Example #1
def p_update_student(request):
    @api {post} /class/student/update [班级]更新学生信息
    @apiGroup class
    @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
        {"user_id":学生ID, "name":姓名, "sex":1男2女}
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
        {"message": "", "next": "", "data": "", "response": "ok", "error": ""}
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 失败返回
            "message": "名字必须是2-5个汉字",
            "next": "",
            "data": "",
            "response": "fail",
            "error": ""
    args = request.QUERY.casts(user_id=int, name=unicode, sex=int)
    student_id = args.user_id or 0
    name = args.name or u''
    sex = args.sex or 0
    if name and not is_chinese_word(name):
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message='姓名长度为2-5个汉字')
    user = request.user
    if not common.is_mystudent(user, student_id):
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message='权限错误')
    thread_pool.call(common.update_student_info, student_id, name, sex)
    return ajax.jsonp_ok(request)
Example #2
def p_change_border(request):
    @api {get} /account/border/change [个人设置]用户更换边框
    @apiGroup account
    @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
        "message": "",
        "next": "",
        "data": {},
        "response": "ok",
        "error": ""
    user_id = request.user_id
    args = request.QUERY.casts(border_id=int)
    border_id = args.border_id
    if not border_id:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, u'缺少参数')
    success, why = common.change_border(user_id, border_id)
    if not success:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, why)
    return ajax.jsonp_ok(request, success)
Example #3
def p_name(request):
    @api {post} /account/name [个人设置]修改名字
    @apiGroup account
    @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
        {"message": "", "error": "", "data": "", "response": "ok", "next": ""}
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 失败返回
        {"message": "修改失败,请重试", "error": "", "data": "", "response": "fail", "next": ""}
    args = request.QUERY.casts(name=unicode)
    name = args.name
    user = request.user
    data = {'flag': "0", 'user_id': user.id}
    if not name:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message="姓名不能为空")
    if not is_chinese_word(name):
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message="姓名长度为2-5个汉字")
    if user.type == 1:
        result = common.real_name_filter(name)
        if not result:
            data = {'flag': "1", 'user_id': user.id}
            return ajax.jsonp_ok(request, data)

    return ajax.jsonp_ok(request, data)
Example #4
def p_password(request):
    @api {post} /account/password [个人设置]修改密码
    @apiGroup account
    @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
        {"message": "", "error": "", "data": "", "response": "ok", "next": ""}
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 失败返回
        {"message": "两次输入密码不一致", "error": "", "data": "", "response": "fail", "next": ""}
    args = request.QUERY.casts(old_pwd=str, new_pwd=str)
    old_pwd = args.old_pwd or ''
    new_pwd = args.new_pwd or ''
    if len(new_pwd) < 6 or len(new_pwd) > 16:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message='密码长度为6-16个字符')
    user = request.user
    if old_pwd and not user.check_password(old_pwd):
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message="当前密码错误")

    users = user.set_password(new_pwd)
    # 发短信
    content = u"密码修改成功," + ','.join(u'账号%s的新密码为%s' % (u.username, new_pwd)
                                    for u in users) + u",请牢记!"
    hub = tbktapi.Hub(request)
    hub.sms.post('/sms/send', {
        'platform_id': user.platform_id,
        'phone': user.phone,
        'content': content

    return ajax.jsonp_ok(request)
Example #5
def set_recording(request):
    @api {post} /huodong/reading/set_recording   [学生端]上传录音
    @apiGroup yw_reading
    @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
        "video_url": "http://tbktfile.jxrrt.cn/yuwen/201709StuVideos/b99255c5.mp3"   # 音频地址
        "tid": 1      #文章id
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
        "message": "",
        "next": "",
        "data": {

