Example #1
def fixMasks(img_path, mask_path, csv_path, out_size='', out_dir='',
             save_video=1, write_text=0, show_img=1, frames_reader=None,
             img_ext='jpg', mask_ext='png', out_ext='mkv', codec='H264', fps=30, border=0, fixed_ar=0,
             include_binary=1, include_orig=1, show_bbox=1, map_to_bbox=0, apply_contour=0,
             writer=None, raw_mask=0):
    global _pause, _exit

    if map_to_bbox and not csv_path:
        csv_path = os.path.join(img_path, 'annotations.csv')

    img_files = [os.path.join(img_path, k) for k in os.listdir(img_path) if
                 os.path.splitext(k.lower())[1][1:] == img_ext]

    mask_files = [os.path.join(mask_path, k) for k in os.listdir(mask_path) if
                  os.path.splitext(k.lower())[1][1:] == mask_ext]

    n_img_files, n_mask_files = len(img_files), len(mask_files)

    if n_img_files == 0:
        raise IOError('No img_files of type {} found in {}'.format(img_ext, img_path))

    if n_mask_files == 0:
        raise IOError('No mask_files of type {} found in {}'.format(mask_ext, mask_path))

    print('Found {} image and {} mask files'.format(n_img_files, n_mask_files))

    win_name = 'patch and mask'

    text_fmt = ('green', 0, 5, 1.0, 1)
    text_color = utils.col_rgb[text_fmt[0]]
    text_font = utils.CVConstants.fonts[text_fmt[2]]
    text_font_size = text_fmt[3]
    text_thickness = text_fmt[4]
    text_location = (5, 15)
    if cv2.__version__.startswith('2'):
        font_line_type = cv2.CV_AA
        font_line_type = cv2.LINE_AA

    # n_disp_img = 1
    # if include_orig:
    #     n_disp_img += 1
    # if include_binary:
    #     n_disp_img += 1

    retrieval_mode = None

    if apply_contour == 1:
        retrieval_mode = cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL
    elif apply_contour == 2:
        retrieval_mode = cv2.RETR_CCOMP
    elif apply_contour == 3:
        retrieval_mode = cv2.RETR_TREE

    out_path = ''
    if save_video:
        out_name = os.path.basename(mask_path)
        if apply_contour:
            out_name += '_contour_{}'.format(apply_contour)
        out_name += '.' + out_ext
        if not out_dir:
            out_dir = os.path.dirname(mask_path)
        out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, out_name)

    seq_name = os.path.basename(img_path)

    print('img_path: ', img_path)
    print('mask_path: ', mask_path)
    print('csv_path: ', csv_path)
    print('seq_name: ', seq_name)

    # if n_img_files != n_mask_files:
    #     raise IOError('Mismatch between n_img_files: {} and n_mask_files: {}'.format(n_img_files, n_mask_files))
    one_to_one_mode = 0
    if n_img_files == n_mask_files:
        print('Using one_to_one_mode instead of filename matching to associate masks with images')
        one_to_one_mode = 1

    if csv_path:
        df = pd.read_csv(csv_path)

    if out_path and writer is None:
        if out_size:
            out_size = tuple([int(x) for x in out_size.split('x')])
            if 0 in out_size:
                img_h, img_w = cv2.imread(img_files[0]).shape[:2]
                if out_size[0] == 0 and out_size[1] == 0:
                    out_w, out_h = img_w, img_h
                elif out_size[0] == 0:
                    out_h = out_size[1]
                    out_w = int(img_w * (float(out_h) / float(img_h)))
                elif out_size[1] == 0:
                    out_w = out_size[0]
                    out_h = int(img_h * (float(out_w) / float(img_w)))
                out_size = (out_w, out_h)
            out_size = (1920, 1080)

        image_exts = ['jpg', 'bmp', 'png']
        if out_ext[0] in image_exts:
            writer = ImageWriter(out_path)
            writer = cv2.VideoWriter()
            writer_params = {
                'filename': out_path,
                'fps': int(fps),
                'frameSize': out_size,
            if cv2.__version__.startswith('2'):
                writer_params['fourcc'] = cv2.cv.CV_FOURCC(*codec)
                writer_params['apiPreference'] = cv2.CAP_FFMPEG
                writer_params['fourcc'] = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*codec)

