Example #1
 def path_from_to(self, pos_origin, pos_destination):
     # For the moment, we do not handle Z movement
     x, y, z = pos_origin
     x2, y2, _ = pos_destination
     path = tcod.path_new_using_map(self.path_map[z])
     tcod.path_compute(path, x, y, x2, y2)
     return path
Example #2
	def move_astar(self, target):
		fov = libtcod.map_new(MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT)
		#set move, sight blockers
		for y1 in range(MAP_HEIGHT):
			for x1 in range(MAP_WIDTH):
				libtcod.map_set_properties(fov, x1, y1, not map[x1][y1].sight_blocker, not map[x1][y1].move_blocker)
		#Treat tiles occupied by monsters as move blocked
		for obj in objects:
			if obj.move_blocker and obj != self and obj != target:
				libtcod.map_set_properties(fov, obj.x, obj.y, True, False)
		#Allocate path. Use roguelike geometry (diagonals = cardinals).
		my_path = libtcod.path_new_using_map(fov, 1.0)
		#Compute path
		libtcod.path_compute(my_path, self.x, self.y, target.x, target.y)
		#Confirm path was found, and is short, then take step.
		if not libtcod.path_is_empty(my_path) and libtcod.path_size(my_path) < MAX_ASTAR_PATH_LENGTH:
			x, y = libtcod.path_walk(my_path, True)
			if x or y:
				#self.move takes dx, dy so don't use that
				self.x = x
				self.y = y
		#If the path is bad, take direct path to player.
		#This happens if, say, player is behind a monster in a corridor.
			self.move_towards(target.x, target.y)
		#Deallocate path memory
Example #3
def move_towards(gamemap_instance, thisobject, target_x, target_y):
    Move towards a target_x, target_y coordinate. This method computes the A* path and uses move()
    to actually implement the movement.
    fov_map = gamemap_instance.fov_map
    path = libtcod.path_new_using_map(fov_map)

    libtcod.path_compute(path, thisobject.x, thisobject.y, target_x, target_y)
    pathx, pathy = libtcod.path_walk(path, True)
    # If the monster tries to move toward something, such as the player, which is standing
    # inside of a wall or other blocked spot, path_walk will return None but the dx and dy
    # calculations will crap out because you can't mix int and NoneType.
    if pathx is None or pathy is None:

    dx = pathx - thisobject.x
    dy = pathy - thisobject.y
    distance = sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)

    #normalize it to length 1 (preserving direction), then round it and
    #convert to integer so the movement is restricted to the map grid
    dx = int(round(dx / distance))
    dy = int(round(dy / distance))
    move(gamemap_instance, thisobject, dx, dy)
Example #4
    def create_path(self, gamemap_instance):

        mymap = gamemap_instance.level

        #Create the path map
        self.path_map = libtcod.map_new(MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT)
        for x in range(1, MAP_WIDTH):
            for y in range(1, MAP_HEIGHT):
                libtcod.map_set_properties(self.path_map, x, y, not mymap[x][y].block_sight, not mymap[x][y].blocked)
        print 'Builder created self.path_map'
        self.is_pathmap_created = True

        # now use the path map to create the path from the explorer's current position to another spot:
        self.path = libtcod.path_new_using_map(self.path_map)
        destinationx, destinationy = self.pick_spot_to_work(gamemap_instance)

        if destinationx is not None:
            self.work_target = (destinationx, destinationy)
            print 'Builder chose a work target at ' + str(self.work_target[0]) +', ' + str(self.work_target[1]) + '.'

            libtcod.path_compute(self.path, self.owner.x, self.owner.y, destinationx, destinationy)

            #originx, originy = libtcod.path_get_origin(self.path)
            #destx, desty = libtcod.path_get_destination(self.path)

        elif destinationx is None:
            print 'destinationx is None.'
Example #5
def missile_attack(sx, sy, dx, dy, trap=False):
	cx, cy = sx, sy
	if sx == dx:
		char = '|'
	if sy == dy:
		char = chr(196)
	if (sx < dx and sy > dy) or (sx > dx and sy < dy):
		char = '/'
	if (sx < dx and sy < dy) or (sx > dx and sy > dy):
		char = '\\'
	path = util.set_full_explore_map(game.current_map, False)
	libtcod.path_compute(path, sx, sy, dx, dy)
	while not libtcod.path_is_empty(path):
		cx, cy = libtcod.path_walk(path, False)
		libtcod.console_blit(game.con, 0, 0, game.MAP_WIDTH, game.MAP_HEIGHT, 0, game.MAP_X, game.MAP_Y)
		libtcod.console_put_char_ex(0, game.MAP_X + cx - game.curx, game.MAP_Y + cy - game.cury, char, libtcod.light_gray, libtcod.black)