        "response": "ok",
        "error": ""
    user = request.user
    args = request.QUERY.casts(video_url=str, tid=int)
    video_url = args.video_url
    tid = args.tid
    if not (video_url.startswith('http') and video_url.endswith('.mp3')):
        return jsonp_fail(request, message="参数错误")
    if not video_url or not tid:
        return jsonp_fail(request, message="缺少参数")
    data = common.set_video(user, video_url, tid)
    if not data:
        return jsonp_fail(request, message="添加失败")
    return jsonp_ok(request, data)
Example #6
def invite_get_power(request):
        @api {get} /huodong/winter_activity/invite_get_power [寒假活动]邀请获得能量接口
        @apiGroup winter_activity
        @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
        @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
            "message": "",
            "next": "",
            "data": [
            "response": "ok",
            "error": ""
        @apiSuccessExample {json} 失败返回
           {"message": "", "error": "", "data": "", "response": "fail", "next": ""}
    if not common.end_acitvtiy():
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, "活动已经结束")
    user_id = request.user_id
    data = common.invite_get_power(user_id)
    if not data:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, "当日邀请次数超过五次")
    return ajax.jsonp_ok(request, data)
Example #7
def happy_arena(request):
        @api {get} /huodong/winter_activity/happy_arena [寒假活动]欢乐竞技场入口
        @apiGroup winter_activity
        @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
        @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
            "message": "",
            "next": "",
            "data": {
            "response": "ok",
            "error": ""
        @apiSuccessExample {json} 失败返回
           {"message": "", "error": "", "data": "", "response": "fail", "next": ""}
    if not common.end_acitvtiy():
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, "活动已经结束")
    user_id = request.user_id
    time_limit = common.time_limmit()
    if not time_limit:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, "未到开放时间!")
    open_status = common.get_user_open_status(user_id)
    if not open_status:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, "欢乐竞技场仅开通用户可以参加!")
    data = common.get_type(user_id)
    return ajax.jsonp_ok(request, data)
Example #8
def p_cancel(request):
    @api {post} /account/cancelsms [短信]取消定时短信
    @apiGroup account
    @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
        {"id":短信ID, "schedule_time":定时时间}
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
            "message": "",
            "next": "",
            "data": {
                "success": true
            "response": "ok",
            "error": ""
    args = request.QUERY.casts(id=int, schedule_time=str)
    object_id = args.id
    schedule_time = args.schedule_time
    if not object_id:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message='缺少参数: id')
    if not schedule_time:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message='缺少参数: schedule_time')
    hub = tbktapi.Hub(request)
    url = '/sms/cancel'
    d = dict(id=object_id,
    r = hub.sms.post(url, d)
    if not r:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message='服务器开小差')
    return ajax.jsonp_ok(request, r)
Example #9
def p_wish_vote(request):
    @api {get} /gift/wish/vote [金豆商城] 愿望墙愿望投票
    @apiGroup gift
    @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
        "type":1  :投票,-1:撤销投票
        "wish_id:  124   愿望id
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
        "message": "",
        "next": "",
        "data": {}
        "response": "ok",
        "error": ""
    args = request.QUERY.casts(type=int, wish_id=int)
    vote_type = args.type
    wish_id = args.wish_id
    if not vote_type or not wish_id or vote_type not in [-1, 1]:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, error=u'参数错误')
    user_id = request.user_id
    status = common.vote_wish(wish_id, user_id, vote_type)
    if not status:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, error=u'投票失败,请重试')
    return ajax.jsonp_ok(request)
Example #10
def p_wish_submit(request):
    @api {get} /gift/wish/submit [金豆商城] 愿望墙愿望提交
    @apiGroup gift
    @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
    {"wish":"呵呵"  愿望内容}
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
        "message": "",
        "next": "",
        "data": []
        "response": "ok",
        "error": ""
    user_id = request.user_id
    args = request.QUERY.casts(wish=unicode)
    wish = args.wish.strip()
    if not wish:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, error=u'愿望内容不能为空')
    if len(wish) > 120:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, error=u'愿望内容过长')
    today_wish = common.get_today_user_wish(user_id)
    if today_wish:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, error=u'今天已发布过愿望')
    common.save_wish(wish, user_id)
    return ajax.jsonp_ok(request)
Example #11
def r_sign(request):
    @api /huodong/sx/normal/stu/sign [数学常态活动]学生签到 
    @apiGroup math_normal
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
        "message": "",
        "next": "",
        "data": {
            "msg": "签到获取60积分"
        "response": "ok",
        "error": ""
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 其他返回
        "message": "已签到",
        "next": "",
        "data": "",
        "response": "fail",
        "error": ""
    user = request.user
    return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message='活动已结束!')
    if user.is_teacher or int(user.city) != 411200:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message='教师不能参与学生签到!')
    status, msg = common.stu_sign(user, STU_ACTIVE_ID, SIGN)
    if not status:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message=msg, data='')
    return ajax.jsonp_ok(request, {'msg': msg})
Example #12
def use_props(request):
           @api {post} /huodong/winter_activity/use_props  [寒假活动]使用道具
           @apiGroup winter_activity
           @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例

