Example #1
    def __init__(self, tilelist, fadetime, color1, color2):
        self.tilelist = tilelist
        self.color1 = color1
        self.color2 = color2
        allx = map(lambda tile: tile.x, self.tilelist)
        ally = map(lambda tile: tile.y, self.tilelist)
        minx = min(allx)
        maxx = max(allx)
        miny = min(ally)
        maxy = max(ally)
        self.blitx = minx
        self.blity = miny
        width = maxx - minx + 1
        height = maxy - miny + 1
        EffectCon.__init__(self, width, height, fadetime)

        libtcod.console_set_key_color(self.console, libtcod.silver)
                                               libtcod.silver)  #key color

        idx = [0, self.maxduration]
        col = [self.color1, self.color2]
        self.colormap = libtcod.color_gen_map(col, idx)

        newcoordlist = []
        for tile in self.tilelist:
            newcoordlist.append((tile.x - minx, tile.y - miny))
        self.con_coords = newcoordlist

Example #2
 def build_map(self):
     upper = [libtcod.blue, libtcod.white, libtcod.grey,
     libtcod.lighter_grey, libtcod.blue, libtcod.blue,
     libtcod.blue, libtcod.blue, libtcod.blue, libtcod.green]
     colors = [libtcod.darker_grey, libtcod.black]
     index = [0, MAP_HEIGHT]
     gradient = libtcod.color_gen_map(colors, index)
     self.color_map = upper + list(gradient)
Example #3
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     self.bullet = False
     self.particle_type = 'thrust'
     self.index = 9
     self.colormap = libtcod.color_gen_map(
         [ kwargs.get('sector').background, libtcod.Color(255, 144, 0),  libtcod.Color(255, 222, 0) ],
         [ 0,                               self.index/2,                self.index] )
     self.charactermap = [176, 176, 176, 177, 177, 178, 178, 219, 219, 219]
     super(Fire, self).__init__(**kwargs)
Example #4
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     self.damage = 10
     self.bullet = True
     self.particle_type = 'bullet'
     self.index = 30
     self.colormap = libtcod.color_gen_map(
         [ libtcod.Color(0, 144, 255),  libtcod.Color(0, 222, 255) ],
         [ 0,                           self.index ] )
     self.charactermap = [4 for i in range(0, self.index+1)]
     super(BlueBullet, self).__init__(velocity=1.0, **kwargs)
Example #5
 def build_map(self):
     upper = [
         libtcod.blue, libtcod.white, libtcod.grey, libtcod.lighter_grey,
         libtcod.blue, libtcod.blue, libtcod.blue, libtcod.blue,
         libtcod.blue, libtcod.green
     colors = [libtcod.darker_grey, libtcod.black]
     index = [0, MAP_HEIGHT]
     gradient = libtcod.color_gen_map(colors, index)
     self.color_map = upper + list(gradient)
Example #6
	def draw(self, con, mode):
		if mode == "normal":
			libtcod.image_blit_2x(self.image, con, 0, 0)
			for x in range(self.width):
				for y in range(self.height):
					tile = self.tiles[x][y]
					if tile.char is not None:
						libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(con, tile.fg_color)
						libtcod.console_put_char(con, x, y, tile.char, libtcod.BKGND_NONE)
		elif mode == "tiles":
			for x in range(self.width):
				for y in range(self.height):
					if self.tiles[x][y].terrain == "land":
						libtcod.console_set_default_background(con, libtcod.Color(40, 62, 19))
						libtcod.console_put_char(con, x, y, ' ', libtcod.BKGND_SET)
					elif self.tiles[x][y].terrain == "water":
						libtcod.console_set_default_background(con, libtcod.Color(38, 50, 60))
						libtcod.console_put_char(con, x, y, ' ', libtcod.BKGND_SET)
		elif mode == "temps":
			cols = [libtcod.green, libtcod.yellow, libtcod.red]
			col_idx = [0, 50, 100]
			col_map = libtcod.color_gen_map(cols, col_idx)
			for x in range(self.width):
				for y in range(self.height):
					libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(con, col_map[int(self.tiles[x][y].temp*100)])
					libtcod.console_put_char(con, x, y, 'o', libtcod.BKGND_NONE)
		elif mode == "rain":
			cols = [libtcod.yellow, libtcod.green, libtcod.blue]
			col_idx = [0, 50, 100]
			col_map = libtcod.color_gen_map(cols, col_idx)
			for x in range(self.width):
				for y in range(self.height):
					libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(con, col_map[int(self.tiles[x][y].rain*100)])
					libtcod.console_put_char(con, x, y, 'o', libtcod.BKGND_NONE)
			print "Invalid drawing mode passed to Map.draw: " + mode
Example #7
 def __init__(self, starting_index=0, **kwargs):
     self.bullet = False
     self.particle_type = 'explosion_fire_ball'
     self.index = 16 - starting_index
     self.colormap = libtcod.color_gen_map(
         [ kwargs.get('sector').background,
           libtcod.Color(81, 39, 23),
           libtcod.Color(247, 151, 65),
           libtcod.Color(255, 255, 149),
           libtcod.Color(255, 255, 249) ],
         [ 0,
           self.index] )
     self.charactermap = [176, 176, 176, 177, 177, 177, 177, 177, 178, 178, 178, 178, 178, 219, 219, 219, 219]
     super(ExplosionFireBall, self).__init__(**kwargs)
Example #8
    def __init__(self, sector, planet_class='terran', position_x=-30, position_y=30, diameter=60, seed=3849058430, name="X", star_class=None, star_temp=None):
        self.name = name
        self.planet_class = planet_class
        self.star_class = star_class
        self.star_temp = star_temp

