 获取生成的备注 ramerkName = self.ort.generateRemarkName(bot) self.logger.debug(ramerkName) # 修改备注 bot.core.set_alias(userName=msg['FromUserName'], alias=ramerkName) # 被邀请人puid user_wxid = self.ort.getPuid(bot, msg['FromUserName']) self.ort.create_user_info(raw, bot, msg, lnivt_code=0, tool=True, wxid=user_wxid) text = ''' Hi~我是24h在线的淘小券机器人 分享【京东商品】 分享【淘口令】 分享【拼多多商品】 回复【互助】查看机器人指令 精准查询全网内部优惠券哦,您也可以访问下边优惠券商城自主查询呢! 京东优惠券商城: ''' + config.get('URL', 'jdshop') + ''' 淘宝优惠券商城: ''' + config.get('URL', 'tbshop') + ''' 邀请好友得返利说明: ''' + config.get('URL', 'lnvit') + ''' ''' return text elif ('你已添加了' in msg['Text']) and ('现在可以开始聊天了' in msg['Text']): arrstr = msg['Text'].split(',') str = arrstr[0][5:] self.logger.debug(str) user = bot.friends().search(str)[0] self.logger.debug(str, user) # 获取生成的备注 ramerkName = self.ort.generateRemarkName(bot) self.logger.debug(ramerkName) # 修改备注 bot.core.set_alias(nickName=user.user_name, alias=ramerkName) # 被邀请人puid user_wxid = user.puid self.ort.create_user_info(raw, bot, msg, lnivt_code=0, tool=True, wxid=user_wxid) text = ''' Hi~我是24h在线的淘小券机器人 分享【京东商品】 分享【淘口令】 分享【拼多多商品】 回复【互助】查看机器人指令 精准查询全网内部优惠券哦,您也可以访问下边优惠券商城自主查询呢! 京东优惠券商城: ''' + config.get('URL', 'jdshop') + ''' 淘宝优惠券商城: ''' + config.get('URL', 'tbshop') + ''' 邀请好友得返利说明: ''' + config.get('URL', 'lnvit') + ''' ''' return text elif['Text']) != None: res = self.ort.ishaveuserinfo(bot, msg, raw) if res['res'] == 'not_info': self.ort.create_user_info(raw, bot, msg, 0, tool=False) # 帮助操作 text = ''' Hi~我是24h在线的淘小券机器人,用淘小券,免费领取任意淘宝,天猫,京东,拼多多商品优惠券,好用的话记得分享给好友哦 回复【帮助】可查询指信息 回复【提现】申请账户余额提现 回复【推广】可申请机器人代理 回复【个人信息】可看个当前账户信息 回复【买+商品名称】 回复【找+商品名称】 回复【搜+商品名称】查看商品优惠券合集 分享【京东商品】 分享【淘宝淘口令】 分享【拼多多商品】 精准查询商品优惠券和返利信息! 分享【VIP视频链接】免费查看高清VIP视频! 优惠券使用教程: 跑堂优惠券常见问题: 免费看电影方法: 京东优惠券商城: 淘宝优惠券商城: 邀请好友得返利说明: ''' return text elif['Text']) != None: cm = ConnectMysql() res = self.ort.ishaveuserinfo(bot, msg, raw) if res['res'] == 'not_info': self.ort.create_user_info(raw, bot, msg, 0, tool=False) select_user_sql = "SELECT * FROM taojin_user_info WHERE puid='" + raw.sender.puid + "' AND bot_puid='" + bot.self.puid + "';" select_user_res = cm.ExecQuery(select_user_sql) timestr = round(time.time()) timestr2 = repr(timestr) # 设置提现门槛 if float(select_user_res[0][9]) < int( config.get('SYS', 'tixianprice')): text2 = ''' 一一一一 提现信息 一一一一 提现申请失败 当前账户余额为%s 最小提现金额为%s元! ''' % ( select_user_res[0][9], config.get( 'SYS', 'tixianprice')) return text2 adminuser = bot.friends().search( config.get('ADMIN', 'ADMIN_USER'))[0] if float(select_user_res[0][9]) > 0: # 修改余额 update_sql = "UPDATE taojin_user_info SET withdrawals_amount='0', update_time='" + timestr2 + "' WHERE puid='" + raw.sender.puid + "' AND bot_puid='" + bot.self.puid + "';" total_amount = float(select_user_res[0][6]) + float( select_user_res[0][9]) update_total_sql = "UPDATE taojin_user_info SET total_rebate_amount='" + repr( total_amount ) + "',update_time='" + timestr2 + "' WHERE puid='" + raw.sender.puid + "' AND bot_puid='" + bot.self.puid + "';" # 插入提现日志 insert_current_log_sql = "INSERT INTO taojin_current_log(wx_bot, username, amount, create_time, puid, bot_puid) VALUES('" + bot.self.nick_name + "', '" + wei_info[ 'NickName'] + "', '" + repr( select_user_res[0][9] ) + "', '" + timestr2 + "', '" + raw.sender.puid + "', '" + bot.self.puid + "')" to_admin_text = ''' 一一一一 提现通知 一一一一 机器人:%s 提现人:%s 提现金额:%s元 提现时间:%s ''' % ( bot.self.nick_name, wei_info['NickName'], select_user_res[0][9], time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())) cm.ExecNonQuery(update_sql) cm.ExecNonQuery(update_total_sql) cm.ExecNonQuery(insert_current_log_sql) to_user_text = ''' 一一一一 提现信息 一一一一 恭喜你成功提现【%s】元 提现金额将以微信红包发放,请耐心等待 ''' % (select_user_res[0][9]) adminuser.send(to_admin_text) return to_user_text else: text2 = ''' 一一一一 提现信息 一一一一 提现申请失败,账户余额为0! ''' return text2 elif['Text']) != None: cm = ConnectMysql() res = self.ort.ishaveuserinfo(bot, msg, raw) if res['res'] == 'not_info': self.ort.create_user_info(raw, bot, msg, 0, tool=False) user_sql = "SELECT * FROM taojin_user_info WHERE puid='" + raw.sender.puid + "' AND bot_puid='" + bot.self.puid + "';" user_info = cm.ExecQuery(user_sql) current = "SELECT sum(amount) FROM taojin_current_log WHERE puid='" + raw.sender.puid + "' AND bot_puid='" + bot.self.puid + "';" current_info = cm.ExecQuery(current) # 如果总提现金额不存在,赋值为0 if current_info[0][0] == None: current_info = 0 else: current_info = current_info[0][0] text = ''' 一一一一 个人信息 一一一一 总返利金额:%s元 京东返利金额:%s元 淘宝返利金额:%s元 拼多多返利金额:%s元 可提现余额:%s元 累计提现金额:%s元 累计订单量:%s 京东订单量:%s 淘宝订单量:%s 拼多多订单量:%s 总好友返利:%s 总好友个数:%s ''' % ( user_info[0][6], user_info[0][7], user_info[0][8], user_info[0][25], user_info[0][9], current_info, user_info[0][11], user_info[0][12], user_info[0][13], user_info[0][26], user_info[0][19], user_info[0][20]) cm.Close() return text elif['Text']) != None: cm = ConnectMysql() res = self.ort.ishaveuserinfo(bot, msg, raw) if res['res'] == 'not_info': self.ort.create_user_info(raw, bot, msg, 0, tool=False) user_sql = "SELECT * FROM taojin_user_info WHERE puid='" + raw.sender.puid + "' AND bot_puid='" + bot.self.puid + "';" cm.ExecQuery(user_sql) text = ''' 一一一一 推广信息 一一一一 将机器人名片分享到群或者好友 好友添加机器人为好友 您和好友都将获取''' + config.get('BN', 'bn2') + '''元现金奖励 且您将永久享受好友返利10%提成 邀请好友得返利说明: ''' + config.get('URL', 'lnvit') + ''' ''' return text elif['Text']) != None: res = self.ort.ishaveuserinfo(bot, msg, raw) if res['res'] == 'not_info': self.ort.create_user_info(raw, bot, msg, 0, tool=False) text = ''' 一一一一系统消息一一一一 点击链接:''' + config.get('URL', 