                    "has_use_double"  : 1//    代表使用了双倍积分卡
                    "has_use_flower" : 1    // 代表使用鲜花
                    "has_use_egg" : 1       // 代表使用鸡蛋
                    "has_use_sunglasses"  : 1      // 代表使用墨镜
                    "has_use_magnifier" : 1    // 代表使用放大镜
                    "has_use_eraser" :1    //代表适用橡皮擦
                    "ids" : [score_id, score_detail_id, happy_score_id, pk_happy_record_id]  //双倍积分卡需要修改记录的数组
            @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
            "message": "",
            "next": "",
            "data": {

            "response": "ok",
            "error": ""
    if not common.end_acitvtiy():
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, "活动已经结束")
    args = request.QUERY.casts(has_use_double=int,

    user_id = request.user_id
    # 道具信息
    add_time = args.add_time
    has_use_double = args.has_use_double or 0
    has_use_flower = args.has_use_flower or 0
    has_use_egg = args.has_use_egg or 0
    has_use_sunglasses = args.has_use_sunglasses or 0
    has_use_magnifier = args.has_use_magnifier or 0
    has_use_eraser = args.has_use_eraser or 0
    ids = args.ids or []
    # 双倍积分卡及使用
    if has_use_double and ids:
        common.use_double(ids, user_id, add_time)

    # 减少消耗道具(除双倍积分卡外)
    props = common.post_props_details(user_id, 0, has_use_flower, has_use_egg,
                                      has_use_sunglasses, has_use_magnifier,
                                      has_use_eraser, add_time)
    if props:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, props)

    return ajax.jsonp_ok(request)
Example #13
def send_sms(request):
    @api {post} /huodong/reading/send_sms   [教师端]发送试卷短信
    @apiGroup yw_reading
    @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
        "unit_id": "555428,515192", # 班级ID
        "title": "静夜思,锄禾", # 逗号分隔的title数组
        "begin_time": "2017-01-05 09:10:00", # (可选)定时作业时间
        "sendpwd": 1/0,   # 是否下发帐号密码
        "sendscope": 1/0,  # 短信发送范围 0给所有学生发短信 1只给开通的学生发短信
        "object_id":"试卷ID,可多个, 逗号分隔"
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
        "message": "",
        "next": "",
        "response": "ok",
        "error": ""
     @apiSuccessExample {json} 失败返回
        "message": ,
        "next": "",
        "data": "请设置作业的完成时间",
        "response": "fail",
        "error": ""
    args = request.QUERY.casts(type=int, unit_id=str, title=unicode, begin_time='timestamp', sendpwd=int, sendscope=int,
    unit_id = args.unit_id or ''
    unit_ids = [int(s) for s in unit_id.split(',') if s]
    title = args.title or u''
    now = int(time.time())
    begin_time = args.begin_time or now
    sendpwd = args.sendpwd or 0
    sendscope = args.sendscope or 0
    object_id = args.object_id or '' # 很多很多卷子
    object_ids = [int(s) for s in object_id.split(',') if s]
    title_array = [s for s in title.split(u',')]
    if not unit_id:
        return jsonp_fail(request, message='请选择您要发布的班级')

