def get_adb_bl(self, api_key): """Retrieves the black list from the Abuse IP DB. Required Input: api_key - An Abuse IP DB API key. Output: response.status_code - The HTTP code returned by the block list API endpoint. Exceptions: HTTPError - Occurs when a non-200 response is generated by the Abuse IP DB block list endpoint. Timeout - Occurs when the request to the endpoint times out.""" url = '' headers = {'Accept': 'text/plain', 'Key': api_key} params = {'limit': '10000'} try: response = get(url, headers=headers, params=params, timeout=10) response.raise_for_status except Timeout: self.log.exception('Timeout occurred connecting to', url) except HTTPError: self.log.exception('Non-200 response received from', url) for ip in response.text.split('\n'): if validateIP(ip): self.adb_bl.append(ip + '/32') return response.status_code
def get_nt_ssh_bl(self): """Retrieves the SSH block list from Outputs: self.nt_ssh_bl -'s SSH brute force source block list. response.status_code - The HTTP response returned from""" url = (r'' + r'honeypot_ssh_blacklist_2019.txt') try: response = get(url) data = response.text for entry in data.split('\n'): if not entry.startswith('#') and validateIP(entry): self.nt_ssh_bl.append(entry + '/32') 'Successfully retrieved list of known ssh brute force ' + 'servers from') self.log.debug( '%d hosts are in the ssh_brute force list from', len(self.nt_ssh_bl)) except Exception: self.log.exception( 'Unable to retrieve list of ssh brute force servers from ' + '') return response.status_code
def get_talos_list(self): """Retrieves the IP block list from Cisco Talos Outputs: self.ssl_bl - A list of IP addresses that Talos has determined are persona non gratta. response.status_code - The HTTP staus code of the request made to emerging threats.""" url = '' try: response = get(url) data = response.text for entry in data.split('\n'): if not entry.startswith('#') and validateIP(entry): self.tbl.append(entry + '/32')'Succesfully retrieved Talos black list.') self.log.debug('%d hosts are in the Talos black list', len(self.tbl)) except Exception: self.log.exception('Unable to retrieve block list from Talos.') return response.status_code
def get_blde_list(self): """Retrieves the block list from Outputs: self.bl_de -'s blocklist that is updated every 48 hours. response.status_code - The HTTP response returned from""" url = '' try: response = get(url) data = response.text for entry in data.split('\n'): if not entry.startswith('#') and validateIP(entry): self.bl_de.append(entry + '/32') 'Succesfully retrieved the ban list from') self.log.debug('%d hosts are in the ban list.', len(self.bl_de)) except Exception: self.log.exception( 'Unable to retrieve the ban list from') return response.status_code
def get_et_ch(self): """Retrieves list of compromised hosts from emerging threats. Outputs: self.et_ch - A list of IP addresses of compromised hosts that are spewing evil. response.status_code - The HTTP staus code of the request made to emerging threats.""" url = ('' + '/blockrules/compromised-ips.txt') try: response = get(url) data = response.text for entry in data.split('\n'): if not entry.startswith('#') and validateIP(entry): self.et_ch.append(entry.strip('\n') + '/32')'Succesfully retrieved compromised IP list from ET.') self.log.debug('%d IPs are in the compromised IP list from ET.', len(self.et_ch)) except Exception: self.log.exception( 'Unable to retrieve compromised IP list from ET.') return response.status_code
def get_ssl_bl(self): """Retrieves the known botnet C2 list from Outputs: self.ssl_bl - A list of IP addresses that are known botnet C2 servers. response.status_code - The HTTP staus code of the request made to emerging threats.""" url = '' try: response = get(url) data = response.text for entry in data.split('\r\n'): if not entry.startswith('#') and validateIP(entry): self.ssl_bl.append(entry + '/32') 'Successfully retrieved known botnet C2 list from') self.log.debug( '%d hosts are indicated as botnet C2 hosts by', len(self.ssl_bl)) except Exception: self.log.exception( 'Unable to retrive botnet C2 list from URLHaus.') return response.status_code