        self.seed = seed

        if self.planet_class == 'star':
            self.star_class = random.choice(Planet.star_classes.keys())
            self.star_temp = random.randrange(

        self.sector = sector
        self.sector_position_x = position_x
        self.sector_position_y = position_y
        self.width = diameter
        if (self.width % 2) != 0:
            self.width += 1
        self.height = self.width

        if self.width < 13:
            self.icon = 15
        elif 14 <= self.width < 24:
            self.icon = 14
        elif 24 <= self.width < 34:
            self.icon = 13
        elif 34 <= self.width < 44:
            self.icon = 12
        elif 44 <= self.width < 54:
            self.icon = 11
        elif 54 <= self.width < 64:
            self.icon = 10
        elif self.width >= 64:
            self.icon = 9

        self.terrain_rotation_index = 0
        self.atmosphere_rotation_index = 0
        self.last_terrain_rotation = 0.0
        self.last_atmosphere_rotation = 0.0

        self.selected = False

        self.noise_dx = 0.0
        self.noise_dy = 0.0
        self.noise_dz = 0.0
        self.noise_hurst = libtcod.NOISE_DEFAULT_HURST
        self.noise_lacunarity = libtcod.NOISE_DEFAULT_LACUNARITY

        self.icon_color = libtcod.Color(255, 255, 255)

        if self.planet_class == 'terran':
            self.icon_color = libtcod.Color(50,  72, 200)
            self.height_colormap = libtcod.color_gen_map(
                  libtcod.Color(39,  62,  90),
                  libtcod.Color(50,  72,  88),
                  libtcod.Color(116, 184, 164),
                  libtcod.Color(142, 163, 164),
                  libtcod.Color(71,  97,  81),
                  libtcod.Color(149, 138, 115),
                  libtcod.Color(199, 197, 150),
                  libtcod.Color(220, 197, 173)
                [ 0, 15, 70, 80, 90, 200, 233, 255]
            self.noise_octaves = 6.0
            self.noise_zoom = 1.0

        elif self.planet_class == 'ocean':
            self.icon_color = libtcod.Color(27,  75,  174)
            self.height_colormap = collections.deque( libtcod.color_gen_map(
                  libtcod.Color(13,  44,  53),
                  libtcod.Color(18,  51,  57),
                  libtcod.Color(16,  70,  63),
                  libtcod.Color(31,  106, 100),
                  libtcod.Color(92,  198, 169),
                  libtcod.Color(170, 211, 142),
                  libtcod.Color(78,  144, 72),
                  libtcod.Color(24,  55,  23),
                [0, 40, 80, 130, 150, 160, 180, 200]
            self.noise_octaves = 6.0
            self.noise_zoom = 1.0

        elif self.planet_class == 'jungle':
            self.icon_color = libtcod.Color(100, 173, 22)
            self.height_colormap = libtcod.color_gen_map(
                  libtcod.Color(29,  53,  112),
                  libtcod.Color(69,  137, 200),
                  libtcod.Color(61,  86,  34),
                  libtcod.Color(42,  72,  38),
                  libtcod.Color(52,  103, 35),
                  libtcod.Color(29,  47,  18),
                  libtcod.Color(75,  118, 33),
                  libtcod.Color(100, 173, 22),
                [0, 60, 80, 110, 150, 205, 235, 255]
            self.noise_octaves = 6.0
            self.noise_zoom = 3.0