	if trap:
		for obj in game.current_map.objects:
			if obj.x == dx and obj.y == dy and not obj.item:
				damage = util.roll_dice(1, 6)
				if obj.name == 'player':
					game.message.new('You are hit by an arrow for ' + str(damage) + ' pts of damage!', game.turns, libtcod.Color(160, 0, 0))
					game.player.take_damage(damage, 'an arrow trap')
					obj.entity.take_damage(obj.x, obj.y, damage, 'an arrow', True)
Example #6
 def path_from_to(self, ox, oy, dx, dy):
     path = libtcod.path_new_using_function(MAP_WIDTH,
     libtcod.path_compute(path, ox, oy, dx, dy)
     return path
Example #7
def largeRatAi(obj, ratHoleX, ratHoleY):
	# Handles movement and combat abilities of the large rat.
	if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fovMap, obj.x, obj.y):
		if obj.distanceTo(player.x, player.y) >= 2:
			pathToPlayer = libtcod.path_new_using_map(fovMap, 1)
			libtcod.path_compute(pathToPlayer, obj.x, obj.y, player.x, player.y)
			newX, newY = libtcod.path_walk(pathToPlayer, True)
			if newX is not None:
				newX = newX - obj.x
				newY = newY - obj.y
				newX, newY = 0
			if isWalkable(obj.x+newX, obj.y+newY):

				obj.move(obj.x+newX, obj.y+newY)
		if obj.distanceTo(ratHoleX, ratHoleY) <= 5:
			num = random.randint(0, len(offsets)-1)
			newX = offsets[num][0]
			newY = offsets[num][1]
			pathToHole = libtcod.path_new_using_map(fovMap, 1)
			libtcod.path_compute(pathToHole, obj.x, obj.y, ratHoleX, ratHoleY)
			newX, newY = libtcod.path_walk(pathToHole, True)
			if newX is not None:
				newX = newX - obj.x
				newY = newY - obj.y
				newX, newY = 0
		if isWalkable(obj.x+newX, obj.y+newY):

			obj.move(obj.x+newX, obj.y+newY)
Example #8
 def compute_path(self, destination):
     sx, sy = self.parent.position.value
     dx, dy = destination
     libtcod.path_compute(self.path, sx, sy, dx, dy)
     x, y = libtcod.path_walk(self.path, True)
     while not x is None:
         self.position_list.insert(0, (x, y))
         x, y = libtcod.path_walk(self.path, True)
Example #9
def path_effect(game,ox,oy,dx,dy,decay_time):
    px,py = ox,oy
    while not libtcod.path_is_empty(game.path):
        x,y = libtcod.path_walk(game.path,True)
        cell = line_directions[(px-x,py-y)]
        px,py = x,y
        p = Particle(x,y,decay_time,libtcod.yellow,cell,game.ticker,game.con)
Example #10
def find_path(source, target):
    fov_map = libtcod.map_new(Constants.MAP_WIDTH, Constants.MAP_HEIGHT)
    for y in range(Constants.MAP_HEIGHT):
        for x in range(Constants.MAP_WIDTH):
            libtcod.map_set_properties(fov_map, x, y, True, True)

    path = libtcod.path_new_using_map(fov_map, 1.5)
    libtcod.path_compute(path, source[0], source[1], target[0], target[1])
    return path
Example #11
	def path_to(self, dx, dy):
		# use algorithm to move (A*)
		path = libtcod.path_new_using_map(fov_map,1.41)
		libtcod.path_compute(path, self.owner.x, self.owner.y, dx, dy)	
		if not libtcod.path_is_empty(path):
			x,y = libtcod.path_walk(path,True)
			if not x is None:
Example #12
    def move_towards(self, target_x, target_y):
	#Upgraded the move_towards to use the libtcod path algorythms and solving a bug 
	#where the monsters "waited" near the doors
        #path = libtcod.path_new_using_map(fov_map,1)
        path = libtcod.path_new_using_function(MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT, path_func, map, 1)
        libtcod.path_compute(path, self.x, self.y, target_x, target_y)
        (end_x,end_y) = libtcod.path_get(path, 0)
        dx = end_x - self.x
        dy = end_y - self.y
        self.move(dx, dy)
Example #13
def connected_cells(source, target):