            if not writer.isOpened():
                raise IOError('Video file {:s} could not be opened'.format(out_path))
            print('Writing {}x{} video to {}'.format(out_size[0], out_size[1], out_path))

    n_valid_masks = 0
    for file_id in range(n_img_files):
        img_file = img_files[file_id]
        img_file = img_file.replace('\\', '/')

        filename = os.path.basename(img_file)
        filename_no_ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]

        if one_to_one_mode:
            curr_mask_files = [mask_files[file_id], ]
            curr_mask_files = [k for k in mask_files if
            # filename_no_ext_rev = filename_no_ext[::-1]
            # curr_mask_files = [k for k in mask_files if
            #                    os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(k))[0][::-1].startswith(filename_no_ext_rev)
            #                    and os.path.commonprefix([os.path.basename(k), filename_no_ext])]

        if not curr_mask_files:
            # print('No matching curr_mask file found for {} with filename_no_ext: {}'.format(
            #     img_file, filename_no_ext))

        img = cv2.imread(img_file)
        if img is None:
            raise IOError('img_file could not be read: {}'.format(img_file))

        img_h, img_w = img.shape[:2]

        if csv_path:
            bboxes = df.loc[df['filename'] == filename]
            n_bboxes = len(bboxes.index)
            df = df.drop(bboxes.index[:n_bboxes])

            if one_to_one_mode and n_bboxes > 1:
                print('Considering only one out of {} boxes for {}'.format(n_bboxes, filename))
                n_bboxes = 1

            n_masks = len(curr_mask_files)
            if n_masks != n_bboxes:
                raise IOError('Mismatch between n_bboxes: {} and n_masks: {} for {}'.format(
                    n_bboxes, n_masks, img_file))

            mask_img = np.zeros_like(img)

            for box_id in range(n_bboxes):
                mask_file = curr_mask_files[box_id].replace('\\', '/')
                curr_mask = cv2.imread(mask_file)
                if curr_mask is None:
                    raise IOError('mask_file could not be read: {}'.format(mask_file))

                if apply_contour:
                    if apply_contour > 1:
                        contours, _ = cv2.findContours(curr_mask[:, :, 0].astype(np.uint8), retrieval_mode,
                        curr_mask = np.zeros_like(curr_mask, dtype=np.uint8)
                        cv2.drawContours(curr_mask, contours, -1, (255, 255, 255), -1)
                        contours, _ = Shape.contourPtsFromMask(curr_mask)
                        curr_mask, _ = Shape.contourPtsToMask(contours, curr_mask)

                mask_h, mask_w = curr_mask.shape[:2]

                bbox = bboxes.iloc[box_id]
                xmin = bbox.loc['xmin']
                ymin = bbox.loc['ymin']
                xmax = bbox.loc['xmax']
                ymax = bbox.loc['ymax']

                mask_img = map_mask_to_bbox((xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), curr_mask,
                                            fixed_ar, border, mask_img.shape, mask_img)
                if show_bbox:
                    cv2.rectangle(img, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (0, 255, 0), 2)

                if map_to_bbox == 2:
                    img = img[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax, :]
                    mask_img = mask_img[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax, :]
            mask_file = curr_mask_files[0].replace('\\', '/')
            mask_img = cv2.imread(mask_file)
            if mask_img is None:
                raise IOError('mask_file could not be read: {}'.format(mask_file))

            mask_h, mask_w = mask_img.shape[:2]

            if img_h != mask_h or img_w != mask_w:
                mask_img = cv2.resize(mask_img, (img_w, img_h))

        if raw_mask:
            mask_img *= 255

        blended_img = np.asarray(Image.blend(Image.fromarray(img), Image.fromarray(mask_img), 0.5))

        def paintMouseHandler(event, x, y, flags=None, param=None):
            nonlocal mask_pts, contour_pts, blended_img, mask_img, disp_img, del_thresh, mag_patch_size, mag_win_size, \
                mouse_x, mouse_y, prev_mouse_pt, draw_mask_kb, paint_mode