    if begin_time < now:
        return jsonp_fail(request, message='定时发布时间不得小于当前系统时间')

    user = request.user

    # title = title or "%s作业" % begin_time.strftime("%m月%d日")

    # 1已发 2待发
    status = 1 if begin_time <= now else 2

    data = common.send_sms(request, user, status, unit_ids, title, begin_time, sendpwd, sendscope, object_ids, title_array)
    return jsonp_ok(request, data)
Example #14
 def wrap(request, *args, **kw):
     user = request.user
     if not user:
         return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, error='no_user', message="请您先登录")
     elif not user.is_teacher:
         return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, error='no_user', message="请用教师帐号登录")
     elif not user.units:
         return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, error='no_class', message="请先加入一个班级")
         return f(request, *args, **kw)
Example #15
def submit_paper(request):
        @api {post} /huodong/rz/submit_paper [汝州活动二期]试卷提交
        @apiGroup RzPaperActive
        @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
            “status”: "1"           # 1 完成(提交), 2 未完成(保存)
            "data": [{"question_id":"3104", "ask_id":"3292","answer":"A","option_id":19321,"result":1},
            {"question_id":"3300", "ask_id":"3500","answer":"A","option_id":19321,"result":0}]
        @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
            "message": "",
            "next": "",
            "data": "",
            "response": "ok",
            "error": ""
        @apiSuccessExample {json} 失败返回
           {"message": "", "error": "", "data": "", "response": "fail", "next": ""}
    功能说明:                汝州活动-提交试卷
    修改人                    修改时间
    张帅男                    2017-12-22
    args = request.loads() or request.QUERY.casts(status=int, data='json')
    user = request.user
    user_id = user.id
    unit = user.unit
    if not unit:
        return jsonp_fail(request, message=u'没有班级')
    grade_id = int(unit.get('grade_id', 0))
    if not grade_id:
        return jsonp_fail(request, message=u'没有年级')

    status = int(args.status)
    if status not in (1, 2):
        return jsonp_fail(request, u'wrong status: %s' % status)
    if not args.data:
        return jsonp_fail(request, u'no_data')
    if type(args.data) != list:
        args.data = json.loads(args.data)

    status = 1 if status == 1 else 0

    test = db.tbkt_active_slave.active_paper.select('id').get(
        user_id=user_id, active_id=ACTIVE_ID, paper_id=grade_id)
    if not test:
        return jsonp_fail(request, message=u'没有这个测试')

    rz_com.paper_submit(user_id, ACTIVE_ID, grade_id, status, args.data)
    return jsonp_ok(request)
Example #16
def p_join(request):
    @api {post} /class/join [班级]加入班级接口
    @apiGroup class
    @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
        {"dept_id": 部门ID, "grade_id":年级, "class_id":班级}
        {"unit_id": 班级ID}
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
            "message": "",
            "next": "",
            "data": {
                "unit_id": 580564   # 新班级ID
            "response": "ok",
            "error": ""
    @apiSuccessExample {json}  失败返回
            "message": "您已经在当前班级",
            "next": "",
            "data": "",
            "response": "fail",
            "error": ""
    args = request.QUERY.casts(dept_id=int, grade_id=int, class_id=int, unit_id=int)
    dept_id = args.dept_id or 0
    grade_id = args.grade_id or 0
    class_id = args.class_id or 0
    unit_id = args.unit_id or 0

    user = request.user
    if unit_id:
        ok, error = common.joinclass_id(user, unit_id)
        if not ok:
            return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message=error)
        return ajax.jsonp_ok(request, {'unit_id': unit_id})