        elif self.planet_class == 'lava':
            self.icon_color = libtcod.Color(255, 52,  0)
            self.height_colormap = libtcod.color_gen_map(
                  libtcod.Color(255, 151, 19),
                  libtcod.Color(255, 52,  0),
                  libtcod.Color(91,  31,  12),
                  libtcod.Color(31,  21,  11),
                  libtcod.Color(56,  44,  21),
                  libtcod.Color(0,   0,   0),
                  libtcod.Color(62,  19,  15),
                  libtcod.Color(94,  65,  35),
                [0, 60, 80, 110, 150, 205, 235, 255]
            self.noise_octaves = 6.0
            self.noise_zoom = 6.0

        elif self.planet_class == 'tundra':
            self.icon_color = libtcod.Color(167, 157, 109)
            self.height_colormap = libtcod.color_gen_map(
                  libtcod.Color(121, 183, 170),
                  libtcod.Color(167, 206, 174),
                  libtcod.Color(145, 150, 117),
                  libtcod.Color(110, 116, 93),
                  libtcod.Color(167, 157, 109),
                  libtcod.Color(86,  111, 95),
                  libtcod.Color(210, 199, 132),
                  libtcod.Color(255, 255, 200),
                [0, 60, 75, 105, 140, 200, 235, 255]
            self.noise_octaves = 6.0
            self.noise_zoom = 2.0

        elif self.planet_class == 'arid':
            self.icon_color = libtcod.Color(235, 131, 44)
            self.height_colormap = libtcod.color_gen_map(
                  libtcod.Color(121, 183, 170),
                  libtcod.Color(167, 206, 174),
                  libtcod.Color(126, 86,  36),
                  libtcod.Color(163, 94,  45),
                  libtcod.Color(235, 131, 44),
                  libtcod.Color(174, 115, 29),
                  libtcod.Color(112, 69,  35),
                  libtcod.Color(41,  30,  20),
                [0, 60, 75, 90, 140, 180, 225, 255]
            self.noise_octaves = 6.0
            self.noise_zoom = 3.0

        elif self.planet_class == 'desert':
            self.icon_color = libtcod.Color(255, 178, 58)
            self.height_colormap = libtcod.color_gen_map(
                  libtcod.Color(255, 178, 58),
                  libtcod.Color(229, 163, 78),
                  libtcod.Color(255, 150, 61),
                  libtcod.Color(235, 131, 44),
                  libtcod.Color(174, 115, 29),
                  libtcod.Color(163, 94,  45),
                  libtcod.Color(112, 69,  35),
                  libtcod.Color(68,  47,  49),
                [0, 30, 40, 80, 140, 200, 244, 255]
            self.noise_octaves = 6.0
            self.noise_zoom = 3.0

        elif self.planet_class == 'artic':
            self.icon_color = libtcod.Color(255, 255, 240)
            self.height_colormap = libtcod.color_gen_map(
                  libtcod.Color(255, 255, 240),
                  libtcod.Color(221, 245, 193),
                  libtcod.Color(157, 198, 160),
                  libtcod.Color(134, 152, 113),
                  libtcod.Color(154, 166, 116),
                  libtcod.Color(208, 211, 156),
                  libtcod.Color(172, 198, 155),
                  libtcod.Color(255, 255, 255),
                [0, 60, 100, 120, 140, 170, 175, 255]
            self.noise_octaves = 6.0
            self.noise_zoom = 1.0

        elif self.planet_class == 'barren' or self.planet_class == 'asteroid':
            self.icon_color = libtcod.Color(151, 152, 113)
            self.height_colormap = libtcod.color_gen_map(
                  libtcod.Color(39,  41,  44 ),
                  libtcod.Color(88,  93,  67 ),
                  libtcod.Color(111, 109, 78 ),
                  libtcod.Color(151, 152, 113),
                  libtcod.Color(151, 141, 101),
                  libtcod.Color(198, 189, 133),
                  libtcod.Color(100, 101, 81 ),
                  libtcod.Color(247, 236, 177),
                [0, 30, 60, 85, 100, 120, 180, 255]
            self.noise_octaves = 6.0
            self.noise_zoom = 2.5

