Example #1
def _libVirtDiscover(result, verbose=0):
    Discover all nodes in the network that are available through 
    the libVirt Python api.  While a separate library from use in OpenStack,
    we mainly only care about VM instances spawned by OpenStack
    TODO: This will change radically, for now, just do some hardcoded calls
          to various interfaces and see what is available.  Evenutally this
          will be consolidated once patterns emerge.
    virtDisc.discover(result, verbose)
Example #2
def discover(verbose=0):
    Discover all nodes in the network that are available through 
    OpenStack APIs
    TODO: This will change radically, for now, just do some hardcoded calls
          to various interfaces and see what is available.  Evenutally this
          will be consolidated once patterns emerge.

    # TODO: Call into any needed APIs

    print "TODO: Openstack: Discover"

    result = {}
    result["libvirt"] = {}
    result["neutron"] = {}
    result["libvirt"] = {}

    # Discover information an any running instances

    _libVirtDiscover(result["libvirt"], verbose=verbose)

    # Discover any exising network config from the Neutron network service

    _neutronDiscovery(result["neutron"], verbose=verbose)

    # Discover any running virtual instances

    virtDisc.discover(result["libvirt"], verbose=verbose)

    # Pretty print for debug now

    pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)

    # nova.discoverAll()

    return result