    my_path = libtcod.path_new_using_map(Engine.Fov.get_fov_map(), 1.41)

    libtcod.path_compute(my_path, source[0], source[1], target[0], target[1])

    if not libtcod.path_is_empty(my_path):
        return True
        return False
Example #14
def activate_autopilot():
    options = map(lambda z: z.name, zones)
    index = menu('Autopilot to:\n', options, AUTOPILOT_WIDTH)

    if index is None:
        return None

    (x, y) = zones[index].center()
    path = libtcod.path_new_using_map(fov_map)
    libtcod.path_compute(path, player.x, player.y, x, y)
    return path
Example #15
    def compute_path(self, from_xy, to_xy, path_function):
#        for xy in level.map.rect().xy_values():
#            tile = level.map[xy]
#            block_sight, blocked = tile.block_sight, tile.blocked
#            if self.allow_digging:
#                blocked = blocked and not tile.type == DIGGABLE
#            if self.avoid_solid_objects and xy != to_xy:
#                blocked = blocked or level.solid_object_at(xy)
#            if self.consider_unexplored_blocked:
#                blocked = blocked or not tile.explored
#            libtcod.map_set_properties(self.map, xy.x, xy.y, block_sight, not blocked)
        libtcod.path_compute(self.path, from_xy.x, from_xy.y, to_xy.x, to_xy.y)
Example #16
    def get_astar_distance_to(self, x, y, target_x, target_y):
        ''' Gets distance using A* algo - how far an entity would actually have to walk to get somewhere '''
        # Handle case where the target is the same as the initial location
        if (x, y) == (target_x, target_y):
            return 0

        # Otherwise, compute the path
        libtcod.path_compute(self.path_map, x, y, target_x, target_y)
        # A length of 0 here should mean that it was not possible to reach the location
        # It could mean that the initial loc == the target loc, but we've tested that above
        new_path_len = libtcod.path_size(self.path_map)

        # Therefore, a len of 0 here should mean unreachable - so return None
        return new_path_len if new_path_len else None
Example #17
    def process(self, game):
        visible =self.game.fov.is_visible(self.x, self.y)
        moved = False

        if visible:
            self.seen += 1
            self.color = tcod.color_lerp(tcod.dark_gray, self.orig_color,
                                         (self.seen % 50) / 100.0)
            if self.seen % 50 == 0:

            if self.seen == 200:
                self.character = 'o'
                self.movement = 0.4

            elif self.seen == 400:
                self.character = 'O'
                self.movement = 0.6

            path = tcod.path_new_using_map(self.game.fov.fov, 1.0)
            tcod.path_compute(path, self.x, self.y, self.game.player.x,

            if tcod.path_size(path) > 2:
                self.points += self.movement
                if self.points >= 1:
                    self.points -= 1
                    x, y = tcod.path_get(path, 1)
                    self.move(x - self.x, y - self.y)
                    moved = True

        if not moved:
            self.points += self.movement
            if self.points >= 1:
                self.points -= 1
                movement = [
                    (0, 0),
                    (0, 1),
                    (0, -1),
                    (1, 0),
                    (-1, 0),
                    (1, 1),
                    (-1, -1),
                    (-1, 1),
                    (1, -1)

        return True
Example #18
    def __init__(self, initial_location, target_location, entity, travel_verb='travel'):
        self.behavior = 'move'
        self.initial_location = initial_location
        self.target_location = target_location
        self.entity = entity

        self.travel_verb = travel_verb

        self.preconditions = [AmAvailableToAct(self.entity)]

        self.costs = {'money':0, 'time':0, 'distance':0, 'morality':0, 'legality':0}

        if g.WORLD: # This would otherwise stop this module running as __main__, leaving this in for testing purposes
            target_site = g.WORLD.tiles[self.target_location[0]][self.target_location[1]].site
            current_site = g.WORLD.tiles[self.entity.wx][self.entity.wy].site

            if target_site in g.WORLD.cities and current_site in g.WORLD.cities:
                full_path = current_site.path_to[target_site][:]
                # Default - use libtcod's A* to create a path to destination
                path = libtcod.path_compute(p=g.WORLD.path_map, ox=self.entity.wx, oy=self.entity.wy, dx=self.target_location[0], dy=self.target_location[1])
                full_path = libtcod_path_to_list(path_map=g.WORLD.path_map)

            # Add path to brain
            self.entity.world_brain.path = full_path
            # Update the cost of this behavior
            self.costs['time'] += len(full_path)
            self.costs['distance'] += len(full_path)