    if not dept_id:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message="缺少参数")
    if grade_id < 1 or grade_id > 9:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message="参数错误: grade_id")
    if class_id < 0 or class_id > 30:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message="参数错误: class_id")

    unit_id, error = common.joinclass(user, dept_id, grade_id, class_id)
    if not unit_id:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message=error)
    return ajax.jsonp_ok(request, {'unit_id': unit_id})
Example #17
def p_outside_task_submit(request):
    @api {post} /im/outside/task/submit [IM]课外活动-作业提交
    @apiGroup IM
    @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
            "message_id": 作业id(tbkt_com.message), 
            "type": 1.图片 2.音频 3.视频,    
            "content": 活动描述文字,
            "url": type=1.图片url type=2.音频url type=3.视频url
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
        "message": "",
        "next": "",
        "data": {
            "test_id": 1
        "response": "ok",
        "error": ""
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 失败返回
        "message": "缺少参数",
        "next": "",
        "data": "",
        "response": "fail",
        "error": ""
    args = request.QUERY.casts(message_id=int,
    msg_id = args.message_id
    url_type = args.type
    content = args.content
    url = args.url or []
    user_id = request.user_id

    if not msg_id:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message="找不到这个作业")

    if not url_type:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message="你要上传什么类型的作业?")

    if not content and (not url or not url[0]):
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message="请输入活动心得 或者 上传内容")

    test_id = common.outside_task_submit(msg_id, user_id, content, url_type,
    return ajax.jsonp_ok(request, {"test_id": test_id})
Example #18
def ask_for_debris(request):
          @api {post} /huodong/summer_activity/sapp/ask_for_debris [暑假活动]索取碎片
          @apiGroup summer2018
          @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
                "ask_for_id" : 123456 //   索取的用户id
                "subject_id" : 2 5 9
                "debris" : "hat"            // "shoe"  "background"    "pants"    "cloth"
          @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
              "message": "",
              "next": "",
              "data": [
                    {"user_id" : 1234564, "portrait": "很长很长的Url", "real_name": "张三"},
                    {"user_id" : 1234564, "portrait": "很长很长的Url", "real_name": "张三"},
                    {"user_id" : 1234564, "portrait": "很长很长的Url", "real_name": "张三"},
              "response": "ok",
              "error": ""
          @apiSuccessExample {json} 失败返回
             {"message": "", "error": "", "data": "", "response": "fail", "next": ""}
    args = request.QUERY.casts(ask_for_id=int, subject_id=int, debris=str)
    subject_id = args.subject_id or 0
    ask_for_id = args.ask_for_id or 0
    debris = args.debris or ''
    if not ask_for_id or not subject_id or not debris:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message=u'参数错误')
    nowt = int(time.time())
    if nowt < PHASE_1_START_TIME:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message=u'活动未开启')
    elif nowt < PHASE_1_END_TIME:
        phase = 1
    elif nowt < PHASE_2_START_TIME:
        phase = 3
    elif nowt < PHASE_2_END_TIME:
        phase = 2
        phase = 4
    if phase in (3, 4):
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message=u'活动未开启')
    user = request.user
    data = common.ask_for_debris(user, ask_for_id, phase, subject_id, debris)
    return ajax.jsonp_ok(request, data)
Example #19
 def wrap(request, *args, **kw):
     user = request.user
     if not user:
         return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, error='no_user', message="请您先登录")
     elif user.grade_id > 6:
         return ajax.jsonp_fail(request,
                                error='no authority',
     elif user.type != 1:
         return ajax.jsonp_fail(request,
                                error='no authority',
         return f(request, *args, **kw)
Example #20
def get_rank(request):
          @api {post} /huodong/summer_activity/sapp/get_rank [暑假活动]排行榜
          @apiGroup summer2018
          @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
                "p" : 1,      // 分页 从1开始
                "subject_id" : 2 5 9
          @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
              "message": "",
              "next": "",
              "data":  {
                "person_rank" : "500+"   // 用户个人排名  str形式
                "open_num" : 100     //用户个人开启次数
                "rank" : [
                        {"user_id": 123456, "open_num": 10, "real_name": "张三", "school_name":"北大附小"}
              "response": "ok",
              "error": ""
          @apiSuccessExample {json} 失败返回
             {"message": "", "error": "", "data": "", "response": "fail", "next": ""}
    args = request.QUERY.casts(p=int, subject_id=int)
    subject_id = args.subject_id or 0
    page = args.p or 0
    if not page or not subject_id:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message=u'参数错误')
    nowt = int(time.time())
    if nowt < PHASE_1_START_TIME:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message=u'活动未开启')
    elif nowt < PHASE_1_END_TIME:
        phase = 1
    elif nowt < PHASE_2_START_TIME:
        phase = 3
    elif nowt < PHASE_2_END_TIME:
        phase = 2
        phase = 4
    if phase in (3, 4):
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message=u'活动未开启')
    user = request.user
    data = common.get_rank(user.id, page, subject_id, user.unit.unit_class_id)
    return ajax.jsonp_ok(request, data)
Example #21
def p_register_student(request):
    @api {post} /account/register/student [登录]快速注册学生帐号
    @apiGroup account
    @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
        {"platform_id":平台ID, "phone_number":"15981867201", "dept_type":学段(1小学,2初中), 