'proxy') + ''' 添加好友备注:优惠券代理 客服人员将尽快和您取得联系,请耐心等待! ''' return text elif (msg['Text'].isdigit()) and (len(msg['Text']) == 11): res2 = self.ort.ishaveuserinfo(bot, msg, raw) if res2['res'] == 'not_info': self.ort.create_user_info(raw, bot, msg, 0, tool=False) res = self.mjd.get_jd_order(bot, msg, msg['Text'], wei_info, raw.sender.puid, raw) return res elif (msg['Text'].isdigit()) and (len(msg['Text']) == 18): res2 = self.ort.ishaveuserinfo(bot, msg, raw) if res2['res'] == 'not_info': self.ort.create_user_info(raw, bot, msg, 0, tool=False) res =['Text'], raw) return res elif ('-' in msg['Text']) and (len(msg['Text'].split('-')[1]) == 15) and (len(msg['Text']) == 22): res2 = self.ort.ishaveuserinfo(bot, msg, raw) if res2['res'] == 'not_info': self.ort.create_user_info(raw, bot, msg, 0, tool=False) res = self.pdd.order_pdd(bot, msg, 123456, wei_info, raw.sender.puid, raw) return res else: if config.get('SYS', 'tl') == 'yes': msg_text = self.tu.tuling(msg) self.logger.debug(msg_text) return msg_text else: return else: res2 = self.ort.ishaveuserinfo(bot, msg, raw) if res2['res'] == 'not_info': self.ort.create_user_info(raw, bot, msg, 0, tool=False) self.mjd.getJd(raw, bot, msg, msg['Text']) def getGroupText(self, bot, msg): patternURL = re.compile('^((https|http|ftp|rtsp|mms)?:\/\/)[^\s]+') pattern_bz = re.compile('^帮助$') pattern_tuig = re.compile('^推广$') pattern_proxy = re.compile('^代理$') # 判断是否是URL链接 if['Text']) == None: pattern_s = re.compile('^搜') pattern_z = re.compile('^找') pattern_m = re.compile('^买') if (['Text']) != None) | ( msg['Text']) != None) | (['Text']) != None): jdurl = quote("" + msg['Text'][1:], safe='/:?=&') tburl = quote('' + msg['Text'][1:], safe='/:?=&') res1 = res2 = text = ''' 一一一一系统消息一一一一 亲,以下是【%s】优惠券集合 京东:%s 淘宝:%s ''' % (msg['Text'][1:], res1, res2) return text elif['Text']) != None: # 帮助操作 text = ''' 一一一一 系统信息 一一一一 回复【帮助】可查询指信息 回复【提现】申请账户余额提现 回复【推广】可申请机器人代理 回复【个人信息】可看个当前账户信息 回复【买+商品名称】 回复【找+商品名称】 回复【搜+商品名称】查看商品优惠券合集 分享【京东商品链接】或者【淘口令】 精准查询商品优惠券和返利信息! 分享【VIP视频链接】免费查看高清VIP视频! 优惠券使用教程: ''' + config.get('URL', 'course') + ''' 跑堂优惠券常见问题: ''' + config.get('URL', 'faq') + ''' 免费看电影方法: ''' + config.get('URL', 'movie') + ''' 京东优惠券商城: ''' + config.get('URL', 'jdshop') + ''' 淘宝优惠券商城: ''' + config.get('URL', 'tbshop') + ''' 邀请好友得返利说明: ''' + config.get('URL', 'lnvit') + ''' ''' return text elif['Text']) != None: text = ''' 一一一一 推广信息 一一一一 将机器人名片分享到群或者好友 好友添加机器人为好友 您和好友都将获取''' + config.get('BN', 'bn2') + '''元现金奖励 且您将永久享受好友返利10%提成 邀请好友得返利说明: ''' + config.get('URL', 'lnvit') + ''' ''' return text elif['Text']) != None: text = ''' 一一一一系统消息一一一一 点击链接:''' + config.get('URL', 'proxy') + ''' 添加好友备注:跑堂优惠券代理 客服人员将尽快和您取得联系,请耐心等待! ''' return text else: return else: self.mjd.getGroupJd(bot, msg, msg['Text'])