            # Stuff to give this movement a random cost
            cost = roll(1, 10)
            self.costs['distance'] = cost
            self.costs['time'] = cost
Example #19
File: goap.py Project: pangal/it
    def get_best_path(self, initial_location, target_location):
        ''' Find a path between 2 points, but take roads if both points happen to be cities '''
        target_site = g.WORLD.tiles[target_location[0]][target_location[1]].site
        current_site = g.WORLD.tiles[initial_location[0]][initial_location[1]].site

        if target_site in g.WORLD.cities and current_site in g.WORLD.cities and current_site != target_site:
            full_path = current_site.path_to[target_site][:]
            # Default - use libtcod's A* to create a path to destination
            libtcod.path_compute(p=g.WORLD.path_map, ox=initial_location[0], oy=initial_location[1], dx=target_location[0], dy=target_location[1])
            full_path = libtcod_path_to_list(path_map=g.WORLD.path_map)

        if not full_path:
            print '{0} -- has no full path to get from {1} to {2}'.format(self.entity.fulltitle(), self.initial_location, self.target_location)

        return full_path
Example #20
	def set_path(self):
		# there is no path, or the target has moved
		if self.path is None or (self.target_x, self.target_y) != libtcod.path_get_destination(self.path):
			self.path = libtcod.path_new_using_map(self.owner.map.libtcod_map, 1)
			# create the path; if failed, set path to None
			if not libtcod.path_compute(self.path, self.owner.x, self.owner.y, self.target_x, self.target_y):
				self.path = None
Example #21
def initialize_fov(update=False):
#	print 'Loading/Generating map chunks...'
#	t0 = libtcod.sys_elapsed_seconds()
	game.traps = []
	if not update:
		game.fov_map = libtcod.map_new(game.current_map.map_width, game.current_map.map_height)
		for y in range(game.current_map.map_height):
			for x in range(game.current_map.map_width):
				libtcod.map_set_properties(game.fov_map, x, y, not 'block_sight' in game.current_map.tile[x][y], 'explored' in game.current_map.tile[x][y] and not 'blocked' in game.current_map.tile[x][y])
		for y in range(game.char.y - game.FOV_RADIUS, game.char.y + game.FOV_RADIUS):
			for x in range(game.char.x - game.FOV_RADIUS, game.char.x + game.FOV_RADIUS):
				if y < game.current_map.map_height and x < game.current_map.map_width:
					libtcod.map_set_properties(game.fov_map, x, y, not 'block_sight' in game.current_map.tile[x][y], 'explored' in game.current_map.tile[x][y] and not 'blocked' in game.current_map.tile[x][y])
					if 'invisible' in game.current_map.tile[x][y] and game.current_map.tile[x][y]['type'] == 'trap' and libtcod.map_is_in_fov(game.fov_map, x, y):
						game.traps.append((x, y))
	# compute paths using a*star algorithm
	game.path = libtcod.path_new_using_function(game.current_map.map_width, game.current_map.map_height, path_func)
	libtcod.path_compute(game.path, game.char.x, game.char.y, game.path_dx, game.path_dy)
Example #22
	def move_astar(self, target, entities, game_map):
		# Create a FOV map that has the dimensions of the map
		fov = libtcod.map_new(game_map.width, game_map.height)

		# Scan the current map each turn and set all the walls as unwalkable
		for y1 in range(game_map.height):
			for x1 in range(game_map.width):
				libtcod.map_set_properties(fov, x1, y1, not game_map.tiles[x1][y1].block_sight,
										   not game_map.tiles[x1][y1].blocked)

		# Scan all the objects to see if there are objects that must be navigated around
		# Check also that the object isn't self or the target (so that the start and the end points are free)
		# The AI class handles the situation if self is next to the target so it will not use this A* function anyway
		for entity in entities:
			if entity.blocks and entity != self and entity != target:
				# Set the tile as a wall so it must be navigated around
				libtcod.map_set_properties(fov, entity.x, entity.y, True, False)

		# Allocate a A* path
		# The 1.41 is the normal diagonal cost of moving, it can be set as 0.0 if diagonal moves are prohibited
		my_path = libtcod.path_new_using_map(fov, 1.41)

		# Compute the path between self's coordinates and the target's coordinates
		libtcod.path_compute(my_path, self.x, self.y, target.x, target.y)