            paint_mode = 1
            mouse_x, mouse_y = x, y
            # refresh_paint_win = 1
            draw_marker = 1
            marker_col = (0, 255, 0)
            # _show_magnified_window = 0

            if event == cv2.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE:
                # print('flags: {}'.format(flags))
                # refresh_paint_win = 1
                if flags == 1 or flags == 25:
                    # left button
                    min_x, min_y = x - del_thresh, y - del_thresh
                    max_x, max_y = x + del_thresh, y + del_thresh
                    mask_img[min_y:max_y, min_x:max_x, :] = 255
                    blended_img[min_y:max_y, min_x:max_x, :] = (shape_patch[min_y:max_y, min_x:max_x,
                                                                :] + 255.0) / 2.0
                    marker_col = (0, 255, 0)
                elif flags == 17:
                    # shift + left button
                    min_x, min_y = x - del_thresh, y - del_thresh
                    max_x, max_y = x + del_thresh, y + del_thresh
                    mask_img[min_y:max_y, min_x:max_x, :] = 0
                    blended_img[min_y:max_y, min_x:max_x, :] = (shape_patch[min_y:max_y, min_x:max_x, :]) / 2.0
                    marker_col = (0, 0, 255)
                elif flags == 32:
                    draw_marker = 0
                elif flags == 16:
                    marker_col = (0, 0, 255)
                elif flags == 8:
                    draw_marker = 0
                # else:
                #     draw_marker = 0
            elif event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
                # print('flags: {}'.format(flags))
            elif event == cv2.EVENT_RBUTTONUP:
                # print('flags: {}'.format(flags))
            elif event == cv2.EVENT_MBUTTONDOWN:
                contour_pts, mask_pts = self.contourPtsFromMask(mask_img)
                draw_mask_kb = 1
                # print('flags: {}'.format(flags))
            elif event == cv2.EVENT_MOUSEWHEEL:
                if flags > 0:
                    if flags == mouse_whl_keys_to_flags['ctrl+alt+shift'][0]:
                        mag_win_size += 10
                        print('magnified window size increased to {}'.format(mag_win_size))
                    elif flags == mouse_whl_keys_to_flags['ctrl+shift'][0]:
                        mag_patch_size -= 1
                        if mag_patch_size < 5:
                            mag_patch_size = 5
                        if del_thresh < 10:
                            del_thresh += 1
                            del_thresh += 5
                        print('del_thresh increased to {}'.format(del_thresh))
                    if flags == mouse_whl_keys_to_flags['ctrl+alt+shift'][1]:
                        mag_win_size -= 10
                        if mag_win_size < 100:
                            mag_win_size = 100
                        print('magnified window size decreased to {}'.format(mag_win_size))

                    elif flags == mouse_whl_keys_to_flags['ctrl+shift'][1]:
                        mag_patch_size += 1
                        if del_thresh < 10:
                            del_thresh = max(del_thresh - 1, 1)
                            del_thresh -= 5
                        print('del_thresh decreased to {}'.format(del_thresh))

            if draw_marker:
                disp_img = np.copy(blended_img)
                min_x, min_y = x - del_thresh, y - del_thresh
                max_x, max_y = x + del_thresh, y + del_thresh
                cv2.rectangle(disp_img, (min_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y), marker_col, 1)
                disp_img = blended_img
            cv2.imshow(paint_win_name, disp_img)

            if show_magnified_window:
                showMagnifiedWindow(x, y, _shape_patch, draw_marker=2,
                                    # win_name='Paint Magnified'
            # cv2.imshow('binary mask', mask_img)
            prev_mouse_pt = (x, y)

        if include_orig and include_binary and 3 * img_w > out_size[0]:
            disp_img = np.concatenate((img, mask_img), axis=0)
            disp_img = np.concatenate((disp_img, cv2.resize(blended_img, (0, 0), fx=2, fy=2)), axis=1)