        if self.planet_class == 'gas giant':
            self.icon_color = libtcod.Color(112, 199, 242)
            self.height_colormap = libtcod.color_gen_map(
                  libtcod.Color(62,  99,  120),
                  libtcod.Color(86,  137, 173),
                  libtcod.Color(112, 199, 242),
                  libtcod.Color(115, 214, 255),
                  libtcod.Color(162, 212, 234),
                  libtcod.Color(237, 236, 255),
                  libtcod.Color(222, 255, 255),
                  libtcod.Color(255, 255, 255)
                [ 0, 40, 80, 100, 120, 190, 210, 255]
            self.noise_octaves = 4.0
            self.noise_zoom = 3.0

        elif self.planet_class == 'star':
            self.star_class = random.choice(Planet.star_classes.keys())
            self.star_temp = random.randrange(

            star_colors = Planet.star_classes[self.star_class]['colors']

            self.icon = 8
            self.icon_color = star_colors[2]

            self.height_colormap = collections.deque( libtcod.color_gen_map(
                star_colors * 2 + [star_colors[0]],
                [ 0, 42, 84, 126, 168, 210, 255] ))
            self.noise_octaves = 4.0
            self.noise_zoom = 4.0

        self.heightmap_width = self.width * 2
        self.heightmap_height = self.height

        self.detail_width = self.width * 2
        if self.detail_width > self.sector.screen_height * 1.25:
            self.detail_width = int(self.sector.screen_height * 1.25)
            if (self.detail_width % 2) != 0:
                self.detail_width += 1

        self.detail_heightmap_width = self.detail_width * 2
        self.detail_heightmap_height = self.detail_width

        # self.char_shades = ['.',':','!','*','o','e','&','#','%','@']
        self.shades = [i/20.0 for i in range(20, -1, -1)]

        self.circle_mask = self.build_circle_mask(self.width)
        self.heightmap = self.build_heightmap(self.heightmap_width, self.heightmap_height)
        self.atmosphere = self.build_atmosphere(self.heightmap_width, self.heightmap_height)
        self.sprite = self.build_sprite(self.width)

        self.detail_circle_mask = self.build_circle_mask(self.detail_width)
        self.detail_heightmap = self.build_heightmap(self.detail_heightmap_width, self.detail_heightmap_height)
        self.detail_atmosphere = self.build_atmosphere(self.detail_heightmap_width, self.detail_heightmap_height)

        self.target_width = 12
        self.target_circle_mask = self.build_circle_mask(self.target_width)
        self.target_heightmap = self.build_heightmap(self.target_width*2, self.target_width)
        self.target_atmosphere = self.build_atmosphere(self.target_width*2, self.target_width)
        self.target_sprite = self.build_sprite(self.target_width, circle_mask=self.target_circle_mask, heightmap=self.target_heightmap, atmosphere=self.target_atmosphere, width=self.target_width)
Example #9
	'NONE':			ltc.KEY_NONE,
	'UP':			ltc.KEY_UP,
	'DOWN':			ltc.KEY_DOWN,
	'LEFT':			ltc.KEY_LEFT,

idx = [ 0, 10, 50, 100, 255 ] # indexes of the keys
col = [ 
		ltc.Color( 255, 255, 153 ), 
		ltc.Color( 102, 204, 0 ),
		ltc.Color( 153, 76, 0 ), 
		ltc.Color( 102, 51, 0 ),  
		ltc.Color(255,255,255) ] # colors : black, red, white
land_colors = ltc.color_gen_map(col, idx)

idx = [ 0, 255 ] # indexes of the keys
col = [ ltc.Color( 153, 255, 255 ), ltc.Color( 0, 25, 51 ) ] # colors : black, red, white
sea_colors = ltc.color_gen_map(col, idx)

def init():
	w = config.SCREEN_WIDTH
	h = config.SCREEN_HEIGHT
	#ltc.console_set_custom_font(config.TILE_SET, ltc.FONT_LAYOUT_ASCII_INROW | ltc.FONT_TYPE_GREYSCALE, 16, 16)
	ltc.console_set_custom_font(config.TILE_SET, ltc.FONT_LAYOUT_TCOD | ltc.FONT_TYPE_GREYSCALE, 32, 8)	
	ltc.console_init_root(w, h, config.TITLE, False)
Example #10
def test_color_gen_map():
    colors = libtcodpy.color_gen_map([(0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255)], [0, 8])
    assert colors[0] == libtcodpy.Color(0, 0, 0)
    assert colors[-1] == libtcodpy.Color(255, 255, 255)
Example #11
def create_light_map(weather):
    weather['light_map'] = tcod.color_gen_map([
        tcod.Color(c['colors'][0], c['colors'][1], c['colors'][2])
        for c in weather['colors']
    ], weather['color_indexes'])
Example #12
    'UP': ltc.KEY_UP,
    'DOWN': ltc.KEY_DOWN,
    'LEFT': ltc.KEY_LEFT,
    'RIGHT': ltc.KEY_RIGHT