        *platform_id: 参考平台列表接口
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
        "message": "",
        "next": "",
        "data": {
            "username": "******",  # 新账号
            "password": "******",  # 新密码
            "user_id": 10831971    # 用户ID
        "response": "ok",
        "error": ""
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 失败返回
        "message": "请填写移动手机号",
        "error": "",
        "data": "",
        "response": "fail",
        "next": ""
    args = request.QUERY.casts(phone_number=str, platform_id=int, dept_type=int, code=str)
    phone = args.phone_number or ''
    platform_id = args.platform_id or 1
    dept_type = args.dept_type
    code = args.code

    if not phone:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message='手机号不能为空')
    # if not platform_id:
    #     return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message='请选择省份')
    if not dept_type or int(dept_type) not in (1, 2):
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message='请选择学段')
    if not code:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message='验证码不能为空')
    if not code.isdigit() and len(code) != 6:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message='请输入正确的验证码')
    if not is_chinamobile(phone):
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message='请输入正确的移动手机号')
    if validate_phone_platform(phone, platform_id) == False:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message='手机号与省份不匹配')
    if db.user_slave.auth_user.filter(phone=phone, type=1):
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, error="taken", message='手机号已被注册, 是否找回密码?')

    data = common.register_student(platform_id, phone, dept_type, code)
    if not data:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message='帐号已存在')
    return ajax.jsonp_ok(request, data)
Example #22
def p_sendmany(request):
    @api {post} /account/sendmany [短信]发多条短信
    @apiGroup account
    @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
        {"phone":"15981867201,15981867202", "content":"您的验证码是111", "schedule_time":"140415112622"}

        *schedule_time: 可选, 定时发送时间, 如: 140415112622 代表14年04月15日11点26分22秒
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
            "message": "",
            "next": "",
            "data": {
                "id": 2787448,  # 短信ID
                "success": true
            "response": "ok",
            "error": ""
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 失败返回
            "message": "请填写短信内容",
            "next": "",
            "data": "",
            "response": "fail",
            "error": ""
    args = request.QUERY.casts(phone=str, content=unicode, schedule_time=str)
    phones = args.phone or ''
    content = args.content or ''
    schedule_time = args.schedule_time or ''
    phones = phones.split(',')
    phones = [s for s in phones if is_chinamobile(s)]
    if not phones:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message='请输入移动手机号')
    if not content:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message='请填写短信内容')

