Example #1
def zip_generator_for_pipeline(files_list):
    pool = ThreadPool(3)
    zip_output = StreamingBytesIO()
    zip_input = ZipFile(zip_output, mode="w", compression=ZIP_STORED, allowZip64=True)
        # chunks_and_content is a list of tuples, of the chunk and the content of the file.
        # chunksize (which is a keyword argument of imap, not to be confused with Beiwe Chunks)
        # is the size of the batches that are handed to the pool. We always want to add the next
        # file to retrieve to the pool asap, so we want a chunk size of 1.
        # (In the documentation there are comments about the timeout, it is irrelevant under this construction.)
        chunks_and_content = pool.imap_unordered(batch_retrieve_pipeline_s3, files_list, chunksize=1)
        for pipeline_upload, file_contents in chunks_and_content:
            # file_name = determine_file_name(chunk)
            zip_input.writestr("data/" + pipeline_upload.file_name, file_contents)
            # These can be large, and we don't want them sticking around in memory as we wait for the yield
            del file_contents, pipeline_upload
            yield zip_output.getvalue()  # yield the (compressed) file information
        # close, then yield all remaining data in the zip.
        yield zip_output.getvalue()
    except DummyError:
        # The try-except-finally block is here to guarantee the Threadpool is closed and terminated.
        # we don't handle any errors, we just re-raise any error that shows up.
        # (with statement does not work.)
        # We rely on the finally block to ensure that the threadpool will be closed and terminated,
        # and also to print an error to the log if we need to.
Example #2
def csv_generator(study_id, number_of_new_patients):
    si = StreamingBytesIO()
    filewriter = writer(si)
    filewriter.writerow(['Patient ID', "Registration password"])
    study_object_id = Study.objects.filter(pk=study_id).values_list('object_id', flat=True).get()
    for _ in xrange(number_of_new_patients):
        patient_id, password = Participant.create_with_password(study_id=study_id)
        # Creates an empty file on s3 indicating that this user exists
        s3_upload(patient_id, "", study_object_id)
        create_client_key_pair(patient_id, study_object_id)
        filewriter.writerow([patient_id, password])
        yield si.getvalue()
def participant_credential_generator(study_id, number_of_new_patients, desired_filename):
    si = StreamingBytesIO()
    filewriter = writer(si)
    filewriter.writerow(['Patient ID', "Registration password"])
    study_object_id = Study.objects.filter(pk=study_id).values_list('object_id', flat=True).get()
    study_name = Study.objects.filter(pk=study_id).values_list('name', flat=True).get()
    for _ in xrange(number_of_new_patients):
        patient_id, password = Participant.create_with_password(study_id=study_id)
        # Creates an empty file on s3 indicating that this user exists
        s3_upload(construct_s3_raw_data_path(study_object_id, patient_id), "", study_object_id, raw_path=True)
        filewriter.writerow([patient_id, password])
        yield si.getvalue()
Example #4
def zip_generator(files_list, construct_registry=False):
    """ Pulls in data from S3 in a multithreaded network operation, constructs a zip file of that
    data. This is a generator, advantage is it starts returning data (file by file, but wrapped
    in zip compression) almost immediately. """

    processed_files = set()
    duplicate_files = set()
    pool = ThreadPool(3)
    # 3 Threads has been heuristically determined to be a good value, it does not cause the server
    # to be overloaded, and provides more-or-less the maximum data download speed.  This was tested
    # on an m4.large instance (dual core, 8GB of ram).
    file_registry = {}

    zip_output = StreamingBytesIO()
    zip_input = ZipFile(zip_output, mode="w", compression=ZIP_STORED, allowZip64=True)

        # chunks_and_content is a list of tuples, of the chunk and the content of the file.
        # chunksize (which is a keyword argument of imap, not to be confused with Beiwe Chunks)
        # is the size of the batches that are handed to the pool. We always want to add the next
        # file to retrieve to the pool asap, so we want a chunk size of 1.
        # (In the documentation there are comments about the timeout, it is irrelevant under this construction.)
        chunks_and_content = pool.imap_unordered(batch_retrieve_s3, files_list, chunksize=1)
        total_size = 0
        for chunk, file_contents in chunks_and_content:
            if construct_registry:
                file_registry[chunk['chunk_path']] = chunk["chunk_hash"]
            file_name = determine_file_name(chunk)
            if file_name in processed_files:
                duplicate_files.add((file_name, chunk['chunk_path']))

            zip_input.writestr(file_name, file_contents)
            # These can be large, and we don't want them sticking around in memory as we wait for the yield
            del file_contents, chunk

            x = zip_output.getvalue()
            total_size += len(x)
            # print "%s: %sK, %sM" % (random_id, total_size / 1024, total_size / 1024 / 1024)
            yield x  # yield the (compressed) file information
            del x

        if construct_registry:
            zip_input.writestr("registry", json.dumps(file_registry))
            yield zip_output.getvalue()

        # close, then yield all remaining data in the zip.
        yield zip_output.getvalue()

    except DummyError:
        # The try-except-finally block is here to guarantee the Threadpool is closed and terminated.
        # we don't handle any errors, we just re-raise any error that shows up.
        # (with statement does not work.)
        # We rely on the finally block to ensure that the threadpool will be closed and terminated,
        # and also to print an error to the log if we need to.