idx = [0, 10, 50, 100, 255]  # indexes of the keys
col = [
    ltc.Color(255, 255, 153),
    ltc.Color(102, 204, 0),
    ltc.Color(153, 76, 0),
    ltc.Color(102, 51, 0),
    ltc.Color(255, 255, 255)
]  # colors : black, red, white
land_colors = ltc.color_gen_map(col, idx)

idx = [0, 255]  # indexes of the keys
col = [ltc.Color(153, 255, 255),
       ltc.Color(0, 25, 51)]  # colors : black, red, white
sea_colors = ltc.color_gen_map(col, idx)

def init():
    w = config.SCREEN_WIDTH
    h = config.SCREEN_HEIGHT

    #ltc.console_set_custom_font(config.TILE_SET, ltc.FONT_LAYOUT_ASCII_INROW | ltc.FONT_TYPE_GREYSCALE, 16, 16)
def render_all():    #renders the screen
    global color_dark_wall, color_light_wall, color_dark_ground, color_light_ground
    global fov_recompute, fov_map
    global game_state, map_list, current_map, current_map_name
    move_camera(player.x, player.y)
    if fov_recompute:       #recomputes FOV if needed (player move, etc)
        fov_recompute = False
        libtcod.map_compute_fov(fov_map, player.x, player.y, config.TORCH_RADIUS, config.FOV_LIGHT_WALLS, config.FOV_ALGO)
        # for object in objects:
            # if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, object.x, object.y):
                # if object.item:
                    # object.always_visible = True
                # if object.name == 'stairs':
                    # object.always_visible = True
    #draw the map
    for y in range(config.CAMERA_HEIGHT):
        for x in range(config.CAMERA_WIDTH):
            (map_x, map_y) = (camera_x + x, camera_y + y)
            visible = libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, map_x, map_y)
            wall = current_map[map_x][map_y].block_sight
            if game_state == 'dead':    #reveals the map when player dies
                if wall:
                    libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, color_nolight_ground, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
            if not visible:
                if current_map[map_x][map_y].explored:
                    if wall:
                        libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, color_not_in_view_ground, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
            elif game_state == 'dead':      #turns off the lights if the player is dead
                if wall:
                    libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, color_not_in_view_ground, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                if wall:    #sets wall color and renders them
                    indx = [0, config.TORCH_RADIUS - 4, config.TORCH_RADIUS - 2, config.TORCH_RADIUS]
                    key = [config.color_light_wall, config.color_dark_wall, config.color_nolight_wall, config.color_nolight_wall]
                    light_map =  libtcod.color_gen_map(key, indx)
                    distance_from_light = abs(int(player.distance(camera_x +x, camera_y + y)))
                    if distance_from_light != 0:
                        wallcolor =  light_map[distance_from_light-1]
                        wallcolor = config.color_dark_wall
                    libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, wallcolor, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                else:       #sets tile color and renders them
                    indx = [0, config.TORCH_RADIUS - 4, config.TORCH_RADIUS - 2, config.TORCH_RADIUS]
                    key = [config.color_light_ground, config.color_dark_ground, config.color_nolight_ground, config.color_nolight_ground]
                    light_map =  libtcod.color_gen_map(key, indx)
                    distance_from_light = abs(int(player.distance(camera_x +x, camera_y + y)))
                    if distance_from_light != 0:
                        groundcolor =  light_map[distance_from_light-1]
                        groundcolor = config.color_dark_ground
                #since visible, explores tile
                current_map[map_x][map_y].explored = True
    #writes "con" console to the root console
    map_width = get_map_dimensions(current_map_name)[0]
    map_height = get_map_dimensions(current_map_name)[1]
    #prepare to render the GUI panel
    libtcod.console_set_default_background(panel, libtcod.black)
    #print the game messages, one line at a time
    y = 1
    for (line, color) in game_msgs:
        libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(panel, color)
        libtcod.console_print_ex(panel, config.MSG_X, y, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, line)
        y += 1
    #show dungeon level 
    libtcod.console_print_ex(panel, 1, 5, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, 'Dungeon level ' + str(dungeon_level))
    #blit the contents of "panel" to root console
    libtcod.console_blit(panel, 0, 0, config.SCREEN_WIDTH, config.PANEL_HEIGHT, 0, 0, config.PANEL_Y)
Example #14
	def generate(self):
		self.owner.log.message("Generating map...", debug = True)
		noise = libtcod.noise_new(2, 0.5, 2.0)
		heightmap = libtcod.heightmap_new(2*self.width, 2*self.height)
		maxi = 0
		mini = 0

