def parse_yaml(data): data_list = list() try : for i in data: for j in data[i]: for k in data[i][j]: data_dict = dict() data_dict['--nm-zn']=i data_dict['--nm'] = j key = list(k.keys()) key = key[0] data_dict['--type'] = key.upper() data_dict['--ttl'] = k[key]['ttl'] data_dict['--nm-con'] = k[key]['content'] data_dict['--date'] = get_time() if 'content-serial' in k[key]: data_dict['--nm-con-ser']=k[key]['content-serial'] data_list.append(data_dict) for i in data_list: if i['--type'] == 'SRV' or i['--type']=='MX': if not '--nm-con-ser' in i: data_list.remove(i) else : if '--nm-con-ser' in i: data_dict.remove(i) respon = generate_respons(True,'success',data_list) except Exception as e: respon = generate_respons(False,str(e)) finally : return respon
def test_create_record(self): mock_zone = ['', ''] mock_type = ['tipe', 'CNAME'] mock_ttl = ['2200', '7200'] mock_data = list() passed = list() for zone in mock_zone: for tipe in mock_type: for ttl in mock_ttl: mock_data.append({ '--nm-zn': zone, '--type': tipe, '--ttl': ttl, '--nm': 'test', '--nm-con': 'alias', '--nm-con-ser': None }) mock_data.append({ '--nm-zn': mock_zone[1], '--type': 'SRV', '--ttl': mock_ttl[1], '--nm': 'test', '--nm-con': 'alias', '--nm-con-ser': '80 80 80 80' }) mock_data.append({ '--nm-zn': mock_zone[1], '--type': 'MX', '--ttl': mock_ttl[1], '--nm': 'test', '--nm-con': 'alias', '--nm-con-ser': 'serialcontenttestdata' }) for i in mock_data: if util.check_existence('zone', i['--nm-zn']): if (util.check_existence('type', i['--type']) and util.check_existence('ttl', i['--ttl'])): passed.append(i) #print(i) for i in passed: i['--date'] = util.get_time() app.setRecord(i) record_list = ls.list_record([mock_zone[1]]) record_list = util.convert(record_list['data']) clean = util.table_cleanup(record_list) check = True for i in record_list: for j in passed: if j['--type'] == i['nm_type']: check = bool(check and bool(j['--nm-zn'] and i['nm_zone'])) check = bool(check and bool(j['--nm'] and i['nm_record'])) check = bool(check and bool(j['--ttl'] and i['nm_ttl'])) check = bool(check and bool(j['--nm-con'] and i['nm_content'])) assert check == True
# Version: 1.0 # # Copyright (c) 2020 - TalkaboutCyberSecurity (TABCS) # import time import os from libs.utils import initialization, write_file, get_json, get_time from libs.init import config_file, possible, type_search from libs.github import get_page_number, search_repository, handle_page from libs.slack import send_message, send_list from libs.rules import build_query conf = initialization(config_file) logs = get_json("{}/{}".format(conf['path_log'], "old_result")) send_message(conf['msg_start'].format(get_time()), conf) for r, d, f in os.walk(conf['path_rule']): for file in f: clone = {} rule_file = os.path.join(r, file) if rule_file[-5:] != ".yaml": continue queries, rule_id = build_query(rule_file) if rule_id not in logs: logs[rule_id] = {} if rule_id not in possible: possible[rule_id] = {} for typ in type_search: for query in queries: if typ != "code": query = query.split(" ", 1)[0]
def execute(self): if self.args['dns']: check = util.check_existence('zone', self.args['--nm']) if check['status']: print("ZONE ALREADY EXIST") else: if 'expired' in check['message']: print(check['message']) else: app.setDefaultDns(self.args['--nm']) elif self.args['record'] and not self.args['-f']: check = dict() skip = False nodata = ' ' temp = check_zone_authorization([self.args['--nm-zn']]) check['zone'] = temp['status'] temp = util.check_existence('type', self.args['--type'].upper()) check['type'] = temp['status'] temp = util.check_existence('ttl', self.args['--ttl']) check['ttl'] = temp['status'] print(check) if self.args['--type'].upper( ) == 'MX' or self.args['--type'].upper() == 'SRV': if self.args['--nm-con-ser'] is None: util.log_warning( "Record {} require serial content data".format( self.args['--type'].upper())) exit() for i in check: if not check[i]: nodata = nodata + i + ', ' skip = True if skip is True: print( "Value of " + nodata + "doesn't exist. \nTry command ls to check available values" ) else: self.args['--date'] = util.get_time() app.setRecord(self.args) elif self.args['record'] and self.args['-f']: path = self.args['-f'] data = app.load_yaml(path) dnslist = list(data['data'].keys()) check = check_zone_authorization(dnslist) sendlist = None if 'data' not in check: sendlist = dnslist else: for i in dnslist: if i not in check['data']: sendlist.append(i) if sendlist: print( str(sendlist) + " doesn't exist. Do you want to create these dns and continue? (Y/N)" ) if util.assurance(): for i in sendlist: app.setDefaultDns(i) else: print("ABORT") exit() data = app.parse_yaml(data['data']) send = data['data'] for row in send: res = app.setRecord(row)