		# Check if the path exists, and in this case, also the path is shorter than 25 tiles
		# The path size matters if you want the monster to use alternative longer paths (for example through other rooms) if for example the player is in a corridor
		# It makes sense to keep path size relatively low to keep the monsters from running around the map if there's an alternative path really far away
		if not libtcod.path_is_empty(my_path) and libtcod.path_size(my_path) < 25:
			# Find the next coordinates in the computed full path
			x, y = libtcod.path_walk(my_path, True)
			if x or y:
				# Set self's coordinates to the next path tile
				self.x = x
				self.y = y
			# Keep the old move function as a backup so that if there are no paths (for example another monster blocks a corridor)
			# it will still try to move towards the player (closer to the corridor opening)
			self.move_towards(target.x, target.y, game_map, entities)

			# Delete the path to free memory
Example #23
    def create_path(self, gamemap_instance):
        """Creates the initial path_map, and then on subsequent calls uses that path_map to play."""

        mymap = gamemap_instance.level

        if not self.is_pathmap_created:
            #Create the path map
            self.path_map = libtcod.map_new(MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT)
            for x in range(1, MAP_WIDTH):
                for y in range(1, MAP_HEIGHT):
                    libtcod.map_set_properties(self.path_map, x, y, not mymap[x][y].block_sight, not mymap[x][y].blocked)
            self.is_pathmap_created = True

        # now use the path map to create the path from the explorer's current position to another spot:
        self.path = libtcod.path_new_using_map(self.path_map)
        random_destination_x, random_destination_y = choose_random_unblocked_spot(mymap)
        libtcod.path_compute(self.path, self.owner.x, self.owner.y, random_destination_x, random_destination_y)

        originx, originy = libtcod.path_get_origin(self.path)
        destx, desty = libtcod.path_get_destination(self.path)
Example #24
 def move_towards(self, target_x, target_y):
     # libtcod CANNOT path into a blocked tile.
     # this is bad because this game treats mobs as blocked.
     # this allows mobs to path around each other
     # so, we won't change it
     # we will temporarily make the target tile unblocked
     # JUST for this computation
     # this is a terrible terrible terrible hack
     # but it works (hopefully)
     blocked = terrain.map.is_blocked(target_x, target_y)
     if blocked:
         tcod.map_set_properties(terrain.map.fov_map, target_x, target_y,
                                 True, True)
     tcod.path_compute(terrain.map.path, self.x, self.y, target_x, target_y)
     if blocked:
         terrain.map.update_fov_tile(target_x, target_y)
     (x, y) = tcod.path_walk(terrain.map.path, True)
     if not (x, y) == (None, None):
         dx, dy = (x - self.x, y - self.y)
         self.move(dx, dy)
Example #25
	def move_towards(self, target_x, target_y):
		global fov_map
		path = libtcod.path_new_using_map(fov_map)
		libtcod.path_compute(path, self.x, self.y, target_x, target_y)
		x,y = libtcod.path_get(path, 0)

		if x is None:
			self.move(0, 0)
			dx = int(round(target_x - x))
			dy = int(round(target_y - y))
			if dx != 0:
				dx = dx/abs(dx)
			if dy != 0:
				dy = dy/abs(dy)
			self.move(dx, dy)
Example #26
 def batAiUpdate(self, player):
   path = libtcod.path_compute(self.path, self.creature.x, self.creature.y, player.x, player.y)
   if path:
     length = libtcod.path_size(self.path)
     if length > 1:#self.creature.attackRange
       (x, y) = libtcod.path_walk(self.path, False)
       self.creature.moveTo(x, y)
    def Action_MoveTwoardsPlayer(self, attack = False, InternalParam = {}):
        #Adjaceny Test
        print "Adjacency Test"
        pX, pY = GameState.player.x, GameState.player.y
        dist = math.sqrt(math.pow(pX - self.x,2) + math.pow(pY - self.y,2))
        if math.fabs(pX - self.x) < 1 and math.fabs(pY - self.y) <= 1:
        #if self.ObjectAdjacency(GameState.player):
        #    self.entity.melee_attack_entity(GameState.player.entity)
        #    return
        print "Passed"
        #Pov Test
        print "POV Test"
            self.TargetLastSeenLocation = (GameState.player.x, GameState.player.y)
            if not self.move_towards(GameState.player.x, GameState.player.y):
                self.TargetLastSeenPath = libtcod.path_new_using_function(cfg.MAP_WIDTH,cfg.MAP_WIDTH, self.path_func,(self.x,self.y))
            #self.TargetLastSeenPath = libtcod.path_new_using_map(GameState.fov_map)

