Example #1
def promote_local_variables(doc: libsbml.SBMLDocument,
                            suffix: str = "_promoted") -> libsbml.SBMLDocument:
    """Promotes local variables in SBMLDocument.

    Manipulates SBMLDocument in place!

    :param doc: SBMLDocument
    :param suffix: str suffix for promoted SBML
    :return: SBMLDocument with promoted parameters
    model: libsbml.Model = doc.getModel()

    # promote local parameters
    props = libsbml.ConversionProperties()
    props.addOption("promoteLocalParameters", True,
                    "Promotes all Local Parameters to Global ones")

    if doc.convert(props) != libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS:
        logger.error(f"Promotion of local parameters failed: {doc}")
        logger.info(f"Promotion of local paramters successful: {doc}")
    return doc
Example #2
def flatten_sbml_doc(doc: libsbml.SBMLDocument,
                     output_path: Path = None,
                     leave_ports: bool = True) -> libsbml.SBMLDocument:
    """Flatten SBMLDocument.

    Validation should be performed before the flattening and is not part
    of the flattening routine.
    If an output path is provided the file is written to the output path.

    :param doc: SBMLDocument to flatten.
    :param output_path: Path to write flattended SBMLDocument to
    :param leave_ports: flag to leave ports

    :return: SBMLDocument
    error_count = doc.getNumErrors()
    if error_count > 0:
        if doc.getError(0).getErrorId() == libsbml.XMLFileUnreadable:
            # Handle case of unreadable file here.
            logger.error("SBML error in doc: libsbml.XMLFileUnreadable")
        elif doc.getError(0).getErrorId() == libsbml.XMLFileOperationError:
            # Handle case of other file error here.
            logger.error("SBML error in doc: libsbml.XMLFileOperationError")
            # Handle other error cases here.
            logger.error("SBML errors in doc, see SBMLDocument error log.")

    # converter options
    props = libsbml.ConversionProperties()
    props.addOption("flatten comp", True)  # Invokes CompFlatteningConverter
                    leave_ports)  # Indicates whether to leave ports
    props.addOption("abortIfUnflattenable", "none")

    # flatten
    current = time.perf_counter()
    result = doc.convert(props)
    flattened_status = result == libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS

    lines = [
        "-" * 120,
        "{:<25}: {}".format("flattened",
        "{:<25}: {:.3f}".format("flatten time (ms)",
                                time.perf_counter() - current),
        "-" * 120,
    info = bcolors.BOLD + "\n".join(lines) + bcolors.ENDC

    if flattened_status:
        logger.info(bcolors.OKGREEN + info + bcolors.ENDC)
        logger.error(bcolors.FAIL + info + bcolors.ENDC)
        raise ValueError(
            "SBML could not be flattend due to errors in the SBMLDocument.")

    if output_path is not None:
        write_sbml(doc, filepath=output_path)
        logger.info(f"Flattened model created: '{output_path}'")

    return doc