    hub = tbktapi.Hub(request)
    url = '/sms/send'
    d = dict(phone=join(phones),
    r = hub.sms.post(url, d)
    if not r:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message='服务器开小差')
    return ajax.jsonp_ok(request, r.data)
Example #23
def get_ask_message(request):
          @api {post} /huodong/summer_activity/sapp/get_ask_message [暑假活动]我的碎片消息----消息
          @apiGroup summer2018
          @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
               "subject_id" : 2       // 2代表数学  5 代表语文   9 代表英语
               "p" : 1                // 页数  从1 开始
          @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
              "message": "",
              "next": "",
              "data": [
                       { "ask_for_user":123, "real_name":"张三", "add_time":"12月11日" , "ask_thing": "cloth"  },
                       { "ask_for_user":123, "real_name":"张三", "add_time":"12月11日", "ask_thing": "cloth"   },
                       { "ask_for_user":123, "real_name":"张三", "add_time":"12月11日"  , "ask_thing": "cloth" },
              "response": "ok",
              "error": ""
          @apiSuccessExample {json} 失败返回
             {"message": "", "error": "", "data": "", "response": "fail", "next": ""}
    args = request.QUERY.casts(subject_id=int, p=int)
    subject_id = args.subject_id or 0
    page = args.p or 0
    if not subject_id or not page:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message=u'参数错误')
    nowt = int(time.time())
    if nowt < PHASE_1_START_TIME:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message=u'活动未开启')
    elif nowt < PHASE_1_END_TIME:
        phase = 1
    elif nowt < PHASE_2_START_TIME:
        phase = 3
    elif nowt < PHASE_2_END_TIME:
        phase = 2
        phase = 4
    if phase in (3, 4):
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message=u'活动未开启')
    user = request.user
    data = common.get_ask_message(user, subject_id, phase, page)
    return ajax.jsonp_ok(request, data)
Example #24
def give_debris(request):
          @api {post} /huodong/summer_activity/sapp/give_debris [暑假活动]赠送碎片
          @apiGroup summer2018
          @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
                "give_user_id" : 123456 //赠与的用户id
                "subject_id" : 2 5 9
                "debris" : "hat"            // "shoe"  "background"    "pants"    "cloth"
          @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
              "message": "",
              "next": "",
              "data": // 如果失败了会返回fail message会带信息, 如果成功啥也不反回
              "response": "ok",
              "error": ""
          @apiSuccessExample {json} 失败返回
             {"message": "", "error": "", "data": "", "response": "fail", "next": ""}
    args = request.QUERY.casts(give_user_id=int, subject_id=int, debris=str)
    subject_id = args.subject_id or 0
    give_user_id = args.give_user_id or 0
    debris = args.debris or ''
    if not give_user_id or not subject_id or not debris:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message=u'参数错误')
    nowt = int(time.time())
    if nowt < PHASE_1_START_TIME:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message=u'活动未开启')
    elif nowt < PHASE_1_END_TIME:
        phase = 1
    elif nowt < PHASE_2_START_TIME:
        phase = 3
    elif nowt < PHASE_2_END_TIME:
        phase = 2
        phase = 4
    if phase in (3, 4):
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message=u'活动未开启')
    user = request.user
    data = common.give_debris(user, give_user_id, phase, subject_id, debris)
    if data:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message=data)
    return ajax.jsonp_ok(request, data)
Example #25
def p_book(request):
    @api {get} /account/book [个人设置]获取当前教材/教辅
    @apiGroup account
    @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
        {"subject_id":学科ID, "type":1教材 2教辅}
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
            "message": "",
            "next": "",
            "data": {
                "press_name": "西南师范大学出版社",  # 出版社
                "name": "小学数学四年级上册",  # 默认书名
                "subject_id": 21,  # 学科
                "grade_id": 4,  # 年级
                "volume": 1,  # 1上册 2下册 3全册
                "version_name": "2015新版",  # 版本
                "id": 888  # 教材/教辅ID
            "response": "ok",
            "error": ""
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 失败返回
            "message": "缺少参数: type",
            "next": "",
            "data": "",
            "response": "fail",
            "error": ""
    args = request.QUERY.casts(subject_id=int, type=int)
    subject_id = args.subject_id or 0
    type = args.type or 0