        #Move Twoards Player
        elif self.TargetLastSeenPath and self.TargetLastSeenLocation != None:
            self.TargetLastSeenPath = libtcod.path_new_using_function(cfg.MAP_WIDTH,cfg.MAP_WIDTH, self.path_func,(self.x,self.y))
            x, y = self.TargetLastSeenLocation
        if self.TargetLastSeenPath != None:
            x, y = self.TargetLastSeenLocation
            if(self.x, self.y) == (x,y):
                print "Giving Up Chase"
                self.TargetLastSeenLocation = None
            x,y = libtcod.path_walk(self.TargetLastSeenPath,False)

            if x != None and y != None:
        print "Passed"
Example #28
    def move_to_target(self, Map):
        #dx = x - owner.x
        #dy = y - owner.y
        #distance = math.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)

        #dx = int(round(dx / distance))
        #dy = int(round(dy / distance))
        #self.owner.move(dx, dy)
        #if path doesnt exist make new path to target
        owner = self.owner
        target = owner.target
        fov_map = Map.fov_map
        path = libtcod.path_new_using_map(fov_map)
        libtcod.path_compute(path, owner.x, owner.y, target.x, target.y)
        # use the path ... 
        if not libtcod.path_is_empty(path) :
            if not x is None :
        owner.moved = True
Example #29
	def create_cave_maze(self, type, floor, wall, prob, oper):
		rooms = [0] * 2
		for x in range(1, self.map_width - 1):
			for y in range(1, self.map_height - 1):
				if util.roll_dice(1, 100) < prob:
					self.set_tile_values(floor, x, y)
		for i in range(self.map_width * self.map_height * 5):
			x = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 1, self.map_width - 2)
			y = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 1, self.map_height - 2)
			if oper:
				if self.check_cell_neighbours(x, y) > 4:
					self.set_tile_values(wall, x, y)
					self.set_tile_values(floor, x, y)
				if self.check_cell_neighbours(x, y) > 4:
					self.set_tile_values(floor, x, y)
					self.set_tile_values(wall, x, y)

		# create rooms with up and down stairs
		x = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 2, self.map_width - 6)
		y = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 2, self.map_height - 6)
		rooms[0] = Rect(x, y, 5, 5)
		self.create_room(rooms[0], floor)
		(new_x1, new_y1) = rooms[0].center()
		game.char.x = new_x1
		game.char.y = new_y1

		count = 0
		while (abs(x - new_x1) < 25) or (abs(y - new_y1) < 12):
			x = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 2, self.map_width - 6)
			y = libtcod.random_get_int(game.rnd, 2, self.map_height - 6)
			count += 1
			if count == 50:
				return False
		rooms[1] = Rect(x, y, 5, 5)
		self.create_room(rooms[1], floor)
		(new_x2, new_y2) = rooms[1].center()

		# check if path to stairs is blocked if yes dig a tunnel
		path = util.set_full_explore_map(self, False)
		if not libtcod.path_compute(path, game.char.x, game.char.y, new_x2, new_y2):
			return False

		self.set_tile_values('stairs going up', game.char.x, game.char.y)
		self.up_staircase = (game.char.x, game.char.y)
		self.set_tile_values('stairs going down', new_x2, new_y2)
		self.down_staircase = (new_x2, new_y2)
		return True
Example #30
def move_player(x, y):
    # Set globals.
    global turns, fov_recompute

    # Create path.
    player_path = roguelib.path_new_using_map(fov_map, 1.41)

    # Compute path to walk.
    roguelib.path_compute(player_path, player.x, player.y, x, y)

    while not roguelib.path_is_empty(player_path):

        xx, yy = roguelib.path_walk(player_path, True)

        if not is_blocked(xx, yy):
            # Move player.
            player.x = xx
            player.y = yy

            # Increase turns.
            turns += 1

            # Recompute FOV.
            fov_recompute = True
Example #31
    def make_map(self, max_rooms, room_min_size, room_max_size, map_width,
                 map_height, player, entities, tile_data):
        rooms = []
        num_rooms = 0

        center_of_last_room_x = None
        center_of_last_room_y = None

        for r in range(max_rooms):
            w = randint(room_min_size, room_max_size)
            h = randint(room_min_size, room_max_size)

            x = randint(0, map_width - w - 1)
            y = randint(0, map_height - h - 1)

            if randint(0, 1):  #Make either a rectangular or circular room
                new_room = Room(x, y, w, h)
                new_room = Room.make_circle_room(x, y, min(w, h))