def execute(self): if self.args['dns']: check = util.check_existence('zone', self.args['--nm']) if check['status']: print("ZONE ALREADY EXIST") else: if 'expired' in check['message']: print(check['message']) else: app.setDefaultDns(self.args['--nm']) elif self.args['record']: if not self.args['--nm'] and not self.args["-f"]: dns = list_dns() if 'data' not in dns: print("You don't have any dns!") else: dns = dns['data'] util.convert(dns) show = list() for row in dns: show.append({"DNS NAME": row}) print("Your Domain List are ") print( tabulate(show, headers='keys', showindex='always', tablefmt="rst")) print("Pick a zone for your record!") value = input("Zone Name : ") while value not in dns: print( "You are not authorized to access {}, or it doesn't exist!" .format(value)) value = input("Zone Name : ") self.args['--nm-zn'] = value value = input("Record name : ") while not value: print("Record name can't be empty string") value = input("Record name : ") self.args['--nm'] = value print("Choose Record Type") rectype = listing_endpoint('type') rectype = rectype.replace('SOA\t', '') rectype = rectype.replace('NS\t', '') print(rectype) rectype = rectype.split('\t') del rectype[-1] value = input("Record type : ") while value.upper() not in rectype: print("Type doesn't exist") value = input("") self.args['--type'] = value.upper() ttl = listing_endpoint('ttl') print("Available TTL values are :") print(ttl) ttl = ttl.split('\t') del ttl[-1] value = input("TTL : ") while value not in ttl: print("TTL value doesn't exist") value = input("TTL : ") self.args['--ttl'] = value value = input("Content data : ") while not value: print("Content data can not be empty ") value = input("Content data : ") self.args['--nm-con'] = value if self.args['--type'] == 'MX' or self.args[ '--type'] == 'SRV': value = input("Content serial data : ") while not value: print("Content serial data can not be empty ") value = input("Content serial data : ") self.args['--nm-con-ser'] = value print( "You are about to create new record with following details :" ) if self.args['--nm-con-ser']: print( """Record Name : {} Zone : {} Type : {} TTL : {} Content data : {} Content serial data :{}""".format( self.args['--nm'], self.args['--nm-zn'], self.args['--type'], self.args['--ttl'], self.args['--nm-con'], self.args['--nm-con-ser'])) else: print( """Record Name : {} Zone : {} Type : {} TTL : {} Content data : {} """.format(self.args['--nm'], self.args['--nm-zn'], self.args['--type'], self.args['--ttl'], self.args['--nm-con'])) affirm = input("Are you sure ? (Y)") if affirm.upper() == 'Y': self.args['--date'] = util.get_time() app.setRecord(self.args) else: print("Cancelled") exit() elif self.args['--nm'] and not self.args['-f']: check = dict() skip = False nodata = ' ' temp = check_zone_authorization([self.args['--nm-zn']]) check['zone'] = temp['status'] temp = util.check_existence('type', self.args['--type'].upper()) check['type'] = temp['status'] temp = util.check_existence('ttl', self.args['--ttl']) check['ttl'] = temp['status'] if self.args['--type'].upper( ) == 'MX' or self.args['--type'].upper() == 'SRV': if self.args['--nm-con-ser'] is None: util.log_warning( "Record {} require serial content data".format( self.args['--type'].upper())) exit() for i in check: if not check[i]: nodata = nodata + i + ', ' skip = True if skip is True: print( "Value of " + nodata + "doesn't exist. \nTry command ls to check available values" ) else: self.args['--date'] = util.get_time() app.setRecord(self.args) elif self.args['-f']: path = self.args['-f'] pbar = tqdm(total=100) step = (100 / 3) pbar.set_description("Loading YAML") data = app.load_yaml(path) dnslist = list(data['data'].keys()) check = check_zone_authorization(dnslist) sendlist = list() pbar.update(step) pbar.set_description("Parsing YAML") if 'data' not in check: sendlist = dnslist pbar.update(step) else: for i in dnslist: pbar.update(step / (len(dnslist))) if i not in check['data']: sendlist.append(i) pct = (100 / 3) if sendlist: print( str(sendlist) + " doesn't exist. Do you want to create these dns and continue? (Y/N)" ) if util.assurance(): for i in sendlist: pbar.set_description("Creating DNS {}".format(i)) app.setDefaultDns(i) pbar.update(pct / (3 * len(sendlist))) pct = (100 / 4) else: print("ABORT") exit() data = app.parse_yaml(data['data']) send = data['data'] print(tabulate(send, headers="keys", tablefmt="rst")) print("Create records above ? (Y) ") if util.assurance(): pbar.set_description(" Creating Record") for row in send: pbar.set_description(desc="Creating " + row['--nm-zn'] + " " + row['--nm'] + " " + row['--type']) pbar.update(pct / (len(send))) res = app.setRecord(row) pbar.close() print('\n') else: print("ABORT") exit()