def main():
    print ("Start of process...")
    #configuration parameters
    start = time.time()
    txt_path = config.conf["txt_path"]
    save_path = config.conf["save_path"]
    database_path = config.conf["database_path"]
    db_type = config.conf["db_type"]
    #use plaintext abstract factory
    txt_abs_factory = plaintext_abs_factory.plaintext_factory()
    txt_factory = txt_abs_factory.get_plaintext(txt_path)
    txt_prod = txt_factory.get_txt()
    URLs = txt_prod.get_lines()
    #use images abstract factory
    init_pics = Pic_Handler(URLs,save_path)
    pics_info = init_pics.pic_info()
    #use database abstract factory
    db_abs_factory = database_abs_factory.database_factory()
    db_factory = db_abs_factory.db_abs_fac(db_type,database_path)
    db_prod = db_factory.process_sql()
    print ("End of process" )
    end = time.time()
    print ("Process time: ", str(round(end-start,2)),"sec")
    raw_input("Press enter to exit.")       
class Test_pic_handler(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.__url = [""]
        self.__save_path = "test_files"
        self.__pic = Pic_Handler(self.__url,self.__save_path)
    def test_pic_save(self):
        Method to test if the Save_Pic class returns 1
        self.assertEqual( self.__pic.pic_save(), 1)
    def test_pic_info(self):
        Method to test if the Save_Pic class returns the right information.
        pic_info =  self.__pic.pic_info()
        self.assertNotIn("/", pic_info[0][0])
        self.assertNotIn(":", pic_info[0][0])
        self.assertIn("http://", pic_info[0][1])
        self.assertEqual(type (pic_info[0][2]), str)
 def setUp(self):
     self.__url = [""]
     self.__save_path = "test_files"
     self.__pic = Pic_Handler(self.__url,self.__save_path)