def main(): # Setting up an argument parser. a_parse = ArgumentParser(description='Open Threat Intel checker.') a_parse.add_argument('-I', '--ip', action='store_true', help='Check for IP address info.') a_parse.add_argument('-D', '--dns', action='store_true', help='Check for DNS info.') a_parse.add_argument('-U', '--url', action='store_true', help='Check for URL info.') a_parse.add_argument('-F', '--file', action='store_true', help='Check for File info.') a_parse.add_argument('indicator', type=str, help='Indicator to check ' + 'for.') args = a_parse.parse_args() # Enabling logging and setting logging configuration. log = getLogger('csic') basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S', level=INFO, filename='csic_client.log') # Setting the configuration. config = ConfigParser()'config.cnf') # Specifying API keys. vt_api_key = config['API']['vt'] fsb_api_key = config['API']['fsb'] adb_api_key = config['API']['aipdb'] smtp_server = config['mail']['server'] rcpts = config['mail']['rcpts'] sender = config['mail']['sender'] # Looking for IP info. if args.ip: if not validate.validateIP(args.indicator): log.error('%s failed IP address input validation', args.indicator) exit(1) ip_chck = osintchck.IPOSINT(args.indicator) try: vt = ip_chck.VTChck(vt_api_key) log.debug('Beginning IP CSI check for %s', args.indicator) if vt == 200: if ip_chck.vt_response == 1: vt_results = ip_chck.vt_results if 'downloads' in vt_results: vt_mail = ( 'IP Owner: %s\n' % (vt_results.get('owner')) + 'Country: %s\n' % (vt_results.get('country')) + 'Malicious URL count: %d\n' % (vt_results.get('urls')) + 'Malware download count: %d\n' % (vt_results.get('downloads')) + 'Reference URL: ' + '' + args.indicator + '/details' + '\n') else: vt_mail = ('IP Owner: %s\n' % (vt_results.get('owner')) + 'Country: %s\n' % (vt_results.get('country')) + 'Malicious URL count: %d\n' % (vt_results.get('urls')) + 'Reference URL: ' + '' + args.indicator + '/details' + '\n') else: vt_mail = 'Nothing found on VirusTotal.\n' else: vt_mail = ('Unable to successfully connnect to VirusTotal. ' + 'The HTTP error code is %d\n') % vt except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to VirusTotal due to network ' + 'problems.') try: tc = ip_chck.TCChck() if tc == 200: tc_mail = 'Associated malware count: %d\n' % ip_chck.tc_mw elif tc == 500: tc_mail = 'Error when connecting to ThreatCrowd\n' else: tc_mail = 'No results found on ThreatCrowd\n' except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to ThreatCrowd due to network ' + 'problems.') try: tm = ip_chck.TMChck() if tm == 200: tm_mail = 'Associated malware count: %d\n' % ip_chck.tm_mw elif tm == 408: tm_mail = 'Request timed out.\n' else: tm_mail = ('HTTP response code: %d\n' + 'No results found on ThreatMiner.\n') % tm except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to ThreatMiner due to network ' + 'problems.') try: fsb = ip_chck.FSBChck(fsb_api_key) if fsb == 200: fsb_mail = 'Associated malware count: %d\n' % ip_chck.fsb_mw else: fsb_mail = ('Unable to succesfully connect to Hybrid' + 'Analysis. The HTTP error code is: %d\n') % (fsb) except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to Hybrid Analysis due to network ' + 'problems.') try: tbl = ip_chck.TBLChck() if tbl == 200: tbl_mail = 'Blacklist status: %s\n' % ip_chck.tbl_status else: tbl_mail = 'Talos Return Code: %d\n' % tbl except ConnectionError: print('Unable to retrieve the Talos IP blacklist due to ' + 'network problems.') try: urlh = ip_chck.UHChck() if urlh == 'ok': u_results = ip_chck.uh_results urlh_mail = ('Malicious URL count: %s\n' % (u_results.get('mw_count')) + 'SURBL status: %s\n' % u_results.get('surbl') + 'Spamhaus DBL