            disp_img = blended_img
            if include_binary:
                disp_img = np.concatenate((mask_img, disp_img), axis=1)
            if include_orig:
                disp_img = np.concatenate((img, disp_img), axis=1)

        disp_img = resizeAR(disp_img, out_size[0], out_size[1])

        if save_video:
            if write_text:
                cv2.putText(disp_img, '{} frame {:d}'.format(seq_name, file_id + 1), text_location,
                            text_font, text_font_size, text_color, text_thickness, text_line_type)

        if show_img:
            cv2.imshow(win_name, disp_img)
            k = cv2.waitKey(1 - _pause)
            if k == 27:
            elif k == ord('q'):
                _exit = 1
            elif k == 32:
                _pause = 1 - _pause

        if _exit:

        sys.stdout.write('\rDone {:d}/{:d} files'.format(
            file_id, n_img_files))
        n_valid_masks += 1


    if n_valid_masks == 0:
        raise IOError('No valid masks found')

    # if save_video:
    #     writer.release()

    if show_img:

    return writer, out_size
Example #2
    def appendObjects(self, top):

        # self.mask_images = {}

        for obj_id, each_object in enumerate(self.boxlist):
            object_item = SubElement(top, 'object')
            name = SubElement(object_item, 'name')
                name.text = unicode(each_object['name'])
            except NameError:
                # Py3: NameError: name 'unicode' is not defined
                name.text = each_object['name']
            pose = SubElement(object_item, 'pose')
            pose.text = "Unspecified"
            truncated = SubElement(object_item, 'truncated')
            if int(each_object['ymax']) == int(self.imgSize[0]) or (int(
                    each_object['ymin']) == 1):
                truncated.text = "1"  # max == height or min
            elif (int(each_object['xmax']) == int(self.imgSize[1])) or (int(
                    each_object['xmin']) == 1):
                truncated.text = "1"  # max == width or min
                truncated.text = "0"
            difficult = SubElement(object_item, 'difficult')
            difficult.text = str(bool(each_object['difficult']) & 1)
            bndbox = SubElement(object_item, 'bndbox')
            xmin = SubElement(bndbox, 'xmin')
            xmin.text = str(each_object['xmin'])
            ymin = SubElement(bndbox, 'ymin')
            ymin.text = str(each_object['ymin'])
            xmax = SubElement(bndbox, 'xmax')
            xmax.text = str(each_object['xmax'])
            ymax = SubElement(bndbox, 'ymax')
            ymax.text = str(each_object['ymax'])
            bbox_source = SubElement(object_item, 'bbox_source')
            bbox_source.text = str(each_object['bbox_source'])
            id_number = SubElement(object_item, 'id_number')
            id_number.text = str(each_object['id_number'])
            score = SubElement(object_item, 'score')
            score.text = str(each_object['score'])
            mask_pts = each_object['mask']
            mask_img = each_object['mask_img']

            if mask_img is not None:
                mask_img_name = '{}_{}.png'.format(
                    os.path.splitext(self.filename)[0], obj_id)
                mask_img_dir = self.foldername if self.out_fname is None else os.path.dirname(
                mask_img_path = os.path.join(mask_img_dir, mask_img_name)

                mask_img_name_elem = SubElement(object_item, 'mask_filename')
                mask_img_name_elem.text = mask_img_name

                _mask_img = (mask_img * 255.0).astype(np.uint8)

                cv2.imwrite(mask_img_path, _mask_img)

                # self.mask_images[mask_img_name] = mask_img
                if mask_pts is None or not mask_pts:
                    _, mask_img_bin = cv2.threshold(
                        mask_img.astype(np.float64), 0.5, 1, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
                    _, mask_pts = Shape.contourPtsFromMask(
                    mask_pts = [[
                        x + each_object['xmin'], y + each_object['ymin'], f
                    ] for x, y, f in mask_pts]

            if mask_pts is not None and mask_pts:
                mask_txt = '{},{},{};'.format(*mask_pts[0])
                for _pt in mask_pts[1:]:
                    mask_txt = '{} {},{},{};'.format(mask_txt, _pt[0], _pt[1],

                mask = SubElement(object_item, 'mask')
                mask.text = mask_txt