            for other_room in rooms:
                if new_room.intersect(other_room):
                self.place_room(new_room, tile_data)
                (new_x, new_y) = new_room.center()

                center_of_last_room_x = new_x
                center_of_last_room_y = new_y

                if num_rooms == 0:
                    player.x = new_x
                    player.y = new_y
                    (prev_x, prev_y) = rooms[num_rooms - 1].center()
                    if randint(0, 1) == 1:
                        self.create_h_tunnel(prev_x, new_x, prev_y)
                        self.create_v_tunnel(prev_y, new_y, new_x)
                        self.create_v_tunnel(prev_y, new_y, prev_x)
                        self.create_h_tunnel(prev_x, new_x, new_y)

                self.place_entities(new_room, entities)

                num_rooms += 1
        stairs_component = Stairs(self.floor + 1)
        down_stairs = Entity(center_of_last_room_x,

        #Check to make sure a path exists from the player to the down stairs
        fov_map = lc.map_new(self.width, self.height)
        for y in range(0, self.height):
            for x in range(0, self.width):
                lc.map_set_properties(fov_map, x, y, True,
                                      not self.tiles[x][y].blocked)
        lc.map_compute_fov(fov_map, 0, 0, 100, True, 0)
        path = lc.path_new_using_map(fov_map, 1)
        lc.path_compute(path, player.x, player.y, down_stairs.x, down_stairs.y)

        if lc.path_is_empty(
                path):  #If no path exists, make a tunnel to the down stairs
            if randint(0, 1) == 1:
                self.create_h_tunnel(down_stairs.x, player.x, down_stairs.y)
                self.create_v_tunnel(down_stairs.y, player.y, player.x)
                self.create_v_tunnel(down_stairs.y, player.y, down_stairs.x)
                self.create_h_tunnel(down_stairs.x, player.x, player.y)
Example #32
 def path_from_to(self, ox, oy, dx, dy):
     path = libtcod.path_new_using_function(MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT,
                                            walk_compute, self.tiles, 1.41)
     libtcod.path_compute(path, ox, oy, dx, dy)
     return path
Example #33
	def findExplorePoint(self,world):
		if self.explored: return (False,False) #expecting a list
		t0 = time.time()
		# Scan in expanding circle outwards
		while not goodPath:
			while len(potentials)<=searchEffort:
				# scan edges
				for i in edges:
					for j in xrange(edge):
						if cx<0 or cx>=ww: continue
						if cy<0 or cy>=wh: continue
						if world.isBlocked(cx,cy) or world.isSeen(cx,cy): continue
						#if world.isPathable(cx,cy):
				# and corners
				for i in edges:
					if cx<0 or cx>=ww: continue
					if cy<0 or cy>=wh: continue
					if world.isBlocked(cx,cy) or world.isSeen(cx,cy): continue
					#if world.isPathable(cx,cy):
				if distance>max(ww*2,wh*2):
					if len(potentials): break
					return (False,False)
			#print len(potentials)
			# now pop random for effort amount and pick shortest path
			for cd in potentials:
				while dst in distRank: dst=dst+1
			for i in xrange(min(searchEffort,len(dkKeys))):
			if not self.pathMap: self.pathMap=world.getBlockedMap()
			for cd in pselect:
				if ps==0: 
					print "Zero-len path:",cd,px,py
					print "Is blocked:",world.isBlocked(cd[0],cd[1])
					print "Is pathable:",world.isPathable(cd[0],cd[1])
					print "Is seen:",world.isSeen(cd[0],cd[1])
				while ps in distRank: ps=ps+1
			# get closest path len - if it is very high compared to distance, reject and expand search
			if dkKeys[0] < distance*4 and dkKeys[0]>0:
				print "Successful search at pl",dkKeys[0],"distance",distance,"took",int(math.floor((time.time()-t0)*1000)),"ms"
				print "Rejected search at pl",dkKeys[0],"distance",distance,"took",int(math.floor((time.time()-t0)*1000)),"ms"
		return ret
Example #34
def map_init_dungeon(width, height):
    def path_cost(xFrom, yFrom, xTo, yTo, alg_array):
        if alg_array[xTo][yTo] == 0:
            return 1
        if alg_array[xTo][yTo] == 3:
            return 0.01
            return 10