status: %s\n' % (u_results.get('shbl')) + 'Reference URL: %s\n' % u_results.get('ref_url')) else: urlh_mail = 'URLHaus status: %s\n' % urlh except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to URLHaus due to network ' + 'problems.') adb = ip_chck.AIDBCheck(adb_api_key) if adb == 200: a_results = ip_chck.adb_results adb_mail = ( 'IP Report Count: %s\n' % a_results['report_count'] + 'Abuse Confidence Score: %s\n' % a_results['confidence_score']) else: adb_mail = ('%d response code from Abuse IP DB API' % adb) # Setting the mail body ip_mail_body = ('Indicator: %s\n' % args.indicator + '*' * 32 + '\n' + 'VT Results:\n' + vt_mail + '*' * 32 + '\n' + 'Threat Crowd Results:\n' + tc_mail + '*' * 32 + '\n' + 'ThreatMiner Results:\n' + tm_mail + '*' * 32 + '\n' + 'FalconSandBox Results:\n' + fsb_mail + '*' * 32 + '\n' + 'Talos Black List Status:\n' + tbl_mail + '*' * 32 + '\n' + 'URLHaus Results:\n' + urlh_mail + '*' * 32 + '\n' + 'Abuse IP DB Results:\n' + adb_mail) # Sending the mail message log.debug('Finsihed retrieving IP CSI for %s', args.indicator) mail_send(sender, rcpts, 'CSIC IP Info', smtp_server, ip_mail_body) # Looking for domain info. if args.dns: if not validate.validateDN(args.indicator): log.error('%s failed domain name input validation.', args.indicator) exit(1) dns_chck = osintchck.DomainOSINT(args.indicator) try: vt = dns_chck.VTChck(vt_api_key) log.debug('Beginning domain name CSI check for %s.', args.indicator) if vt == 200: vt_results = dns_chck.vt_results if dns_chck.vt_response == 1: if 'downloads' in vt_results: vt_mail = ('Malware downloads: %d \n' % (vt_results.get('downloads')) + 'URL Categories: %s \n' % (str(vt_results.get('categories'))) + 'Subdomains: %s \n' % (str(vt_results.get('subdomains'))) + 'Malicious URL Count: %d\n' % (vt_results.get('url_count')) + 'Reference URL: ' + '' + args.indicator + '/details' + '\n') else: vt_mail = ('URL Categories: %s \n' % (str(vt_results.get('categories'))) + 'Subdomains: %s \n' % (str(vt_results.get('subdomains'))) + 'Malicious URL Count: %d\n' % (vt_results.get('url_count')) + 'Reference URL: ' + '' + args.indicator + '/details' + '\n') else: vt_mail = 'No results found on VirsuTotal.\n' else: vt_mail = ('Unable to succesfully connect to VirusTotal. ' + 'The HTTP error code is %d\n') % vt except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to VirusTotal due to network problems.') try: tc = dns_chck.TCChck() if tc == 200: tc_mail = 'Resolve count: %d\n' % (dns_chck.tc_rc) for entry in dns_chck.tc_ips: tc_mail = tc_mail + 'IP: %s Resolved Date: %s\n' % ( entry.get('ip_address'), entry.get('r_time')) else: tc_mail = 'No results found on ThreatCrowd\n' except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to ThreatCrowd due to network ' + 'problems') try: tm = dns_chck.TMChck() if tm == 200: tm_mail = 'Associated malware count: %d\n' % dns_chck.tm_mw elif tm == 408: print('Request tiimed out.') elif tm == 500: print('Received HTTP 500 error.') else: tm_mail = ('HTTP respone code: %d' + 'No results found on ThreatMiner.\n') % tm except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to ThreatMiner due to network problems.') try: fsb = dns_chck.FSBChck(fsb_api_key) if fsb == 200: fsb_mail = 'Related sample count: %d\n' % dns_chck.fsb_mw if dns_chck.fsb_mw > 0: fsb_mail = (fsb_mail + ('Average sample threat score: %d\n' % dns_chck.fsb_ts_avg)) else: fsb_mail = ('Unable to succesfully connect to Hybrid ' + 'Analysis. The HTTP error code is %d\n') % fsb except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to HybridAnalyis due to network ' + 'problems.') try: urlh = dns_chck.UHChck() if urlh == 'ok': u_results = dns_chck.uh_results urlh_mail = ('Associated malware count: %s\n' % (u_results.get('mw_count')) + 'SURBL status: %s \n' % u_results.get('surbl') + 'Spamhaus DBL status: %s \n' % (u_results.get('shbl')) + 'Reference URL: %s\n' % u_results.get('ref_url')) else: urlh_mail = 'URLHaus status: %s' % urlh except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to URLHaus due to network problems.') # Setting the mail message dns_mail_body = ('Indicator: %s\n' % args.indicator + '*' * 32 + '\n' + 'VT Results:\n' + vt_mail + '*' * 32 + '\n' + 'Threat Crowd Results:\n' + tc_mail + '*' * 32 + '\n' + 'ThreatMiner Results:\n' + tm_mail + '*' * 32 + '\n' + 'FalconSandBox Results:\n' + fsb_mail + '*' * 32 + '\n' + 'URLHaus Results:\n' + urlh_mail) # Sending the mail message. log.debug('Finished domain name CSI check for %s.', args.indicator) mail_send(sender, rcpts, 'CSIC DNS Info', smtp_server, dns_mail_body) # Looking for URL related info. if args.url: if not validate.validateURL(args.indicator): log.error('%s failed URL input validation.', args.indicator) exit(1) domain = args.indicator.split('/')[2] if not validate.validateDN(domain): log.error( 'The domain name in %s failed domain name input validation', args.indicator) exit(1) u_chck = osintchck.URLOSINT(args.indicator) try: vt = u_chck.VTChck(vt_api_key) log.debug('Beginning URL CSI check for %s.', args.indicator) if vt == 200: if u_chck.vt_response == 1: v_results = u_chck.vc_results vt_mail = ('Last Scan Date: %s\n' % (v_results.get('scan_date')) + 'AV Vendor Malicious Detections: %d\n' % (v_results.get('positives')) + 'Reference URL: %s\n' % (v_results.get('ref_url'))) else: vt_mail = 'Nothing found on VirusTotal for this URL.' else: vt_mail = ('Unable to succesfully connect to VirusTotal. ' + 'HTTP error code is %d\n') % vt except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to VirusTotal due to network problems.') try: fsb = u_chck.FSBChck(fsb_api_key) if fsb == 200: fsb_mail = 'Associated Sample Count: %d\n' % u_chck.fsb_mw else: fsb_mail = ('Unable to successfully connect to Hybrid ' + ' Analysis. The HTTP error code is: %d\n') % fsb except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to HybridAnalysis due to ' + 'network problems.') try: urlh = u_chck.UHChck() if urlh == 'ok': u_results = u_chck.uh_results urlh_mail = ('Threat Category: %s\n' % (u_results.get('status')) + 'Google Safe Browsing: %s\n' % (u_results.get('gsb')) + 'SURBL: %s\n' % u_results.get('surbl') + 'Spamhaus BL: %s\n' % (u_results.get('spamhaus_dbl')) + 'Reference URL: %s\n' % u_results.get('ref_url')) else: urlh_mail = 'URLHaus status: %s' % urlh except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to URL Haus due to network problems.') # Setting the mail message url_mail_body = ('Indicator: %s\n' % args.indicator + '*' * 32 + '\n' + 'VT Results:\n' + vt_mail + '*' * 32 + '\n' + 'FalconSandBox Results:\n' + fsb_mail + '*' * 32 + '\n' + 'URLHaus Results:\n' + urlh_mail) # Sending the mail message. mail_send(sender, rcpts, 'CSIC URL Info', smtp_server, url_mail_body) log.debug('Finished URL CSI check for %s.', args.indicator) # Looking for file realted info. if args.file: file_hash = hash_file(args.indicator) f_chck = osintchck.FileOSINT(file_hash) try: vt = f_chck.VTChck(vt_api_key) log.debug('Beginning file related CSI chek for this hash: %s', args.indicator) if vt == 200: if f_chck.vt_response == 1: vt_results = f_chck.vt_results vt_mail = ('AV Vendor Count: %d\n' % (vt_results.get('av_detect')) + 'Vendor detection percentage: %d\n' % (vt_results.get('av_percentage')) + 'Reference URL: %s\n' % (vt_results.get('ref_url'))) else: vt_mail = 'Nothing found for the given hash on VirusTotal' else: vt_mail = ('Unable to succsefully connect to Virus Total. ' + 'The HTTP error code is %d\n' % vt) except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to VirusTotal due to network problems.') try: fsb = f_chck.FSBChck(fsb_api_key) if fsb == 200: if f_chck.fsb_r_code == 1: f_results = f_chck.fsb_results fsb_mail = ('File verdict: %s\n' % (f_results.get('verdict')) + 'Malware family: %s\n' % (f_results.get('m_family'))) else: fsb_mail = ('Nothing found