		self.tiles = [[ Tile()
			for y in range(self.height) ]
				for x in range(self.width) ]

		self.owner.log.message("-- creating heightmap...", debug = True)
		for x in range(self.width*2):
			for y in range(self.height*2):
				f = [3 * float(x) / (2*self.width), 3 * float(y) / (2*self.height)]
				value = (libtcod.noise_get_fbm(noise, f, 5, libtcod.NOISE_PERLIN))/2
				if value > maxi:
					maxi = value
				if value < mini:
					mini = value
				libtcod.heightmap_set_value(heightmap, x, y, value)

		# print "-- erode the map"
		# libtcod.heightmap_rain_erosion(heightmap, self.width*2*self.height*2*2,0.1,0.2)

		self.owner.log.message("-- normalize heights...", debug = True)
		self.heightmap = libtcod.heightmap_new(self.width*2, self.height*2)

		for x in range(self.width*2):
			for y in range(self.height*2):
				value = libtcod.heightmap_get_value(heightmap, x, y)
				if value < 0:
					value += 1
					mini2 = mini + 1
					coeff = (value - mini2)/(1-mini2)
					libtcod.heightmap_set_value(self.heightmap, x, y, -coeff)
					value = value / maxi
					libtcod.heightmap_set_value(self.heightmap, x, y, value)

		self.owner.log.message("-- setting up tiles", debug = True)
		for x in range(self.width):
			for y in range(self.height):
				h = libtcod.heightmap_get_value(self.heightmap, x*2, y*2)
				if h >= 0.05:
					self.tiles[x][y].terrain = "land"
					self.tiles[x][y].terrain = "water"

		# self.owner.log.message("-- creating temperature map", debug = True)
		# noise2 = libtcod.noise_new(2, 0.5, 2.0)
		# temp_max = 0
		# temp_min = 1
		# for x in range(self.width):
		# 	for y in range(self.height):
		#  		f = [3 * float(x) / (self.width), 3 * float(y) / (self.height)]
	 # 			value = (libtcod.noise_get_fbm(noise2, f, 5, libtcod.NOISE_PERLIN))/2
	 # 			value = (value + 1)/2
	 # 			if value < temp_min:
	 # 				temp_min = value
	 # 			if value > temp_max:
	 # 				temp_max = value
		# 		self.tiles[x][y].temp = value

		# temp_max = temp_max - temp_min
		# height_factor = 0.5
		# for x in range(self.width):
		# 	for y in range(self.height):
		# 		temp = (self.tiles[x][y].temp - temp_min)/temp_max
		# 		h = libtcod.heightmap_get_value(self.heightmap, x*2, y*2)
		# 		if h > 0:
		# 			factor = (-h)*height_factor
		# 			temp = temp + factor
		# 			temp = min(1, temp)
		# 			temp = max(0, temp)
		# 		self.tiles[x][y].temp = temp

		self.owner.log.message("-- creating rainfall map", debug = True)
		noise3 = libtcod.noise_new(2, 0.5, 2.0)
		self.rainmap = libtcod.heightmap_new(self.width*2, self.height*2)
		rain_max = 0
		rain_min = 1
		for x in range(self.width*2):
			for y in range(self.height*2):
		 		f = [5 * float(x) / (self.width*2), 5 * float(y) / (self.height*2)]
	 			value = (libtcod.noise_get_fbm(noise3, f, 5, libtcod.NOISE_PERLIN))/2
	 			value = (value + 1)/2
	 			if value < rain_min:
	 				rain_min = value
	 			if value > rain_max:
	 				rain_max = value
				self.tiles[x/2][y/2].rain = value
				libtcod.heightmap_set_value(self.rainmap, x, y, value)