    if not subject_id:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message='缺少参数: subject_id')
    if not type:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message='缺少参数: type')
    if type not in (1, 2):
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, message='参数值错误: type')

    user = request.user
    if type == 1:
        book = user.get_book(subject_id)
    elif type == 2:
        book = user.get_pbook(subject_id)
    return ajax.jsonp_ok(request, book)
Example #26
def p_feedback(request):
    @api {post} /account/feedback [登录]意见反馈
    @apiGroup account
    @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
        {"type":请求类型(1意见建议 2错误反馈 3其他), "content":"反馈内容", "app":机型(android/ios/pc)}
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
        "message": "",
        "error": "",
        "data": "",
        "response": "ok",
        "next": ""
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 失败返回
        "message": "验证码错误,请重新获取",
        "error": "",
        "data": "",
        "response": "fail",
        "next": ""
    args = request.QUERY.casts(type=int, content=unicode, app=str)
    type = args.type or 1
    content = args.content or u''
    app = args.app or ''
    user_id = request.user_id

    if not content:
        return ajax.jsonp_fail(request, '请填写内容')
    common.feedback(user_id, type, content, app)

    return ajax.jsonp_ok(request)
Example #27
def set_message(request):
    @api {post} /huodong/reading/set_message   [学生端]发布留言
    @apiGroup yw_reading
    @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
        "tid": 6   # 文章id
        "content" : "荣誉,可是要付出代价的"
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
        "message": "",
        "next": "",
        "data": [
        "response": "ok",
        "error": ""
    user = request.user
    args = request.QUERY.casts(tid=int, content=str)
    tid = args.tid
    content = args.content
    if not tid or not content:
        return jsonp_fail(request, message="缺少参数")
    data = common.set_message(user, tid, content)
    return jsonp_ok(request, data)
Example #28
def get_recording(request):
    @api {get} /huodong/reading/get_recording   [学生端]获取用户的录音(最多五个)
    @apiGroup yw_reading
    @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
        "tid": 6   # 文章id
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
        "next": "",
         "data": {
                "status": 0, 1/0,  等于1 已经上传过录音 等于0  则未上传过录音
                "video_detail": [
                        "recording_length": 5,
                        "user_name": "refresh",
                        "user_id": 7646093,
                        "id": 2,
                        "recording_path": "http://tbktfile.jxrrt.cn/yuwen/201709StuVideos/b99255c5-fc6f-4f60-8b98-fb90f18e6e06.mp3"
        "response": "ok",
        "error": ""
    user = request.user
    args = request.QUERY.casts(tid=int)
    tid = args.tid
    if not tid:
        return jsonp_fail(request, message="缺少参数")
    data = common.get_video(user, tid)
    return jsonp_ok(request, data)
Example #29
def get_coin(request):
    @api {post} /huodong/reading/get_coin   [教师端]领取金币
    @apiGroup yw_reading
    @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例

    @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
        "message": "",
        "next": "",
        "data": {
                "num" : 0/20/40  # 20领取的金币数量 0 领取失败

        "response": "ok",
        "error": ""
    user = request.user
    data = common.get_coin(user)
    if data == u'金币不足':
        return jsonp_fail(request, message=data)
    return jsonp_ok(request, data)
Example #30
def view_paper(request):
    @api {get} /huodong/reading/view_paper   [教师端]预览试卷
    @apiGroup yw_reading
    @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
        "tid“ : 100
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
        "message": "",
        "next": "",
        "data": {
                "title": "aaaaa",                     # 文章标题
                "article_content": "aaa",    #文章内容

        "response": "ok",
        "error": ""
    args = request.QUERY.casts(tid=int)
    tid = args.tid
    if not tid:
        return jsonp_fail(request, message="缺少参数")
    data = common.view_paper(tid)
    return jsonp_ok(request, data)