on the given hash on ' + 'HybridAnalysis.') else: fsb_mail = ('Unable to succesfully connect to Hybrid ' + 'Analysis. The HTTP error code is: %d\n' % fsb) except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to HybridAnalysis due to network ' + 'problems.') # Setting the mail message file_mail_body = ('Indicator: %s\n' % args.indicator + 'File Hash: %s\n' % file_hash + '*' * 32 + '\n' + 'VT Results:\n' + vt_mail + '*' * 32 + '\n' + 'FalconSandBox Results:\n' + fsb_mail) # Sending the mail message. log.debug('Completed file related CSI chek for this hash: %s', args.indicator) mail_send(sender, rcpts, 'CSIC File Info', smtp_server, file_mail_body)
def main(): # Setting up an argument parser. a_parse = ArgumentParser(description='Open Threat Intel checker.') a_parse.add_argument('-I', '--ip', action='store_true', help='Check for IP address info.') a_parse.add_argument('-D', '--dns', action='store_true', help='Check for DNS info.') a_parse.add_argument('-U', '--url', action='store_true', help='Check for URL info.') a_parse.add_argument('-F', '--file', action='store_true', help='Check for File info.') a_parse.add_argument('indicator', type=str, help='Indicator to check ' + 'for.') args = a_parse.parse_args() # Enabling logging and setting logging configuration. log = getLogger('csic') basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S', level=INFO, filename='csic_client.log') # Setting the configuration. config = ConfigParser()'config.cnf') # config = get_config('config.cnf') # Specifying API keys. vt_api_key = config['API']['vt'] fsb_api_key = config['API']['fsb'] adb_api_key = config['API']['aipdb'] # Looking for IP info. if args.ip: if not validate.validateIP(args.indicator): print('Invalid IP address provided as input.') log.error('IP address %s failed input validation.', args.indicator) exit(1) ip_chck = osintchck.IPOSINT(args.indicator) try: log.debug('Retrieving CSI for %s', args.indicator) vt = ip_chck.VTChck(vt_api_key) if vt == 200: print('*' * 32) print('VT Results:') if ip_chck.vt_response == 1: vt_results = ip_chck.vt_results if 'downloads' in vt_results: print('IP Owner: %s' % vt_results.get('owner')) print('Country: %s' % vt_results.get('country')) print('Malicious URL count: %d' % (vt_results.get('urls'))) print('Malware download count: %d' % (vt_results.get('downloads'))) print('Reference URL: ' + '' + args.indicator + '/details') else: print('IP Owner: %s' % vt_results.get('owner')) print('Country: %s' % vt_results.get('country')) print('Malicious URL count: %d' % (vt_results.get('urls'))) print('Reference URL: ' + '' + args.indicator + '/details') else: print('Nothing found on VirusTotal.') else: print('Unable to successfully connnect to VirusTotal. ' + 'The HTTP error code is %d\n') % vt except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to VirusTotal due to network ' + 'problems.') try: tc = ip_chck.TCChck() print('*' * 32) print('ThreatCrowd Results:') if tc == 200: print('Associated malware count: %d' % ip_chck.tc_mw) elif tc == 500: print('Error connecting to ThreatCrowd') else: print('No results found on ThreatCrowd') except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to ThreatCrowd due to network ' + 'problems.') try: tm = ip_chck.TMChck() print('*' * 32) print('ThreatMiner Results:') if tm == 200: print('Associated malware count: %d' % ip_chck.tm_mw) elif tm == 408: print('Request timed out') else: print('ThreatMiner API status code: %d' % tm) print('No results found on ThreatMiner.') except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to ThreatMiner due to network ' + 'problems.') try: fsb = ip_chck.FSBChck(fsb_api_key) if fsb == 200: print('*' * 32) print('HybridAnalysis Results:') print('Associated malware count: %d' % ip_chck.fsb_mw) else: print('Unable to succesfully connect to Hybrid' + 'Analysis. The HTTP error code is: %d\n' % fsb) except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to