		rain_max = rain_max - rain_min

		for x in range(self.width*2):
			for y in range(self.height*2):
				libtcod.heightmap_set_value(self.rainmap, x, y, (libtcod.heightmap_get_value(self.rainmap, x, y) - rain_min)/rain_max)
				self.tiles[x/2][y/2].rain = (self.tiles[x/2][y/2].rain - rain_min)/rain_max

		self.owner.log.message("Terrain complete", debug = True)

		self.owner.log.message("Painting terrain", debug = True)

		deep = libtcod.Color(1, 10, 27)
		mid = libtcod.Color(38, 50, 60)
		shallow = libtcod.Color(51, 83, 120)
		water_idx = [0, 70, 210, 255]
		water_cols = [deep, deep, mid, shallow]
		water_colormap = libtcod.color_gen_map(water_cols, water_idx)

		mountaintop = libtcod.Color(145, 196, 88)
		grass = libtcod.Color(40, 62, 19)
		foothill = libtcod.Color(57, 81, 34)
		sand = libtcod.Color(215, 185, 115)
		watersedge = libtcod.Color(19, 97, 101)

		land_idx = [0, 15, 20, 128, 255]
		land_cols = [watersedge, sand, grass, foothill, mountaintop]
		land_colormap = libtcod.color_gen_map(land_cols, land_idx)

		# Apply height-based colours
		for x in range(self.width*2):
			for y in range(self.height*2):
				value = libtcod.heightmap_get_value(self.heightmap, x, y)
				if value < 0:
					index = int(-value * 255)
					libtcod.image_put_pixel(self.image, x, y, water_colormap[index])
					index = int(value * 255)
					libtcod.image_put_pixel(self.image, x, y, land_colormap[index])

		# Adjust colours for desert-plains-forest
		for x in range(self.width*2):
			for y in range(self.height*2):
				if libtcod.heightmap_get_value(self.heightmap, x, y) > 0:
					rain = libtcod.heightmap_get_value(self.rainmap, x, y)
					cur_col = libtcod.image_get_pixel(self.image, x, y)
					cols = [libtcod.light_sepia, cur_col, cur_col, cur_col * 1.1]
					col_idx = [0, 100, 165, 255]
					col_map = libtcod.color_gen_map(cols, col_idx)
					index = int(rain*255)
					if index > 165 and libtcod.heightmap_get_value(self.heightmap, x, y) > 0.15:
						self.tiles[x/2][y/2].biome = "forest"
						self.tiles[x/2][y/2].char = 'T'
						self.tiles[x/2][y/2].fg_color = grass * 0.7

					libtcod.image_put_pixel(self.image, x, y, col_map[index])

		self.owner.log.message("-- apply normal shadows", debug = True)
		for x in range(self.width*2):
			for y in range(self.height*2):
				normal = libtcod.heightmap_get_normal(self.heightmap, x, y, 0)
				nx = normal[0]
				ny = normal[1]
				avg = (nx + ny)/2
				if avg > 0:
					avg = 1
					avg = avg + 1
					avg = min(avg/2 + 0.5, 1)
				col = libtcod.image_get_pixel(self.image, x, y) * avg 
				libtcod.image_put_pixel(self.image, x, y, col)

		self.owner.log.message("Placing cities", debug=True)

		self.owner.entities = []

		max_cities = 10
		num_cities = 0
		for i in range(max_cities):
			x = libtcod.random_get_int(0, 0, self.width - 1)
			y = libtcod.random_get_int(0, 0, self.height - 1)
			if self.tiles[x][y].terrain == "land":
				city = entity.City(self.owner, x, y, '#', libtcod.Color(libtcod.random_get_int(0, 0, 255), libtcod.random_get_int(0, 0, 255), libtcod.random_get_int(0, 0, 255)))
				num_cities += 1
		self.owner.log.message("-- placed " + str(num_cities) + " cities")

		self.owner.log.message("Map generated", debug = True)
		self.generated = True
Example #15
def __get_color_scale(first, last, size):
    return tcod.color_gen_map([first, last], [0, size])
Example #16
def __get_color_scale(first, last, size):
    return tcod.color_gen_map([first, last], [0, size])
Example #17
def create_light_map(weather):
	weather['light_map'] = tcod.color_gen_map([tcod.Color(c['colors'][0], c['colors'][1], c['colors'][2]) for c in weather['colors']], weather['color_indexes'])