    room_prefabs_10x10 = []
    f = open('resources/map_prefabs/map_prefabs[10x10].csv',
             'r').read().split('\n')  # 10x10
    for i in range(len(f[0]) // 10):
        for j in range(len(f) // 10):
            room = ''
            for y in range(10):
                for x in range(10):
                    room += f[j * 10 + x][i * 10 + y]
    room_prefabs_5x5 = []
    f = open('resources/map_prefabs/map_prefabs[5x5].csv',
             'r').read().split('\n')  # 10x10
    for i in range(len(f[0]) // 5):
        for j in range(len(f) // 5):
            room = ''
            for y in range(5):
                for x in range(5):
                    room += f[j * 5 + x][i * 5 + y]
    monsters_pool = [[game_content.m_slime], []]

    alg_array = [[0 for j in range(height)] for i in range(width)]
    terrain = [[0 for j in range(height)] for i in range(width)]
    items = []
    entities = []
    creatures = []

    rooms = []
    room_exits = []
    room_connections = []
    rooms_size = [(10, 10), (5, 5)]

    rooms.append((width // 2 - 3, height // 2 - 3, 6, 6))
    for x in range(width // 2 - 3, width // 2 + 3):
        for y in range(height // 2 - 3, height // 2 + 3):
            if y == height // 2 and (x == width // 2 - 3
                                     or x == width // 2 + 3):
                alg_array[x][y] = 7
                room_exits.append((x, y, -1))
                alg_array[x][y] = 2
    available_spots = [
        (x, y) for x in range(width) for y in range(height)
        if x > 6 and x < width - 12 and y > 6 and y < height - 12
    for x in range(len(available_spots)):
        append = True
        i, j = available_spots.pop(random.randint(0, len(available_spots) - 1))
        w, h = random.choice(rooms_size)
        newRoom = (i, j, w, h)  #X, Y, W, H
        for room in rooms:
            if util.rectangle_intersects(newRoom, room):
                append = False
        if append == True:
    for roomIndex in range(len(rooms))[0:]:
        room = rooms[roomIndex]
        if room[2] == 10 and room[3] == 10:
            room_layout = random.choice(room_prefabs_10x10)
            for x in range(room[2]):
                for y in range(room[3]):
                    alg_array[x + room[0]][y + room[1]] = int(
                        room_layout[x * 10 + y])
                    if int(room_layout[x * 10 + y]) == 7:
                            (x + room[0], y + room[1], roomIndex))
        elif room[2] == 5 and room[3] == 5:
            room_layout = random.choice(room_prefabs_5x5)
            for x in range(room[2]):
                for y in range(room[3]):
                    alg_array[x + room[0]][y + room[1]] = int(
                        room_layout[x * 5 + y])
                    if int(room_layout[x * 5 + y]) == 7:
                            (x + room[0], y + room[1], roomIndex))
    for exit_init in room_exits:
        path = libtcodpy.path_new_using_function(width, height, path_cost,
                                                 alg_array, 0)
        other_exits = sorted([
            for exit_other in room_exits if exit_other[2] != exit_init[2] and (
                exit_other[2], exit_init[2]) not in room_connections
                             key=lambda e: util.simpledistance(
                                 (exit_init[0], exit_init[1]), (e[0], e[1])))
        if len(other_exits) > 0:
            exit_end = other_exits[0]
            exit_end = sorted([
                for exit_other in room_exits if exit_other[2] != exit_init[2]
                              key=lambda e: util.simpledistance(
                                  (exit_init[0], exit_init[1]),
                                  (e[0], e[1])))[0]
        room_connections.append((exit_init[2], exit_end[2]))
        room_connections.append((exit_end[2], exit_init[2]))
        libtcodpy.path_compute(path, exit_init[0], exit_init[1], exit_end[0],
        for i in range(libtcodpy.path_size(path) - 1):
            x, y = libtcodpy.path_get(path, i)
            alg_array[x][y] = 3

    for x in range(len(alg_array)):
        for y in range(len(alg_array[x])):
            if alg_array[x][y] in [0, 1]:
                terrain[x][y] = game_content.t_cave_wall(x, y)
                terrain[x][y] = game_content.t_cave_floor(x, y)
            if alg_array[x][y] == 4:
                    random.choice(monsters_pool[GAME.level])(x, y))
            if alg_array[x][y] == 7:
                        x, y,
                            (0, 32, 32, 32)),
                            (32, 32, 32, 32),
                terrain[x][y].passable = False
                terrain[x][y].transparent = False
    return terrain, items, entities, creatures
Example #35
 def compute_path(self, from_xy, to_xy, path_function):
     libtcod.path_compute(self.path, from_xy.x, from_xy.y, to_xy.x, to_xy.y)