Hybrid Analysis due to network ' + 'problems.') try: tbl = ip_chck.TBLChck() print('*' * 32) print('Talos Blacklist Check:') if tbl == 200: print('Blacklist status: %s' % ip_chck.tbl_status) else: print('Talos Return Code: %d' % tbl) except ConnectionError: print('Unable to retrieve the Talos IP blacklist due to ' + 'network problems.') try: urlh = ip_chck.UHChck() print('*' * 32) print('URLHaus Results:') if urlh == 'ok': u_results = ip_chck.uh_results print('Malicious URL count: %s' % u_results.get('mw_count')) print('SURBL status: %s' % u_results.get('surbl')) print('Spamhaus DBL status: %s' % u_results.get('shbl')) print('Reference URL: %s' % u_results.get('ref_url')) else: print('URLHaus status: %s' % urlh) except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to URLHaus due to network ' + 'problems.') log.debug('Finished retrieving CSI for %s', args.indicator) adb = ip_chck.AIDBCheck(adb_api_key) print('*' * 32) print('Abuse IP DB Results:') if adb == 200: a_results = ip_chck.adb_results print('IP Report Count: %s' % a_results['report_count']) print('Abuse Confidence Score: %s' % a_results['confidence_score']) else: print('%d response code from Abuse IP DB API' % adb) # Looking for domain info. if args.dns: if not validate.validateDN(args.indicator): print('Invalid DNS name. DNS names must be RFC 1035 compliant.') log.error('%s failed DNS name input validation', args.indicator) exit(1) dns_chck = osintchck.DomainOSINT(args.indicator) try: vt = dns_chck.VTChck(vt_api_key) log.debug('Beginning retrieving domain name CSI for %s', args.indicator) if vt == 200: vt_results = dns_chck.vt_results print('*' * 32) print('VT Results:') if dns_chck.vt_response == 1: if 'downloads' in vt_results: print('Malware downloads: %d' % (vt_results.get('downloads'))) print('URL Categories: %s' % (str(vt_results.get('categories')))) print('Subdomains: %s' % (str(vt_results.get('subdomains')))) print('Malicious URL Count: %d' % (vt_results.get('url_count'))) print('Refernce URL: ' + '' + args.indicator + '/details') else: print('URL Categories: %s' % (str(vt_results.get('categories')))) print('Subdomains: %s' % (str(vt_results.get('subdomains')))) print('Malicious URL Count: %d' % (vt_results.get('url_count'))) print('Refernce URL: ' + '' + args.indicator + '/details') else: print('No results found on VirsuTotal.') else: print('Unable to succesfully connect to VirusTotal. The ' + 'HTTP error code is %d\n' % vt) except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to VirusTotal due to network problems.') try: tc = dns_chck.TCChck() print('*' * 32) print('ThreatCrowd Results') if tc == 200: print('Resolve count: %d' % dns_chck.tc_rc) for entry in dns_chck.tc_ips: print('IP: %s Resolved Date: %s' % (entry.get('ip_address'), entry.get('r_time'))) else: print('No results found on ThreatCrowd') except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to ThreatCrowd due to network ' + 'problems') try: tm = dns_chck.TMChck() print('*' * 32) print('ThreatMiner Results') if tm == 200: print('Associated malware count: %d' % dns_chck.tm_mw) elif tm == 408: print('Request timed out.') else: print('ThreatMiner response code: %d' % tm) print('No results found on ThreatMiner.') except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to ThreatMiner due to network problems.') try: fsb = dns_chck.FSBChck(fsb_api_key) if fsb == 200: print('*' * 32) print('HybridAnalysis Results:') print('Related sample count: %d' % dns_chck.fsb_mw) if dns_chck.fsb_mw > 0: print('Average sample threat score: %d' % dns_chck.fsb_ts_avg) else: print('Unable to succesfully connect to HybridAnalysis. ' + 'The HTTP error code is %d\n' % fsb) except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to HybridAnalyis due to network ' + 'problems.') try: urlh = dns_chck.UHChck() print('*' * 32) print('URLHaus Results') if urlh == 'ok': u_results = dns_chck.uh_results print('Associated malware count: %s' % u_results.get('mw_count')) print('SURBL status: %s' % u_results.get('surbl')) print('Spamhaus DBL status: %s' % u_results.get('shbl')) print('Reference URL: %s' % u_results.get('ref_url')) else: print('URLHaus status: %s' % urlh) except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to URLHaus due to network problems.') log.debug('Finished retrieving domain name CSI for %s', args.indicator) # Looking for URL related info. if args.url: if not validate.validateURL(args.indicator): log.error('URL %s failed input validation.', args.indicator) exit(1) domain = args.indicator.split('/')[2] if not validate.validateDN(domain): print('Domain name is not compliant with RFC 1035.') exit(1) log.error('Domain in URL %s failed input validation.', args.indicator) u_chck = osintchck.URLOSINT(args.indicator) try: vt = u_chck.VTChck(vt_api_key) log.debug('Retrieving URL CSI for %s', args.indicator) if vt == 200: print('*' * 32) print('VirusTotal Results:') if u_chck.vt_response == 1: v_results = u_chck.vc_results print('Last Scan Date: %s' % v_results.get('scan_date')) print('AV Vendor Malicious Detections: %d' % v_results.get('positives')) print('Reference URL: %s' % v_results.get('ref_url')) else: print('Nothing found on VirusTotal for this URL.') else: print('Unable to succesfully connect to VirusTotal. ' + 'HTTP error code is %d\n' % vt) except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to VirusTotal due to network problems.') try: fsb = u_chck.FSBChck(fsb_api_key) if fsb == 200: print('*' * 32) print('HybridAnalysis Results:') print('Associated Sample Count: %d' % u_chck.fsb_mw) else: print('Unable to successfully connect to HybridAnalysis. ' + 'The HTTP error code is: %d\n' % fsb) except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to HybridAnalysis due to ' + 'network problems.') try: urlh = u_chck.UHChck() print('*' * 32) print('URLHaus Results:') if urlh == 'ok': u_results = u_chck.uh_results print('Threat Category: %s' % u_results.get('status')) print('Google Safe Browsing: %s' % u_results.get('gsb')) print('SURBL: %s' % u_results.get('surbl')) print('Spamhaus BL: %s' % u_results.get('spamhaus_dbl')) print('Reference URL: %s' % u_results.get('ref_url')) else: print('URLHaus status: %s' % urlh) except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to URL Haus due to network problems') log.debug('Finished retrieving URL CSI for %s', args.indicator) # Looking for file realted info. if args.file: file_hash = hash_file(args.indicator) print('The hash we are looking for is below.\n%s' % file_hash) f_chck = osintchck.FileOSINT(file_hash) try: vt = f_chck.VTChck(vt_api_key) log.debug('Retrieving file related CSI for %s', args.indicator) if vt == 200: print('*' * 32) print('VirusTotal Results:') if f_chck.vt_response == 1: vt_results = f_chck.vt_results print('AV Vendor Count: %d' % vt_results.get('av_detect')) print('Vendor detection percentage: %d' % vt_results.get('av_percentage')) print('Reference URL: %s' % vt_results.get('ref_url')) else: print('Nothing found for the given hash on VirusTotal') else: print('Unable to succsefully connect to Virus Total. The ' + 'HTTP error code is %d\n' % vt) except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to VirusTotal due to network problems.') try: fsb = f_chck.FSBChck(fsb_api_key) if fsb == 200: print('*' * 32) print('HybridAnalysis Results:') if f_chck.fsb_r_code == 1: f_results = f_chck.fsb_results print('File verdict: %s' % f_results.get('verdict')) print('Malware family: %s' % f_results.get('m_family')) else: print('Nothing found on the given hash on ' + 'HybridAnalysis.') else: print('Unable to succesfully connect to HybridAnalysis. ' + 'The HTTP error code is: %d\n' % fsb) except ConnectionError: print('Unable to connect to HybridAnalysis due to network ' + 'problems.') log.debug('Finished retrieving file related CSI for %s', args.indicator)